
Every year our school tries to get every pupil to bring a tin or two, so that we can give it to the elderly in Port Ellen.  It’s good that we are giving food and money to the starving people in Africa but it’s also important to remember the old people in the village because they can be lonely.  We want them to know that we are still thinking about them. Lots of bags go out our school and are given to the elderly.

Harvest Assembly

Every year Miss Browns class does a harvest assembly and pick a charity.  This year the charity they chose was called Send a Cow!  It is a charity that helps people in Africa with farming projects.  They put on a very good assembly with lovely African songs and great costumes.  They got the true meaning of the charity Send a Cow across.

We should be grateful for what we’ve got.

By Elizabeth

Our Mesolithic Trip To The Woods

On Thursday 24th October p6/7 from Port Ellen Primary School went on a trip to the woods as their topic was Mesolithic Life. They thought this was a good idea and  relevant to their topic and would teach them more about how Mesolithic man would have to live.  Part of this trip was doing challenges, one of these challenges was creating a life size shelter and also creating a mini camp. (This took effort and time!) Unfortunately our shelter didn’t win but surprisingly our mini camp won! It was a great day!   Everyone enjoyed it but were very tired by the end of the day.

By Abbie

PE With Mrs Young

On Wednesday 23rd October we did PE with Mrs Young who was teaching Gymnastics. We concentrated on rotation, balance, inversion and flight. We had to think of a active moves to do with all of them and we did cartwheels and hand stand stands.  We had to go over and under our partners.

By Eleanor and Alicia

The National Mod in Paisley

On Sunday the 13th of October Port Ellen Primary School Gaelic choir set off to their fun and exciting Mod in Paisley where they would compete against other choirs from different schools.

They stayed in a Premiere Inn and got their dinner, lunch and breakfast provided for them.

On Monday the 14th of of October they all set off for their competitions where they sang the Unison, Puirt-a-beul and two part harmony.

They did very well and they won all their competitions!!!!

That night they went to the concert where they sang their songs and it was recorded to go onto T.V.

In the morning they had to leave to go home . On the ferry they sang their songs as entertainment.

When they were going off the ferry the pipers piped them off.

By Emily and Jodie

Trip to woods

On Thursday 24th of October we went to Cairnmore woods to have a Mesolithic day.   We did lots of challenges like hunt for food and we also had to make a journey stick. That’s when we wrap a stick in twine and take wee bits and bobs from the day and put it in the bits of twine so our group took a leaf and some bracken.  We also built shelters, mini camps and told our Mesolithic stories.

School Values

In school we have been learning about our school values, they can help in a wide range of activities. Such as our Endeavour project. When we are planning we need high expectations to set targets to push ourselves. Positive attitudes for when we are writing stories and getting feedback to what we could do better. Mutual respect , respecting all school property when we are in school and out of school.  these are some of our school values.


On the 24th of September 2013, P6/7 from port Ellen primary went to Oban for the Stramash trip. When they arrived they were split into to groups for their rooms and activities.They did many activities, but two of them were canoeing and bush craft. To start with they paddled around Loch Nell with all the supplies they needed to make a shelter and a fire for the night.

When they arrived at the place they were going to do bush craft, they began going through a check list for surviving in the wild. The first step was to make sure that they all had oxygen, which they did! Next was to make sure that we had sufficiant body warmth, they all had that too but their temperature would drop with the surrounding temperature. So they needed a shelter to help conserve their body heat and to build a fire. They made shelters in groups and learned how to light a fire with firesticks and roasted marshmallows.  It was great fun!

Stramash Rocks!

On Tuesday my class (p6/7) and all the other p6/7s from all over Islay and Jura went on a trip called Stramash. We had a very long journey to get to Oban but it was well worth it.  After the journey we went to our rooms, found out our group buddies and set out on our  first activity.  Our group went Rock Climbing and Absailing. Rock climbing is very challenging but a brilliant thing to learn how to do. I bet you would love to absail down the Conglomerate rock (If you are into adventurous activities).  Some people didn’t make it to the top, but at least they tried.  Would you have tried? Or would you be a scaredy cat?

By Jodie Jamison and Elizabeth Macmillan 🙂

Stramash Trip (Dinghy Sailing!)

On the 24th of September schools from Islay and Jura met together for our exciting trip to Oban as part of Stramash.
During this trip we done many activities and one of them was Dinghy Sailing.
First of all we got taught how to put up the Dinghys correctly so it would be safe.
After all the hard work on putting the Dinghys up it was then a case of fitting in to wetsuits and buoyancy aids.
Then we had to get the boats down to the shore and out sailing.
After a fun sail around part of Oban we played a game where we had to collect balls. Emily Mackie from Port Ellen decided she wanted to win the game and quickly jumped out of the Dinghy but then she couldn’t get back on because Abbie Morris couldn’t stop the boat!
At last she finally managed to stop the boat everyone was laughing. Then she got on the boat and sat down. They only lasted a few minutes before capsizing and sending them tumbling down into the sea. Only to loose all their balls.
Luckily Abbie Morris hitched a lift with Chloe from Keills and Maisie from Port Ellen. Maisie felt sorry for Emily so she went to help her, this included jumping off the dinghy. Then we couldn’t get the boat back over so we ended up getting a lift with the boys.
Soon it was getting nearer dinner time so we had to leave however we were running late so instructors Nicky and Andy decided to give us a tow by the Motor Powered Boat. They started joking about not having enough fuel but then they realized they spoke too soon because THE BOAT RAN OUT OF FUEL! They were hoping to row back with oars but then they both broke with a SNAP!!!!!!
Full of laughter in `us we ended up having to sail back and then walking to the bus absolutely drenched!
When we got back to the Hostel we were so excited to tell all our friends about the funny but cold event!

By Emily and Abbie

P6/7 Go Coasteering

P6/7 went on a trip to Oban and tried different activities to do with their Stramash trip.  Coasteering was one of the activities everyone did, we had to climb across rocks and jump off rocks, it was very ambitious but very fun.  They all jumped in to the deep water.  The Water was freezing and it was very cold with the wind.  The instructor was very happy about every thing that we did wrong or did right.  When you climbed across the rocks there was barnacles that would hurt your hands they would cut them too, that is what happened to me and my group it was really sore.  So when we got home we got showered and get changed and then went for dinner.  🙂

by Alicia and Danni


On Tuesday 24th September Port Ellen primary school and other schools met at Port Ellen pier to go on the ferry. When we got off the ferry we went on the bus and went to Oban for Stramash. When we got there we did some archery. It was funny when Elizabeth pointed the arrow to the teacher and the teacher thought she was going to shoot it at her! After that we played a game and we had to split the group in half. We had a challenge and the other team won and the next time we did it my team won. We all had a great time and we didn’t want to go.

By Annie Farrell

Sound Science

On Friday afternoon we were doing sound science. We did lots of fun things. We had a tin whistle and we stood back to back and one of us would blow the tin whistle and one of us would time you and you would both walk back and when the timer gets to a minute you would stop and you would hear a little noise from the tin whistle. We watched a video of a voice box as you go higher the voice box will open more and if you go lower the voice box will open a tiny bit. By Ciara

Primary 7 cycling proficiency

Over the last few weeks primary 7 have been doing cycling proficiency with Mr Gairns the janitor and our teacher Mrs Clark. It has been every Tuesday at the end of the day for the last two or three weeks. It takes place out in the playground. What happens is there is a big roll of rope and we put it round the playground like a road. Then we take out a couple of cones to be road works and parked cars that we have to indicate in and out of. As i said its only in the playground at the moment but we will soon be moving out onto the road. I hope we all pass our test!

Astronomy Trip

On the 9th of September 2013 most of the schools on Islay went to Islay high school to learn about astronomy. The professor was called Mr Newman who is an astronomer himself. He told us lots of information like how to find an asteroid and he showed us telescopes he had worked with, some cost £5,000,000 that had found a lot or interesting stuff. He showed us a picture that had 500,000,000,000,000 stars in it which was amazing. He also explained that stars can come in different colours. Blue stars are hotter than the orange, red and yellow ones.  He showed us with marbles and balloons how far away planets and stars were. At the end we asked questions and here are one of the answers. A shooting star is just a speck of dust that has caught fire as it entered the atmosphere.

By Robbie and Nicholas

Port Ellen P4/5’s Navy Visit

On Monday the 9th September P4/5 got a visit from the navy.  They came to help redo the pond.  They arrived in at Port Ellen pier that morning so they had sailed over on a navy ship.  The pond was NOT! in good shape at the time but, after the Navy came, the pond is looking in ship shape!  They chopped down some trees to get wood.  They dug it into layers.

The Navy were doing all the digging but p4/5 were helping to take the stones out.  They were very excited to help, and had fun.  Class pupil Joe Hamilton said that his favourite part was when they took photos with the navy.

By Cameron and Elizabeth.

Ancient Archaeological Trip

On Tuesday the  27th of August, p6/7 Port Ellen Primary went on a trip to Rubha Port an t-Seilich. They met professor Steven Mithin, who talked to them about the time of Mesolithic people. They went on this trip as part of their Mesolithic topic in which they are reading the book Wolf brother.

Class pupil David Baker says”It was amazing and I learned loads of facts.” Some of the things the class learnt about were how the archaeologists found the digging site. The digging site was found by pigs and this site could be the oldest digging site in Scotland, as they have not only found Mesolithic flints they may have also found Paleolithic flints! There were two different kinds of flints found on the digging site; there were Microliths and Burlins. As well as hammer stones, limpet hammers and part of an axe head which is very rare!

Professor Steven Mithin told them all about the dig site and what they had discovered he was very about a piece of bone that was stuck in the wall of the trench. After the class looked at the trench they went down to the shore and were showed how they hosed of the soil from the artifacts and were allowed to have a go themselves. When they were allowed to have a go themselves they found Microliths, Burlins, Hammer stones and burnt hazelnut shells!

After this they went back to their school for lunch.

By Emily and Asher

The Amazing Car Wash

In  August p6l7 held a car wash at the school. People from all around  the village  came it was great fun.The class where raising money for their exciting Stramash trip to Oban. It was  very successful we raised £241 which was very good. S0 the class are very  lucky and are very excited about their amazing trip which will attend on the 24th to the 27th of August.

At the end it turned into a bit of a water fight and we got a bit wet but instead ended up soaking our teacher it was a great day.

By Emma and Abbie

P6/7 Stramash Trip

On the 24th September  Port Ellen Primary P6/7 are going to Oban to go on loads of different of adventures they are going to be doing rock climbing!, swimming!, Jumping of rocks! and archery!. They will be away for 3 nights 4 days, there are some people who aren’t going, they will be staying in school with another class so they are not alone in the classroom.

They will be going on the ferry boat to Kennacraig, then getting on a bus. Then going to the cottage where we are meeting other schools around Islay and Jura. When we get there we will have dinner and play with our friends from around Islay and Jura. It’s important to be on this trip because we will communicate and be with other various schools.

Islay book festival

On Saturday 7th September Islay book festival was at Port Ellen Primary School.  There was four famous authors in our school called Margret Ryan, Marie Hedderwick, Matthew Fitt and Keith Charters.

Margret Ryan writes weird street and rued ca the rued. Marie Hedderwick wrote Katie Morag.  Matthew Fitt writes Scots books.  Keith Charters writes lee goes for gold, lee’s holiday showdown, lee consul[mu]tants and lee  on the dark side of the moon.

By Annie and Ciara

The New P1’s

On the 17th of August Port Ellen Primary welcomed 14 new primary 1’s! We welcomed Rauridh Blair, Katherine Borthwick, Drew Brown, Orla Campbell, Millie Clark, Harmoni Edwards, Millie Holyoake, Scott Hope, Caitidh Johnston, Braeden Macgillvary, Morgan Mcfarlane, Charlet-rose Munro, Aiden Munro and Dearbhla Newman.

We asked 2 pupils from the new p1 class how they’re enjoying it, this is what Breaden Macgillvary said, he likes playing with the cars, trains and enjoys learning all about Katie Morag!

We also asked Millie Clark what she enjoys about being a new primary 1. She enjoys visiting the writing table and likes being in all day, because she enjoys having 3 breaks!

So we hope all the new primary 1’s enjoy being in school andare happy to be learning new things!

By Maisie and Jodie

Our Endeavour Morning

On Friday 21st of May P6/7 showed some of the parents all about their Endeavour project. The parents walked round to see everyone’s Endeavour projects and some peoples videos were projected on to the screen.  Connor sold some crabs and some lobsters and Robbie let lots of people play his Kodu game. Eilidh made a movie on lambing and everyone saw it, Liam and Danni had made animations, Calum had built a model engine and Ellen had made a relaxing CD.  There were great comments on everything.  While we were  presenting our endeavours people went up to see p5s Titanic topic presentation, got to eat posh fish and chips in P3&4 and learned about bugs in P1&2.

By Helen

Sports Day

On Monday 10th June we had our sports day.  There was lots of different races, first it was the P6/7 boys race and then it was the girls. Then there was the P1/2 doing some races like, egg and spoon, 100m run and other races that they did. We all took turns in our classes doing all the different races, there was the nursery doing races and lots more people from other classes. There was also the P3/4’s doing the three legged race and then it was the mixed relay races.  In the end we found out our sports champions who were Emily from Orsay house and Connor from Orsay, and Orsay won the house cup.

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