Cool Creatures is coming to P7!

We are really looking forward to Cool Creatures coming to P7 on Wednesday the 17th of June. We chose to spend the money we raised in our bake sale on this as it something we are interested in and ties in well with our science topic on living things. We will share photos and our experiences with you next week!

P7 induction days at JYHS

This is a little reminder for Primary 7s who are off to James Young High School for their induction days tomorrow and Wednesday. All pupils must arrive at school at 8.25am to walk down to JYHS with their class. All pupils must wear full school uniform and bring a packed lunch, a pencil case and PE kit.

It is going to be an exciting and busy week for the P7 pupils!

P3a’s trip to Lowport!

This week it was our turn to visit and stay over at Lowport, and we’re very pleased to tell everyone that we had lots and lots of fun and managed to come home safe and sound.

We left for Lowport on Wednesday and after a bus ride (complete with a tour guide in the form of Mr Brice) and a quick check of our rooms, we were off to Linlithgow Palace.  We were very lucky to have some very knowledgeable children from the local Primary school who gave us a tour around the palace.  We then came back to Lowport, unpacked our bags and then went out on to the Peel to play games before dinner.

We were very well fed at dinner time and managed to have enough energy to play outside on the Peel again!  Mr Brice had some wonderful games for us to play and tired us all out.  Then it was back to the centre for pyjammas, supper and a DVD before bed.

We got up at 7.30am yesterday (although some of us had already been awake for a while!  We must have been excited for the day ahead) and after packing up our rooms and having a huge breakfast (including bacon rolls!) we set off for Linlithgow Canal.  We had a lovely trip on a canal boat and then a look around the little canal centre museum.  We learned lots about canals and now understand the difference between a canal and a river.

At 1.00pm we got back on the bus and headed for Beecraigs.  We all managed to get to the top of Cockleroy (although some of us required some extra encouragement!) where we were treated to a super view – we could see the Forth Bridges and Linlithgow Palace where we had been the day before!

Then we played in Beecraigs park for a while before getting the bus back to school.  Some of us were so tired, we fell asleep on the bus back.  Mr Brice was fast asleep in the front passenger seat!  We were very happy to see our families waiting to collect us.

We had the best time at Lowport and will remember it for a long time!  We will put some photos of our trip up soon!

West Lothian Highland Games Art Competition Winner!

Abbie from P4a, who won first place in the P2 to P4 category of the West Lothian Highland Games Art Competition, recently attended a very special award ceremony at the West Lothian Council Chambers at the Civic Centre. Her artwork was on display in the foyer of the Civic Centre, alongside the other finalists. Abbie received a certificate and prize and had her photograph taken. We are very proud of her!

Chinese Art in P7a

Primary 7a have been working on some Chinese art. We have explored different types of art originating from China and have found out more about the artists through research. We have been working with different mediums such as pens, chalk, pastels and paint. These are a work in progress but are still looking amazing! Keep an eye out for our finished display of wonderful work!

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