Address to a Haggis Poems

As part of a competition run by Tesco, we have been writing our own versions of this Burns classic in P45. Here are 2 great versions of the poem written by Abbie and Harry.

The Slaughter of the Haggis

The gleaming feast,

Sliding into a watering mouth,

Which tenderly is swallowed down,

With pleasure and love.

A courageous taste,

Which melts into charging bombs,

That sings luxuriously,

Like a bagpipe.

Surrounded by armed neeps and tatties,

But the haggis defeats them,

Because he is crowned the most scrumptious of them all,

The king of gleaming feast.

By Harry Rennell

Haggis Running Late

Ye Haggis running up and doon,

I cannae wait to attack ye wi’ me spoon,

I’m hunting you, so don’t be late,

My bonnie lass just cannae wait.

Tonight the yowfing dug winnae feast,

We’ll slobber you all up my beast,

My sgian dubh will briefly slice,

Your puddins gushing out with spice.

By Abbie Morris


As we are the first school to be the focus of the quadblogging this term, we thought we would tell you a little about ourselves.
Our school is in Scotland, part of the United kingdom, although there is a debate at the moment about Scotland becoming independent. We live on the Island of Islay, off the west coast of Scotland. We have lots of beaches, some hills and moors and the 4 main places to live are Port Ellen, Bowmore, Port Charlotte and Keills. The weather on Islay is usually windy and wet and we have lots of powercuts, but we have lots of lovely wildlife. You can get to Islay using a plane or the ferry, the ferry journey takes about 2 hours. About 3,000 people live on Islay.
We live in Port Ellen, a village and a port. People in the village work on the land, in the whisky distilleries and fish in the sea. There are 8 distilleries on Islay. Port Ellen has playing fields, a small supermarket and 4 other shops.
Our school has 2 levels, and 6 classrooms, as well as a school hall, staffroom, office and outside playgrounds. We have an all weather pitch, raised beds, a pond, a timber trail and a roundhouse. There are 64 children in the school, and 22 in nursery. There are 4 classes and nursery.
Comments from pupils in Primary 4/5: Oliver ‘There have been many battles in Scotland’, Alicia ‘ My favourite football team is Rangers, who play in Glasgow.’, Eleanor’ I have a lorry with my name on it that carries gravel and draff.’, Danni’ I like playing in the playground on the train.’

Burns Poems

On the 25th January P4 are going to recite ‘What will I do gin my hoggie die?’ and P5 are going to say ‘My love is like red, red rose.’ both by Robert Burns.   After we are going to have haggis.

Robert Burns Day

On the 25th of January it is Robert Burns day and every one in our school has a poem to memorise. We all say it to professionals and they judge it and we find out who wins on the 25th. On the 24th the heats are at 12pm but my class only has 4 people so we just say ours to the judges on the 25th. My classes poem is called My Love’s Like a Red Red Rose and its written by Robert Burns. This is my poem

My love’s like a red, red, rose,
Thats newly sprung in June,
My love’s like the melodie
That’s sweetly played in tune.
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I;
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.
Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;
And I will love thee still my dear,
While the sands o’ life shall run.
And fare thee well, my only Luve
And fare thee well, a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
Tho’ it were ten thousand mile.
by Robert Burns

Haggis Poems

We were doing our own haggis poems for a competition to rewrite  Address to the haggis, we had to make it really good. Then it will get sent off to the judges and they’ll say if it’s good or not. We have to say wonderful things about haggis like how the haggis just pours out of the bag around the haggis, you have to gut it with a special knife, it’s called a Sgian dubh, it’s really sharp.

Robert Burns Day

On the 25th of january Port Ellen Primary Scholl are having a Robert Burns day. What we have to do is we have to read our poems to judges and then they’ll decide on who the winner of each class is theres different poems for different classes like say P5 have got my love is like a red red rose or just call it rose.

Alicia P5

Quad Blogging

At Port Ellen Primary we have enjoyed using blogging technology to keep track of our learning, recording exciting and interesting events and expressing ourselves online. However we would like to improve our blogging skills and can best do this by looking at blogs from other schools around the world.
To do this we are going to take part in QuadBlogging, where we join with3 other schools to follow and leave comments on their school blogs. The 4 schools that we will follow are; Burravoe Primary on the Isle of Yell in Shetland,  Mrs Dechaine’s 3D class who are in Alberta Canada and Y5PM from Waterloo Primary School in England. So get blogging and leaving comments!

Sleep Over

When I had a sleep over at Jasmine’s we watched movies and played games and we went to sleep. In the moring we played on the DS and the computer and we got dressed.  We went to the beach and I went home and Jasmine and Kaya and Ciaran and the dog were at my house to play then they went home.  By Ciara.

Game Day At School

Today we went to church when we came out of church we got a we book about the christmas story. Then we watched a d.v.d and we got a bag of crips and a sweet then we had lunch and played our games and it was home time at 2:30 and i eas playing with katie till 10:00 then i went home and had a snack. By Ciara.

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