Den Building in G1-3

Tha a’ chlann air a bhith ag obair cho trang an t-seachdainsa is mar sin, dh’fhalbh sinn a-mach dhan raoin-chluiche gus dens a thogail.  Dh’obraich iad ann an dà bhuidheann gus planadh a dhèanamh mus do thog iad na dens aca. Tha mi cinnteach gun aontaich sibh rium gun do rinn iad deagh oidhirp!

Tha children have been very busy this week so we took to the playground to build some dens. They worked in 2 groups to plan the resources they would need and to discuss what their dens would look like. I’m sure you’ll agree that they did a fantastic job!


Music Making in P1/2

We listened to music called ‘The Storm’ by Benjamin Britten. After lots of practice with the instruments we made our own composition of the storm from our story about the Loch Ness monster. Can you hear the storm get loud and then quiet again? We explored different rhythms and tried to add that in too.

P1/2 coastal trips

This term we have visited three different coastal sites to learn about habitats and the different creatures that live there.  We identified different shells and learned about what lived in each.  We began to learn about food chains and sort what we have found into living, non-living and never lived. We were really lucky to … Continue reading P1/2 coastal trips

National Numeracy Day

On the 19th May P5/6/7 spent the day applying their numeracy skills and learning new strategies to support them with their learning.

The children practiced their problem solving skills and used strategies such as trial and improvement as well as working backwards to help them solve the challenges that were set.

In the afternoon they took their maths outdoors. They measured the perimeter and area of the football pitch, went on a mathematical  fractions scavenger hunt and displayed data through pie charts and bar graphs using natural resources.


Schools Out…

Schools are officially closed from the 20th March until futher notice due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.  This means much of your child’s learning will continue at home with the support of their family.  Teachers will be available online via Seesaw in the weeks to come to support you with ideas and acitivities to maintain a semblence of normality, in what are decidedly not normal times, unless they are busy in school looking after vulnerable children and key worker’s children.

Here are some top tips to help you in the coming weeks:

Being Good Digital Citizens

At Bowmore Primary School, it is important to use that our children have the knowledge and skills required to be good digital citizens.

The internet and digital devices offer a huge range of positive experiences for children and digital devices surround children from a very young age. It is important that we build positive and open relationships with our children and that we take an active interest in what they are doing online. Below are some online safety guides which will offer you some support.



The following website have a huge range of resources to support parents and carers:

Parentzone: Digital parenting magazine (free copies for schools and some organisations working with children, young people and families):

Childnet screentime guidance 

Parent reviews of apps, games, films, books etc

Internet Matters website – Helping parents keep their children safe online

CEOP resources for parents:

Mencap guide for parents about learning disability, autism and internet safety:

UK Safer Internet Centre (UKSIC) leaflets for foster carers and adoptive parents:


Swimming Sensations At Bowmore Primary School

At  the  weekend  some  people  in  Bowmore  Primary  School took part  in  Islay and Jura Dolphins swimming gala. Lots of children won medals, trophies and other awards. We are very proud of our pupils as they have been training very hard. Well Done!

Written by Ava, Primary 4

P/3/4/5 Class new topic is……….

Primary 3/4/5 class have been very busy with Harry potter, but that topic has come to an end. Our new topic is Space and even getting to learn a bit about Robotics. Everyone in P/3/4/5 is very excited to start our new topic. We have written down what we know and what we would like to find out. Watch this space…..


It’s February and Endeavour has come. This year as always, P5’s will be doing a Mini Endeavour Project and P6/7 will be doing a FULL Endeavour Project. For Endeavour our school  uses a strategy within our Endeavour called ‘Plan, Do, Review’. Every week during Endeavour we Plan what we need to achieve, then we do it … Continue reading Endeavour!

The Art Visit

On Monday 5th March a professional artist named Elaine came over to our school to teach us art. We did art on a canvas and we used acrylic paints.  we all made different paintings based on ww1. Everyone’s paintings were good. Here are some thoughts on how it went: Megan said ”it was really cool, … Continue reading The Art Visit

Endeavour projects BPS

On Monday 19th june Bowmore Primary School will be ready to represent their incredible Endevour Projects. All the parents will be coming to look at the incredible projects. By Sam and Ronnaldo

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