Category Archives: Nursery

Nursery Sponsored Obstacle Course

Today in Nursery the children had lots of fun developing their gross motor skills, coordination and balance when attempting our sponsored obstacle course.

They started by weaving in and out of cones.

Next they had to crawl though a tunnel.

Then use their balance to walk along a beam.

Then step along the ‘stepping stone’ block.

Then weave in and out cones with a small hoop on their head.

Place a hoop over their head.

Lastly bounce three times on a spacehopper before starting all over again!

Please enjoy our gallery of photos below.

Money raise is being used to help pay for our nursery summer trip. We have asked for any money raised to be handed in by the 9th of June or as soon as possible.

Thank you for your continued support.


Nursery Week


This week the children in the nursery have been thinking about rhyming words. They have also been enjoying lots of mark making outside. The children have been listening to stories and singing songs in our new story corner.  Furhermore the children have been busy looking after our vegetables and seeing how well they are growing. The children, on friday morning, chose to plant radishes in the last available section of our vegetable patch.

Please enjoy our photo gallery below.


Outdoor Storytelling Corner

This week Mrs Alexander has been very busy setting up our new outdoor storytelling area, it looks fabulous. Mrs Alexander started by digging the holes for the logs to be place in and then secured them with postcrete. Next she inserted willow into the ground, for the frames of the chairs, and then weaved the willow around the base. To finish off our bespoke storytelling area Mrs Alexander created one large storyteller’s chair and added screening to the fence, to create the perfect storytelling setting for feeding young imaginations.

Westfield Nursery’s Storytelling Area

Some of the children helped a little by putting on gardening gloves and packing the willow chairs with wood chips and cuttings.

We are excited by the story area’s potential to help develop the children’s communication and literacy skills, as well as promoting creativity.

We have already started to witness the benefits it will bring with the children already using the area to share and listen to each other’s imaginative stories.

The Princesses sat on their seats, then they ran away. The Queen shouted “COMEBACK PRINCESSES!”.

Please feel free to thank Mrs Alexander, in the comment section, for all her hard work in creating our fabulous bespoke storytelling corner.

Nursery Assembly

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have two extra helpers, we were joined by a granny of one of our morning children and a mum for the afternoon. We’d like to thank them for their support. If any other parents, grandparents or carers wish to come in and help please speak to a member of staff.

Our afternoon mum helped the children to plant onions which was one of their chosen vegetables for our vegetable patch.

On Wednesday our morning children presented an assembly on healthy eating to the school and parents.  They were amazing, sharing their favourite healthy food and singing in front of everyone. Well done!

Just a little reminder that in the nursery we are asking for donations of small sunhats/baseball hats. Donations can be handed in at the office or nursery.

Please donate old sunhats to the nursery

This week the children in nursery have been enjoying their increase in outside access, despite the mixed weather. We enjoyed learning in snow, rain, hail and sunshine!

We have plenty of waterproofs in the nursery to help the children enjoy learning outside in wet weather but we were less prepared for the sunshine! The nursery is asking for you to donate any small unwanted sunhats/baseball hats so we can protect little heads from the sun and enjoy outdoor learning in all weather.

Please enjoy our photo gallery showing some of the learning happening this past week in the nursery.

Free Flow in the Nursery

This week the Nursery has introduced full ‘free flow’ play. This means that the nursery children will have access to the nursery garden for the vast majority of their session.

All the indoor activities have been moved into the large playroom to allow the outside area increased supervision. The garden door will be open during all weathers and children will be able to choose whether they learn and play inside or outside.

“There is a growing body of research that shows that young children’s access to nature and outdoor play is positively associated with improved self-esteem, physical health, development of language skills and disposition to learning.” (Davy, 2009 (57))(1)

The children have already been enjoying the greater access to the nursery garden this small change has provided.

We can provide waterproofs for the children on wet days but, to help the smooth running of free flow, parents are being asked to supply their child with a pair of  wellies to be left in nursery and ensure they bring a bag with a change of clothes everyday.

Lastly a reminder that you can check out Westfield Nursery’s learning journey, for the term, on our sway.

Nursery Week

Another busy week in the nursery. Some of the activities the children enjoyed included bubble painting. It was tricking remembering to blow through the straw and not suck!

As you can see our broad beans are growing, some children measured them and compared the sizes of the plants.

A number of children created a band and made a stage from the blocks. They practiced their rhythm using different instruments.

The children also enjoyed developing their math skills using a maths game on the smart board.

The children carried on taking responsibility for clearing and washing their own plates at snack time.

Nursery Week

This has been a busy week in the Nursery. Children have enjoyed lots of different learning activities from painting to making beanstalks for Jack, from Jack and the Beanstalk, to climb.

Some children even decided to make volcanoes from junk.


The children also voted for the healthy vegetables they want to grow in the vegetable patch.

The morning children will be growing pumpkins, carrots and potatoes, while the afternoon children voted to plant peas, beetroot, onions and lettuce.

Please check out sway for more details.