Hi I am Abi and I am going to tell you what my Endeavour is and what Endeavour is. Endeavour is when you choose your own project for a year and you do it by your self and a little bit of help from adults you also write a letter to someone that could help you with your project. And I am doing card making because I thought that it would be fun and it would relate to my life when I am older.
I got the idea of Card Making because I knew who could help me with my Endeavour. And the person that could help me was Mrs Murray and my mum and once I sent her the letter after she got it she sent me a hand made letter that she had made. I planned my Endeavour by filling in a plan for the whole year. And in my Eandeavour I have achieved by making lots of cards and I have done my video. And the problems that I have overcome was that I did not know how to use a craft knife, so I did a risk assessment.