School Rugby

On the 12th of February Allan from Oban came to do rugby with us. He taught us some of the basics for playing rugby.  The first game we played, after we were put into teams, was testing our attacking and our defending.  To do it we had five people at each end of the hall some attackers and some defenders, when the whistle was blown we had to charge into the center and the attackers would try to get a try and the defenders would try to stop them. When this warm up was done we played matches. There were four teams and Two teams were on and two teams were off. The aim of the game was to try to score as many try’s in three minutes. If you were tagged you had to pass the ball to a player behind you and they would try to score a try. There were five games played it was great fun.

By Robbie And Cameron


Feis is kind of like a festival, we have it every year and they come to our school to let us try some instruments.  The first day, we got to play the Borran, fiddle and some of us even got to try the harp!  Some people also brought in their own instruments like the Accordion, the fiddle, the tin whistle and people who have knowledge about reading music, got to play the piano.  The next time they came over, we got to play the tin whistle, piano and the fiddle.  The Feis is a very fun thing to go to during the February break and lots of people take part in it.

By Izzy and Danni

Scottish Country Dancing

On Thursday 23rd January P6/7 started Scottish Country Dancing, Mrs Cameron and Mrs Shaw came in to teach them. They learned the Barmkin, Strip the willow, Virginia Reel and  Saint Bernards Waltz, they also learned coordination and listening skills.  They do it every Tuesday in the afternoon.  At the end of the of the practices there will be a day of dance for all of the schools in Islay and some in Jura.  Alicia and William think it is a great experience and lot of fun.

By Alicia and William

Choir Mix

On Thursday 23rd January we started choir again.  We have new members, who will be joining us in our new choir songs.  Now there are 29 pupils in the choir, including:

Danni Barker, Elizabeth Macmillan, Eleanor Macmillan, Maisie Logan, Jodie Jamieson, Nicholas Weatherhogg, Emily Mackie, Asher Borthwick, Abbie Morris, Annie Farrell, Beth Mckim, Ciara Jhonston, Anwen Baker, Oliver Murhead, Bronagh Newman, Katie Middleton, Natalie Logan, Eva Munroe, Murray Cambell, Ellie Mackie, Sophie Clark, Catlyn Clark, Kaya Middleton, Jasmine Middleton, Rowan Morris, Rebbecca Morris, Abi Logan and Sarah Maclealon.

The choir have been working very hard and  have put lots of effort into learning the first verse of our new unison this year, called “Ailien In Rieech”  We have also been teaching the new choir members our warm ups, which helps us with our tuning and pronunciation of our words.

By Elizabeth Macmillan and Danni Barker

Burns Ceilidh

Over the last few weeks the pupils from Port Ellen Primary School have been working hard on learning different Burns poems and dances for our Burns Ceilidh. They announced the winners of the poetry at the Burn Ceilidh. P7’s winner Asher Borthwick said “I was really glad that I came first in my poem.” At the ceilidh there was a lot of traditional Scottish instruments playing such as the fiddle, the accordion and the tin whistle. Ella Edgar’s dancers entertained everyone. Halfway through the Burns Ceilidh they served tea and shortbread. It was a great afternoon and everyone really enjoyed themselves!

By Emily and Abbie

Light and Sight

This term we are learning all about light and sight and how it happens.  We started off by  writing down questions that we wanted to do and finding them out as we go along.  On 22/1/14 we all made pin-hole cameras by rolling 2 bits of black card and attaching cling film to one and tin foil to the other. Putting them both together so that when you look through the hole, that you made with a compass on the tin foil, you could see images but they are upside down.

The following afternoon we did experiments on sight and light, some of the ones I did were pigments and filter, looking at lenses, making magnifying glasses and answering questions about a kaleidoscope.  We also had an experiment that you had 5 ice cubes on 5 different colours- yellow, red, black, white and blue, you have to lay them on a window sill and see which coloured ice cube melts the quickest.  On 23/1/14 we took notes when we watched lots of videos, the ones we watched were, all about light, colour, colour mixing and and what is a rainbow.  That afternoon we got a visit from the optitions, he showed us a PowerPoint and we took notes, it was very interesting.

All of the experiments were very interesting and we got alot of facts.

By Maisie and Jodie

My Endeavour

For my Endeavor I am doing weather and natural disasters. I am doing a project on this because i have always wondered how storm and hurricanes etc are formed. here are three interesting facts i found out.

1)Britain is one of the most common places for disasters because of the warm air from southern Europe, the cold air from the west and the wet cold air from the Atlantic ocean, all of these collide over Britain causing devastating storms, we don’t necessarily get the worst storms but we get the most storms.

2)Ozone is a gas that is formed high up in the sky its porpoise is to protect the Earth from the suns ultra violet rays, if there were no Ozone humans would get eye damage and skin cancer these are the two worst that health problems it can cause.

3)A tropical cyclone is a disaster that is created by warm water, a tropical cyclone is made of very strong winds that go in a spiral anti-clockwise when a cyclone reaches 74mph it can be called a hurricane or a typhoon depending on where you are in the world, they are caused from water above 26.5 degrees Celsius.

I hope these three facts helped you.

by Robbie Middleton


Every Tuesday until the swimming gala p5-7 are going to the swimming pool to practice with Helen.  Helen is our swimming teacher and she is helping us get better at our swimming strokes.   We are doing lots of different things like back crawl, front crawl, gliding and stuck in the mud.   While one class is in the pool the other class is upstairs doing work.    When we are in the pool we do jumping and diving.  When we have finished we get five minutes play time. We travel to the pool and back on the bus.  Annie thinks that swimming is great and it is a good thing that you learn to swim.  Ciara thinks that swimming helps you get fit and it is a fun thing to do.

By Annie Farrell and Ciara Johnston

P4/5 Social Enterprise Business

This term P4/5 decided to set up a a social enterprise business. We had been inspired to have our own business after reading Lee Goes For Gold and following our world of work topic.
Before we set up our business we had to research different social enterprise businesses like Greenworks,The Big Issue,Hill Holt Wood and Divine Chocolate.This helped us to understand about social enterprises.
Social enterprise businesses help the environment or the community by investing some of their profits towards helping make things better.
We worked together to create our business plan.
We decided to set up a business making soaps and bath bombs. Murray thought of the name for our business. We called it Scent-Citizens because we have scent in our soaps and bath bombs and we are great citizens by using some of the profits we make to help our community. We decided that we would use some of the money we make to help develop our new community path by buying plants to put along it.
Everyone has been really busy making soaps and bathbombs in class. We sold some of them at the christmas fair and some to the Islay Hotel to put in the bedrooms.
After the Christmas fair we put together a finance team. It is Eva ,Bronagh,Murray,Kaitlyn and Ross. They have to count up all of the money we make and update our accounts book. At the Christmas fair we got £95.80p. We also made £169 by selling our products to the Islay Hotel.
Just before the holidays we got a visit from Mr Bert McGlone who works for the Social Enterprise Academy in Edinburgh. He thought our business was great and is going to come back to see us soon to see if we are good enough to receive a social enterprise academy award!
By Bronagh and Eva

Santa Comes To Bowmore!!!

On Saturday 14th Santa and his Reindeer came to Bowmore and there were 4 big Reindeer and 2 small Reindeer!  There was a big parade where the Band played and Santa and the Reindeer followed behind. Everyone enjoyed seeing it and afterwards they went to Islay High School where there was their Christmas Fair which also had a mini Ice rink. IT WAS GREAT FUN!!! (but it was VERY cold!)

Pantomime Time!

On Thursday the 12th of December Port Ellen Primary School is doing a Pantomime.  It’s called When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney.  It is a fabulous play about 4 little orphans called Milly, Sasha, Will, Harriet, they live in Stoneheart Orphanage. Then Santa comes along and saves the day with Milly’s wish, which was that at then end of the Mistletoe Ball the orphans are in for a treat when there new parents arrive at the mistletoe ball to collect them. But there is only 3 tickets there isn’t one for Sasha all the orphans think it’s a mistake. But it’s not because Santa and Mrs clause decided Sasha was going to be there child for the rest of her live.  At the end they all got parents but Sasha got a very special mum and dad.


Harriet-Anwen Baker

Sasha – Abbie Morris

Will – Robbie

Milly – Danni

Chimney sweeps:  P2/3 + Elizabeth Macmillan

Reindeer:  P4/5 + Alicia Johnson

Penguins: P1/2 + Eleanor Macmillan

P6/7 are the main people that are in the pantomime.

Greenhouse Disaster

On Thursday the 5th December it was very windy day and power was off so there was no school. When we went back to school on Friday the green house roof had blown in and the supports had snapped.  Mr Gairns had to tie the roof down with blue rope.  Now there is posts up around to keep the pupils away.

By Jodie and Emma

Our Visit to the Dump

Yesterday we all got into school and Mr Gairns went to Bowmore to get the minibus.  We got our coats on and gloves and hats.  On the way over to Bowmore me and Abbie smelled a fishy smell.  It was because the lorry in front of us was the bin lorry on the way to the dump.  Mr MacIntyre came to talk about working at the dump and gave us lots of interesting facts.  We got a tour of the dump.  There is an old landfill site called Teletubby hill.  Then we went to Rejig to get some things to upcycle.  We got bags, dresses, ties and wool kindly donated by Ina. It was fun!

By Rowan, P3

P2/3’s Trip To The Dump!

On Wednesday 20th of November p2/3 went on a trip to the dump.  I have interviewed p2/3 on what they were doing at the dump and why. They had been looking for rubbish to build their iron man made out of all kinds of stuff. They had told me there was a red machine which gathers junk and a grey machine that squashes junk. And then the junk was turned into boxes. They had also said that their was a Telly Tubbie hill at the dump. They also went in a huge big shed where they keep lots of stuff and they also saw the dump truck. They also told me that the was a big landfill where all the junk goes. And P2/3 said it was really fun.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      By Nicholas and Torin

Maths Techniques

In maths this recently p6/7 have been learning many different ways to help you add and subtract. These are some ways help you get your maths right. One way is to work backwards,  this is were if you have an adding sum and you want to check it is correct, you would subtract the second number from the sum from the answer and if it equals the first number of the sum, it is correct. Example: 42+56=98 to check: 98-56=42. Another technique is partitioning, which is when you split the sum into tens and units to make it easier. example: 97-34=63  how to do it with partitioning: 90-30=60, 7-4=3, answer =60+3=63. p6/7  have learned many  different techniques as well as these.

By Robbie and Asher.

Fiddle Music Exam

On Friday 15th November I set my grade 2 Fiddle exam. When I entered the Royal Conservatoire Of Scotland, which was where I would be sitting my exam, my heart began to race and I became very nervous. When it was my turn for the exam I felt more confident because of the practice I had beforehand. I was asked to play my tunes and then my scales and arpeggios which I thought went very well. Then I was asked to do my ear test which was nerve racking however I was not able to sing back the tune but I knew I still did very well.

By Abbie

Post Cards From Doctor Knowles

On Tuesday 19th November Port Ellen Primary received a post card from  Doctor Knowles. She said that she liked going travelling so every time she goes away she will sent a post card.  The first time she gave us a post card, she was in Grenaa and she asked us if we could find out where it was the map.  Asher found it was in Denmark.  She is being very kind and buying a big world map for the school so we can see where she goes.

By Jodie and Eleanor

Book Fair

Last Monday we started the book fair and there was lots of  different books for different aged people. We had a target it was to reach up to £4oo to get free books for the school, but Mrs MacDonald said that we nearly reached our target we raised £378. 81. Yesterday and today we had the stationary box, that is when you get things out the box like pencils, rubbers, sharpens and rulers. So this Friday we will know how much we raised by Mrs MacDonald. There is lots of fun books to read at the book fair.

By Ciara.  🙂

P7 Cycling Proficiencey

On Tuesday 5th of November Port Ellen Primary school P7’s did cycling proficiency. They had to bring in their bikes every day to train hard for the test. P7 were training with cards and their road safety books. They had 5 weeks to practice then they had their theory test. A theory test is a test that you do on paper and they all passed.  Then 2 weeks from then they did their real test and they all passed.

Maisie Logan  Got A  full marks

Danni Barker got B full marks

Asher Borthwick A Full marks

Cameron Clark B full marks

Alicia Johnson A nearly full marks

Robbie Middelton A full marks

Children in Need

On Friday it was Children in Need and the school raised £263.46. The whole school was wearing their onesies or pyjamas.  Even the teachers.

Annie, Anwen,Abbie, Izzy, Emily and Jodie did a lucky dip and we raised £28.64.

At the end of the day we had a talent show and a lot of people entered and we ran out of time so some people could not do there act, tell a joke, play an instrument or do a song or dance.

By Annie Farrell


This year p6/7 are going to be doing an Endeavour project.  An Endeavour project is when you chose a topic that your interested in and do a longer version of a personal topic on it.  You have from October till the end of June to complete it.  Last year everyone picked something slightly different and worked to aim their personal goal everyday.

The different projects in our class are Cooking food from around the world, Japan, Sewing a quilt, Survival skills, Chicken farm, Celebration cakes, Volcanoes, Beauty therapy, Horse riding instructor, Writing a book, Climate change, Growing Vegetables, Puppets, Video games, Fitness and diet, Traditional singing and Exploration survival.

Everyday you have to fill out  record sheet to record everything you’ve done and everything you need to do.

By Maisie

World of Work Day

On Thursday 31st of October P4/5 and P6/7 had a fun afternoon because  P4/5 had been learning about jobs and what skills you need for certain jobs. We buddied up with the Primary fours and fives and we went down to the hall where we met lots of different people and they all had different jobs. We all asked different questions, I was buddied up with Ronan and our question was, what skills do you need for this job? Afterwards we went up to the cafeteria for a little cake!

By Emily P6


This year our Panto is When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney. I am Santa . I have lots of lines to learn and I am very excited.

Here is what everyone else is:  Robbie-Will  William-Elf  Annie-Holly  Eleanor-Elf  Danni-Milly  Anwen-Harriet  Abbie-Sasha  Ciara-Ivy  Alicia-Dasher (The football manager reindeer.)  Cameron-Elf  Asher-Tooth Fairy (Mean tooth fairy.)  Maisie- Mrs Clause (Gerty.)  Jodie-Rudolph (The mega superstar.)  Nicholas-Elf  Logan-Elf  Beth-Elf  Torin-Tooth Ache  David-Elf (Chief elf.)  Oliver-Elf  Izzy-Tom  Emma-Elf  Emily-Santa (Berty.)  P1/2-Penguins  P4/5-Elves/Reindeer  P2/3-sweeps

We are all looking forward to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mums and Dads visit P1/2

It was great to see such a great turnout of mums and dads to P1/2 to see the children’s completed houses.  The children were very proud to show off their finished work and parents had a chance to share in their learning journey through the floorbook.  I think everyone had a great time building with blocks and Lego!

Building almost complete in P1/2

As part of their Houses and Homes topic, children in P1/2 have been working hard to build their own houses, complete with hinged doors!  They have even learned that roofs are actually triangular prisms! They are using Plan, Do, Review to help them complete their houses.  Hopefully we will invite mums and dads in to see the completed houses soon.

Camping in P1/2

As part of a topic on houses and homes, P1/2 have been learning all about materials. Thinking about the story of the Three Little Pigs, they first checked to check the strength of straw, sticks and bricks as building materials. Then then heard that the three little pigs had gone on a camping trip and had used lots of different materials as coats and tents….and it had started to rain. They tested out different materials to see what was the most waterproof. They were very impressed with balloon material!! Then they worked together to put up a tent in the classroom (although the tent is waterproof, the very strong winds meant that they did not put it up outside!)

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