Dolphins Club Championship 2012

ON the 1st of November the dolphins club championship took place at Bowmore swimming pool and there were swimmers from all over the island that took part in the championship in Bowmore.

There were people from all over the Island who were at the swimming pool. After there was the medal ceremony, a disco and there also was a buffet that had lots of tasty foods. Then after all that the children went out in the dark and had a big game of cops and robbers-it was lots of fun.

By Connor and Ewan

Christmas Fair

A Merry Christmas For Port Ellen Primary

On the 1st December, Port Ellen Primary School hosted the Christmas fair. There were lots of stalls selling  different products from chocolate crunches and mint creams to old toys and tattoos. There was a guessing stall with, guess the weight of the ginger bread house, guess how many sweets in the jar and guess where the meercat lived. There was the tombola, bottle stall and a magnificent hamper.

Half way throw the fair the Santa arrived to lift the spirit even more, as queues started for Santa’s grotto. The stalls included The happy belly deli, P6/7 trip stall, Rainbows stall, P1/2 stall, P3/4 stall, P5 stall and the nursery stall. The school made over £2,300 and they all had a great time.

Islay Boys Tournament

Ice Hazard On Pitch

On Saturday the 1st of December there was a Islay boys football tournament in Lochgilphead. They left at Port Ellen at 10 o’clock.  When we arrived they got a bus to Lochgilphead it took about 30 munutes to get there on the bus.  When they were there they got into the schools changing rooms. They left all their equipment and went to the pitch. But the pitch was frozen and there was some ice on it so everyone fell over a lot. Islay took over  2 teams to the match and Oban and Lochgilphead had 2 teams each as well. We all played 4 matches each, Islay won 2 matches and drew 1 and lost 1. Then both the Islay teams played each other  for fun. The finale result was 0-0. Then they all went back to get changed in the changing rooms in the school.Then they got to the bus and made our way to the ferry. Then they got back to Islay and that was the end of the football trip.

By Asher and Robbie

Christmas Fair

On the 1st of December Port Ellen Primary had their annual Christmas fair.   It had lots of fun games for everyone, and there was a great hamper.   P6/7 had a stall to raise money for their trip to Stirling, the stalls included: The Happy Belly Deli, Beauty stall, guess the where the meerkat  lives and lots more.   P5 made soaps to sell and now the IslayHotel are going to be using them in their rooms/ bathrooms.  P1/2 made snow globes and fridge magnets, Pre 5  were selling candles that they had decorated them selves.   Everyone loved the baking stall, and all the adults enjoyed the Treasure hunt.   P6/7 also made clocks, calendars, sock creatures and draft excluders.  

People from the High School came in to sell products from the Body Shop for their trip.   P3/4 had to bring in bottles for the Bottle Stall.  We had a special visiter from the North Pole in to say hello to all the boys and girls at Port EllenPrimary.  Elinor said ” It was a great day and we raised lots of money!”   Everybody was happy with what they got from Santaand a funday was had by all.

By Maisie and Elinor.

Christmas fair

AT PORT ELLEN PRIMARY, they had a fantastic day on Saturday 1st of November where as they had the christmas fair!

In the P6/7 classroom they made cakes, clocks, sock creatures, calenders, costers, draft excluders and decorations.P5 made funkey sopes and bath bombes. p3/4 sold at there stall big black boards shaped like Islay. p1/2 made great snow globes.   The whole school made lots of lovely things for the fair.

All the kids enjoyed seeing santa and getting presents with the help of his little elves. At the fair was face painting, guess the weight of the ginger bread house and guess where the meerkat lived,  if you won you would win a meerkat.  The school were selling all our things we made and lots more. The pupils hope you enjoyed the home baking , teas and coffees and the pupils also hope all the guests enjoyed the fair and had a great time!

by Ellen and Helen

Dancing Display

It all started with a blow of the pipes.

On Saturday 24th November 2012, there was a Highland dancing display at Bowmore hall.  All of  Ella Edgar’s dancers took part in this event, some dancers got to dance inividually but others went in groups.   Whilst the older dancers were dancing the younger dancers went up the top and had some refreshments like biscuits, juice and wine for the adults.  After they had their interval the majorettes danced the Lights of Loch Indahl after they had completed their dances the dancer got  ready for they finale.

After the finale it was time to go home so the dancers took their bows and wished for everyone to have a goodnight.

Danni Barker,Abbie Morris, Rachel Johnstone and Emily Gray danced the John-Ellis swords.  Emily Logan and Isla MacCalman danced the Cakewalk.Mairi MacGilvary, Stacy Baker,Katie McNiven and Ashley Harrison danced Mairi’s Wedding.


On Saturday the 1st of December, Islay boys went to Lochgilpead to play a tournament. They played a lot of teams and they all got split into different pitches. Islay boys tried their hardest to win  but they said “It doesn’t really matter, as long as we try our hardest.” A lot of people shouted at Islay boys and the coatches were very helpful they enjoyed helping the Islay boys team. The coaches wanted to make Islay boys footballers better, that’s why they had the tournament. At the end of a match they had to shake each others hands so  they know they all had a good game and it showed respect to the other team. Lochgilphead had won the tournament. by James and Alicia

St Andrews Ceilidh

On Thursday 29th November 2012 a  St Andrews ceilidh/presentation was held at Port Ellen Primary School and was run by P3-5.    This ceilidh was held because P3-5 were doing a Scotland topic and it was almost St Andrews day.

Parents, Grandparents, aunts and uncles were invited along with some special guests- Eilidh McMillan on the accordion; Maisie Logan on the tin whistle; Emily Logan, Anwen Baker, Natalie Logan and Abbie Morris highland dancing AND Nigel Morris on the pipes.  There was also lots of electronic Scottish quizzes testing your Scottish knowledge, an AMAZING 3D map of Scotland, both made by p5. The 3D map had many famous landmarks.  Not only was there entertainment ,like Country Dancing.  There was also a lot of Scottish baking including:haggis sausage rolls,shortbread, scones and some beautiful dumpling made by Oliver’s gran.

Over all the ceilidh was a huge success.  Every on involved should be extremely proud of themselves.

Sport’s Leadership with Mrs Ramsey

In school we have been learning sports leadership with Mrs Ramsey for P.E.

Every mondayfor the past 5 weeks p6/7 have been doing sport’s leadership with Mrs Ramsay. Some of the weeks they were talking and other weeks they were teaching p1/2’s games they made in there groups. One of the group’s games was an obstacle course and another group’s game was dodge-ball with a twist so every time you got hit by the ball you would lose an arm or a leg.

They were doing this so that we would gain new skills that we didn’t have.They  learnt a few good things like don’t make it too complicated, don’t be scared to shout and don’t think there amazing at everything.Mrs Ramsay gave us feedback every week they finished our games with the p1/2’s.

They have enjoyed the  past 5 weeks with Mrs Ramsay and we hope to do more tasks with her.            

By Liam and Reece

My Awsome Grand Parents

I think my grand parents are ninjas because they watch ninja turtels that means they can do back flips and the splits if you se my grandparents get ready to run because they got a mopility scooter and there  cool rinkills and there scabby toe nails they are awsome. who wouldnt want to have my grandparents and they have a pistiol in there nickers like the Roald Dahl verison of Red Riding hood and they were fat in there day they were fater than Andre The Giant and  they had to house because they coudint fit in the house and thats the story of my Grand parents.

Honestly Grandparents!!!

Grandparents are important because they spoil me with sweets and cakes unlike my parents. My parents ALWAYS EMBARRASS ME no matter where I am, I could be siting in the park with ice cream and my mum would come along and say something like “Oh dear, you better take your medicine for your bad breath accident.” I would get bullied at school for my mum saying things like that. Although one day at school I was in science when there was a  bang, in among the smoke was my grandma, she was collecting me to go to the dentist.

Grand Parents Are Awesome

Grand parents are important because they are super ninjas. They can also get you off school very easily they are awesome. But mine can fly not many can fly mine is special. I sometimes tell them to blow up things and they do it with their super powers. They live in a floating house over Islay that is why they need to be able to fly so they can get home to their house in the sky.

100 Word Challenge

Grandparents are important because they can ride on tiny scooters and eat ice cream they are the best. I always thought that grandparents were un cool a lot of people think there grandparent are cool but i think they are important i really do. sometimes i go to the park and hey follow me they always take their bikes and helmets. i quite enjoy the company and i enjoy my peace and quiet, everything i do they come in an say what you doing sweetie and i say nothing granny but i like them they are my grandparents,


My grandparent’s are ninjas only because my mum said grand parent’s are important because they are ninjas. This Sunday I’m going to see granddad and grandma because it is my 11th birthday.  I walked in side there was about 1 or 2 cakes sitting on a few plates. I walked into the living room and they were in their ninja suits doing exercises like stretches and balancing on their head.   When they found out I was there they jumped  up and shouted “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”.  They gave me the fright of my life and I fell over or maybe it was an explosion.

Supernatural Grandparents!!!!

Grandparents are important because they have supernatural powers and can easily blow up anything they want, including you .  So watch out.  They can shoot lasers through you; throw you all the way to space  and brain wash you.  They even brained washed Timmy Addison to eat brussel sprouts!!!  They also sent Graham Berlin hurtling to space.  They shoot lasers  through the Library.  And don’t think you’re safe.  Grandparents are evil creatures. Don’t think this is fake! My granny sent me on a  trip to space.  Grandpa  on  the other hand shot lasers through me and I had to get surgery.


Grandparents are important because they are old and a family member! Everyone loves grans because they give you sweets and give you a hug. BUT…. my granny is the BEST! She gives me a ride to school on her skateboard and gives me £40 to spend on sweets! Everyone at school is jealous of me! So i went home and built a Super-granny potion! In it was: a bottle of butterflies, can of super fizz and a cat. I got on my grans skateboard and sprinkled the potion over town. Now everyone can have a granny as cool as mine!

Friday Fun Club

On Friday the 2nd of November it was Friday Fun Club and at Friday Fun Club we danced, sang, did arts and crafts and we watched a video, the video was about a blind man who was sitting on the grass, meanwhile Jesus was leading the people past the old man. The man heard the people talking about how Jesus was leading the people somewhere, so he said “Please have mercy on me!” 3 times, the people were embarrassed so they walked away, but Jesus heard his call and sent two of the people to go and bring the blind man to him, the people went and brought him to Jesus, Jesus touched the mans eyes and he could see!


On Monday it is bonfire night and I hope everyone is safe so you have to wear gloves when you have a sparkler and stay back from fire works before they go off and hope there is no midgies so you won’t get bitten and get lots of spots on your legs or face! Who is scared of fireworks? Because if you are scared you just have to face your fears. By Eleanor 🙂

Halloween at School

Lunch on Wednesday the 31st of October was so cool (and delicious) we had Eye balls (Meatballs), Spider legs (Chips), Bloody sauce (Tomato sauce), Pumpkin soup, Spooky Biscuits and Ghost Spew, I’m not sure what the Ghost spew was because I couldn’t see it. After lunch everyone got changed. At the party we played Musical statues, Corners, ducked for apples and we even went in groups and got given 2 rolls of toilet paper and wrapped people in your group like mummies,my group came joint first with James’ group (GRRR) we came joint first because we wrapped the most mummies and we wrapped them well.

By Elizabeth


On the 23th of October Port Ellen Pimary School had a beach clean the whole school was there. There was a pick up truck and there was a man from Rejig called Dave Protherough. We cleaned the whole beach. I had a great time and I think the other boys and girls had a good time too.

by Ewan


The Scot-a-land play was on 23rd of October nearly all of our school went, it was really good there was a man and a lady and it was all about Scota’s crown and how it broke. It took about and 1 hour and 30 minutes. I really enjoyed it,  they pretended to be other people like there was a police officer and wee Johnny. People enjoyed it as well.


On Sunday 14th October the Port Ellen Primary Gaelic Choir were at the pier at 9:15 am getting ready to go on the ferry. Then we got on the ferry and had our lunch.
After that we got on the bus. I was having so much fun. I was sitting next to Abbie and we were playing games and listening to music. Time was flying by.
When we got to Hunters Quay it was nearly time to go swimming , so we went to our lodges and came back to the swimming pool and had lots of fun.
We had dinner and it was delicious. Then we went to practise for the next day because the competition was on. We finished and it was getting late so we had to go to Lorna’s lodge and get our packed lunches.
We took 30mins to find our lodge. I was tired. So I had some juice and went to bed.
The next day I was excited when we were having breakfast.
Before we went to the competitions we went to the soft play. The other people that were doing a solo or poem went to their competition.
Then in the afternoon the choir went to our competitions and we won. We were on TV and we were great. After that we got some chips and went on the bus.
The next day we all went to the soft play and we had so much fun. Then we went shopping and I bought lots of stuff. We had lunch and went back to the shops. Then we got back on the bus and went to the ferry. This time we got a trolley to put our luggage on.
On the ferry we had dinner and we had lots of fun. We sang with Bowmore Choir and we got piped of the ferry by Abbie’s dad. I was glad to be home.
The mod was fantastic. I am going to stay in the choir and go to Paisley next year.
By Annie

The Man that Forgot

One sunny day in Iceland a man was taking his dog for a walk. When with out warning THE TEMPERATURE DROPPED SUDDENLY AND the man gave out a weak squeal. The sky went black, lights glinted in the darkness. Lights flashed on and windows illumined with light. The man sat in a corner shivering beneath a lamppost. A torch light appeared in gloom. The shadow came into view. Then a voice spoke, “Why are you out here without a torch and warm clothes, didn’t you know this is the day it goes dark for six mouths? Now lets get you inside.”


One  day I was playing at the beach with my cousin and my brother because it was very sunny.  Then I felt the tips of my fingers starting to freeze and suddenly the temperature dropped and everything went dark and cold.  So I went up to my tent and I was looking out the door trying to find the the sun. It was nowhere to be seen and I started to get worried and then it went all bright again and then I realised it was just the clouds covering the sun so I went back out to play.

The Death of the Hobo’s Fire

There was a hobo called Jacob who only had only a cardboard box to sleep in and a fire to keep him warm.  He searches in bins looking for food and has an empty tin of beans looking for money from passing pedestrians.  Then one night he was lying in his cardboard box with his fire blazing away but then the temperature dropped suddenly and then he looks over to see a fire engine putting it out.  Jacob went over to the fireman and asked him why he put the fire out but he didn’t reply.  And that was the death of the hobo’s fire.

Bob The Penguin And The Adventures Of The Frozen South Pole

Bob was  walking home from catching some fish in the south seas,he was about a mile away from home and   then the temperature dropped suddenly and before he knew it there was a blizzard following him. The temperature dropped a hole 21 degrees which was far to cold for Bob,he kept on plowing through the snow until he was standing on the coldest bit of ice he had ever stood on he broke through the ice and he found lots and lots of freezers and that is how he saved the day.


It was a normal Monday winters day and i went out to call on my friend Albert. But it wasn’t a normal winters day. It was really hot. When i reached his house he was at his door.”I was just coming for you” said Albert.”Now you don’t need to” replied Jim. Then we went to play football. At that point it was still really hot. It was half an hour later and they were still playing football. Just at that point the temperature dropped suddenly and it started to pour down with snow. Then we went and played the Xbox all day.

On The Beach

Once was a little girl who went down to the beach it was a scorching hot day! She was making a sand castle when the temperature dropped suddenly and she looked up in devestaion to find that a giant cloud was covering the sun. Rosie was so cold that she ran in to the water to warm up but the water was even more cold that she screamed! She was swimming out when suddenly something bit her but it was only a crab so she went to get a plaster when the sun came out so she went to finish her sand castle.

The Warehouse Fire Saftey System

It was a general, quite mid-week day at the Ardbeg distillery some workers were checking on warehouse number 3, as they closed the door they forgot about the self locking mechanism to stop robbers, so when the went in the were locked in but they were lucky that they did check on the warehouse because in the left corner the was a huge raging inferno. They banged at the door but there was no answer then the sprinklers came on blasting water onto them the temperature dropped suddenly and they all were chilled to the bone.

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