Category Archives: P3

What we’ve been up to in P3

We have a had a busy few weeks in Primary three!  Here’s just a few things we have been up to………

In Maths topic, we have finished learning about Pictograms and Block graphs and today we started using Venn diagrams to sort information.  This is all part of our information handling topic.  We also started to create a mind map of everything we have learned in our Maths topic so far and will continue to add to this as we learn more.

It was money week last week, so we also set up a Post Office in our cloakroom space for Maths topic lessons.  This was an excellent opportunity to combine money week with our Katie Morag topic and use role play to explore what happens in a Post Office just like the one Katie Morag’s family run.  We also played a variety of money games.

Last week we also had the opportunity to use Sumdog in school which is a Maths website Williamston subscribe to.  We have all had a look around the site and played lots of fantastic Maths games, and this week we will be coming home with our own personal login to use Sumdog from home.  Our teachers are asking that we always use our school login to access Sumdog from home and that we all try to play some games before we come back to school after the October holidays.  Please can our parents help us with instructions, but try to let us answer the questions ourselves.

Also in our Katie Morag topic, we have been exploring what makes an island and comparing life on Coll (the island Katie Morag’s Isle of Struay is based on) with life in Livingston.  We have learned that the one thing that is the same for all islands all over the world is that they are surrounded by water.

In literacy lessons, we have been continuing to develop our flow and expression when we are reading and have been using our skills to illustrate parts of our reading books, create character profiles and identify the meaning of unfamiliar words.  We are also writing letters to Katie Morag as we felt this was the best way to get answers to the many questions we have about her life on Struay.

In PE, we have began learning Scottish Country Dancing!  The boys are being proper little gentlemen and asking the girls to dance.  We are learning a Canadian Barn Dance and next week we’ll try to music!

We have been having great fun in food technology lessons with Mrs Logan.  We have made toast and fruit kebabs so far and next week we’re making Katie Morag’s favourite – porridges!





We’ve definitely earned our October holidays!



Meet the Teacher Evenings

Many thanks to all the parents who attended the meet the teacher evenings. From the feedback it was very successful. Many thanks for your suggestions on how to improve our evenings and will take these on board for next time.

If you did not receive a Meet the Teacher Leaflet from your child’s class they have been added below.

P2 Parental Leaflet _2015-16

P3 Parental Leaflet 2015_16

P4 parental leaflet 2015-2016

P5Parental Leaflet 2015-16

P7 Parental Leaflet 2015-16

P6 Parental Leaflet 2015-16

Many thanks for your continued support.

What’s been happening in Primary 3!?

We have had a wonderful first two weeks in Primary 3!  During this time we have been getting to know our new teachers and have had lots of fun doing different “Getting to know you” activities.  We have also been learning all about The Four Capacities, and are beginning to understand what it means to be a Successful Learner, a Confident Individual, a Responsible Citizen and an Effective Contributor.  This has seen us presenting our summer reading photographs or holiday postcards to the rest of the class in “Show and Tell” sessions, taking part in teamwork challenges and identifying our own literacy targets for this term to take responsibility for our own learning in writing.  We have also been revisiting our Rights and have been learning all about the difference between “need” and “want” and what the words “family” and “home” mean to us.

We have also taken the time to discuss expectations in Primary 3 and have come up with class Golden Rules for this year.  We were then asked to focus on a particular rule for our whole school assembly last week.  We were looking at “Looking after property” and identified that this meant our own belongings, things we borrow from our classmates and things that belong to the school.  We made posters that showed the difference between property that is looked after and property that is damaged and wasted and presented a selection of these to the rest of the school.  We enjoyed being able to be part of assembly for the first time in P3.

Here are our posters that we presented at assembly:





Primary 3 Wedding

We held our wonderful wedding ceremony and reception yesterday where we all witnessed the marriage of Eden and Joshua.

It all began with hymns, vows, poetry and exchanging rings in the small hall.  We were lucky enough to have a break in the weather to allow us to take outdoor pictures and then we all went back inside for the party!  Speeches, food, cutting the cake, the first dance and a disco all took place and we had a fantastic time!

‘Williamston Remembers’ Book Launch

Yesterday at our Parent helpers Coffee morning we launched our World War 1 book- ‘Williamston Remembers’

This is a diverse collection of drawings, poetry, photographs and stories from our children and poignant memoirs from some of our families. It is a collection of facts from the past, and personal thoughts of individuals. it is a journey through learning where we can see World War 1 through the eyes of children. It is our act of commemoration ‘Lest we forget’

The book is on sale for all to buy. Any profit made will go to Poppy Scotland. Books cost £7.00 and are available from the school office.

Front Cover WW1


What’s happening in P3

Wedding fever has come to primary three!  We have been very busy writing invitations, creating orders of service, making favours and flowers and writing speeches.  Darren came in to visit us this week and told us all about Christian weddings.  Tomorrow we are creating wedding cakes as part of a P3 challenge, with the winning cake being the centrepiece at our wedding reception.  We will be undertaking final preparations over the next few days, ready for our wedding ceremony and reception on Wednesday next week.


We have been very lucky to have a visiting teacher in class for the past few weeks.  Miss Hao, who is based in James Young High School, has been teaching us about Chinese culture, language and characters.  We found it quite tricky to speak Mandarin but enjoyed the experience.

We had great fun at sports day yesterday!  We played a variety of sports challenges, took a shot at kurling and hoopla and ran our socks off in different races.  We were all very tired but had lots of fun.  Our teachers thought we showed wonderful sportsmanship and all tried really hard.  A big thank you to our primary 7 helpers, who demonstrated each sports challenge station and kept scores for us.


Williamston Young Writer Winners

A great night was had by all at the Young Writer Award Ceremony, at Howden Park Centre, on Thursday 11th June. Mac A Story thoroughly entertained us and we were very proud when Ryan and Grace went on stage to receive their awards. Unfortunately Abbie couldn’t join us on the evening but she still got a big round of applause when her name was mentioned. A book containing the stories from all the winners is available in school. Very well done to all of you!

Primary 3b – Young Writer

A very excited Grace Curivan was awarded a prize in the Primary 3 category at the recent West Lothian Young Writer Awards Ceremony at Howden Park Centre. Her piece of writing “Braw Beastie” was about her mappie (rabbit) called Mr Cotton Bahookie. She was presented with a medal, two animal books and a book token. We are all very proud of you Grace.

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Primary 3b – Perseverance Assembly

The value of the month for June is perseverance. At our class assembly we shared our learning about perseverance with the infant classes. We demonstrated how we have shown perseverance both at home and in school and how some famous people have had to show perseverance to reach their dreams and goals. We performed a drama of the story of Mary Jones, the little Welsh girl who learned to read, saved her pocket money for six years and walked for 26 miles to buy her own copy of the bible. We also told the story of the three echidnas who climbed Everest. The audience enjoyed singing “Don’t Give Up” along with Bruno Mars and the Sesame Street characters. We thoroughly enjoyed our final assembly of the session.
