Welcome back from P2A

A big welcome back to everyone. We are now into our final term in Primary 2! It has been a very busy week  so here are a few of our highlights.

We have been very busy transforming our classroom into our very own chocolate factory and sweet shop. It was a bit of a clue as to what our class novel is this term….. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We have started reading our novel and we received news that Willy Wonka was looking for some new members for his inventing team. We got straight to work in designing our own fabulous sweets and also designed the packaging to go with it. We evaluated other packaging and used this to generate our own success criteria. We then created a bank of wow words to help us name our fabulous sweeties. We tried to use some alliteration to make our names catchy.

We had…….

Fruity Fun – a sweet that changes flavour in your mouth

BonBon Boom! – a bonbon that explodes in your mouth

Fighting Fizzy – it jumps around in your tummy

Friday Fun Bubblegum – a sweet that you can only eat on a Friday

Jelly Jump – jelly beans that jump in your tummy

Book Worm – a worm shaped sweet that makes you good at reading and when you bite a bit off – it grows back again!



We have also started our new Big Writing Adventure and received a message from Alan the explorer telling us he is going on an expedition to Antarctica. We used the internet, the library and videos to learn all about this wonderful place. We worked in groups to create mind maps to show how our learning has developed. We keep adding our new knowledge to our mind maps. Alan asked us to help him decide what to pack in his suitcase. Miss Mudd brought in some items to stimulate some discussion and we had to give reasons as to why we would take that item.


We also used a range of different materials to create a collage of Antarctica. We used lots of cold colours and tried to use some of our knowledge of that environment to help us. We included penguins, seals, mountains and icebergs.

We have also been learning about alphabetical order and had lots of different stations to work round to help us practise putting items in alphabetical order.

In Numeracy we have been learning about numbers to 1000. We built on our knowledge of place value to 100 and extended this to beyond 100. We used the base ten blocks to build different numbers and practised partitioning the numbers with a partner. We then looked at how to compare and order numbers to 1000.

In PE we joined up with Primary 2B and played some team relay games. Here we are in action!


In Art we continued to develop our drawing skills. This week we were looking at our playground and discussed what the playground is used for. We used drama to act out our ideas. We then started to focus on the shapes of our bodies when we are doing these actions. We drew stick men to show the shape of our bodies when we are running, hopping, skipping, playing football. We worked in partners so one person could act it out whilst the other person drew the shape.


We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend


Miss Mudd and P2A x

Primary 3/4 Blog Week Beginning 9.4.18

Primary 3/4

Blog Week Beginning 9.4.18

Dear All

This week in literacy we did an imaginative story about farming. We learned that a homophone is a word that has different meanings or spellings, for example, park or sea and see. We learned the ‘ei’ and the ‘eigh’ sounds. We did a joined up handwriting assessment.  We choose a new library book.

In French we watched videos about French culture. We found out that Eiffel tower is in Paris. We found out that the French like different foods from us like baguettes, croissants, pain au chocolate, snails and frogs legs! The French weather is warmer than ours but they can have worse bad weather than us. . We learned about the French revolution. The French flag is blue, white and red which represent Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

In numeracy we learned our times tables with fidget spinners, saying our tables until the fidget spinner stopped. We were learning the 2, 4, 10 and 100 times tables. We learned that for the 10 times table we put 1 zero at the end and 2 zeros for multiplying by 100. We learned that the 2 x table is the same as doubling.

In health and wellbeing we were learning about fitness. We ran, hopped and star jumped along the lines and we did, skipping, hula hooping and bouncing ball races. We played dodgeball.

In learning across the curriculum we started learning about farming. We learned how sheep gave birth. We learned about the commonwealth games. We learned that all the continents in the world start and end with the same vowel. We learned the claw action for ‘la’ in NYCOS and we learned about the lines and spaces in the stave. We also did a fun game to match our new song.

What a busy week!

Have a good weekend!

P2/3 the Pizzeria

We’ve hit the ground running in P2/3 this week, class assembly rehearsals are in full swing and we have had a great time setting up our classroom as a pizzeria to play with fractions.

We know how to find halves, quarters and thirds of a shape and we are learning how to write fractions correctly. Next week we will be moving on to finding a fraction of an amount.

In Art we drew beautiful pictures of the ocean and sea creatures, you will get to see these at our assembly. We’ve also made a whale and a boat big enough to hold 5 David Attenboroughs!

If you would like to practise our class assembly song at home, it is to the tune of ‘See Beneath your Beautiful’ by Labrinth.

Thank you for all the bits of costume you’ve sent in, it’s much appreciated.

Oh, last bit of very exciting news, we are extremely lucky to have a new smartboard! Miss Prince is still learning how to use it but the children seem to have the hang of it!

Have a lovely weekend,

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x

Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone. Hope you all had a lovely break and are ready for the new term.

We have had a very busy first week back to school with planning and organising our assembly for next week. We’ve enjoyed looking back at our learning of Scottish Inventors to help us get ready for next week.

Throughout the week we have also started learning about fractions, in particularly, halves and quarters. Next week we hope to develop our learning further by looking at fifths and tenths.

In literacy we have been working in groups to look in closer detail at similes in text and how they are used. Each group did a great job of finding different similes with the short piece of text they were given. Next week we will be focusing on alliteration and questioning.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs McVay and Primary 3


P1B’s First Class Trip!

What a fantastic day we had yesterday on our trip to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway.  It was great fun going on a train ride on the steam train.  We loved the old fashioned carriages and bouncy seats!  We ate our lunch on the train on the way to Manuel Station.

We each had a special ticket that we had to keep safe to show the ticket inspector when he came round to check them.  He punched our tickets with a special machine.  He let us help him use the machine.

When we arrived at Manuel station we all got off the train to watch the steam engine as it uncoupled and moved along the tracks to allow it to attach to the other end of the train so it could pull the carriages home again.

We really enjoyed the museum too, there was so much to see, lots of trains and exhibitions.  We got to go inside some of the trains and pretend to drive quite a few too.

To mark the 100 year anniversary of the end of the First World War the museum are asking those who want to to help,  make poppies dedicated to the railwaymen who lost their lives in the war.  We were only too happy to help and our poppies can be seen on display in the museum.

It was an excellent day out and we had a lot of new experiences, we all loved going on the bus with our friends too.  We were all very well behaved and Mrs Kennedy was very proud of us.  We will write a report on our day out this week in class.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy


P1A’s trip to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway

Today we went on our first school trip to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway.  We travelled there by bus and when we arrived, we got our tickets from the ticket office. We waited patiently for the steam train to arrive and then we hopped on board!

Once we were on the steam train we sat down at the tables and chairs in our carriage. We went on a return trip from Bo’ness to Manuel and during our journey we went through a dark tunnel which we really enjoyed!

When we were on the steam train the ticket conductor came along to check our tickets. We got to stamp our own train tickets! Afterwards we had our lunch on the steam train.

When we arrived at Manuel, we got off the steam train to watch the steam locomotive. It looked a little bit like Percy from Thomas the Tank Engine!

After our journey on the steam train, we went to the Museum of Scottish Railways. We looked at lots of different types of trains. One of our favourite trains was the Royal Mail train as we got to sort the post!

We got to explore lots of different trains in the museum and we even climbed on board a vintage Glasgow subway car!

After we had looked round the museum, we were asked to do a very special job. The Museum of Scottish Railways are creating a memorial wall to honour the Scottish soldiers who worked for the railways and we got to make poppies for the museum.

We had a fantastic day at Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway and we would like to thank our parent helpers who came along to help today.

Thank you for reading our blog post,

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

Home Learning WB 9.4.18

Home Learning WB 9.4.18

Li nk to docs above


Hope you had a lovely holiday.

Home Learning for Week beginning 9.4.18


Reading from group novel. There is no additional reading task this week so that there is more time to focus on spelling task.


Spelling words for this week are attached. Children should have either a level 3 or a level 2 (selection of the words highlighted) in their jotters. Children should try to learn these words and choose a spelling task on 5 of the words using a variety of the sounds.


This week’s focus is times tables. The children will have a choice of 2 x, 4 x or factor activity in their jotters. They can try another one from the scan link in this document if they wish.

We are focusing on 2, 4, 10 and 100 calculations this week. We will also be learning the connection of doubles, e.g. double the 2 times calculations to get 4 times.

Have a good week!

Kind Regards




Happy Easter from P1B


We continued our odd and even numbers in numeracy this week.  We’ve been taking a little time over this, playing with the numbers in lots of different ways to make sure we are confident at counting in 2s and can tell an even from an odd number.  We are getting very good at it and really like looking at really big numbers to see if they are odd or even.

In PE, we continued with tennis.  We didn’t use the rackets this week, instead we concentrated on our hand-eye co-ordination as we bounced a ball around hall. We then practised some of the movements we need around the court to get to the tennis ball, in particular, moving sideways.  We also did some running and stopping quickly, getting into the ready position.  It was good fun as always and the children are very enthusiastic, many showing good resilience as they try to do things that, at first, may not be easy.

Each class in the infant section of the school has been working on a new text this week.  P1 chose ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ It’s a lovely bright book, with great illustrations and lots of rhyming words. Our literacy focus has been rhyming and adjectives.  We did lots of listening, talking and matching up words that rhyme.  We also wrote some sentences describing the shark in the book.  The children had great suggestions of words to describe him – powerful, fierce, enormous and beautiful were just a few.

We have also begun to create an underwater wall display in the corridor.  We’ve been using lots of different art techniques as we make underwater creatures for the display.  We watched some ‘Blue Planet’ and saw the lovely bright colours that there are under the sea.  We are making our display bright too. Have a peak the next time you are in or pop in at the end of the day.

On Thursday, we went outside into the outdoor classroom where there were lots of eggs hidden!  It was good fun finding them and we counted them afterwards, there were almost 50 eggs!

We have been very busy playing this week too.  Planning, co-operating, socialising, and using our imaginations too.

Have a lovely Easter, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

P7a weekly news


This week our focus was on subtraction. We all reminded ourselves how to do the formal written algorithm for subtraction ensuring the larger number is on the top. We then worked through explaining how to exchange. This was a good reminder that 1 ten equals 10 units and 1 unit equals 10 tenths etc. We then moved on to look at negative numbers and discussed bank overdrafts, loans and temperatures as common real life scenarios when we need to use negative numbers. Everyone then had a chance to do some calculations with negative numbers and some children moved on to multiplication and division of negative numbers.


Using the plans created last week we all wrote a letter home imagining we were an evacuee. We had to capture our emotions and think about what life would have been like as a child back then. This was another chance to use the formal layout required for letter writing. We also finished our STEM applications for Mrs Tulloch and had to draw our invention as part of the application. Fingers crossed we get a winner…

French and Spanish

In French we looked at the use of “tu” and “vous” using informal and formal language. In Spanish we finished our family trees and can now introduce all members of our extended families in Spanish.


We continued our evacuee research and in groups picked an area to research in more depth. Our sway presentations were quite good, but Mrs Gordon felt they didn’t contain enough information. We shall uplevel these after the holidays.

Church Service

A huge thanks to everyone who attended and walk with us today. The children were fabulous with their buddies and were complimented for their behaviour and the way they looked after them by teachers and parents alike. Well done P7.

Happy holidays from Mrs Gordon and P7a

Primary 5A 22.3.18

Last week we visited Linlithgow Palace and were shown round by Linlithgow Primary Palace guide who were really interesting. We also had time to sketch different parts of the Palace.

Before our Bridges visit on Monday, Hector Woodhouse came and spoke to us about his work on the Forth Road Bridge almost 60 years ago. It was fascinating and we could have asked him questions for ages after the bell. The talk really helped prepare us for our visit to the new Queensferry Crossing. Also in preparation, we  made paper bridges. Arran and Shaymaa’s bridge managed to carry 600+ bricks.


Walking the Forth Road Bridge
Learning about the safety


We really enjoyed our visit and learned about the different kinds and bridges, their construction and safety.

Have a lovely Easter holiday!


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