Every year we have a Captain and 2 Vice Capatins for each of our school houses. This year we have 3 vice captains in one house it is also the same as last years house. This year the house with 3 Vice capains is Nave: Vice captains Orla, Aidan, Harmoni and the captain is Ellen. Orsay’s vice captains are Morgan and Charlet and their captain is Dearbhla. Texa’s Vice Captains are Jack, Millie and Freya is their captain. Before the eletion for voting people from your house have to give speeches about what they would do for the school. A lot of people took part in the voting but not everyone could win something in the election because it works by voting and not who has the best hair do! It is about who you think is going to change the house and the school for the better. We hope the captains have a good year.