P4 Class


For Numeracy, we focused our attention to  giving change and buying goods using our knowledge on addition and subtraction while using money.   This will be concentrating on this for the next few days/ weeks.

In Literacy,  we have been learning to write opinions which will help us persuade our reader.


This Week’s News…

We have had a short week at Springfield and Bonnytoun after the holiday weekend.

Children in P6-7 are working hard on their Lion King performance and costumes and scenery are beginning to take shape. Thanks to all parents who are helping us by making costumes. We couldn’t do it without your support and we are very grateful!

In response to the interests of a pupil, the nursery have just taken delivery of a beautiful, new fish tank and the fish will come to their new home next week. The children enjoyed setting up the tank and can’t wait for their fishy friends to arrive! We are hoping that the fish tank provides a visual stimulus in the nursery and supports our calming environment.

Across school and nursery children have been undertaking further learning on the Chinese New Year. We are going to make a wall display of our efforts. Keep an eye out for it in school.

Two of our  little, P3 girls came to my room this week to show me their Dragon Dance. Thank you to A for bringing in her mask to help the class with their learning.

Here are some achievements from this week…

Here are two of our lovely P3 boys with their football souvenirs from attending a mini-camp last week. One of these pupils plays for Hearts boys and we are very proud of him and keen to track his progress in football.

Here is gorgeous B from P2A who popped along to show me his writing the other day. B is coming along an absolute treat in all areas and we are extremely delighted with his efforts! Good work B!

We honestly have the loveliest children in the world , who are a credit to their families. They are a pleasure to work with. Every day at Springfield and Bonnytoun is  an absolute joy.

Have a super Sunday!

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖💓💖💫






Primary 3/4

Dear All

This week in literacy we did a book review. The p3’s met an author and illustrator.

In numeracy we did money and what we had to do was give money and change.

In health and wellbeing we did walk a mile. We went to NYCOS and music. In NYCOS we did beats and rhythm. In music we made a Viking song.

In learning across the curriculum we finished our Viking boats and did more of How to train a Dragon.

Hope you have a good weekend!

Typed by Charley Eilidh Sarah and Sofia

Primary 5A 16.2.18

A very busy week in P5A  as  we have been up to all different types of things math, shape shifters, castle shading, times tables and more!

We started learning about Mary Queen of Scots, and this week we have been learning about the places she visited. We sketched Linlithgow Palace, Stirling Castle, Holyrood and Chateau d’Amboise using  pencil and are now adding shading to them.

At science we investigated oil slicks and how to separate the oil from the salt water. We found the sawdust and the cotton wool were best at removing the oil. We were surprised that blood is a mixture and we looked at the things that are in our blood on Tigtag.

We are working hard at getting faster at our multiplication tables and played Buzz to help. We sang multiplication Mashup too.

As promised ! Here is the recipe that some pupils did to make slime. This was not done in school and we cannot give you exact amounts,

They used Optrex, PVA glue, food colouring, shaving foam and hand wash. Another group also used laundry detergent and glitter. The school cannot accept liability for this and it  requires parent supervision.

By Finlay and Freya

P5B Week Commencing 12th February 2018

Hope you all had a great holiday and managed to do something nice on the Monday & Tuesday.

On Wednesday in Maths we worked on our addition skills and linked this to the previous work done on money. We also looked at reading information from a table to solve the addition problems.

We continued our Mary Queen of Scots topic by finding out the various places around Scotland and France where Mary stayed or fled to. We then learned how to sketch pictures of these famous castles and palaces using the medium of pencil.  We also looked at how to use light and shade in the drawings.

In Science we were looking at mixtures and used the context of oil slicks to learn how to separate oil from water.

Oodles of noodles in P2/3

This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year. We listened to a story about a girl celebrating Chinese New Year with her family, we made dragon fortune tellers and today we learned how to use chopsticks. We LOVE noodles!

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x






School And Nursery News…

I hope that you are all enjoying the holiday weekend and are making the most of a couple of days off work and school. Here is our news from last week…

We held a lovely assembly last Friday when Anita, Jayden and Lucas took centre stage to share with us how they celebrate Chinese New Year. We watched a video of The Dragon Dance and learned about different Chinese customs that are traditional to this time of year.

Next week, all children will make or write something in classes to do with Chinese New Year and we will make a whole-school display of our work. We really enjoy learning about different cultures and broadening our understanding of global citizenship.

Here are some of our certificate winners for this week:

Our birthday children are pictured below, including two of our little nursery pupils who also celebrated a birthday last week. Happy Birthday to you all!

Finally, an achievement for last week. Here is G in P1B with his Enjoy-A-Ball trophy. Well done G, we are very proud of you!

The nursery children had a visit from Zoo Lab last week and really enjoyed learning about different animals associated with Chinese New Year. Did you know that 2018 is the year of the dog?

See you all back in school and nursery on Wednesday for a nice, short week.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖💓💖



P7a Weekly Blog


Another busy week in P7a started with more work on information and data handling. To complement the work we have been doing on creating and interpreting graphs we learnt how to draw our own pie charts. We had to use our knowledge of angles and fractions and percentages to help accurately draw the segments. We then moved on to a session on creating and using spreadsheets to make graphs. The children loved using excel to do this, and were very excited to learn how to write formulae, copy formulae and then create and edit graphs. Lots more skills for learning, life and work…


Our focus this week was on the apostrophe. We had some great discussion on when to use “its” and “it’s” and when to use apostrophes in sentences. This is an area that we often see mistakes in, so Mrs Gordon is looking forward to seeing this learning translated into our everyday work. We also took some time to evaluate our work this term by highlighting areas where we were achieving and not achieving our literacy targets in our jotters.

French and Spanish

In French this week we started to look into food and drink so that we can link that with “J’aime” and “Je n’aime pas” from last week, and eventually move onto café role plays. Mrs Gordon gave us a sheet with the words for 12 french foods and we had to work out what they were. We found that when we used our knowledge of French, English and Spanish we could work out these words and make connections in our learning. In Spanish we learnt “los colores” it was great to see that “verde” is very close to “vert” in French, so we knew that was green…


This week was Internet Safety week and on Tuesday we worked with P7b to discuss what to do if we see anything on the internet that upsets us. We had some great discussions around peer pressure, body image, “friending” people you don’t know and inappropriate use of the internet. We all agreed that if we wouldn’t wear it on a t-shirt, then we shouldn’t post it online…

Bon weekend

Mrs Gordon and P7a



Primary 5A

In Maths we have been looking at  different types of bills and how they are calculated. We have been using our addition and multiplication skills to calculate the cost of different products and services that make them up.

Next week we are going to focus on addition and subtraction.

We have also started work on our new topic Mary Queen of Scots and have been recording information regarding what we already know about her life and work, what other information we would like to find out and the different ways we would like to learn about her. We then looked at the major events in her life and completed a time-line to cover this historical period.

In science we were looking at mixtures and our discussions even led on to the periodic tables! We looked at an oil spill and we are going to investigate which materials will be best for collecting the oil from the water.

We are now finished our powerpoints about Rennie Macintosh. Well done everyone.

Have a well earned holiday.

Counting and Cars in P1B

Our classroom has been a little louder than usual during maths time this week as we have been counting objects, the best way to do this is to count out loud – we are very good at it!

On Thursday we carried on with our data handling topic.  This week we made our own bar charts in our maths books and practised during play time too.

We have been working on ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ as well as continuing to learn our common words.  Recognising and spelling these words really helps us as we read our reading books and write in sentences.

We are continuing our transport topic and have begun to look at cars.  We started by thinking about what each of us already know about cars – we drew pictures and shared our knowledge with each other, It’s amazing what you can learn from chatting with a friend 🙂

We also read the story ‘If I built a Car.’ In it the little boy imagines all the things he would add to his family car to make it much better.  We designed and wrote about our cars.

On Thursday, we had a go at labeling the parts of a car – sounding out the words and writing down any sounds that we could hear.  It didn’t matter if the words weren’t perfect, but we all had a good go.  We also really like watching video clips of cars being made.

O is M’s big brother, Mrs Kennedy used to be his teacher at nursery and she knew how much he liked cars.  She asked him if he would like to talk to the class and he came in on Wednesday and did an excellent job!  We learned a lot and he put in a few quizzes to keep us on our toes!  We had to listen carefully.

In preparation for Chinese New Year, the assembly on Friday was all about the story of Chinese New Yea. We were very lucky to have a visit from A and L who taught us some Chinese words.  They were very confident and their talk was very interesting.  Well done!

Have a lovely long weekend everyone.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

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