Traveling Art Gallary

On Monday 19th of April Port Ellen Primary p4/5 and p6/7 went to see the traveling art gallery bus in Bowmore. The art exhibition inside was made by Rachel McClean, all of the paintings were made by her and even the paint design was made by her on the inside of the bus’ wall. We watched  one of her movies The Lion and the Unicorn, it was based on Scottish Independence.  She used a green screen to take her pictures, all of the people in the  paintings were her.   The paintings were very strange but did show us what the artists views were and were very clever.

By Nicholas and David

Education Award

On the last day of school, Scottish Education Award judges came to our school because we were in the final of the Scottish Education Awards for Enterprise.  They were most impressed with the social enterprise, Scent Citizens, and got to see the other enterprising things we do in school like Endeavour.  Two people from the Scottish Education Awards, came into our class and asked us about our Endeavour and they looked at our Learning Logs.  They asked us questions like; What is Endeavour?, Why did you choose your Endeavour? and What do you do in your Endeavour?  We even made them a cake in Endeavour.

By Elizabeth

Our Gaelic Cafe

On Friday 2nd May some of p6/7 set up a Gaelic cafe. Throughout the morning we had to speak Gaelic to the customers and the other pupils. We served tea, coffee and cakes that were kindly made by Cameron’s  mum. We also had to make help sheets for all the customers so that any of them who do not know how to speak Gaelic can try and learn a wee bit. Oliver was running the juice, Cameron and Annie were running teas and coffee, Izzy and Ciara were running the cakes and Robbie was adding the money and giving out change. Over all the day went really well and we made a profit of £29.19.

By Robbie and Cameron

Fair Trade Tuck

P6/7 were doing Fair Trade tuck because this week is finance week, and we were learning about Fair Trade and how it is better.  Fair trade is good because more of the money goes to the person that produced it. We also did some money for finance week.   On Monday we had hot chocolate, and it was yummy.  On Tuesday we had hot chocolate and coconut crunch.  It was the best coconut crunch I have ever had.  On Thursday we made chocolate crispy cakes.  Today we sold some fair trade foods at the Gaelic cafe. Everyone enjoyed it and we had great fun.  So buy Fair Trade!

By Ciara and Annie. 🙂

Fair Trade Stall

P6/7 have been learning about Fair Trade foods and why we have Fair Trade. They had a Fair Trade day for parents to come up and learn about Fair Trade. They had different stalls for different things, one had free samples of chocolate and some were selling trade mark goods. Many people came up to the school to find out about Fair Trade. They sold many variety’s of Fair Trade goods, what they didn’t sell they are rolling it over to the schools healthy tuck shop. At the end of it all they find out if they made a profit or loss with their money. It was a successful day for P6/7 and they all enjoyed it.

By Alicia & Torin

Poetry Success

Every year the National Galleries of Scotland run a competition called Inspired? Get writing! for children and adults.  Port Ellen has 2 successful poems.  Abbie was a runner up with her Poem The Ghost Fiddler, inspired by a photo of Aly Bain by David Williams.  Asher achieved a special merit for his poem Old Defence, based on a painting of Inverlochy Castle by Horatio McCulloch.  Both have been invited to hear their poems read aloud at an awards ceremony at the Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh on the 17th April.
Here are the two poems:


In the center of a humid room,
Sat a figure hunched close to his fiddle,
Moonlight gleaming, his body glows,
Body bitter and cold, heart scorched by music,
His instrument in gentle, airy hands, notes drift like phantoms.

The room awakens, comes alive,
Louder, louder, the room screams with anticipation,
Its eyes dance to the energetic melody,
The soft, faint feet are tapping, thumping the rhythm,
As the room dances to his tune.

The room falls to a sudden stillness,
The majestic figure sits in complete silence again,
Drifting away into the dark,
Like his last notes fading into the heart of the room.

By Abbie


An elderly defence,
Confronting a forceful hill,
Protecting a village from destruction,
Now smoke stacks curl,
Weavers weave,
Fishermen fish just for fun,
Once mighty land of feasts and splendour,
Is now just a traveller’s rest.
The Loch is poisoned,
With a potion of inattention,
Blinding one’s eyes from danger,
Discarding the view of marching armies,
Watching for unclaimed lands,
The slumbering dragon rests behind,
In a million year slumber it reposes,
Preparing itself for plunder,
A storm gathering, engulfing the sky,
Like wisps of a snoring volcano,
Isolating the village from help.
As if on the banks of Loch Ness,
A stronghold remains searching,
For a long ago enemy,
Waiting for its time to strike.

By Asher

Band Trip

On Thursday 20th March the Islay High school band and the Primary band went on the ferry to set off for the trip.  Once we got to Kennacraig we got a bus to Inveraray, we had our lunch there afterwards.  Then we travelled into Glasgow and checked in at the Euro Hostel and put our bags in our rooms, later we got to watch a magician.  They next day we met some professional instrument players and they told us all about them and gave us some tips.  On Saturday it was the day of the competition, we went shopping and then we went to get ready.  We went into the school and played our songs on the stage, then we found out our results.  The primary band won the cup.  It was fun and a new experience for people who hadn’t been on a trip before.


P6/7 have been learning about rounding decimals, converting decimals, dividing decimals and multiplying decimals.

Rounding decimals is the same as rounding tens or hundreds etc. If you were rounding  tenths,  you would look at the hundredths and if the hundredth is five or over, the tenth would be one unit higher, like; 1.48=1.5 You take away the zero because it has no use to you at all any more.

Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 with decimals is the same as multiplying any digits.  All you do is move the digits to the left. If you were multiplying by 10, you move the digits 1 place to the left, with 100 you move the digits 2 places to the left and with 1000 you move the digits 3 places to the left. It is the same with diving but with dividing, you move the digits the right.

Converting decimals is easy as well.  Zero point four equals four tenths. The four is in the tenth column so in the denominator of the fraction is a tenth and in the numerator of the fraction is four because that is how many tenths there are. The same would happen if there is a digit in the hundredth column, but instead of the tenth it would be a hundredth and the digit on top would be the number in the hundredths column.

By Anwen and Elizabeth

My Endeavour Quilt Making

When we started doing our Endeavour, I decided that I would do mine on quilt making.  The first time, I set myself up and wrote a letter to one of the Islay Quilters.  A few weeks after I got a reply from someone called Rae Woodrow, she was one of the Islay Quilters that said she would help me with my project.  I phoned her to say when it would be available for her to come over and she said on a Tuesday at 2, oclock, I was excited!  On the first visit I showed my design and picked the materials to suit my quilt.  I have learned a lot throughout the weeks and I have now got the basics of making a quilt.  I was so interested in making one that I have got four squares finished and two ready to attach them all together.  From now on I  hope to get my quilt finished and I will be entering the Grand Exhibition, it’s for people who have made a quilt or something to do with quilting.

By Danni Barker

Saltire Awards

This year at Port Ellen Primary we have entered the Saltire award again.   We have two full groups of boys and girls. This years competition is to try and light a bulb under the water using a water turbine. The turbine is supposed to spin around really fast and that cause the light bulb to light.  The teams are working very hard to get everything done.

By Annie and Nick and Torin

Generation Science

Today at the school P6/7 and P4/5 were visited by two Ladies who were from Edinburgh International Science Festival.  The two ladies called Amanda and Charlene came to talk to us about electricity and how it flows. We did many exciting activities, one of the experiments was we had to generate electricity, measured by an ammeter, though our own body energy. Then we charged Hex-bugs by using the energy from our arms and body, we had a race with the charged Hex-bugs. My Hex-bug came second and  his name was Steve the turquoise Hex-bug.

By Eleanor and Beth 😉

Football Robots !!!

We have been making FOOTBALL ROBOTS for our science topic. We have made eight football robots and there all working. We decorated them and made them useful for real life. The wiring was very tricky and complicated to do. The football robots have a hand held controller to work them. The football robots have two motors facing down the way so if you pressed the left button the motor connected to the button would go left and that is the same for the other side.  We took them to the High School and children from other schools got to play competitions with them.  It was exciting!

Beach Grove Garden

For my Endeavour project I chose veggie gardening. So part of my project was to email someone to help with top tips so I decided to email Beach Grove Garden not expecting to get a reply.  Imagine my surprise when I went on my emails to check for a  reply and found a massive email with lots of hints and tips and recommendations for books. So I emailed back saying thank you and added a few pictures of me on my veggie garden and lots of other things.  I waited for another reply and I got one asking to be on there next episode so I have been emailing Beach Grove with updates on my garden every time I do something on it.

Trip To Islay High For National Science Week

On the 19th of March Primary 7 went to Islay high as part of our electricity topic. We took part in lots of different experiments throughout the day. At the start of the day when we arrived we were split into three groups with schools from all over Islay and Jura. There were three different laboratories we were working in, each room had a different focus; one was circuits, one was how electricity travels and the last one was sensors. In the first room there were lots of different ways to wire a circuit and we were looking at many ways to do so we tested series and parallel circuits and even ones that are in computers. In room two we were focusing on how electricity travels. Some of the experiments were making a clock work using a orange and my favorite of the day was lighting fire with our fingers to do this we got a metal dome and charged it up by rubbing a comb on wool while this was happening someone would have their left hand on the dome then we would let gas out of a pipe and the person that was charged would touch the pipe and a fire would start. The last room was exploring different sensors and what they would be used for.  It was great fun.

by Robbie

How A Battery Works

In class we have been learning how batteries work. Here is a description of how a battery works.

Electrons have a negative charge so they are attracted to the positive end of the battery but there is a electrolyte in their way. The electrons want to go to the Cathode because they are attracted to the positive charge. The only way to get the electrons to the Cathode is when you connect the circuit with a wire and when the electrons pass through the wire they light up the lamp. When the battery runs out of chemicals that create a difference in the electrical charge that means the battery is dead and cannot be used.

by Abbie

Photo Competition

On the 19th of Februrary p6/7 went a walk round the village to take pictures of old and inspiring buildings.  I took several pictures of building, landscapes with old houses with natural features to them.  We all got to enter one picture into the competition, my picture was of an old shed with lots of different lines and angles.  The reason I took that picture was because it looks old and interesting to whoever looks at it.  I took the picture at a side view so that it gives the viewer more of a real life look at it through a picture.  I was really pleased to hear I was a runner up in the My Place Photography competition run by the Scottish Civic Trust.

Sports Relief

On Friday 21st March we did some fund raising for Sports Relief. We all dressed up in red and the teachers did a bake off to raise some money for Sports Relief. When we tasted some of the cakes they all tasted different and delicious  our two favourite cakes were the rainbow cake and the dragon cake. We had some leftover cakes so we went a walk around the village selling them to raise some more money. For the cake competition in first place was Mrs Clark with her dragon cake and in second place was Mrs Logan with the rainbow cake. We all had a really fun day and we raised £311  for Sports Relief.

By Emily and Eleanor

Taking Emily Horse Riding For Endeavour

My Endeavour this year is horse riding instructors and for this I took a pupil horse riding. We went to a horse riding school and I was teaching Emily how to tack up a horse. She was riding a horse called Fiona. Emily said ” I was quite scared at first when I got on the horse but after a while I got used to it and was not scared.” I really enjoyed taking Emily horse riding and now I know what it feels like to take somebody horse riding and take responsibility. I now hope Emily knows more about horse riding and not as scared anymore.

By Jodie Jamieson

Port Charlotte P6/7 Come To Port Ellen P6/7

On Wednesday 19th March Port Charlotte P6/7 came to Port Ellen Primary school to do some science with p6/7.  We did lots of fun things like building football robots, lego wedo, lemon batteries, lemonade batteries, potato clocks, soldering, scratch, and making video games and making circuits. To make a lemon battery get a lemon chop it in half get a zinc nail and a copper coin and get two crocodile clips put the zinc nail in the lemon and get the copper coin and put it in the lemon then get an L.E.D light get one crocodile clip then attach it to the zinc nail and the other end on the L.E.D light then get the copper coin and get the crocodile clip and attach it to the copper coin and the other one on the L.E.D light and it should work if it doesn’t work that doesn’t matter sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I enjoyed most when Port Charlotte came over was meeting new people and making new friends <3

By Ciara

Euro quiz

Annie, Anwen, David, Torin and Oliver took part in the euro quiz.  The euro quiz is all about Europe and people from all of argyll entered it.  They spent all morning doing the quiz.  They had been practicing all month and had found a lot of facts.  A week later they found out there results.  Port Ellen had came second in all the schools that had entered.  They were very happy when they found out.

By Annie Farrell

The Euro Quiz

We are taking part in a quiz for P6 in Scotland that is called the Euro Quiz. The Euro Quiz is a quiz that tests you on your knowledge of Europe and the EU.  It was set up by the Scottish Parliament to encourage children to learn about the EU and Europe.  I now know about the EU, when Europe day is, the EU flag,  the EU anthem and the EU motto.

by Anwen Baker and Oliver Muirhead

Junior Saltire Awards

The Junior Saltire award is a competition for schools around Scotland to come up with the best idea for a hydro kinetic generator (water power device). This year Port Ellen is entering the competition, if  they get through to the final they get to go to Edinburough University to test it.  Last year Port Ellen made it the finals. This year the power has to be gathered from the strength of the tide, P6/7 have decided to design their devices on tidal  turbines. They have made KNEX models  and power point about their design in our groups and hope to get in this year. A quote from Torin “I think it is really fun and hope to get to the final!” Hopefully at least one design will get through to the finals!

Our Sustainability Essay

We did an Essay on what sustainability living mean’s to us.   Sustainable living is using resources properly and only use them if you need them.  Everyone had to write about what it meant to them. Other people had different feelings about what sustainability means to them, some people went against the fact of being sustainable and some people agreed. Now they are going to get it entered in the international competition and they have over 900 entries. When we did our Essay we about walking to places instead of taking the car.We also included how we grown fresh vegetables and crops on crofts instead of buying them at the shops.

By Eleanor and Jodie

P2/3s Trip To The Highschool

P2/3 went on a trip to the high school to ask Miss Fuery about what geography and history there is in Scotland.  They asked lots of questions about the geography on Islay and Scotland. They found out about what sand was made of.   Matthew Campbell said that sand is made of diamonds, crystals, shells and tiny stones! People used to come to Islay to climb up a big rock, write their name in a piece of paper and put it in a plastic box. If you got stuck in the middle of that rock you wouldn’t manage to get help because there is no mobile phone signal.

By Emily and Annie

Photography Competion

P6/7 entered a photography competition called Scottish Civic Trust My Place Photo Competition. They had to take a photo of architecture. P6/7 walked down the streets of Port Ellen trying to find architecture to photograph. Reflections of puddles and just taking photos normal, old buildings to the modern builds, p6/7 took hundreds of photos of architecture. When P6/7 got back to the school they looked at all the photos and decided which ones to enter in the competition. My favourite  photo was one of the old police station.

Puppet Endeavour

We have been doing something called Endeavour and I have chosen my Endeavour to be on puppets. Endeavour is like a personal topic but it isn’t as short as a class topic, we do it all year long until the Summer holidays or the end of the year at school.  What I have done so far  for my Endeavour is I have been making puppets and I have named them Richard and Zoey. Richard is a sock puppet and Zoey is a sock Zebra. I have started on my third puppets head and I am thinking on making him a king to guard a sandwich of magic powers. I am thinking of calling him King Sandwich. Now I know lots about puppet making and puppetry.

The Snow

On Tuesday afternoon it started to snow, so it was an inside break.  We all looked outside the window to see the snow.  After a while it started to snow really heavily outside.  When it stopped snowing we looked outside and it was all white outside.  But sadly it all melted away. We all wanted to play in the snow.  We were all sad that the snow melted away.  By Emma and Ciara

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