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P5/6/7 learning

P5/6/7 have been learning about the Syria crisis and have written a newspaper report on the laptop. They have also drawn some pictures of how the refugees may feel. They have been creating some Pop Art by drawing favourite  sweet wrappers. They have been learning about rites of passage in RME and continuing to research on the Internet for their careers project.

Busy bees in P5,6,7 this week!

This week in P5/6/7 they have been learning about the Syrian Refugees as a mini topic related to current news. We  watched news clips and took notes before writing our own News Reports about the situation.

On Tuesday the whole school were visited by Andy McKechnie from Jammin Fitness. He took the class on the “Road to Rio” and spoke to the class about self belief and fitness

P5-7 have continued with their Westfield walk and have now increased the distance they are covering each day and are also mang to complete this in a shorter time! So Well Done and keep it up!!!

On Wednesday the Upper class held their first class assembly of the year , when we shared our learning with the parents and performed our new school song to a large audience for the first time.

On Thursday we visited Bibleworld in Bathgate and had lots of fun using the interactive resources to find out  information about the stories of the bible.

P 3- 4 Learning this week

p3 & 4 have been doing their 2 and 3 times tables and about learning how to tell the time for half past and o’clock. They have been busy practising thier hockey skills in PE and also enjoying playing rounders with their class mates. The have started learning about Mosques and have also been discussing friendship. What a busy class!

P5,P6 and P7

P5,6 and 7 have been learning about careers and now know what it is like to be an adult. They have also been learning about budgets in maths using  a real life context.

In R.M.E P5,6 and 7 were describing what they thought the meaning of life was. They have been making posters to show Live, Believe and Celebrate to display in the hall.

They are looking forward to performing their Assembly on Wednesday 9th September to all their peers and parents.

P1 And 2s Learning

P1 and 2 topic is farming and they are really enjoying it. They are also learning the sounds t,p and g.

In maths they are matching numbers up to 100 and copying numbers up to five.

They have also been learning how to use scissors by drawing their hands and cutting them out. They have been playing with jigsaws and drawing pictures and  learning and playing on the laptops.

By Ryan and Chloe


P5-7 Learning

P5-7 have been focussing on the school motto of “Live, Believe and Celebrate” for their upcoming assembly  on Wednesday 9th September. They have been working in groups to create a song which represents the school motto and participating in lots of design tasks related to the topic.

They have started to take part in the Westfield walk, which is when the pupils run, walk or jog 1/2 mile. They hope to build up to running a full mile at least 3 times a week.


P3\4 Learning

P3\4 have been learing about Ollies options to know about different options. They did some portraits and pointillism in art. All the classes have been learning some French and Spanish with Mrs Agini doing French and Ms Ferguson doing Spanish. In maths they have been enjoying doing adding and subtracting and completing flag problem solving. They have also been practising their two times tables. They have been enjoying doing number codes. They have been illustrating class rules also known as the Class Charter.