P3/4 snow day activities for Friday 2nd

If it’s safe to do so take a measuring tape or ruler and measure the depth of the snow. Check in the morning, afternoon and evening and create a graph of the changes in depth.

Go onto Sumdog and complete maths games.

Snowflake slime, follow this link for a glittery and slimy experience. https://littlebinsforlittlehands.com/winter-snowflake-homemade-slime/

Think up new and different footprint tracks you can create in the snow. Try jumping with your feet together, taking long strides or hopping.

Fill up water balloons with food colouring and cold water. Place them outside and leave them overnight. By morning they should look like giant marbles.

Can you catch a snowflake on your tongue?

Fancy making a snowstorm inside your house? Follow this link for creating your very own indoor snow fun! https://littlebinsforlittlehands.com/winter-snow-storm-in-a-jar-science/

You can also use the previous days activities if you haven’t managed to do them yet.

Enjoy your weekend, see you all on Monday!🧣🧤⛄️


Good morning 5/6/7. The weekend is nearly here so
before it arrives here are a few things to do to keep
you going.
Go onto Bug Club second level and find an online
book about Winter, snow or Ancient Egypt and read it
writing a brief summary of what you have read.
On sumdog, find a game to with whole numbers
or scale depending on which group you were in and
play, recording your progress.
Complete HAM games I’ve allocated each group.
Your snow challenge today is:
A Headless Snowman
Make a snowman without a head. Then take turns to stand behindthe snowman as if your head belongs to the snowman. Have arange of props such as wigs, hats, scarves, sunglasses to wear.Take photos of each other doing different poses.
White Hunter
Collect together and hide a range of white objects in the snow.Can your friends find what you have hidden? Are all the objectstruly as white as snow?
Enjoy, keep safe and warm. see you Monday. Have a
great weekend.
Mrs Agini