P5 Weekly Blog

What a busy week we’ve had in Primary 5, here’s the full run-through…

Numeracy and Mathematics

This week we have been making connections in our learning between fractions, decimal numbers and percentages. We are now more confident in doing so and were able to apply this learning when faced with a series of multi-step word problems.

Following on from this, we began studying weight. Firstly, we consolidated our knowledge of both metric and imperial units of measurement before estimating the weight of various objects and ordering these from lightest to heaviest and vice versa. We have also been converting between grams (g) and kilograms (kg) which involved applying our knowledge of division and place value when shifting our decimal point. Alongside this, we have been relating our learning of weight to our bridge work in Science by discussing the impact that varying loads may have on the design and capabilities of a different bridge types.

We have really enjoyed trying some Solve Me Mobiles in mental maths throughout the last couple of weeks. Please feel free to try some at home – https://solveme.edc.org/Mobiles.html

Literacy and English

We are currently reading Holes by Louis Sachar as our shared text where Stanley Yelnats is sent to a Juvenile Detention Centre called Camp Green Lake. He and the other boys there are tasked with digging holes to “build character” in the sweltering Texan desert. So far we have been predicting the outcome of the text, looking at the features of informal letters and answering a range of questions based on the text. In doing so, we have tackled literal, inferential and evaluative questions. We are becoming increasingly confident in skimming and scanning the text to find required information and also making use of context clues which are available to us. We are continuing to work on the way in which we structure our responses and giving evidence from the text when describing and explaining. For enjoyment, we are reading the World’s Worst Teachers, but thankfully Mr Logan hasn’t been mentioned!

In writing this week, we have used features of an informal letter when sending a reply from Stanley Yelnats’ perspective to his ‘Mom’. We learned that they must include the sender’s address, the date on which the letter was sent, Dear, informal language and a sign-off. Informal language is used when you are communicating with somebody you know or are familiar with, e.g. a family member or friend. We have also been writing reports and reflecting on our learning from our visit to the Forth Bridges. We paid particular attention to the structure and content by including an introduction, main part and conclusion with detailed description of what happened and what we learned.

Learning Across the Curriculum

On Tuesday, we attended the Linlithgow Cluster Schools Handball Festival at Linlithgow Academy. We had the opportunity to demonstrate our handball skills in small-sided games against St Josephs, Low Port, Torphichen and Westfield. Scores were not kept with the focus being placed on passing the ball effectively within our teams and having fun. Mr Logan was delighted to us working so well in teams, communicating effectively, encouraging others and showing a sense of fair play at all times. Next up, we have blocks of fitness and volleyball with Mrs Reid whilst also taking part in futsal sessions delivered by Neil from the West Lothian Youth Football Foundation.

Our outings didn’t stop there, we were off out on Thursday again as we made our visit to the Forth Bridge Education and Contact Centre in South Queensferry. This followed on nicely from an incredibly informative talk delivered by Hector Woodhouse on Wednesday who was involved in the construction of the Forth Road Bridge. Here we were met by Elaine Barrie who spoke to us about engineering and the Forth Bridges before setting us off in groups in a bridge-building workshop. We were asked to construct the highest free-standing towers that could withstand different forces such as wind and the pull of gravity. We each had a different role and had to agree on a final design before constructing our towers. Despite a few failed attempts, we demonstrated resilience and worked hard to get the job done. The winning tower measured almost 1 metre in height! Well done Team Yachi! After lunch, we took a walk over the Forth Road Bridge (suspension) to have a look at both the Rail Bridge (cantilever) and Queensferry Crossing (cable-stayed). It was rather windy and we were slightly unnerved by the gaps between each section which allow for expanding and contracting when temperatures change.

Coming Up/Reminders

  • Next week we will begin our history trail studies of Burke and Hare
  • Monday 3rd February – P5 swimming assessments at Xcite Linlithgow
  • Friday 14th February to Tuesday 18th February – Holiday
  • Homework grids came home this week, due back Friday 27th March
  • Sharing the Learning sheets came home this week, have a look at other whole school events coming up
  • Remember you can also follow us on Twitter for more regular updates @SpringfieldBonn and @SpringfieldP5

Have a great weekend everyone!

P5 and Mr Logan

P5 Weekly Blog

Literacy and English

We are continuing to read War Horse with an emphasis on analysing plot, character and setting. This week we built up a word bank of adjectives that could be used to describe the main character, Joey. We highlighted which 4 best described him before scanning the text for evidence of where he has demonstrated this particular skill or quality. For example, Joey demonstrated empathy when he felt the pain of Topthorn’s illness and nursed his wounds.

Whilst reading chapters 14 and 15, we summarised the main ideas and events by note taking. We discussed the features of good note taking and how we can do so more effectively. This included using bullet points, not writing in full sentences and drawing out the key information.

In writing, we wrote instructions of how to create a volcanic eruption. This style of writing required us to apply various features such as sub-headings, a numbered list and sequencing openers and connectives (e.g. firstly, next, afterwards, finally). Next week we will carry out our volcanic eruption experiments and write a scientific report based on our findings.

Numeracy and Mathematics

We have been continuing to use written methods for multiplication and will shortly be introduced to the inverse operation of division. This week we consolidated our learning of our 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables before multiplying 4-digit numbers by a single-digit and multiplying 2-digit numbers by smaller 2-digit numbers. Here’s a reminder of the method we’ve been using…

Learning Across the Curriculum

Social Enterprise – This week we will be meeting up with our group’s to prepare a Dragon’s Den style pitch for Mr Logan. In this pitch we will set out who our group are, what cause we want to raise money for, why it’s important to us and how we intend to go about raising the money. There have been lots of exciting suggestions so far. Keep an eye out for information on the Christmas Hampers we will be organising for the residents of St Michael’s Day Care Centre and what we’ll be doing at this year’s Christmas Fayre.

P.E – In P.E we have been introduced to the basic rules and principles of handball. This is going to be our focus in P.E up until January as we prepare for our Linlithgow cluster schools handball festival. We watched this video to introduce us to the rules of the game…

Art and Design – We have been using layers and textures of paper this week to create Remembrance Day artwork and reading the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ by John McCrae. These will be displayed in class, come and have a look at them next week and ask us what the poppy symbolises.

Our News and Achievements

We’ve been super busy over the October break, here’s what we’ve been up to:

  • Jude has been on his travels to Castle Douglas and brought in various types of stone to show us including rainbow quartz.
  • Freya shared her news about her trip to Oban over the holidays.
  • Sofia told us of her trip to LEGO Land and showed us the brick she created.
  • Eighlin went to visit Eilean Donan castle which is what she was named after.
  • Nairn had a tour at Manchester United’s stadium and brought some items to show us.
  • Ava continues to excel in gymnastics and has a number of upcoming national competitions.
  • Lucy told us about her visit to a lighthouse and seeing her Grandparents.
  • Finlay B and Jack G attended the Hearts v Rangers match which, luckily for them both, was a draw.
  • Oliver travelled down south to Northumberland and Manchester over the holidays.
  • Eva told us all about her sister’s birthday and what they got up to.
  • Finlay M was also in Northumberland over October for his Gran’s 70th birthday.
  • Mairi flew to Copenhagen and visited a number of attractions whilst there including the original LEGO shop.
  • Megan spoke about her segway tour and her trip to watch Scotland beat San Marino 6-0.

Coming Up

  • 10.19 – Rugby taster session (1), sports gear to be worn to school
  • 11.19 – Homework grids for Term 2 to be sent home, due for 13.12.19
  • 11.19 – Rugby taster session (2), sports gear to be worn to school
  • 11.19 – Golf session (1) with Stephen Gallagher Foundation at Kingsfield
  • 11.19 – Open Morning (Number Talks) at 09.00
  • 11.19 – Remembrance Day Assembly
  • 11.19 – Rugby taster session (3), sports gear to be worn to school
  • 11.19 – Golf session (2) with Stephen Gallagher Foundation at Kingsfield
  • 11.19 – Rugby taster session (4), sports gear to be worn to school
  • 11.19 – Golf session (3) with Stephen Gallagher Foundation at Kingsfield
  • 11.19 – Learning Showcase event at 14.00 – 15.00
  • 11.19 – Golf session (4) with Stephen Gallagher Foundation at Kingsfield
  • 12.19 – Christmas Fayre event at 09.30 – 12.00
  • 12.19 – Christmas Church Service at St Michael’s
  • 12.19 – Christmas Carol singalong event
  • 12.19 – 6.1.20 – Christmas Holidays

Have a great weekend everyone!

P5 and Mr Logan

Primary 5 w/e 25th January 2019

This week we had the opportunity to put our handball skills to the test, at the Handball Festival at Linlithgow Academy on Thursday. We played against other schools from Linlithgow and had great fun.

In maths we have begun to explore money. We will continue to do this next week too. We have begun to use a new mental maths resource to help us with our mental agility.

Our storywriting this week was about The Arctic Circle. Our stimulus for the story was a character outside a small metal building in the Arctic. We then created our own stories about the character and the events that might happen to him.

In our Guided Reading Task this week we described what we might do if we could spend a day with a character from our reading book. There were some interesting ideas. We have also completed comprehension tasks.

We have looked at Alexander Fleming as our Famous Scot. We have created posters and powerpoints about both Fleming and Alexander Graham Bell.

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