P3/4 Snow Day


Hope you’re having a lovely snow day and the school closure hasn’t been too difficult for your work arrangements.

The trip to the Peel has been cancelled for tomorrow by Historic Scotland and I have requested a new date of Thursday 22nd March. I will let you know when this has been confirmed.

Suggestions for activities your child can do if the weather continues:

  • Read group novel or personal choice.
  • Look at format of books, paragraph structure etc, finding punctuation, practice expression.
  • The next assessment will be on imagining you are a Viking, try to get ideas formed of what a day in their life would be like.
  • Work on tasks from Viking Grid
  • Research what Vikings ate, where they lived, gods, countries they invaded, any reason why they were not as bad as they seemed?
  • Practice times tables, money, (measuring and estimating, time – next maths focus)
  • Practice handwriting
  • Practice saying name, age, where they live in French

Please check blog regularly for more updates and document attachments.

Kind Regards


P3/4 Home Learning WB 26.2.18

Hi All

Next Week’s home learning is:


Pages covered in class from reading books


Learn words written out from sheet:

Choose a task from spelling grid to practice five of the words (at least one from each sound)

ee oo oo a-e
sheep too good made
sleep food stood cage
sweep mood wood page
sleet roof book cake
sheet cool brook lake
sweet fool cook make
  pool hook take
  room look came
  broom shook game
  spoon took name
  moon wool same
  soon foot date
  boot soot gate


In addition to the spelling words I will be giving out the 100 most used words for children to practise regularly.

Link below:

Fry’s 100 first words


Practice paying for goods and giving change with coins


Practice on the following website link:



Choose a task from Viking home learning grid (but not literacy or numeracy).

(I am not expecting you have time to do the optional task, especially as I have added in the spelling task and you may have already completed.)

Home learning should be submitted on a Thursday. Where possible I will give out before the weekend if you prefer to do at the weekend. As always do what you can. If your child is enjoying their learning encourage their enthusiasm. If it is becoming a chore, try to just do enough to cover the basic learning or find a way to make it creative. Thank you to everyone who has sent in photos of their children doing their spelling home learning. I’m going to make a gallery in the classroom to encourage them to try new ways of learning!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Kind Regards


Louise McAlpine

Primary 3/4 Blog Week Beginning 5.2.18


Dear All

We won class of the week!

This week in literacy we learned about adverbs and verbs. We did dictation and spelling on ‘ie’ words. We listened to our ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ class novel.

In French we learned about different food and drink including ice-cream and pizza!

In numeracy we used concrete maths materials to see links between subtraction and addition. We played fact families on the smartboard for addition and subtraction and then used Heinemann textbooks to write out our facts in numbers and symbols.

In health and wellbeing we were talking about who we trusted. We also played Gaelic football.

In learning across the curriculum we learned about the Vikings and made longboats. For Chinese New Year we made fortune tellers. In music we were learning a song in Gaelic. In NYCOS we listed to claps of a song and guessed where the claps stopped.

Lily says “we love school!” and Mark says “it was a great week!”

Hope you have a good long weekend!

Home Learning Week Beginning 5.2.18

Dear All

Thanks to everyone who managed to come along to the children’s assembly today and for all your lovely comments. We really appreciated them!

Next Week’s home learning is:


Pages covered in class from reading books

Choose literacy task from Viking Home Learning Grid:

(• Write a Viking saga.• Write a fact file about a Viking god or goddess.• Read a novel about Vikings and tell a friend or family member about it.)

As recommended on dojo, these are not tasks that need to be all completed in a week. It is an independent project for the children to choose and work on over this term (to be completed by 12th March).


Learn words written out from sheet. These are the last of the Level 2 words. I will be assessing the children again to see what improvement they have made.

-ed -ed
dented melted
dusted mended
ended planted
funded rusted
grunted tested


Play number bonds games on Sumdog or Education City:

Bond the multiples of 5 with 100 e.g. 65 and 35, 55 and 45, 45


Choose an additional task from Viking home learning grid (not literacy or numeracy).

We have a few events coming up:

  • 15.2.18 Author Natasha Rimmington will visit all P3 children
  • 1.3.18 am Trip to Peel to do a workshop on animal tracks as we are doing farming next term (parent helpers needed)
  • 6.3.18 (tbc) RBS are coming in to do a money sense workshop. Thank you to Mrs McLellan who informed me of this workshop.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Kind Regards


P3/4 Home Learning WB 29.1.18/Piper/Assembly

Dear All

This Week’s home learning is:


Pages covered in class from reading books

Please try to borrow a book on Vikings or look on the internet for 3 facts. Write them in home learning jotter or type and print out or send to me.


Learn words written out from sheet


Number line subtraction (choice of sheets)Home Learning WB 29.1.18


Choose a task from Viking home learning grid (but not literacy or numeracy). Thank you to everyone who have already chosen a task. It wasn’t requested for this week but great to see the enthusiasm for our new interdisciplinary learning on the Vikings. We have a Viking coming in to visit on Thursday 8th March!


We have a piper coming in on Thursday at 11am. (Thank you Mrs Couper) The children can wear something tartan if they have it.


As advised previously, assembly is this Friday. Children should wear their school uniform as usual.


P3/4 Term plans and this weeks homework

Springfield Primary School- teaching and learning calendar 2017-2018 Term 3 P3-4 and 4

Homework grid and wk 10 spelling

Hi All

Hope you had a lovely weekend! Please see links above to this term’s learning overview, home learning plans and this week’s spelling. Tomorrow, the children will bring a paper copy of their learning overview home. They will have the term’s homework grid pasted into the cover of their home learning jotter and their spelling words pasted into the last page.

Can you ask your child to select an activity from the home learning grid each week. They should choose one numeracy and one literacy activity and are free to choose any of the other activities.

They should continue to read their class reading books each night and a different set of spelling words will be given each week.

As there are only 3 numeracy and reading tasks on the home learning grid, other tasks will be given out to supplement. Therefore every week the children will have the following home learning:

  • Reading books
  • Spelling list
  • Literacy task in jotter or one from grid (priority is from grid and only one task required)
  • Numeracy task in in jotter or one from grid (priority is from grid and only one task required)
  • Personal choice of additional task (may be completed any week)

In addition to the spelling words I will be giving out the 100 most used words for children to practise regularly.

This week children should do their reading and spelling lists. For numeracy can they go on sumdog to practice grid references or if you have a battle ships game they can practise through play?

Please let me know if you need me to clarify any of this information. No homework needs to be done till tomorrow. If you would prefer to have time over the weekend to work on home learning it is fine to leave handing in till Monday. Please just let me know. Home learning jotters, reading records and reading books should be brought to school every day.

Kind Regards


Louise McAlpine


P3/4 Home Learning WB 11.12.17


Hope you had a lovely weekend!

Please find attached homework for week beginning 11.12.17

Home Learning Numeracy pattern shapes and spelling mp, ng, nd 11.12.17

Pages in group reading quoted in reading record

-mp, nd and ng sounds from attached sheet and a spelling task.

The children were given the spelling words for week 11 last week instead of week 9, therefore the spelling tests in their jotters may not follow in chronological order for a few weeks, but they will be assessed on the correct sheet.

Patterns in number and shape. The children should continue the Pattern with the same shape order. They can also colour to match but the main focus is the shape.

Christmas Fayre

Thank you for all your support with the Christmas Fayre. The children really benefited from this real life experience and the profits will be used to benefit their learning in the classroom.

This will be the last week of home learning before the Christmas break. Can all jotters be handed in by next Monday? Have a good week!

Louise McAlpine

P3/4 Home Learning WB 4.12.17

Comprehension Home Learning 4.12.17

Spellling Home learning 5.12.17


Please  find attached reading and spelling home learning for this week. Please try to let youtr child go on sumdog to do budgeting and money.

Reading Comprehension

How to play charades – follow instructions. Please help your child if they find the reading difficult but try to let them think about following the instructions and why it is important to do things in a certain order. If you are really busy with the Christmas period and find it difficult to complete please talk about a familiar situation and why the order is important and put a note in jotter to say that you discussed following instructions.


Your child should have written out their spelling words in their jotters. If they have time they can do a spelling wise. Otherwise please concentrate on the reading comprehension.


Numeracy is budgeting and money in preparation for the Christmas Fayre. In last week’s home learning most  children could count up the items but forgot to take change away from their budget. Some children used their total of the items as their budget. I explained to them that in a real situation it was unlikely that the budget would be exact or that people would bring the correct change. Please let them practice on sumdog or with real money. The crackers are priced at £1.50 so you could maybe practise how much ot would cost altogether and change from their budget. If you have any concerns about paying for the crackers please let me know confidentially by letter especially if you have a large family.

Apologies for home learning being sent out late. I will extend handing in day till Monday.

Have a good week.

Kind Regards



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