Charlie’s Endeavour review
What is Endeavour?
Endeavour is a long term planning that you start in October until June. When you are in P567 you will start Endeavour. In June you will present your endeavour.
How helped me with my endeavour?
Andrew Campbell helped me with my endeavour because he gave me lots of photos and a website that shows me when the boats were made? How much they cost in total.
Problems I Overcame?
I overcame how to start up a Blog and how to make a map and a Calmac boat.
Skills I Learned?
How to make a blog and a map of Islay and the mainland.
How Was It Ambitions?
It was ambitions because lots of people put money into a bowl for the Calmac workers that helped me.
What I Learned?
I learned how to draw a Calmac ferry on a Promethean.
Sharing your learning?
On Monday 19th June we had our Endeavour Fair.