Minibeast hunt

We spent the afternoon with a Ranger from Beecraigs to enhance our learning in our Minibeasts topic. We began the afternoon in the classroom telling him everything we had already learned and then headed outside to see what minibeasts we could find in the playground. We had a great afternoon sharing our learning with the ranger and were very excited to beĀ able to take a closer look at the minibeasts we found by collecting them in little tubs with magnifying glasses attached.

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Finding somewhere dark to release our minibeasts at the end of the afternoon
Finding somewhere dark to release our minibeasts at the end of the afternoon

2 thoughts on “Minibeast hunt”

  1. Thank you for your comment Ms Ferguson! We found 8 different species – spider, worm, millipede, snail, slug, wasp, beetle and woodlouse. From Miss Bredin and p1/2

  2. Wow!! I had no idea we had so many interesting mini beasts in our school garden! I wonder how many different species you found this afternoon.

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