P6 & P7 School Camp 2019

Dear Parents/Carers

Thanks to those of you who attended our School Camp Information Evenings last night. For those of you who couldn’t make it along, here are the presentations for P6 Dalguise and P7 Ford Castle:

P6 Dalguise https://glowscotland-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/wlewan_logan_glow_sch_uk/EcLjOFz6HyBHp0Jo-E2AtVcBvUyx8T6uOEmF5ockQIBE1A?e=ushZUd

P7 Ford Castle – https://glowscotland-my.sharepoint.com/:p:/g/personal/wlewan_logan_glow_sch_uk/EbTMoOYvrXRMqYnxIsjpRSEBA_90ST3AB01TdzUEeWvIcQ?e=1UMSah

Kind regards

Mr. Logan

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