The Science Trip

On Wednesday 12th June, Liam Campbell, Scott Kinloch ,Calum Campbell, Connor Jameson , Eilidh McMillan and Maisie Logan went away to big bang science event in Glasgow that was taking part in the  SECC and entered the Saltire competition and the Eco ferry challenge; Scott, Calum and Maisie entered the Saltire competition and Liam,Connor and Eilidh entered the Eco ferry challenge, as well as that they all  did a presentation on the science that they have done through the year.

We went to the university to test our wave power machine, Port Ellen Primary were the first to get there’s actually working and we were the only primary school that was testing their wave power device at the same time as all the secondary schools!  We were able to produce light at a high frequency in the water movement. After testing the device we went to the transport muesum, We were even aloud to go inside some trains! Inside they  had some games like  a fireman game were someone had to turn the wheel to make the  ladder that you were standing on move while, as you had to aim your hose at the fire and put it out. There was also another game were you had to row as a team to beat the white dot round but it was broken.  After looking around inside we went outside and went on the tall ship were we scrubbed the deck, and went down in the coal store, there was a play room were Calum dressed up as a pirate while Liam and Scott walked the plank!

Later that night we went to Frankie’s and Benny for dinner and went to bowling after, we had a competition, girls vs boys and the girls thrashed the boys! The next day we went to the SECC to present our presentation to the judges, we were a bit cramped at where we were set up and we had to be really loud when we were presenting because were we were doing it lots of people were talking!   It was really fun and very interesting because I learned a lot from it, and it was something that I have never done before!

By Maisie and Eilidh

Leavers assembly!

P6/7 are have a levers assembly on 27th of June. We are doing it all about Doctor Who time travel BUT we go back in time instead of forward. We will go and see lots of different history events like the Vikings, Stirling battle, Highland cleaences and the Picts. But will we ever get back to the present. Come to our leavers assembly and find out what will happen to us.

By Helen

Fishing P3/4

Through in P3/4 they have been learning different topics which are crofting and fishing. For their fishing topic they have been drawing fish, looking at crabs and lobsters and they have also been looking at books on fishing. During the start of their fishing topic, Mr Onions, Mrs Grant and Mr Brown came in. Then Mrs Grant gave the P3/4’s some fish for Mr Onions to show them how to scale fillet and gut the fish, there was also Mr Brown who showed them crabs and lobsters which were alive!
By Mirren and Jasmine

P3/4 Crofting

A few weeks ago we started crofting, Willie Curry and Allan Orr helped them with cutting the grass to make a dirt patch. They planted potatoes and beans in our class room, they also planted carrots and onions and rot pots. Katie and Bronagh planted cherry trees and a Burch and a rowan they also planted lettuce They enjoyed planting the peas as well, They done a very interesting test to see what tomato will grow the biggest. They also put sand down and the sand died. but the normal compost had still not growing, they planted Wheat, Barley and horse Oats.

By Katie, Bronagh and Sophie

p3/4 crofting

In p3/4 they have been learning about crofting. In there topic they have learnt how to plant and grow potatoes, barley, wheat, beans and more. They had also people in to talk to them about crofting and 1 fact that they found out was that in the winter that the farmers took there animals into there houses and keep them on 1 half of the room while the farmers lived on the other half of the room they also found out that there is 12o crofts on Islay. they learnt where barley came from and how it gets harvested and they learnt that it is best to pick strawberries every 5 months. the p3/4’s have enjoyed learning about crofting and hope to do another topic like crofting again.

P7 Induction Days

On Monday the 27th and Tuesday 28th of May P7 from Islay went on their induction days to Islay High. When we arrived we went in to the hall but when every one else left we stayed with Mr Weatherhogg.  He gave us our temporary lunch card and our timetables.  On the first day I felt scared I would get lost but I never did, lunch was my favourite part of the day it was really good.

Car wash

At the weekend we had a car wash. The event was to raise money for school trips. We were all asked to bring in home baking. Mrs Clark organised tea and coffee for people whilst we washed their car. It turned out a great success on the end we raised £243. We also went down the street selling cakes. We sold just cakes and the cake was the whole attraction. At the start people were washing one bit of the car and then someone else would wash it so we split our seIves into sections someone would do the side someone else would do the windscreen and bonnet then someone else would be on the back window and down wards then someone else’s  job would be the roof. It was really fun at the end there was a massive water fight it was all the kids vs the teachers. We all soaked the teachers with the hose. We are all looking forward to our next school trip.

Multi Sports Day

On the 24th May, it was our annual multi sports day when all primary 5’s to 7’s all got together to do some sports.  There was shinty, netball, golf, rounders, football and rugby.  I enjoyed it because I got an idea of the different choices of sport you get, and who you will be going into high school with. Brandon and Milly from the high school came down to help us with the different sports!  You got half an hour at each sport and you got just under an hour to eat your lunch!

We all got put into groups of 15-20, my group was Lindsey, David, Eilidh, Elinor, Elizabeth, Isla, Rauridh, William, Torin, Chloe and David.  I thought that netball was the best because it is a sport I have never tried before!

The day was good fun and I think everyone enjoyed it!

By Maisie

Euan The Shinty Developer

On Monday 20th May, a group of 5-7s went to a Shinty developer to see if we were good enough to go to the tournament in Fort William and I think we got through. I really enjoyed it. We did different types of drills; passing drill, shooting and speed it was fun. We had a tiny break then we started to play a game at the very end and we had a massive game and it was 8 minutes a half. The developer said I was really good at dribbling with both sides of the stick. The best thing was the different drills i feel so much confident than I was before about Shinty. I have learned  how you hold your stick in the ready position. In one of the drills we hold the stick on the ready position and the hit the ball on one of the sides. It was awesome but it was wooden sticks so if you hit someone in the shins it would really hurt badly.


On Wednesdays,Saturdays and Sundays we do Blar which is about a battle that happened many years ago. There is going to be a big display that lots of people are taking part in to show the battle that happened on Traigh Ghruinnart. We all have to practice all our songs, some of us sing and if we are in the band we have to learn when to come in and play. The battle is about two groups of people having a battle who are the McLeans and the McDonalds and in the battle they have to ready up, there is a spay wife that gives the McLeans 3 warnings, 1st one is don’t arrive on a Thursday, 2nd one was don’t drink from the well Tobair Neil and the 3rd was go 3 times round the hill before going into battle. But the only day that they could come was Thursday on a stormy day, the McLeans were very thirsty so their leader said go and drink out of that well and that was Tobair Neil well so they went into battle and they didn’t go round the hill, so the Dubh Shith which stands for Black Fairy came and shot McLean.

P6/7 Trip To Stirling

On Tuesday the 4th of May the primary 6/7s from Islay and Jura went to Stirling for 4 days. We left on the ferry and then got the bus at Kennacraig, we only stopped once on the way in Inverarey.  When we arrived we went straight to the hostel before going bowling then we went back to the hostel for dinner. The next day we went to the Wallace Monument in the morning  we then went to the university to do dissect some fish, we then went to the cinema to watch All Stars.  On the Thursday we went to the Falkirk Wheel and got a boat ride from the bottom of the wheel up it then through the Rough Castle tunnel we then turned around and went back down. We went to Stirling castle after we had been to the wheel we walked around the castle speaking to actor/tour guides as we went we then went to the gift shop before going to Jimmy Chungs Chinese restaurant for dinner. On the last day we went shopping in the Thistles shopping centre before going to Stirling bridge before getting back on the bus we stopped at Duck Bay Marina to play about and eat lunch we then stopped again in Inverarey to go to the jail, finally we arrived in Kennacraig ready to go home.

Day of Dance

On Thursday 21st of March P6/7’s from every school on Islay and Jura went to Bowmore Hall to dance. We started at 10am and finished at around 12pm. We did the Canadian Barn Dance, Gay Gordans, Mrs McLeod and the Bamkin. We all liked the Flying Scotsman, Strip the Willow and the Virginia Reel. They were fun because they were fast and energetic. It was really fun dancing with children from other schools and we could meet the people we will be going to high school with. Thank you to Mrs Cameron and Mrs Shaw for teaching us all the dances and Bowmore primary for supplying juice and crisps for half time.

By Eilidh and Elinor


This year the whole of Islay are putting together a big thing where all the musical groups on Islay take part, like choirs, soloist and instrumentalists.  the reason this project is taking place is because 2 years ago (2011) the Islay feis done a famous poem by an Islay bard(poet) called William Livingstone, the poem was called The Battle of Traigh Gruinart, a very talented lady called Clare Jordan put the poem to fantastic music. All the choirs will learn the song in different parts , the junior choirs will only learn some parts whereas the adult choir will learn all the songs. It will be very tiring yet very fun and exciting.

Art With Mrs Onions

On Tuesday 23rd April, Mrs Onions came in and talked to us about art. There was lots of different artists and paintings and we had to look at the styles and textures that the artists used. We researched lots of paintings, then we would pick our favourite one and then we had to choose what we would use to colour our pictures in. Mrs Onions also set out a bottle of wine and a bowl of fruit incase we wanted to pick that for our picture. So we all picked different ones and then we started to colour them in.


Three weeks ago we started making Eco ferries for a competition. We had great time building them. We built four prototypes and four real builds as well. There was two well built boats and two boats that were falling apart. So the two best built boats were altered and entered. One was wind powered and one was paddle and part wind and propeller. They were both made out of recycled materials and glue. Lets hope one or the other wins.  We tested them in the sea.

by Ewan and Cameron

Mrs Negretti

We have a visitor called Mrs Negretti and she comes from the south of Switzerland and she speaks Italian. Instead of cars to get to their house they walk or take the cable car but if they need to deliver furniture or get to the hospital they get a helicopter. They have take the cable car or walk because there are so many mountains. Mrs Negretti teaches 3 schools and teaches them all arts and crafts. Mrs Negretti loves walking, reading,cooking, singing and dancing.


Today we had a glow meet, with our partner school in Delhi in India. We partnered up with P3/4 to ask  children from India three questions. We wanted to find out about their life style, and ask quistions like, have they ever gone camping? Have they been out of India before? What is their living space like?

We found out that they live in three story buildings, their favourite food is burger and pizza, they listen to Taylor Swift and Western music as well as traditional Punjabi music, they like Hollywood films like James Bond and they do a lot of reading.  Our Gaelic folk group also performed their first international concert playing traditional Scottish music.  It was really interesting and next time we hope to do a Glow Meet where we can celebrate Holi, the Hindu festival, together.

Wave Power Devices

Primary 6/7 were learning about  wave power and decided that we would make wave power devices and my groups name was called DUNLLY!!! and we tested it in the sea. Our device had one problem at the beginning of the design, we couldn’t get the LED light to work but managed to problem solve and sandpapered the wires to get the light to flash in the waves. We changed  the light around until we managed to get it to flash, it was really hard to make it generate electricity but we managed it in the end. But I think every group had a problem. When we were making the designs we got better at our communication skills, also there was another group called The DOUGHNUT Device they had a problem it sunk instead of floating, but eventually they made electricity too.

Cycling Proficiency

In about three weeks p7 will be having cycling proficiency with there janitor Mr Gairns and another person who is trained to help us.  Through the course we will learn to indicate and the skills we need to learn to cycle on the road. We all have a choice whether to do it or not.  We will do some of it in our school playground and some out on the village road.  I can’t wait till I start.

By Liam and Reece

Citizenship Award And Clubs

At Port Ellen we have talked to the parent council about a citizenship award. We now have a citizenship award for the Primary 7’s and we have been going over what makes a good citizen because everyone will vote towards the end of a school year. Each of the houses got together and discussed what makes a good citizen. We have just started the citizenship award this school year.

Port Ellen have started new clubs too, including rugby and bug clubs.  These are run by the children at lunch time.

Science afternoon with Dave

One afternoon a scientist called Dave came to see use to tell us about light and lasers. It was fun. We made a thing that can see spectrums. We told the p3/4s about our day with a scientist. He told use about the laser that he built and the biggest laser in the world. I hope he comes back because it was really cool.

by Ewan and Scott

P7 Islay High School Visit

On Thursday 21st March every P7 in Islay and Jura went to the the Islay High School to do some science.  The day started when Mr Kitchen filled a flask with water and placed it on a gas cooker.  The water turned into steam which came out off the flask and then he put the lid on it.  Then we went to Ms McNaughton who was talking about air in our lungs.  She also showed us how to float a straw in water and measured in many different ways.  We also found out how to get a boiled egg into a flask without touching it.


P6/7 and P3/4 have been learning all about India, we have learn’ t about Hinduism; here are  some things we have learn’ t,  Hindus believe in many gods like Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma. In India they have 3 seasons, Wet, Dry and Cool.  Some Hindus wear saris, a long piece of material with several patterns. There are over 1 billion people living in India and 750 million of them are all Hindus. Hindus paint patterns on feet and hands with Hena, that is called Mendhi.

Food Experiments

Last week was science and engineering week.In school we were learning about food science. We tested for glucose, iron, fat, protein and starch. For the protein we got protein strips and food juices. We then got a test strip and dipped it into the food juice. We then looked on the bottle and seen what colour it matched to. For the iron we got different cereals and put them into a sandwich bag and then we sealed the bag tightly. Then we crushed the cereal with a rolling pin and then added a bit of water. Then we got a strong magnet and kept sliding it back and forth looking for iron(wee black dots).  For fat, we got a piece of brown paper and drew a circle it, then rubbed what ever it was, and held it up to the light and the parts in it are fat.  For glucose we used Benedicts solution.

India afternoon

On the 26th of march we had a India afternoon we invited parents and we had stalls ready for the parents to interact with. Like a food stall and a India quiz.  To start of the day we showed power points on different celebrations in India we also made Indian God masks to show to our parents. In p3/4 there Rangoli patterns to do also hand paints and guess the spice. We also set up a build the Taj Mahal with lego stall.

by Robbie and Liam

Easter Egg Competition.

On Tuesday 26th March the Port Ellen Primary school and the Pre 5 unit took part in an Easter egg competition. We do this every year and if you take part or win 1st 2nd or anything else you would get points for your house and you would also get a Easter egg! Each class has it’s own competition and if you win you get 100 points and if you get 2nd you get 75. If you enter you get 50. This year Texa and Nave both got 1100 and Orsay got 975 points. There was Egg Craft, The ReserEGGsion of Christ and Eggie the Eagle. Everybody tried really hard and we all liked looking at the different eggs!
By Danni and Elinor.

Indian Gods and saris

In the primary 6/7 class room we have been learning about Indian gods. Mrs Clark has also been telling us Indian stories about the different god and what their job is. The whole class did a god mask for each Indian god there is, for example Ellen’s god was Brahma,  and Alicia’s god was Annapurna. We found out that in most Indian stories there is a god.

We also learned all about saris. A sari is an outfit that women wear in India. We all learnt how to put on a sari( we thought it was hard).Mrs Clark and Miss Brown wore a sari on  India day, the saris had very nice patterns on them. On India day we also designed a sari with the P3/4 class and our mums and dads. We designed it with rangoli patterns and it looked very pretty in the end. We had a very fun day.

By Alicia and Ellen

Eco Ferrys

In our class we are making eco ferrys for a science compition in Glasgow. We made them in our table groups. We did a practise speed boat which worked alright. But our real thing will have to carry cargo and the boat that is done in the fastest time will win. You can go back and forth as much as you want. The ferry can only be 18 cm wide as thats as wide as the tank is. You also will get extra points if it is powered by a renewable source . It is alot to think about when were building the real thing . We attempted to make a prototype out of junk some worked much better than others. Some tipped over when they started and others couldn’t go straight. Were are working on it and adjusting it so that it will go straight in the water.

By Maisie and Eilidh

Extreme Weather

Recently we have been having lots and lots and lots of snow and wind making power lines to snap and fall over, some of us were without power for over 24 hours. The isle of Arran are STILL without power and might not have power until Friday, workers and electricians are working hard trying to get power back on the road for everyone. Port Ellen Primary School’s internet is routed through Arran and since Arran is down the Port Ellen Primary has no internet, which means we missed our second Glow meet with India. There was a weekend with cold dinners and no toast and tea but thankfully everything (apart from Arran) is back to normal.

By Emily & Cameron

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