MoneySense with RBS

A huge thank you to all of the volunteers from RBS for helping us deliver the MoneySense workshop. We learnt all about the different between wants and needs. We discussed the different ways we use money and learnt about the different bills that families need to pay each month. We even got a fabulous goody bag to take home!

We had a great time!

Primary 2A x


Primary 2B

Sorry for the delay. Last week we continued with our work on Time. We looked at intervals of time going forward and backward then we learnt quarter past the hour and some went on to quarter to.

We learnt about the Victorian workhouse and how people lived during that period of time. We also dressed peg dolls and will use these in our puppet theatre.

Chinese lanterns had been made the week before last and last week we wrote instructions on how we made them. This week we are going to take our instructions into P2A and help them to make them. So let’s hope that our instructions are clear.

We continue to do Futsal and will do so until the end of term.

Photos to follow later.

P6A weekly blog update.

Numeracy: It’s been a busy week this. We have been continuing to calculate which products are the best value for money. We have had a look at different products and calculated how much they would cost per gram or millilitre. Through these calculations we realised the importance of having a division strategy which would help us with our calculations. We spent some time recapping and practicing using the formal written method for division. During number talks this week, we challenged ourselves with some money word problems. We have been confidently sharing our strategies and calculations with each other.

Literacy: The mysterious journey of Edward Tulane , is our class novel this term. It is a novel that has definitely encouraged a lot of discussion on how the story compares to something similar in our lives. This week we read a few more chapters of the book, and began to ,make some predictions on future chapters. We created a story board based on a part of the story. Some of us were eager to share our story boards with the class. Writing this week, we continued to work on short sentences which can help to create suspense in a piece of writing.

IDL: This week, we began to paint our still life pictures we focused on the main elements that the Scottish Colourists would have used in their paintings. Moving on in IDL this week, we discussed what we already know about the Industrial Revolution, what we would like to learn and key questions that we would like to have answered. To help us with our discussions we watched a short video clip on the Industrial Revolution, Next week, we will dwell further into when the Industrial revolution started and why.

PE: Something different for PE this week, we had our first Rugby taster session this week. We played some tag rugby skill games. We looking forward to the next 5 sessions to follow.

Expressive Arts: With not to long to go now till our big Lion King production, Mr Mac, a drama teacher from Linlithgow Academy came along to help us with getting into character. We played various games that will help us to move around the stage and remain in character confidently. We continued this week with Lion King rehearsals, Mrs Matos is so impressed with all the hard work that all the P6 and P7’s have put into learning their lines, and all the songs. On Friday, Mrs Matos said to everyone that while watching the rehearsals, she was so proud of everyone that she was close to tears. This is definitely a show that you do not want to miss.


P6A and Mrs Matos


Another Super Week at SPS and Bonnytoun

We have been continuing to think about anti-bullying and all parents should now have seen our new anti-bullying policy which is open for consultation.

In assembly we learned about the GIRFEC Wellbeing Indicator of being ‘responsible’ and we tied this into our anti-bullying message. We want to educate all children and adults in the importance of reporting bullying both as a victim and bystander. Bullying can happen to anyone in any school or workplace and we will continue to actively work to prevent it at Springfield.

We had a visit from  a lady called Nancy and also Dr MacKenzie, Grandad of Alyth in the nursery and Nairn in P3. These individuals are members of Linlithgow Grange Rotary Club.  We are excited to announce our new partnership with Rotary which will take the form of a Roto Kids club. We will give more information on this as we have it. We are really delighted with this new opportunity for our children to engage in global citizenship as well as making a difference to their local community.

Here are some certificate winners from this week:

And some birthday children from our nursery and infant department:

Here are two pupil achievements from this week: Firstly to the lovely H in P2 for her Enjoy-a-Ball success and also to brilliant E in P3 for her swimming certificate. Well done girls!

The nursery are now the proud owners of pet fish and as part of our developments in child-led learning, have set up pet, health and wellbeing and snack committees. Who said that children can’t be leaders at aged three!

We have a busy week of events coming up this week-week beginning 26th February. Please note the following information:

– Monday 26th- Big Bedtime Story in the hall from 5-6pm for nursery to P3 children and adults.  Wear pyjamas!

-Wednesday 28th- STEM Curriculum evening and whole-school challenge from 6-7pm in the hall for P1-P7 children and adults.

-Friday 2nd March-World Book Day. Dress down as a character from a favourite book. No money needed.

-Friday 2nd March- P4 assembly at 10am.

Have a lovely Sunday evening!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖






P7b Weekly Blog

Numeracy and Mathematics

This week in Numeracy and Mathematics, we have been continuing with our work finding area and perimeter. Our work this week involved us applying our skills in real life contexts using floor plans for different properties. We successfully measured the perimeter of individual rooms, found the length of missing sizes and dimensions using the information provided, calculated the area for flooring needed with costs and examined proposed extensions to existing buildings. Next week we will further extend our learning and the use of appropriate formulae in order to calculate the volume and capacity of varied 3D objects.

Literacy and English

Having previously taken notes with Mrs. Doran, we used these to begin creating a different text in the form of a written report. This was based on the Winter Olympics which have been taking place over the past couple of weeks. These will be completed next week before carrying out a self-assessment of our work against our writing targets and success criteria. In grammar, we enjoyed learning more about prefixes and suffixes. These are used to extend root words and alter their meaning. A prefix is a letter(s) placed before a root word, for example, play > replay. A suffix is a group of letters placed at the end of a root word, for example, playing. Have a look at examples we came up with below.

Health and Wellbeing

In football for P.E this week, both our feet and brains were put to the test. After getting some great ideas from the teachers’ Better Movers and Thinkers session last Friday, Mr. Logan used these to get us moving and thinking in a more cohesive manner. Now that we have developed the ability to dribble confidently with good close control, we were given the additional challenge of rotating a tennis ball around our waist in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. Whilst doing so, we had to take 5 touches forward, sideways, backwards then repeat. We also tried dribbling whilst tossing the tennis ball in the air in one hand and swapping both balls with a partner. Finally, when the whistle was blown we stopped our football, threw our tennis ball up and had to complete different clapping sequences before catching it. We needed a good rest afterwards! Here are our schools footballers in action on Monday.

The Lion King

Mr. Logan’s programme team polished off their final draft this week and it is looking superb! Well done to the pupils involved for creating such an impressive piece of work, it looks very professional. With just 2 weeks to go, our rehearsals continued this week. Mr. Logan was blown away by our rehearsal on Friday, everyone has done so well to remember their lines and deliver these in such a confident manner. It’s lovely to see every child beginning to enter their character and contribute to what is going to be a fabulous peformance in their own individual way. Keep up the hard work and stay calm P6 and P7, you’re going to be fantastic! Here are some of the talented pupils we have playing main parts in P7b!

Have a great weekend!

P7b and Mr. Logan

P7a weekly learning


We continued our focus on Area and Perimeter by solving word problems relating to these measurements. The children picked whether they wanted to work on the “mild”, “spicy” or “hot” challenges and had to solve real life problems relating to wallpaper and carpet measurements. We also created a café where we had to solve fraction, decimal and percentage questions to know how many items were in each category of the menu eg. 1/20 of the menu is hot drinks.


This week we were extending our knowledge of prefixes and suffixes. We had to create word maps using root words eg port and see how many words we could create from the root word. I think the record was 22! We also started using our new reading comprehension resource where the children select a card to work on based on their interests and level. The children really enjoyed this as they said they likes the choice, variety and the number of levels available to choose from. Once they select a card they answer questions on 3 sections: reading comprehension, all about words and grammar.


With our Lion King Show only just over a week away, Mrs Gordon arranged for Mr Mac, the drama teacher at Linlithgow Academy to run some workshops. Each class in P6 and 7 got the chance to have a 30 minute session with Mr Mac where he helped the children use characterisation to move and act like their animal from the Lion King.


This week we continued our learning about food linking it to our previous learning on likes and dislikes. We did a carousel of activities where we asked a partner if they liked certain foods, then we play connect 4 with food and a snap food game.

Mrs Gordon and P7a

Visitors, Yoga and a Bike Shop!

We had a great start to the week when Cs Granda brought his friend Robert to P1B.  There is not much Robert doesn’t know about trains and he gave a fantastic talk.  He brought lots of examples of train parts with him and we really enjoyed seeing them.  He even brought us a whole jar of coal so we could see what is used in the fire on a steam train.  We each got to take a piece of coal home and Robert has left us lots of other things to play with and a fantastic train book.  In writing this week we all wrote thank you cards.  We worked especially hard to make them really good to say a big thank you for coming to see us.

In numeracy we are continuing with numbers to 20, learning about he words ‘larger’, ‘smaller’, ‘largest’ and ‘smallest’ as we discuss and identify the numbers.  In outer maths on Thursday we were learning about positional language – on top, underneath, beside, in front, in between, above, below, and many more!

For PE this week we did some yoga in the classroom.  We did a whole class lesson where everyone followed the pose that Mrs Kennedy showed them then we moved around the room looking at different cards and copied the pose on the card.  We had to try to hold the positions and think about breathing deeply as we did them.  It was good fun and much harder than we thought it would be!

Our bike shop is up and running!  Thank you very much for the donations of spare parts, the children are loving it!

On Friday morning we had some quiet reading time, some of us wanted to read on our own and some with a partner.  It was nice to choose any book we liked and take time to look at it.

On a recent trip, F visited Chinatown in Liverpool.  He was very lucky to see a Chinese New Year parade.  He brought in lots of photographs and his very own Chinese dragon to show us.  Thank you!

A was on a skiing holiday recently and she got a certificate and medal for her fantastic skiing.  We thought she’d maybe been in the Winter Olympics!

Have a lovely weekend.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 5A 23.2.18

This week in Primary 5 we have been researching the people who were part of Mary Queen of Scot’s life. We were highlighting the key facts and will produce a fact file for our timeline.

In maths we are continuing to reinforce our  multiplication tables and  are getting quicker when we play Buzz.  We are able to do chimney sums with decomposition and then used this method to help solve everyday problems. Next week we will focus on multiplication and division sums. We also have the RBS coming in to Primary 5  to support us in  a “planning a party” workshop . This will help to reinforce the work we did on money.

In literacy we looked at the different skills we need to use  to help us understand a passage. Sequencing and finding the main idea were the main points we looked at.

In science we continued to look at mixtures and how to separate them. This week it was sieving. We didn’t realise how many different uses they had. Our task involved separating 5 different substances by making our own sieves from card. We were very successful and the classroom carpet wasn’t too badly covered in rice and lentils.

After the staff course on “better thinkers, better movers” we have now started a block on basketball. It really got us thinking and concentrating. Next week we will be adding also throwing and catching a tennis ball while we are dribbling and passing!

Mrs Tulloch enjoyed watching our canon routines we put together with Mrs Reid at PE. Unfortunately the video clip is too large for the blog. Sorry.


We have started a new class novel ” Kid Normal ” by Greg James and Chris Smith. It has got off to  good start.

Letters have been sent home about our Palace visit on 5th March.


P5B Week commencing 19th February 2018

In Maths this week we have been revising and consolidating our knowledge of subtraction of two digit and three digit numbers. We have also been revising and learning our three, four and five time’s tables.  On Friday we challenged ourselves against the clock with our BIG Maths.

We have also been learning our numbers from one to fifty in French and completing some written work to practice writing our numbers in the French language.

We have been continuing our work on the Mary Queen of Scots topic by researching and making a fact file about the main characters in her life and finding out about what they did. In art we linked the topic by looking at art in the sixteenth century and sketched portraits of some of the famous characters.

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