All posts by Ms Ferguson

Nursery: Tuesday 27th October

The children came in today with lots of stories about their holidays! They settled quickly back into the nursery routine, which was interrupted a little as everyone had to have their photographs taken. Lots of lovely, smiling photos taken!!

Both morning and afternoon children recycled different sizes and shapes of boxes to make musical instruments. They put some dry pasta inside the boxes then taped them shut – et voila! Shakers!!

The sun was shining today so we also managed to fit in outdoor playtime, then ended sessions by hearing our first song from this years’ nativity!!! Can’t wait!!

Nursery: Wednesday 14th October

Lots of fun in the soft sand today and plenty of people practising their cutting skills in the messy room.

After a popular snack of toast and jam or margarine, another sunny day meant plenty of outdoor play and even more train tracks being built – but by the morning children this time!

Group time was spent choosing new library books, with lots of exciting stories heading home this week for bedtime reading!


Nursery: Tuesday 13th October

Today the children had a go playing on the Cajon drums. These are box drums which originated in Peru. The children tried playing quietly and loudly, then had a go at tapping out the syllables in their names.

In the afternoon, we used our listening skills again when playing Musical Statues. The children were very good at standing very still!

The sun shone again so we had lots of outdoor fun. Some children used the outdoor bricks to make a brilliant train track then sat in the empty box, pushing each other along the tracks!

Wednesday 30th September

Another sunny day today so yet more time spent outside having fun. There was a lot of imaginative play happening in the sand pit with birthday cakes and other treats being made, and in the willow shelter which was a space rocket! At group time, morning and afternoon children spent time choosing their new library books which they can take home and enjoy with their families! In the messy room, we used autumnal colours to do our handprints and these are now on display in the big too where we have created a beautiful tree display. Pop in and have a look!

Nursery Tuesday 29th September

We spent a lot of time outdoors today as it was such a beautiful day! The pipes and slate were popular again with groups of children creating channels for balls to go down. They then chose balls of different weights to see which ones would go farthest! Lots of scientific fun! At group time, we looked at ‘sorting’ different things into groups. One group were sorting a set of plastic fish and decided the best way to sort them was into colours. Another group worked with lots of pine cones and came up with different ways of sorting them e.g. small and big, or small, thin and big. Great maths!

Nursery: Wednesday 16th September

This morning, the messy room was busy with clocks and numbers and cars and animals kept people busy in the big room. When we were playing outside, we used the big dice and played a number game where we had to find the number chalked on the floor that matched the number of spots on the dice.

In the afternoon, Quinn’s mum baked gingerbread with all the children. What a lovely smell permeated all the areas! There was still time to play outside, showing safe play, and carry out our Humpty Dumpty egg investigation.

Nursery: Tuesday 15th September

What another lovely sunny day! We were printing numbers at the painting table, making clocks at the gluing table and building wall for Humpty Dumpty using bricks. We had a lot of time to play outdoors and show that we know how to play safely. At group time in the morning, we investigated the difference between cooked and uncooked eggs. Gooey and interesting fun.

Nursery: Wednesday 9th September

In the morning, children spent a lot of time enjoying the different areas in the nursery, building sandcastles, designing Humpty Dumpty characters for display and building models.

In the afternoon, we went to the hall and tried out the dance moves the morning children were taught yesterday. The children were excellent dancers and most also had a shot of drumming using the cajon drums.  An extra treat in the afternoon was when the P1/2 pupils came in to share some of their alternative Humpty Dumpty poems.

Nursery: Tuesday 8th September

This morning, the children enjoyed a dance lesson given to them by instructor Andy. He taught them some very cool Latin moves based on Brazilian capoeira.

In the afternoon, the boys and girls spent much of their time outside enjoying the bikes and the climbing frame. The plants are also well watered now thanks to a busy group of children.

We have been singing Humpty Dumpty and many children have made Humpty characters which are now sitting on a wall on our display in the Messy room.

Monday 7th September

Today at Nursery we started our new topic on Nursery Rhymes and stories. We were learning the rhyme Humpty Dumpty – maybe you would like to practice it at home. The AM children made Humpty Dumpty faces at the glueing and sticking table. There was lovely sunshine today to enjoy using the toys outside – we watered the plants as they need a drink too. The AM children did some drama using the story the Gingerbread Man. Both AM and PM children listened to a rhyming story and sang nursery rhymes.