Category Archives: Communities

St Joseph’s Wins Local Street Naming Competition!

Recently Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) ran a local competition to name a new housing development in Helensburgh and invited local schools to take part. This month Ms. Collins, Head Teacher of St. Joseph’s, received information from ACHA to inform her that St. Joseph’s had won the competition! The whole school was delighted! A P7 pupil had submitted the winning entry and as a result ‘Duchess Court’ has been chosen by ACHA as the name they wish to submit for the naming of the new development next to Hood Court.

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An appeal – DGS Young Musicians looking for Instruments

Do you have an unwanted woodwind instrument gathering dust under the bed or in the loft? If so, why not put it to good use and donate it to the next generation of woodwind players at Dunoon Grammar School?
Former DGS pupils Iain Collinson has returned to the school and has established a new wind band and a saxophone quartet.
Iain commented:

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Dalintober PS Supports STV Appeal’s National Milkshake Day

P7 pupils and School Catering Staff worked together to make and sell panda cookies and flavoured milkshakes to raise money for this year’s STV Appeal/Muller-Wiseman Scottish Schools National Milkshake Day. The fundraiser was very well supported by our Dalintober families and a fantastic £105-33 was raised on the day – well done, all!

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Thumbs-up for Scoular Anderson at Kirn Primary

Primary 5/4 gave local illustrator (and former pupil) Scoular Anderson a big ‘thumbs-up’ after his visit to their class in Kirn Primary as part of the Creative Words around Cowal festival.

Scoular showed us his cartoon-style historical illustrations and explained how he goes about drawing them. He introduced us to one of his characters “who didn’t like blood”, so was given a “safety sword with a boxing glove on the end!” Continue reading Thumbs-up for Scoular Anderson at Kirn Primary

Tuesday Afternoon Skills Clubs at Strone Primary

This week was the start of our weekly skills clubs and pupils could choose between Golf, Cookery, Outdoors and the Mystery Minibus Club. The pupils who chose the Mystery Minibus club were transported to a magical mystery tour of Pucks Glen! The clubs enable pupils to take the curriculum outdoors whilst experiencing different activities which develop new skills in community settings.


Science lessons with a twist for DGS pupils.
Pupils and visitors to Dunoon Grammar School last week were greeted with a curious addition to the school car park – a science laboratory based in an articulated lorry!
During the week a number of pupils worked in the lorry on a number of physics related experiments. Lab in a Lorry – organised by the Institute of Physics and STEM – is an interactive mobile science laboratory which gives young people the opportunity to explore science through open ended experiments. Continue reading LAB IN LORRY DELIVERS AT DUNOON GRAMMAR SCHOOL

Cycling Proficiency Success at Rothesay Primary

After many weeks of studying cycling and road safety theory and practical sessions in the playground and on the road, Primary 6 were finally ready to sit their cycling proficiency in June. We were all very proud of everyone who took part and passed with flying colours.
Rothesay Primary would like to thank the parents and staff who worked with the pupils enabling them to achieve success. The smiles in the photo say it all!

Skye’s Big Haircut!

Last Friday the pupils and staff of Dunoon Primary School came to school with crazy hairstyles for ‘Mad Hair Day’! The school was supporting Skye, a P6 pupil who recently had her lovely long hair cut off to donate to the charity the Little Princess Trust. The Trust provides real-hair wigs to boys and girls across the UK and Ireland that have sadly lost their own hair through cancer treatment.
Pupils who wanted to join in brought a donation for the charity and on the day the school managed to raise a total of £146.14!
Skye, who also fund raises for The Little Princess Trust has raised over £400 herself. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, you can do so buy following the the following link to Skye’s Just Giving page. HERE

Bowling Club Visit

Pupils from Garelochhead Primary School enjoyed a visit to Garelochhead Bowling Club recently.
The Primary 2 class went along to the club as part of their interdisciplinary learning on the Commonwealth Games. Club members Mr Kjorstad and Mr Leishman taught them about the rules, the object of the game and the equipment that you need to play.

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Safety at Sea

As we are learning about the Sea this term, Achaleven Primary took up the kind offer from the volunteers at RNLI Oban Lifeboat to visit and learn all about the work they do. We had great fun trying on all the safety gear and seeing all the equipment that is on board the boat. Following on from this trip we have decided that we want to help raise money for RNLI next year. Thank you to the volunteers who took the time to show us around. Thanks also to Alba Sailing for lending us life jackets for our trip.

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St. Joseph’s children always happy to help!

The children and parents of St Joseph’s were delighted to lend a hand to Helensburgh Rotary Club’s Aquabox Appeal last term. This year the children were not asked to bring in small toiletry items etc. as in previous years but to collect money to assist in buying an Aquabox which was already full of essential items for those people in third world countries. St Joseph’s gladly embraced the request and held a non-uniform day solely for the purpose of raising funds for the appeal.

Continue reading St. Joseph’s children always happy to help!

Achaleven Primary sponsored walk

Achaleven Primary raised a fantastic £198.95 at their recent sponsored walk from Dunbeg to Ganavan and back. Some of the incoming primary one pupils also joined them for the event to help raise funds for the school garden. The sun shone and they had a wonderful picnic with the toddler group at Ganavan beach to rejuvenate them for the journey back.

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P6 Cycling Success at Dalintober PS

P6 Cycling Proficiency success at Dalintober PS

All P6 pupils in Dalintober PS completed and passed their Cycling Proficiency theory test and practicals. The class and their teacher, Miss Brown, would like to thank June and Kay and all the volunteers and parent helpers who gave up their time to help with training.

Reading Force at John Logie Baird Primary School

Mrs Smith and Mrs Cambridge launched Reading Force at John Logie Baird Primary School with two special events. The first was a visit by Star Author, Janis Mackay, who read to the children from her book “The Accidental Time Traveller”. Janis also spoke to the children about Reading Force and about setting up their own book groups. Children then had the opportunity to explore the Reading Force scrapbooks and many also bought a signed copy of one of Janis’ books. Perhaps they’ll read this in their book groups!

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Rosneath Primary Blue Day

Blue Day for MS

On Friday 13th June Rosneath Primary School held a BLUE day to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Trust. Pupils and staff came to school wearing bright blue clothing and some even dyed their hair!
All children and staff taking part made a donation to the collection and assisted in raising a fantastic £105.41 for this very worthy charity.
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Tobermory High School Dazzle!

Tobermory High School recently presented its third musical production with two sell-out performances in the Aros Hall Tobermory. Dazzle, told the story of Poppy Pringle and the Dazzle Bay Fun Palace and featured a cast of 30 pupils from P5-S5. The cast all gave confident performances and delivered the songs with gusto. A live band helped to bring the story to life, and was made up of local musicians as well as friends of director, social subjects teacher, Ryan Lowe. Candyfloss and sticks of rock were sold at the interval to keep the fairground theme running from beginning to end. A fantastic show!

Fairytale Celebration Event

The parents and class teachers of pupils who attend The Sunshine Room Nurture Group were invited to Parklands for a very special celebration event. The celebration event showcased a DVD of all the pupils hard work over the term on the topic of fairytales, the DVD showed the pupils planning of the topic, activities they took part in and their assessment of their own learning. Parents and class teachers said they enjoyed the event and loved seeing the pupils’ contributions.

Dervaig Primary School Summer Fair

The school held its annual summer fair on Sunday 8 June. The weather was good to us and stayed bright and sunny for the afternoon. The pupils, with the help of some parents, ran all the stalls. We also had a duck race in the River Bellart. This was a very successful afternoon and we raised the grand total £1200.

Exciting News from St. Muns!

St. Mun’s Pupils Awarded Blue Peter Green Badge
The Rolls Royce Science Project, ‘If You Go Down In The Woods Today’, has definitely inspired a number of children in the school. None more so than 3 Primary 7s, Leonie Cuddahy, Ewan McIntosh and Scott Stewart, who decided to write to Blue Peter and tell them what they had been up to over the course of the last year.

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