P7b Weekly Blog

Numeracy and Mathematics

  • Consolidating our use of written methods for all four functions
  • Carrying out WWII written addition problems involving money
  • Ensuring we always show our working in response to questions
  • Tackling multi-step problems and sharing our strategies

Literacy and English

  • Writing our STEM letters to be sent off alongside our annotated inventions
  • Researching for our personal projects and beginning to collate these
  • Continuing with our group novel studies and tackling inferential and evaluative questions

Health and Wellbeing 

  • Further developing our skills in football with additional BMT skills introduced
  • Celebrating achievements of CMcK and our gymnasts
  • Attending our S1 information evening at Linlithgow Academy ahead of our transition
  • Reflecting on our learning and progress during term 3 ahead of parents evening

Skills for Learning Life and Work

  • Visits from S6 World of Work ambassadors electrical engineer, Procurator Fiscal, Merchant Navy and project manager

Thank you to everyone who attended parents evening. I’m delighted with each and every member of P7b and the progress they are all making. Let’s make it a final term to remember!

P7b and Mr. Logan

Whale watching in P2/3

This week our Big Writing adventure took us whale watching. We used information books, websites and videos to research killer whales. Did you know that a killer whale is actually the biggest species of dolphin?! We wrote a description of the whales for Alan’s travel journal and self assessed our writing to check we had used wow words and connectives.

In Maths we have been subtracting two digit numbers, breaking down numbers into tens and units and showing our workings. Here’s a good game for practising addition and subtraction using a number square:


In PE we were working on our dribbling skills, we are getting better at controlling the ball. Our favourite game is crabs and surfers, here are some photos of us in action:

We have also been busy learning our songs for the Easter service next Friday. We love singing in P2/3!

Have a lovely weekend,

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x

A bit of a catch up!


I am using this week to catch up with some of our news. With snow days, trips and lots of visitors – we have got a lot of learning to fill you in on!

Over the last few weeks we have been on a Big Writing Adventure with Little Red Riding Hood. We had a video message from Agent Fizz asking us to help him and Finley (The Woodcutter’s son). We re-told the story using fabulous sentence starters. Then we had to use WOW words to describe the big, bad wolf. We used these lovely describing words to make a wanted poster. We also created a collage of the setting using natural materials. We wrote some brilliant description to describe the forest and set the scene.

“Little Red Riding Hood tiptoed through the deep, mysterious forrest” (ET)

“I was walking along the bright, open path until everything went silent and mysterious” (EM)

“I feel like someone is watching me and I am scared. I hear crunching of the leaves and the trees are tall and dark” (CL)

We have been doing some drama with Ms Crombie about the lonely dragon. We were learning about different feelings and how our feelings change in different situations. We enjoyed creating our own dragons, building a scary cave our of material and working in groups to create a freeze frame.

We have also been looking at non-fiction books and learning all about how they are different to stories. We learnt about the Contents page and the Glossary.


We have been learning about Measurement. We used our hands and feet to measure the length of objects around the classroom. We then introduced the Metre stick and used our estimating skills to guess the length of objects. We then went on to look at Weight. We explored how to use different types of scales and used our skills to measure out ingredients to make Easter chocolate nests.


IDL and other

ZC sent in some photos from home to show us that she had been making porridge and gruel. She was comparing them and rated them out of 20! It is so nice to see the learning continuing at home too. RB and TK created a workhouse scene at after-school club. They had thought about the different facts we had learnt about the conditions in the workhouse. It showed a lot of detail. BW brought in his Beavers jumper and talked to us about the different badges that he has achieved. We are very proud of your hard work B.

Miss Mudd found a box of Victorian artefacts so we had a great afternoon looking at these and discussing their uses. We compared an old hot water bottle to a modern day one. We compared a metal iron to our electric ones. Some of the boys had a game of marbles and played with some Victorian toys.

We were also learning about Florence Nightingale and Victorian hospitals. We looked at some pictures of the conditions of the hospitals before Florence Nightingale tried to help. We learnt about the difference that she made to nursing and how many lives she had saved. We then spent some of the afternoon playing with the hospitals role play pack and comparing the instruments and equipment we have now to the past.


Primary 3

Throughout this week we have been consolidating our learning of division. In particular dividing by 3 and 4. We have also challenged ourselves further by using division to help us solve problems.
In Literacy we have been looking at our writing in more detail and what we can do to improve it. At the beginning of the week we looked at some simple sentences and explored the different ways we could make them more engaging for the reader by improving the punctuation, including interesting adjectives and using connectives to add more detail.
The class continue to be very enthusiastic about Scottish Inventors and this week we have been learning about James Watt and Sir Alexander Fleming. We have been having great fun learning about microbes and why we should always be washing our hands thoroughly!!

Mrs McVay and Primary 3

Roald Dahl Problem Solving

We have had a Roald Dahl problem solving afternoon. We have been reading Fantastic Mr Fox so he had asked us to help him plan a great feast! We had to choose items from the shopping list and work in a group to stay within a budget. We had to think about how many guests we had coming and how much we had to spend. We then had to add up the different items and calculate how much we had spent altogether. As a challenge Miss Mudd asked us to work out how much money we had left over. We fed our ideas back to the class.

We then had to plan where everyone was sitting. We got given some clues and had to make sure our seating plan followed the rules

‘Mrs Twit sits opposite Sophie’

‘James sits in between Matilda and Willy Wonka’

We found this quite tricky and had to show a lot of resilience. We had to try out different ways and change it if it didn’t work. We then went on to write our own clues for different groups and made it really tricky!

Primary 2B

Well back after all the snow. This week we have mainly been doing assessments in Phonics, Writing and Maths.

We had lots of excitement on Wednesday when we went on our trip to New Lanark. We had a great time and the children had fun learning about Victorian toys, how the Victorians lived and what it was like to be child working in the mill at New Lanark. A successful trip which helped to consolidate what we have been learning about in school. Miss. Mudd has posted photos from our trip.

We have started to practise in earnest for our assembly on Friday. Look forward to seeing you on Friday.

The children had fun dressing up on Friday in their wacky clothes to raise money for Fairtrade.

The P4s had a very busy week.  They have been practicing for their assembly all week and it paid off.   They did a brilliant job at articulating their lines and were very confident at performing.   Well done Primar4s!

The Vikings came to visit Springfield this week as well.   Thursday was an exciting day as the children got to ask questions, explore Viking related artifacts, clothes  and tools.  In addition to this, they also got to see a Viking fishing boat.  What a rich learning experience to be involved in.

For Literacy this week, the P4s have been learning different ways to capture a reader’s attention e.g.  using onomatopoeia, question, definition etc.  They also wrote a fictional story ensuring that all elements of a story is included.

For Numeracy,  the children have learning to work out change from £5 and/ or £10.


On behalf of all the Primary 4 class,  I would like to say thank you to all the parents/ families who came to the assembly.   Your support is greatly appreciated! – Miss Durano

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” – Margaret Mead (P6A)

After returning to school after a few days off due to the bad weather. It was good to be back this week and to continue with our learning.

Numeracy:  We continued to practice division using  the formal written method. Miss Bailie was in our class on Tuesday morning and she was very impressed with what we have been learning, she was even more impressed that we were able to ‘teach’ her the formal written method using our division ‘family’ to help us.  We have been looking at budgets and calculating whether we are able to afford to buy a specific product or not. Budgeting is a life long skill to learn. We have been discussing the importance of budgeting and saving.

Literacy: Our character in our class novel, The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane, is beginning to change, both in appearance as well as personality. A good reader is able to visualise. To show our understanding of how the main character is beginning to change we created a visualisation of Edward. We used adjectives and similes to describe his appearance and personality. We compared the visualisation of Edward that we created at the beginning of the story to the visualisation of the Edward we created this week. Comparing the two has reinforced our understanding of how the character is changing.

IDL:  This week we have started to discuss the impact the Industrial Revolution had on the people, places, health, transport and work. We worked in pairs to spot the difference in two pictures which was an area in England, one picture was taken pre Industrial Revolution and the other was taken in the  1900s. It was very easy  to spot the difference and we were able to share what we had noticed. We continued to dwell further into the impact the Industrial Revolution had. This made for interesting conversation and we were able to draw up a list of pros and cons.

RME: St Michael’s church  had requested that we create a hanging display for their church. As it is soon to be Easter, we created the 14th Station of the Cross- Jesus lay in the tomb. This is a Christian representation of the last moments of Jesus’ ‘human’ life.  Over the Easter period please go along to St Michael’s church to see our lovely silhouette art pieces.

1+2:  Hola! This week we focused on Spanish greetings and feelings vocabulary. We played a variety of different games to help us with remembering the different vocabulary and  pronunciations.

PE: Hockey ball skills was our PE focus this week. A couple of weeks ago Mrs Matos and some teachers attended an afternoon learning skills that can be used for better movers and thinkers. This week, Mrs Matos used some of what she had learnt in our hockey lesson. Not only were we focusing on ball skill and ball control, but we also concentrated on our co-ordination. We found this challenging at times, but we were all very resilient and determined not to give up.

To top this all off, we have had a very busy week taking part in Fairtrade Fortnight. Everyone took part and  dressed ‘wacky’ for dress down day on Friday- Well done to everyone.  What could we get up to next week?

P6A and Mrs Matos




Another Week at SPS and Bonnytoun…

We managed to all get back to school safely last Monday after our three ‘snow days.’

Our Lion King production has now been postponed until the end of April when the weather will hopefully be a lot more settled. Children in P6-7 are going to have a short break from rehearsing and focus on other curricular areas for a short period.

We have had two assemblies this week due to missing one last week when we were off. Mrs Matos and I held a Fairtrade assembly last Thursday where we looked at the importance of paying farmer’s in  less economically developed countries, a fair price for their produce. On Friday we dressed down in something ‘wacky’ to raise money for the Fairtrade Foundation. Well done to Joseph, Alisa, Ben W and Issac who worked extremely hard to make a Fairtrade board game as part of a challenge that I set them. Morven, Lauren C and Olivia M were the proud winners of our Fairtrade competition which was to design a Fairtrade football. Well done to you all!

P4 and Miss Durano led a professionally delivered assembly last Friday on the Vikings and the day before two ‘real’ Vikings visited Springfield for the day bringing their longboat along with them. This was a great experience for our children.

The nursery have had a particularly exciting week as we have welcomed our new pets to Bonnytoun! Our pet committee are going to be busy looking after two more fish (we have four now!) and Jack and Victor, our new baby Guinea Pigs! Mrs T and I are in love and are going to be very busy over the next few weekends nursing the little piggies at home so that they are calm and ready for the boys and girls to stroke them. They are real cuties so please pop by to have a look if you are passing. We are passionate about animal welfare in the nursery and will ensure that they are extremely well looked after. They are already enjoying a wonderful diet of kale, parsley, broccoli, brussel sprouts and the occasional apple! There are researched benefits to having animals around children and we hope that our pets will enhance your child’s early years experience. Please let me know your thoughts and feedback on this.

Here are some photographs of our certificate winners and ‘birthday’ children from this week:

Well done also to the Demick girls for their dancing achievements and also to M in P1 for his achievement.

Have a very happy Mother’s Day everyone and we will see you all next week for parents’ night.

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie 💖 🐹 xxx

P7b Weekly Blog

Numeracy and Mathematics

Capacity – ‘the maximum amount something can contain’
Volume  – ‘the space that an object or substance occupies’

We’ve been reminding ourselves of the difference between these terms this week and building on our learning from last week. On Monday and Tuesday we rotated round a carousel of activities; estimating volume, measuring volume, converting between different units of measurement and ordering volumes by size. Robbie proved to be the most accurate estimator of volume as he found 500ml and 750ml of water exactly. On Wednesday we all became baristas as we made some mocktails. We had to carefully follow each recipe to ensure we included exactly the right amount of each coloured juice. Having made the mocktails from the menu, we concocted our own and named it! We found there to be a number of factors that could influence the accuracy of our measurements, and we improved as we progressed through the recipes.

Next week we will be consolidating our learning of written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Health and Wellbeing

Our brains were put to the test again this week in football. We worked with a partner to carry out some mirrored dribbling exercises. One person had a football whilst their partner was the leader. As the leader moved, the other person had to mimic this, e.g. they move forwards = move back, to their right = move left. We then switched the roles and the person dribbling became the leader. Mr. Logan noticed we were getting the hang of this, so our footballs were exchanged for tennis balls with a focus on using the sole of the foot to manipulate a smaller object. We finished with some 2v2 attacking and defending situations and will progress to 2v1 attacking scenarios next week. Have a look at SF and RWi below as they demonstrate mirrored dribbling with a tennis ball.

In Health and Wellbeing, we also finished with our series of lessons focusing on internet safety. This week’s lesson was called ‘Codebreaker’ and we were tasked with trying to create strong passwords. Firstly, we were given two random children and some basic details about them. From the clues provided we had to make reasoned guesses as to what their passwords would be. The fact that we were able to do so highlighted the importance of using random combinations of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and symbols to create passwords which are difficult to predict. We have a greater understanding of how to protect our online accounts and data, and it was interesting how many people said they would be changing some passwords when they got home.


Mr. Logan was delighted to see that everyone had made the effort to dress down in something wacky in support of Fairtrade on Friday. The costumes and outfits were brilliant, and made it very tricky to choose 5 winners. MF was given 5th place for her banana costume effort and AS was 4th in her Hawaiian gear. HR scooped 3rd place for his random assortment of dressing gown, school tie, sunglasses and cap whilst AE-C was second with too many hair baubles to count! Our class winner was RD who took bright colours and wackiness to a whole new level. Well done everyone! Great effort for a great cause!

World War II

We began our studies of World War II this week to much excitement from the class. Hearing the radio broadcast from Neville Chamberlain declaring war on Germany really made us think about the emotions people would have felt at this time in 1939. Having listened to this, we carried out some research on the Allies and Axis, countries within these factions and who their leaders were. It was noted that in 1940, Great Britain changed Prime Minister to Winston Churchill whilst Russia, or the Soviet Union, changed allegiances after a surprise invasion. We finished the week by sketching World War II leaders with Mrs. Doran. This was tricky as we were only given half of the leaders picture and had to sketch what we thought the other half would look like. You’ll see these displayed in class soon, so come and have a look!

Happy Weekend!

P7b and Mr. Logan

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