P5-7 Learning

P5-7 have been focussing on the school motto of “Live, Believe and Celebrate” for their upcoming assembly  on Wednesday 9th September. They have been working in groups to create a song which represents the school motto and participating in lots of design tasks related to the topic.

They have started to take part in the Westfield walk, which is when the pupils run, walk or jog 1/2 mile. They hope to build up to running a full mile at least 3 times a week.


P1\2 Learning

P1/2 have been getting off to a good start with their new teacher Miss Bredin. In their work they have been drawing pictures to go with their writing. They have been working on their phonics. They have been writing about what they do on sunny days. They have also been learning their sounds and the thing that they found most exciting was learning how to use the ipad!

P3\4 Learning

P3\4 have been learing about Ollies options to know about different options. They did some portraits and pointillism in art. All the classes have been learning some French and Spanish with Mrs Agini doing French and Ms Ferguson doing Spanish. In maths they have been enjoying doing adding and subtracting and completing flag problem solving. They have also been practising their two times tables. They have been enjoying doing number codes. They have been illustrating class rules also known as the Class Charter.