Category Archives: Technologies

How could you SWAY?

Calling all Williamston Learners … Nursery to P7!

Have you heard of SWAY?

How could you use it?

As a learner too… I have loved learning to use Sway. But, I’ll be honest, it has taken me a little while to really like it (And a lot of exploring!). So… my Term 1 challenge for you is…

Can you use Sway? What could you use it for?

There will be a #DigiRecognition for the best class and best learner for Sway this term… could it be you?


Here’s a Swayhttp://<iframe width=”760px” height=”500px” src=”” frameborder=”0″ marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ max-width=”100%” sandbox=”allow-forms allow-modals allow-orientation-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts” scrolling=”no” style=”border: none; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100vh” allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen></iframe> to let you know how we could all use it… what do you think?

Have a GO! And – SHARE!

I can’t wait to see more.


Mrs K. Gray 🙂

Support for Learning

We are working hard to Get it Right for Every Child…

Supporting learning happens, first and foremost, in and across all of our classrooms. This term, Mrs K. Gray, will be spending time in all classes helping to support writing (see our School Improvement Plan). Additionally, there will be a number of different interventions running specifically to target spelling (IDL and Outdoor Spelling), Reading (Read, Write, Inc. and ReadingWise) and Maths & Numeracy (SEAL and 5 minute Box Time).

In order to best support the health and well-being of our pupils we will continue to run our Nurture Clubs (The Monday Club and Outdoor Skills Club) too.

Follow our School Twitter Feed to see what we are doing on a day-to-day basis and see our learning, as it happens…


Enhancing our Literacy Skills

Some of our learners have been trialing and testing a new online literacy learning zone – IDL.

IDL is a quickfire module based learning program, based on improving spelling, reading and writing skills and is suitable for all learners. You can use it both in and out of school and on both computers or devices. IDL uses a multi-sensory approach through sight, sound, touch, and voice to improve reading and spelling and links are made between the visual, auditory and tactile pathways.

Once our children have used the program for a sustained amount of time we look forward to sharing our findings and exploring with more of our classes too.




JYHS – ‘German Adventure’

Both the P7 classes really enjoyed themselves this morning at JYHS. They engaged in a modern languages event called ‘The German Adventure’. There, they were able to work with S1 pupils and P7 pupils from another school.


Please enjoy looking at our photographs on Twitter!


P7 classes 🙂

P6 – Author Study

Last weeks Reading Activity was based on reading for information and our Social Subjects focus of Space (see our display for evidence of your work 🙂 ). This week I would like you to hop back into your novels… but more specifically your authors. FIND OUT MORE AND COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING.


Can you share your findings in the comments box below so we can all access your work?

If you finish early can you take the following quiz…. – I’d be interested to hear your feedback here too.



P6 Author Study Reading Activity
P6 Author Study Reading Activity

#DigiLearnScot Week


Do you follow us on twitter, if not, please do! Here you will find daily updates on children’s learning and ‘What’s On’ across the school.

We are… @williamstonps

This week it’s National Digital Learning Week. We continue to explore the benefits digital learning and teaching can bring to every level of the learner journey across the school. In addition to this we are keen to share these through our BLOG and Twitter and would love to hear your thoughts on these too.

P4 Trip to Tesco

In P4 we enjoyed a great trip to Tesco in Bathgate recently. This really helped us with our learning in the areas of healthy eating, Scottish foods and brands and food technology. Activities included: making a roll from dough, tasting fruit and vegetables, learning about types of fish and seafood and tasting some fish and going on a fruit and vegetable treasure hunt to find out which countries they were grown in. We also had the chance to explore the storerooms, fridge and freezer – brrrrrr – the freezer was cold! Thanks to Tracey and her team at Tesco Bathgate.

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Technologies: Where are we at?


Within Curriculum for Excellence, the technologies curriculum area relates particularly to contexts that provide scope for developing technological skills, knowledge, understanding and attributes. At Williamston we are striving to do this through creative, practical and work-related activities. In order to meet our own high expectations this year we have been using AAL (Anywhere, Anytime Learning Network) a protected wireless system available to some schools in West Lothian. What does this mean for your child and their learning?

  • Every class has a small number of devices (ipads/Samsung nexus/kindles) to allow children to experience the variety of technologies on offer.
  • AAL is used in classes to make learning more flexible and applicable to real life, e.g. if they wanted to extend their learning as they had an unanswered question during an activity, they could personally go research the area quickly and efficiently, using a device and AAL. This type of learning enhances their own and others learning.
  • AAL and devices have been used in some classes to communicate with other schools through our Glow Meet platform. This has allowed discussions and debates with children across schools.
  • The use of Apps. in lessons and activities is currently being explored by all teachers in their professional development time. While some have been successfully trialled, we hope to make more progress with this next year in order to fully embrace the technologies available to us.

In addition to this P6 and P7 classes have been adopting the WL initiative BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). This has allowed children the option of bringing their own device into school to use when directed by their teachers. In these classes the use of technologies has been:

  • Accessing and using email accounts in the world of learning
  • Using Glow and email platforms for Homework Tasks
  • Exploring use of Apps. to support learning
  • Researching, collating and communicating information in creative ways

This opportunity has been further enhanced by the enthusiasm of our parent and carer community and the responsible nature of our learners. As well as speaking locally as events, pupils from Williamston are being recognised at a national level for their work with BYOD. We can’t wait to see where this will take us next year…!


Inspire Afternoon in P1B

What a fantastic afternoon we had in Primary 1! Thank you everyone for all your brilliant ideas and designs and all your hard work! It was great to see so many parents in the classroom supporting their little ones. We really enjoyed the opportunity this morning  to walk around the classroom and look at all the great models of Scottish landmarks – they are all so creative and interesting.

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