P2/3 doubling and halving champions

In Writing this week we started a Big Writing adventure, helping Alan to pack for his expedition to Antarctica. We used an atlas to research the conditions in Antarctica. We drew the items, labelled them and then we wrote captions in full sentences.

We all knew how to find the page about Antarctica using the contents page.

In Maths this week we have been focusing on multiplication and division. Using numicon, counters and cubes helped us to visualise grouping. We also worked on doubling and halving numbers to 20. We are beginning to develop strategies to halve bigger numbers. Miss Prince is very impressed by how focused and confident we have been in Maths this week.

In Art this week we had a great time making robot inventions out of recycled materials, here at some photos of the process:

A photo of the boys enjoying golden time:

Have a lovely weekend,

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x

P6B School Blog Week Beginning 19.2.18

Numeracy: This week we have been working on our money topic, we are learning to work out the best values for money by using division and multiplication strategies. There has also been an optional maths challenge to do, which had various numeracy and maths questions.

Literacy: We have had spelling tests over the week and been playing games to help us with our spelling. We have been introduced to literacy circles where everyone gets their own task to complete by the end of each week.

Reading: Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamillo is our class novel. We have been working on a story that is told in the book by sequencing the key events in a storyboard. Also we have been doing a bit of E.R.I.C (everyone reading in class) and discussing our reading.

Art: In art we have been drawing and painting still life pictures . We drew and painted an orange a banana an apple a pineapple and a vase of flowers. Also we looked at an artist named Joan Miro.

Topic: In topic we have just started The Industrial Revolution. We wrote on post it notes what we already know, what we want to know, our big questions and how we can answer our questions.

Expressive Arts: In expressive arts we have been working on The Lion King (our school show). We are trying very hard to make it fantastic. If you are coming to the show, all of P6B hope you enjoy it. With less than two week left until the show we are all working extremely hard.

P.E: In P.E this week we have done some Hockey with Mrs Hogg and we were so lucky to have someone come in and teach us games related with rugby .

By Hannah, Emily, Anna and Esme P6B

Numeracy: This week we have been working on our money topic, we are learning to work out the best values for money by using division and multiplication strategies. There has also been an optional maths challenge to do, which had various numeracy and maths questions.

Literacy: We have had spelling tests over the week and been playing games to help us with our spelling. We have been introduced to literacy circles where everyone gets their own task to complete by the end of each week.

Reading: Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamillo is our class novel. We have been working on a story that is told in the book by sequencing the key events in a storyboard. Also we have been doing a bit of E.R.I.C (everyone reading in class) and discussing our reading.

Art: In art we have been drawing and painting still life pictures . We drew and painted an orange a banana an apple a pineapple and a vase of flowers. Also we looked at an artist named Joan Miro.

Topic: In topic we have just started The Industrial Revolution. We wrote on post it notes what we already know, what we want to know, our big questions and how we can answer our questions.

Expressive Arts: In expressive arts we have been working on The Lion King (our school show). We are trying very hard to make it fantastic. If you are coming to the show, all of P6B hope you enjoy it. With less than two week left until the show we are all working extremely hard.

P.E: In P.E this week we have done some Hockey with Mrs Hogg and we were so lucky to have someone come in and teach us rugby based games .

By Hannah, Emily, Anna and Esme P6B

Primary 3/4 Blog Week Beginning 18.2.18


Dear All

This week in literacy we filled in a comprehension sheet about Snoutlout from How to Train your Dragon. We read another chapter of how to train your dragon. We learned about tenses and ‘ue’ words.

In numeracy we did money and change.

In health and wellbeing we played Gaelic Football in PE and did walk a mile.

In learning across the curriculum we learned about Vikings and did music and NYCOS.

Hope you have a good weekend!

Typed by Robbie and Sarah


Food Glorious Food

In Phonics we have been learning about magic ‘e’. He changes the sound of the vowel and makes it say its letter name. On Tuesday we had a tricky word day and focussed on spelling our words. We had different stations set up to help us……

  • Make
  • Say
  • Read
  • Write our words

We have made so much progress with our spelling so just need to apply it to our written work now!

In IDL we were learning all about the Victorian workhouses. We watched some video clips and looked at photographs of the workhouses. We watched a clip of Oliver Twist and discussed the clothes, jobs and food the children would have had. We then wrote a diary entry pretending we were in the workhouse for the day. We used some great language to describe how we were feeling. As a brain break we had to act out some of the jobs that the children had to do. We decided that we wouldn’t like to have lived in the workhouses.

In the workhouses they used to eat gruel. We had a go at making our own. We have been learning how to write instructions so this was a perfect opportunity to follow a recipe! We made the porridge together then wrote a set of instructions to show what we did. We used pictures to help people understand the instructions. We then got to eat the porridge and talk about what we liked/didn’t like. We made some gruel and compared the modern day porridge to the gruel.

In Maths we were learning about time durations – adding on hours and half hours. We were also converting analogue times to digital times. We had to do some revision on halves and fractions to try and understand half past and quarter past.

In Futsal we were working on accuracy. We had to try and kick the ball and hit a specific target. We also did a Better Movers Better Thinkers lesson with Ms Crombie.

We have been reading the story ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. We thought about different ways that we are fantastic. We are all fantastic in different ways. We then learnt how to draw a self-portrait. We looked at famous examples and talked about what we liked and disliked. We then followed a step-by-step guide to help us think about the details on our face and the positioning of our features. You will have to wait until next week to see our masterpieces.


Have a lovely weekend

Miss Mudd and P2A x

Thomas renamed in P1A!

This week we have been revising all sounds learned so far. We have been practising our handwriting and writing words containing our sounds, we have been making our digraphs (sh, ch, th, wh, ai & ay) with play dough, we have been sorting words according to their sounds and we have been matching words to pictures. On Tuesday we went out into the playground and wrote our digraphs on the ground with chalk.

This week we also learned the ‘ee’ sound. We wrote ‘ee’ words in a tree, wrote ‘ee’ sentences on our whiteboards, looked for ‘ee’ words using magnifying glasses, played Roll and Read and wrote ‘ee’ words and sentences in our literacy jotters. We also played ‘Meet the Sheep’ on Education City.

This week we invented our own characters! Miss Harrison read ‘The Snowy Surprise’ and we looked at the different characters in Thomas & Friends. We listened to the theme tune and identified some of the adjectives to describe the characters. Afterwards, we matched pictures of the characters to different adjectives. Then we drew pictures of our own engines and wrote sentences to describe our characters. There was even an engine called Miss Harrison! We were able to use adjectives and capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

In Numeracy & Maths this week, we were finding the larger and smaller number and then the largest and smallest number with numbers to 20. We also looked at ordering numbers to 20. We played ‘Eggs to Order’ on the smartboard, sorted our number pebbles into ‘smaller than 10’ and ‘larger than 10’, played a game with dominoes where the person with the larger number got to keep the dominoes and we also ordered our number pebbles.

This week we were also learning to describe the position of items using everyday words. We played position and movement games on Education City, played bingo and a memory game using words such as on, under, behind, between, beside and next to and we also played a directions game.

This week we also learned about the history of flight. We watched a video called ‘Man’s Early Flight Attempts’ and looked at the different inventions and ways that people tried to fly. We also looked at the invention of the hot air balloon and discussed the similarities & difference between the Wright Flyer & a modern day plane. Afterwards, we made our own hot air balloons using a variety of materials such as feathers, oil pastels, material, crepe paper, shiny paper and pens.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

P3/4 Home Learning WB 26.2.18

Hi All

Next Week’s home learning is:


Pages covered in class from reading books


Learn words written out from sheet:

Choose a task from spelling grid to practice five of the words (at least one from each sound)

ee oo oo a-e
sheep too good made
sleep food stood cage
sweep mood wood page
sleet roof book cake
sheet cool brook lake
sweet fool cook make
  pool hook take
  room look came
  broom shook game
  spoon took name
  moon wool same
  soon foot date
  boot soot gate


In addition to the spelling words I will be giving out the 100 most used words for children to practise regularly.

Link below:

Fry’s 100 first words


Practice paying for goods and giving change with coins


Practice on the following website link:



Choose a task from Viking home learning grid (but not literacy or numeracy).

(I am not expecting you have time to do the optional task, especially as I have added in the spelling task and you may have already completed.)

Home learning should be submitted on a Thursday. Where possible I will give out before the weekend if you prefer to do at the weekend. As always do what you can. If your child is enjoying their learning encourage their enthusiasm. If it is becoming a chore, try to just do enough to cover the basic learning or find a way to make it creative. Thank you to everyone who has sent in photos of their children doing their spelling home learning. I’m going to make a gallery in the classroom to encourage them to try new ways of learning!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Kind Regards


Louise McAlpine

Fizzy Fingers and Jumping Jims

Here are some photos of our Fizzy Fingers group taking part in lots of activities to support their fine motor skills.

We also have a Junping Jims club for children who continue to be supported as they further develop their gross motor skills. Our kids love this club and always have lots of fun!


Thank you so much to Mrs Scott and Mrs Doran who continue to help our children in this way. Thank you also to Mrs Manlove for her contribution to Fizzy Fingers in terms 1 and 2. We continue to offer a wide variety of groups and clubs to support all learners in different ways.

Miss Baillie x


School Football League

We’re incredibly proud of all of our school footballers today after another successful league meeting at Xcite Linlithgow! All of the children’s hard work at training is paying dividends as they racked up some impressive results and played some exciting football in the process.

Borussia Springfield managed to remain undefeated in their 7 games, winning 6 and drawing 1 game without conceding a single goal. Well done all of you, fantastic individual and team performances!

Dynamo Springfield included some children making their first competitive appearances today and all of them played extremely well. Four wins, two draws and an unlucky, last minute defeat against their Springfield compatriots made for a hugely successful 90 minutes of play. Super effort from all of you!

Mr. Logan

Primary 2B

Firstly we just need to catch up on last week.  We began to learn about Time, looking at months of the year and sequencing them then we moved onto o’clock and half past. This week we have worked on durations of time and digital times.

We’ve continued our Victorian studies by looking at Victorian toys and comparing them to our toys today.  Jack in the box pictures have been constructed using a variety of paper with super results. This week we have been looking at Victorian schools and how they differ from  today’s schools.

Last week we began to write instructions and our first piece of work was to write instructions for marmalade sandwiches for Paddington Bear. We made them ourselves then were able to write the instructions very clearly.

In P.E we played Victorian  games which we all enjoyed. The children have painted a Victorian cobbled street and have drawn pictures of Victorian transport and people in clothes from that time.

A learning weekly update from P6A

A short but very busy week of learning.

Literacy:  During writing we have learnt the importance of using the apostrophe correctly. This week we focused on using the apostrophe as a possessive.  We looked through real life pictures where the apostrophe was used incorrectly. We noticed that the main error is that the apostrophe is used in a plural rather than a possessive. To consolidate our learning we completed some sentences using the apostrophe correctly as a possessive. During guided reading we have been using Literacy Circle, we each have role in our reading group. We each focus on a specific reading skill, we then get the opportunity to share our work with our group and engage in reading conversation.

Numeracy: This week have continued learning about money. We focused on how to keep our money safe and we also looked at phone tariffs and calculated which phone provider would be the cheapest. We discussed how some companies come across cheaper but once we calculated the price per minute it became evident which would be the cheaper tariff.

IDL:  We spent a bit more time and completed our still life sketch. Next week, we will use the Scottish Colourists and their painting technique as inspiration to complete our still life by giving it some paint. Scottish Colourists used, bright colours, they exaggerated light and dark and used thick paint, we are going to use these three techniques in our paintings too.

Expressive Arts: We continue to rehearse for the Lion King production. We’ve been working together to help the ‘grasslands’ with their head pieces. We have also spent some time in the hall running through the scripts and practicing our singing.  A lot of hard work and effort is going into this production, and Mrs Matos and all the teachers are very proud of our enthusiasm and effort. We would also like to say a big thank you to all the parent helpers who have been helping to make our costumes, we can not thank you enough.

P2 Pals: We continue to work with our P2 pals. This week we helped our P2 pals use the netbooks to research Victorian toys and games. We enjoy helping the P2’s, as we get to learn something new too.


P6 A and Mrs Matos


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