But Why Would They Do It To Me

It was a hot sunny day when I was at the beach playing with my friends.  We made a sand castle and went out in the water the water was cold and my toes were turning up under the cold water. We went back to make the the sand castle it was getting bigger every second I went for a lye on the beach and …  the temperature dropped suddenly and I shot up of the beach. My friends had poured buckets of water all over me.  I dived into the warm sand under the sun then In shouted at my friends and shot of home.


On the 1st October Port Ellen were learning with the Scottish Ballet.  They where really good and they were fantastic ballet teachers, if only they could come all the time. We were making up our own  dance and we did it in a pair after we did warm ups.   We acted the mice from the Nutcracker ballet and the mice had umbrellas.  Robert taught us how to do cool moves and it was fun to make moves like we were fighting, we had to use all different techniques.  There was also a really good musician.  It was hard work and lots of fun, and Calum said he thought it was much better than expected!

By Helen and Alicia

Car Wash!!!

On the 29th of September Port Ellen Primary School had a car wash and table top sale to raise funds for the new shed.  There were also some stalls inside where people sold things. As well as all this there was some baking that was homemade and very tasty. At another stall the teenagers that were going to Venezuela were there raising money.  We washed lots of cars and some of us got very wet.  We made £266, so thanks to all who came.

by Ewan and Asher

Games Design Topic

In p6/7 we have been doing a game design topic and Manga drawing which is very hard to do. We have been doing Manga eyes and Manga faces. We had to make our own games and a group game. We used Kodu and Scratch and at the start 2simple2DIY.  We had to pitch our games to the other groups.  The Meteor Storm group won, with the Pea’s Great Adventure.

Mull Theatre Visit

Lee from the Mull theatre group came to a workshop for P6/7.  We made a map for their play Scot-a-land  we also made artifacts that will go in the pretend  museum.  We made models of black houses , a beautiful crown ,ancient Greek writing ,clay pots and a dinosaur model that all went on the island.  The Island was made by everyone passing a crayon along and doing squiggly lines. The map had roads, castles, moths,black houses and much more.  It all came together and made a great map.  It was a good morning.

The Teacher That Exploded

One day in school our math teacher exploded and we were delighted that our teacher exloded because we can play the green drums and the tiny flute.  We were sorry that we never brought in the tiny giraffe and we got a new maths teacher who was a rabbit and he can play the piano and nobody likes him because he has been bully.  Every day of maths is a nightmare just knowing you are  in the same room as the new bully. Why did our teacher explode why!!!!!!!!!

by James

My First Piano


It was night when I was thinking about my new green piano. I was so excited about
getting it so I went to bed because it was going to arrive in the morning. It
is day now so I bolted down the stairs and there it was, my new piano! The box was tiny but as long as it was a piano.
I ripped the box open and took it out it was so exiting I’ve always wanted a
piano. I exploded in happiness as I  started playing the piano. Then my mum woke up and started shouting at me so I said sorry




The Piano Playing Ailen

I was sleeping when there was a CRASH!  There were lights flashing from my window.  I sprawled out of  bed and went to the window, and I peeked out.  I saw an amazing thing, a real live spaceship!  I ran outside,  then slowed down. Somthing was wrong. The spaceship was tiny!   I bashed down the door. I looked inside. There it was, a green ailen playing the piano. I asked why and he said ” I’m about to explode, I’m dieing! I’m sorry for the noise, aliens have exploded before, now I’m about to, so please run away!”   There was a boom! He had disappeared!

The Exploded Cooker

One day I was practising my piano in the living room when…I heard a large BANG! It was the cooker. It had exploded in the kitchen, then I suddenly felt sad and upset,so I went back into the living room.   I went to read a small, tiny book called the amazing, large gargoyl.   It was interesting with lots of description. Then I went out to the garden, it had the most beautiful green grass in the world. Then my friend came over and said sorry for what he had done yesterday, which was that he hurt me but I knew he didn’t mean it.


In the town of Blobville there was a boy called Tom.  He was very quite and really TINY.  He had no friends because he was the only kid in the town.  One day there was a big bomb that EXPLODED in the heart of the city and it was a stink bomb and it was so smelly that it felt like thousands of sKunks had taken over the city and their lair was in the in city.  There was GREEN goo all over the walls there was pieces of PIANO all over the floor.  Then Tom came from behind and said SORRY.

By Ewan

The Maklou Bird.

 It was a cold winter night.  I  was reading my book about tiny birds when I heard a terrific squawking coming from the piano room. I frowned. Trevor my budgie had died years ago when I was  7 so what was making that awful noise?  I felt very sorry for it. I  decided to see what was going on. Standing on the  concert piano was an exquisite peacock green bird with a  rounded beak  like that of a toucan. Scientists had believed it to be it extinct. It was called the Maklou bird and the rest of it’s kind had exploded

The Exploding Giraffe

I was just about to go to the zoo with my mum, hoping to see the giraffes. I thought that I should just play my piano. We squeezed into our tiny car and drove away. We then arrived at the zoo and I was jumping around with joy. We saw all the animals that were there. But then the moment I was waiting for, I was going to see the giraffes. Then when I saw them they looked green. I fed them some food to see if it would be better but then they exploded.  A man screamed at me then I replied “Sorry.”

The Unlucky Piano

The man walked slowly into the tiny dark room with a strange green color on the walls. In the middle of the room sat a grand piano. The rather inquisitive man shuffle forwards to the piano. A red light started glowing, and a siren went off. The man had tripped a tripwire. Suddenly a missile crashed through the roof, and the piano exploded in a millisecond. The man flew backwards though the air- all he could say was ‘SORRY PIANO !’  As a splinter of wood from the piano was catapulted into the man’s chest he instantly died, and blood and guts were scattered across the room.

Our Exploding Teacher

It was a normal school day and I just got up.  I had my breakfast and got on my clothes.  I decided to have a go at my sisters piano.  I took one touch and it turned green. Then I could hear the squeaky brakes of the school bus pulling up out beside my house.  It was a tiny little pink bus.  I ran out to catch it before it went.  It took us half an hour before we reached the school gates.  I went into my class where my teacher was waiting on me.  I said sorry for being late.  Then her head exploded.

A Tiny Green Elf

Once upon a time a tiny green elf was walking through the forest of candy cane.  He was on his way home from picking berrys and small pianos on the other side of the forest,which is where you get the best berrys.  When he got back in to the little tree hut  he handed out all the berrys to all his family and friends.  Oh sorry I forgot to tell you about the little green elf,  his name is chimp he is the smallest elf known to elf country but he does most of the chores.  Then suddenly they all exploded.


One day,when I was practicing on my keyboard, my mum came in to the room and  announced ” That is very good son.”  She’d always said that when I got good enough I could play on her piano. This was my chance, I asked “Could I play your piano?”

“No, maybe in a year or so.” she answered. I was so mad, she didn’t trust me but I had a plan.That afternoon I went in to her room and started playing, her room was green and  tiny.  Then the piano exploded .  She rushed in “DO YOUR TEETH AND GET TO BED!” She roared  “Sorry.” I said.

Exploding Teacher !

We were in class the teacher was shouting at us  looking like she had exploded we all said sorry again and again but she would not listen to us.  The person sitting beside me had a green snot hanging our her nose I did not tell her though it was disgusting.  The man who teaches piano came in and said “Can I have Sally for piano” She ran with him we all new she was glad.  Just as she left the room the teacher was done shouting and with a tiny smile the bell went  just as we were about to go she exploded…

The Day my Brother Exploded!

It was the best day of my life,the day my brother exploded.  It started off as a normal day.  My brother pestering me for my chocolate bar.  SoI boby-trapped my chocolate, so what he never knew was it wasn’t actually a chocolate bar.  It was a stick of TNT covered in chocolate.   As soon  as he took a bite BOOM!  He exploded .  I watched flying green pieces of his brain fly right passed my face .  I had never realised how tiny his brain was.  But some of  it landed on my piano!!!  Everyone felt sorry for him except me.

The Exploding Christmas Turkey

One Christmas night Sandra ( the worst fairy ever)sat at the table all alone.  She was cooking a tiny turkey in her pink and fluffy oven.  Sandra danced over to the television and put on the annual piano contest while the turkey was cooking. Soon she heard the ding of the oven and she rushed to the oven and opened the door.  Slowly and delicately she took the turkey out and it was greenSandra sat it on the table picked up the knife and fork and went to cut the first piece of turkey when BOOM! The turkey exploded!  Sandra was some sorry girl.

Ants Attack

There  was a tribe of green ants who hated the brown ants, they hated the brown ants alot because they were all big and tough, and the green ants were tiny and weak.  One night the  green ants planned to attack the brown ants! The leader of the green ants is  called Bill, Bill and his tribe  marched into the brown ants house!  They were their for 2 hours, then there was one final bang and the whole house exploded!   The next day there was a funeral for the brown ants!   There was one brown ant that survived, he was playing the piano.   Bill was sorry!

P6/7 Book Festival Author Joan Lennon

In the P6/7 class room the famous author Joan Lennon came in to talk to us about her exiting new books: The Case of the London Dragonfish, The Case of the Glasgow Ghoul and the Case of the Cambridge Mummy! In class we have been reading The Case of the London Dragonfish. We were asking her lots of questions like: What inspired you to write?; What was your first book you wrote? And-What age were you you started writing? We found out lots of information! Next year I wish we will have another author as good as Joan Lennon.

by Ellen Johnston

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