P6 Bring Your Own Device

Primary 6 have been trialing ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) to school last term to further enhance learning experiences and opportunities.

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Just some of the things we have been able to do because of BYOD to transform our learning (these wouldn’t have been able to happen without BYOD so we in P6 consider this transformational!) are…

– Personalise our ‘World News’ time by each being able to look at a variety of news websites, blogs and online resources (we could even choose news stories which linked to our own interests and didn’t have to do this as a class – there were no limits!). Some of us even took this home and continue to read news stories regularly…

– Invite more ‘support’ tools into our art lessons by using ‘line drawing’ features in Google to help us when drawing, creating, inventing ARTISTIC MASTERPIECES.

– Use technology in a much more flexible way, for instance, if we had a research point or a ‘Hmmmm, what was that…?’ moment, we could quickly look it up, saving time and ensuring our learning stayed on track. In addition to this, it feels more like real-time, real-life learning… afterall … that’s what it is like out there!

– Take the LEAD in OUR LEARNING. Some of our learning activities were open ended, such as our ‘Victorian Thinkers Keys’, which allowed us to use our devices creatively and find and explore our own tasks or answers.

– Link up to play Minecraft in large groups and, for the first time EVER, share multiple games (during Golden Time – we all LOVE THIS!).

There are so many more things we want to do with BYOD… but hey… we are just at the start of our journey. So… what do you think about BYOD?

Let’s share our thoughts…

Primary 3 – First day back!


It was a busy first day back after the holidays here in Primary 3!  After we shared all our holiday news with the rest of the class, we started to make some New Year Resolutions.  We have been reflecting about what we enjoyed about 2015 and what we are looking forward to in 2016.  At the moment, we have been thinking of resolutions that will help us achieve personal targets, such as learning to swim, learning to do stunts on a BMX bike and being a good friend.  Soon, we will start to think about achievement in school and set ourselves a new target for Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing to work towards this term.

We also had a lot of fun in a Nycos session this afternoon with Mrs Poynter.  We enjoyed a “Play and Sing” session, which gave us a taste of what happens in these workshops.  We will be coming home with a leaflet to provide more information of local classes that Nycos will be running as part of the Youth Music Initiative.

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We also received some very special letters today – from Katie Morag!!  During our topic last term we wrote to Katie Morag with lots of questions and she was obviously very busy replying to us all.  We each opened and read our letters today – sharing some of the answers we had been waiting for.  We have been reflecting on our Katie Morag topic and checking if we have learned everything we hoped to at the beginning of the topic.

It was such a busy and exciting first day back!

P3 Christmas fun!

Yesterday, Primary 3 had a fun-filled day of Christmas celebrations!  We were off to the Panto in the morning to see Aladdin at the Howden Park Centre.  Some of us shouted ourselves hoarse and had lots of fun booing the baddies! Our teachers thought we did a great job representing Williamston Primary and behaved wonderfully.

As if that wasn’t enough excitement for one day, we then had our Christmas Party in the afternoon!  It started with games and dancing in the big hall and then we came back to the classrooms for party food and a rest!  We then headed back to big hall for a very special visitor.  Primary three ave obviously been very good this year, as Santa arrived with quite a few presents!

We would like to take this opportunity, along with our teachers, to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

102_4303It’s been a fun filled week in Primary One. After our star-studded performance on Tuesday morning we partied away all afternoon and enjoyed a visit from Santa Claus. He seemed confident we were all on his nice list! On Wednesday afternoon we had the opportunity to share our learning with our buddies when they came to see Fairyland and helped us make clocks and carriages for Cinderella. Then on Thursday afternoon it was the buddies turn to lead the activities during our Christmas Art afternoon. We hope you like our snowmen and Christmas lights!

We would like to say a huge thank you to all our Primary One families for their support this year and for their generous Christmas gifts. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you all again in 2016.

Christmas fun with our buddies

Yesterday afternoon P7 really enjoyed spending time with their P1 buddies. We prepared two craft activities for our buddies to complete and we were very impressed with what a lovely job they made of them! It was great to spend time together and help our buddies get creative.

We also delivered ‘top secret’ diaries from an elf and spent time reading these together. We couldn’t believe how bust elves really are at this time of year!

P7 would also love to thank Primary 1 for a wonderful afternoon on Wednesday! We loved joining you for your topic afternoon and learned lots about Fairyland! You all did a great job making clocks, wands and building a carriage for Cinderella. Thank you for inviting us!

Parent Council meeting

Our Head Boy, Deputy Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputy Head girl went to a Parent Council meeting on Monday 7th December. We spoke about what children are learning about in our classes, what children are enjoying learning about and why, what children would like to do more of in class and how can the Parent Council help with learning. We got lots of different responses from all pupils involved. Most pupils did not realise that we have a Parent Council so we would like to inform the pupils that we have one and think about how they can help us. Some classes in the upper school would like to do more ICT, maths games and P.E and in the lower school they would like to do more P.E, reading, writing and more topics in their subjects. We created and showed a video at the meeting saying what the children think and this was really enjoyed by all at the Parent Council.

Kiera, Aiden, Amy and Joshua.

Be The Best You Can Be!

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