Embroidery Group

Some pupils from primary 5 -7 are working with ladies from the Embroiders’ Guild to make ” The World ‘s Longest Embroidery for Schools..”

We had to come up with ideas for 8 different panels and then we sketched them out.

We chose :

Linlithgow Palace and Loch

The Burgh Beautiful flower train at the station

The High Street and well

Linlithgow Rose Football  Club

The Lion King

Inclusion at Springfield

The Canal

Sports at Springfield

School badge

St Michael’s Church

Blog Week Ending 23.3.18 Primary 3/4

Dear All

We were very busy this week.

This week in literacy we learned to use speech marks, words with ‘tion’ and silent ‘k’ words.

In numeracy we practised telling the time.

In health and wellbeing on Tuesday we went to the sports centre for multi sports festival and got a certificate.

In learning across the curriculum on Thursday we went to the peel to learn about animal tracks and we also went to the church today.

Have a good Holiday!

Commotion in the Ocean (P1A)

In Literacy this week we have been looking at rhyming words and describing words. Miss Harrison read us ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ and we listened for rhyming words. We played ‘Cat Cosy’ on Education City, matched rhyming words on Easter eggs and matched bees and flowers that rhymed, with Miss Hardie. On Tuesday we looked at describing words for different sea animals. We looked at the shark in ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ and thought about words to describe it. We were able to describe the shark using describing words such as ‘long’, ‘fierce’ and ‘dangerous’. Afterwards we used our own adjectives to write sentences about the shark using describing words.

In Numeracy this week we continued to look at odd and even numbers. We ordered our odd and even number pebbles, wrote odd and even number sequences on our whiteboards, played ‘Crazy Golf’ on Education City and sorted our dominoes into odd and even. We also made our own ‘Odd House’ pictures and we had to make sure that our house had odd features such as one chimney or five windows.

This week we looked at creating drawings through observing and recording. As part of The Round Table Marches Magazine competition, we looked at ‘What makes Linlithgow Beautiful?’ We looked at photographs on the Burgh Beautiful website of flowers and plants in Linlithgow. We drew pictures of what we thought makes Linlithgow beautiful. Our drawings were absolutely fantastic and Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie were very pleased with how hard we worked.

We also developed our observing and recording skills this week by creating our own sea animals from Commotion in the Ocean. We drew the outlines of our favourite sea animals and then Miss Harrison enlarged our drawings. In groups, we used different materials to create our sea animals for our Commotion in the Ocean display. We will finish our display during the first week back after the holidays.

On Thursday afternoon we went into the outdoor classroom and we had an Easter egg hunt. It was a lot of fun! This week we have also been practising our Easter songs and on Friday, we went to St. Michael’s Church for our Easter Service. Miss Harrison was so proud of our behaviour, both walking to the church and during the Easter Service. We would like to wish everyone a happy Easter and we hope that you have a lovely, happy and safe holiday.

Thank you for reading our blog post,

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Happy Easter from P2A

In Primary 2 this week we continued with our Big Writing Adventure. We received some video messages from the Wolf asking us to listen to his side of the story. We sequenced his version of events and put them on a story mountain. We then created our own story mountains to summarise the story. Miss Mudd then gave each group a picture from the story and we had to write some sentences to go with it. We worked really hard to use WOW words and pretended to ‘jump into the picture’ so we could describe what we could see, hear, smell and touch. We then put all of our sentences back together to create a new class story! The Fairytale Times then sent us an email asking us to become reporters for the day and write an article for the newspaper. We learnt all about headlines and the features of a newspaper report. We then had a go at our own.

T and D made a theatre in their free play. They used the puppets to create an alternative ending to the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

For reading homework we have been learning about non-fiction books. One group had a book all about how to make a comic. Mrs McKay very kindly went and bought us a real comic to have a look at! We loved the pictures and enjoyed talking about the different stories.

The Finger Gym had an Easter theme this week. Here are the girls decorating their eggs with the stones and gems.


In Maths we have been learning about number sequences and patterns. We started to look at numbers to 1000 and talked about HTU.

In Art we were practising our drawing skills. We were thinking about people and pets that we see every day. We talked about their appearance and discussed all of the little details. We then had to have a go at using a continuous line to draw the outline. We found it tricky not to take our pen off the paper.

The Infant department have all chosen to do a book study for our displays for Term 4. We chose Dog’s Don’t Do Ballet’ as we had started to so some work on this book earlier in the year. We continued our work this week. We made a display outside our classroom. Some of the children decided to use their free play time to make a puppet show about the story. They made finger puppets and brought the characters to life. It brought in quite an audience!

Miss Baillie also asked us to produce some work on ‘The Snail and the Whale’ for the corridor display. We learnt all about the different settings in the story and worked in groups to create pictures to show the snail’s journey. We then used WOW words to describe the different environments.

P6B blog 23.3.18

Happy Easter Holiday, I hope everyone has a wonderful two weeks break. Everyone has worked tremendously hard, this week especially. With a number of whole school competitions e.g. ‘Burgh Beautiful’ in which pupils wrote a piece of text or a poem about what makes Linlithgow Beautiful and ‘ The Young Writers Competition’.  Everyone worked so hard and the holiday is very well deserved.

Mrs Hogg

Blog written by P6B pupils this week:

Numeracy: In numeracy we have been doing some more work with money we also did partitioning and how to write it out with brackets we also did some mental maths. We were doing a budgeting worksheet. We were also doing a money sense presentation where we were learning about fraud and theft. We also did some worded problems.

Literacy: In literacy we wrote an unassisted imaginative story for parents evening. We planned a story for The Young Writer of the Year competition we could do either a Short Story , Comic, Newspaper, Poem or Diary Entry. We also explored the different formats of planning a story.

Expressive Arts: In art we were working with Mrs Stewart on a portrait of our classmates focusing on the lighter parts of their faces. We watched a video showing us how to do a portrait. Most of us did a 3 quarter angle portrait.

Physical Education: In P.E this week we did some rugby we played some tag rugby and sharks and fishes. We are so lucky to have professionals coming in to teach us rugby.

Class Trips : We have had a lot of EE2 forms lately but we are very excited to go on all of our class trips. We are going to Cracking Easter at the Cross House, The Church for our Easter Service. We are also going to camp at Dalguise on the Tuesday after the Easter Holidays. There was also a medical for camp for any illnesses your child may have these all needed to be returned to school before we go.

Class Talk: Since we have been doing the Industrial Revolution we have been given a class talk to complete you could do it on population, transport , health and medicine , work or living conditions.

R.M.E: We went to Cracking Easter at the cross house we did lots of activities and learned what happened in the Easter story.

Happy Holidays all!

Happy Easter from Springfield and Bonnytoun!

Today marks the end of term 3 and what a busy one it has been! We hope that you have enjoyed working with us and sharing in your child’s learning and will continue to support us as we hard towards our summer term.

Thank you to all of you who continue to attend our family learning events, including our highly successful Internet Safety Evening which we held earlier this week, and for your continued feedback. Your views are extremely important to us and they help us to make changes and improvements to enable us to give your child the very best education and care.

A few acheievements from this week…

Thank you and ‘well done’ to our P6 children for their efforts at Euro Quiz this week and to Mrs Matos for supporting them. You did us proud!

Well done also to Sophia in P3/4 who has been doing brilliantly in piano. Great stuff Sophia! I loved seeing your certificates this week and sharing in your success!

We hope that you enjoy our church service this morning and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 9th April ready for our last term of the session.

Mr Wells and I would like to say a massive thank you to our amazing staff across school and nursery. Without our fantastic team, our school and nursery wouldn’t be the lovely places that they are to learn and work.

Happy Easter from all of us!


Miss Baillie xx💖 🐣 🌷



P6A Weekly Blog.

The last week of the term has been a very busy, busy week.

Numeracy: This week we consolidated partitioning using brackets. We partitioned addition and multiplication problems. We agreed that partitioning was our preferred strategy especially when calculating mentally.  This week we all received our own timetables practice book. We using the book to help us practice our timetables and to recall them quicker.

Literacy: It has been a busy writing week this week. We spent some time reflecting on what makes Linlithgow beautiful and created some poems which will be entered into the annual Marches Magazine competition which is run by the Round Table. Continuing with our class novel, Edward Tulane we created and wrote postcards of Edward’s journey. Edward has been on different journeys in the book and each journey helps his character to change and develop the feeling of love which he never had before. Writing the post codes lead us to having discussions on how different ‘journeys’ in our own lives have helped us to grow and  develop feelings and different emotions.

PE: It was our last week of tag rugby. We had some fun playing in small teams against each other. The last six weeks of rugby we did not only learn different rugby skills but we have also learnt the importance of communication and working together as a team. This week was also our last week of badminton with Mrs Reid.

RME:  We continued to learn about the Easter story with Mrs Mendes. To consolidate our learning and understanding we created Easter poems based on the Easter story.

1+2:  We have been continuing to learn the Spanish alphabet. We practiced out greetings and feelings dialogue and practiced spelling names using the Spanish alphabet.

P2 Pals: On Wednesday afternoon we spent some time with our P2 Pals and practiced mathematics using sumdog. We’ve enjoyed doing various ICT activities with our P2 Pals and this has been good practice for when we will be P7 Buddies next year, We all completed a buddy application form this week and we can’t wait to find out who our buddy will be next year.

Over the week we have been practicing the Easter songs that we will be singing at the Easter service on Friday, feel free to come along to the service.

Wishing everyone a wonderful and relaxing Easter holiday. We have a lot to look forward to when we get back after the holidays, don’t forget to get the bags backed for our super exciting P6 camp!!

P6A and Mrs Matos x







P6’s Cracking Easter

Primary 6 were invited along to Cross House to learn all about the Easter story.  It was a great morning enjoyed by all.  There were a lot of different activities and stories planned to help us learn about the Easter story and how and why Easter is celebrated by Christians.  We had an opportunity to see a replica of the thorn crown that Jesus was made to wear. We took part in a crafts activity and made an Easter card for someone special. We learnt what it was like for Jesus when he offered to wash the feet of others, and it was great fun and lots of giggles when we were washing each others feet. Another new experience was tasting some food from the feast, we all had a try of the ‘bread’ that was made only from water and flour, it was surprisingly delicious. There were so many more fun activities, please ask us to share some of our experiences and stories with you at home.

Mrs Matos and Mrs Hogg.




P5B Week commencing 19th March 2018

P5 Week commencing 19th March 2018

On Monday we had an amazing and exciting trip to the Forth Bridge Education Centre. In the morning after an introduction all about the three different bridges we went for a walk across the Forth Road Bridge.  It was a lovely morning for a walk but it was very cold.  We looked at the construction of the different bridges and discovered that a triangle shape is one of the strongest structures and is used widely in bridge construction.  In the afternoon we were split into teams called Russky, Sunshine Skyway, Jiashoa, Millau, Tatara and Erasmus.  Each team had a project manager, lead engineer, materials manager and a recorder, who were responsible for organising and managing the different challenges.  The challenges involved working with different sized building bricks and experimenting to find the best design to withstand strong winds.  The project manager then had to decide which of their team’s designs was the best and compete against the other teams to build the highest bridge tower.  Competition was very fierce with a few tower collapses during the construction phase.  The winning team was Russky.

In Maths we completed the RBS Money Sense “plan a party” activity using our knowledge of money and budgets. Most teams managed to stay within budget and organise a great party for their chosen customer.  No complaints were received from the customers!  We also continued with learning about division and will pick this up again after the Easter Holidays.  We are also continuing to revise our times tables to help us across all areas of Maths.

In writing we have created short stories and poems to describe how beautiful a town Linlithgow is and what historical buildings it has. These will be entered into the local writing Marches Magazine competition organised by The Round Table Association.

For Listening & Talking the class took part in a topical debate about should we abolish or retain homework. A lively discussion was held by the two opposing teams and each put forward their arguments for and against backed up with examples.  Our previous work on being an advisor to Queen Elizabeth I assisted us with this as we had to advise the Queen what she should do with Mary Queen of Scots.

In art we made easter baskets and also an eastern egg themed stained glass window display which can be used to decorate our houses for Easter.

Wishing everyone a lovely holiday and a very happy Easter!

Springfield Primary’s Euroquiz Team

How much about Europe do you know? Are you able to answer Geography based questions, how about the different European languages can you translate some phrases to English, or are you able to answer European general knowledge questions?

Six Primary 6 learners have been working very hard over the last couple of months learning all the ins and outs of Europe. They have worked so well as a team and really tried hard, even managing to face time each other for a study session – that really showed a lot of commitment.

On Monday, 19th March four of the team members took part in the first heat of the Euroquiz competition. There were 17 other West Lothian schools that took part. The competition was tough, but Mrs Matos could not have been more proud of her team. Their knowledge was put to the test with some very challenging questions. Although we didn’t make it to the finals, all that took part can be very proud of their hard work and commitment.

Well done team!!!

Mrs Matos x




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