Tag Archives: Dalintober

Dalintober PS Pupils Play Park Design Ideas

Pupils from Dalintober PS were delighted to be asked to give their ideas on what should be included in Campbeltown’s new play park at Kilkerran. Mrs Alison McGrory, from Kilkerran Play Park’s Committee came to talk to Pupil Council members, who then asked their class mates to give their ideas and suggestions from a catalogue provided by Mrs McGrory. The Pupil Council presented their ideas to Mrs McGrory and is eagerly awaiting the finished design!

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Barrow Band perform at Dalintober PS

Pupils at Dalintober PS were treated to a performance from ‘The Barrow Band’ today. The group promote healthy eating and were involved in an Open Day in the town’s Community Garden, but managed to find the time to fit in a visit to the school. Pupils loved their musical odes and we are sure plenty pupils went home singing about the positive effects of broccoli, kiwi fruit and carrots!
Pictured with the band are: Iona McKinlay (P7), Leanna Campbell (P4), Ruairidh Wallace (P6) and Maxwell Davidson (P1/2).

Parent Workshop Evening at Dalintober PS

A large number of parents of pupils at Dalintober Primary School attended Parent Workshops on two areas of the curriculum on Thursday 7th March. The workshops focussed on ‘Big Writing’ and ‘Active Maths’ and parents participated in activities and used resources that the pupils use in school. Miss Caroline Armour, Head Teacher, said, “We are delighted so many parents came along to participate in our Information Workshops.

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Sport Your Trainers Day at Dalintober PS

Sport Your Trainers 2013
Pupils and staff of Dalintober PS came to school ready for action in their trainers to support the Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014 campaign ‘Sport Your Trainers’. All classes participated in physical outdoor activities as part of their daily PE sessions.
Pictured are: Josh McKenzie (P7), Jessica Lang (P6), Tajrian Akhter Ali (P5), Lisa McKellar (P4), Kayleigh Dickson (P3), Claudia Graham (P2), Connor Wylie (P1/2), Lauren Docherty (P1) and Miss Semple.

Second Green Flag for Dalintober PS

Dalintober Primary School received a second Green Flag from Eco-Schools Scotland for their work on sustainable education and making eco links within the community.
The school has been very lucky to have been granted an allotment site by ACHA in New Parliament Place and the Eco-Group and Committee have spent a lot of time and effort in working on the allotment and growing their own produce. This has been made even more enjoyable with the help of Mr Chris Holden and Mr Ryan Malone from Campbeltown Community Organic Garden.
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Burns Poetry Recitation Competition in Dalintober Primary

P6 pupils held a very successful Burns Poetry Recitation Competition in their class a few weeks ago. They had all learned some verses of ‘To A Mouse’ and recited them before their class and an invited judge. After the competition the prize-winners were presented with Burns World Federation certificates. Continue reading Burns Poetry Recitation Competition in Dalintober Primary

Second Green Flag for Dalintober PS

Dalintober Primary School received a second Green Flag from Eco-Schools Scotland for their work on sustainable education and making eco links within the community.
The school has been very lucky to have been granted an allotment site by ACHA in New Parliament Place and the Eco-Group and Committee have spent a lot of time and effort in working on the allotment and growing their own produce. This has been made even more enjoyable with the help of Mr Chris Holden and Mr Ryan Malone from Campbeltown Community Organic Garden. Continue reading Second Green Flag for Dalintober PS

Various Updates from Dalintober

Dalintober PS Pupils Perform at Care Home
Three P7 pupils from Dalintober PS – Alex, Dhyllon and Louise were invited to pipe in the haggis at the Burns Supper for residents of Auchinlee Care Home in Campbeltown. The three pipers performed ‘Bluebells of Scotland’ and thoroughly enjoyed their visit before hurrying back to play again at their school Burns Supper! Continue reading Various Updates from Dalintober

Artist visits Dalintober PS during ‘Big Draw’ week

All pupils (and staff!) of Dalintober Primary thoroughly enjoyed letting their artistic juices ‘flow’ as part of the CAST organised ‘Big Draw’ week. Teachers used ideas from the resource pack to encourage pupils to draw and sketch pictures with a focus on many curricular areas. We were delighted, on the final day of our ‘Big Draw’ week to welcome artist, Eileen Ramsay, to our school. Eileen worked with our Primary 2 class and a mix of Primary 7 and Primary 4 pupils and all involved found Eileen’s input motivating and fun. Thank you CAST! Continue reading Artist visits Dalintober PS during ‘Big Draw’ week

Club Golf at Dalintober PS.

Primary 5 pupils at Dalintober PS have been receiving Club Golf lessons from our Active Schools Co-ordinator, Lindsay Ramsay.   Pupils are enjoying the sessions and are learning techniques to help them when they hit the local golf courses!   This is part of a programme that has also seen senior pupils receive tuition in shinty and rugby from Development Officers Ewan McMurdo and Allan Wright. Continue reading Club Golf at Dalintober PS.

‘Dalintober Rules The Waves!’ Christmas Show

Dalintober Primary School performed at three Christmas Shows for members of the school community.   Parents and friends were treated to a nautical themed sing-song from each class as well as some instrumental performances from our musicians and an emotional performance from the school choir.   A spectacular finale saw two of our Primary 7 boys performing a crowd pleasing ‘Santa Flatley’ routine.   Everyone had a fantastic time and a massive £2304 was raised from entrance fees and raffles.   Merry Christmas everyone from all at Dalintober Primary School. Continue reading ‘Dalintober Rules The Waves!’ Christmas Show


Oly Hemmings from Knapdale Beavers came to visit Dalintober recently. Many classes took the opportunity to have a hands on experience. During the sessions children had the opportunity to find out about the habitat, food, tracks and characteristics of beavers. Oly helped the children to learn by investigating items and making discoveries themselves. Follow up materials were provided so that a more in depth study could be made. Continue reading BEAVERS COME TO DALINTOBER

Dalintober oxfam sale

Dalintober Primary School held an Oxfam Sale on Thursday 6th of December raising nearly £300.  The whole school took part by clearing out their bedrooms and bringing in items for the sale.  Sixth Year pupils from Campbeltown Grammar School came to help with face painting.  As well as the usual stalls there were football and bowling challenges.  Primary 5 manned the stalls adding up the correct totals and giving change. Meeters and greeters were on hand to help shoppers find suitable bargains and an enjoyable time was had by all! Continue reading Dalintober oxfam sale

Kintyre Pupils & Scottish Opera……..COMING SOON!

In the midst of a city, in the midst of a war, an enduring friendship is formed between a young elephant named Sheila and her keeper. As the bombs begin to fall and the Head Zookeeper worries about the fate of the animals, the local children play and laugh and sing in the Belfast streets………..
The Elephant Angel is a heart-warming new opera for audiences of all ages by composer Gareth Williams and acclaimed novelist Bernard MacLaverty. Based on a true story, it tells the tale of a lady zoo keeper who takes a baby elephant home with her each night during the Belfast Blitz, looking after it and keeping it safe with the help of the children who live near by. Continue reading Kintyre Pupils & Scottish Opera……..COMING SOON!

Dalintober elects Pupil Council 2012-13

This year’s elected Pupil Council members held their first meeting of the new school year on Friday.   Their first task for the school curriculum aspect of their role will be to audit pupil responses to ‘Big Writing’ and look at what is working well and what could improve – a big task!

They were also able to share the news with their peers and staff that our PTA Coffee Evening on Thursday raised £1659.71 – a fantastic sum!Thank you to our new Pupil Council members for committing themselves to their role.

Dalintober’s Mini-Olympics

Dalintober PS held a Mini-Olympics event on Wednesday 28thJune.   Primary 7 organised the event with the help of Mr Kupris from Active Schools.  All the pupils in the school were divided into one of five countries – Great Britain, Greece, China, Spain or Jamaica – and wore colours to represent each country.

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Dalintober Primary Allotment

On Wednesday 20th June Dalintober PS officially ‘opened’ their leased allotment from ACHA at New Parliament Place, Campbeltown.   It was a lovely afternoon with lots of visitors – family, teachers and wider community – being shown round the allotment by members of the school Eco Group.   The pupils in the Eco-Group worked on the allotment with help from Chris and Ryan from the Community Garden and with Mrs McSporran and Miss Brown.

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Green Day at Dalintober Primary School

Dalintober Primary Schools’ Eco-Group and Committee planned a brilliant Green Day recently to raise funds for our Eco-School projects, with the help of Mrs McSporran and Miss Brown.   We all had to wear green.   Each class made a product for a stall and there was a cake raffle for a lovely cake made by one of our dinner ladies, Mrs McLatchie.   The dinner ladies also made a special lunch including green custard!  

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Dalintober Primary School Celebrate Diamond Jubilee

Everyone at Dalintober Primary School got in to the swing of things to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in style!   Bunting was put up around the school and we all wore red, white and blue or royal costumes!   Every class included Jubilee Lessons in their curriculum and lots of interesting facts were found out.  

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