At NYCOS, the children were writing above and below the stave.
Well done HL! you found interesting facts about poultry farming.
Here, the P4s practiced their persuasive language skills by talking about their stance on animal farming.


P4 Blog- Written by CG, EC,SM and AR

Maths-This week we have been learning 2 digit times  1 digit multiplication .

In Literacy- we have been learning to proo read a text  and are class novel is The Diary of the Killer Cat.

Health and wellbeing we have been  learning to respond to other people feelings.

We now a have Kindness wall so people can leave kind notes to each other.

Our class topic is farming in Scotland.



P2/3 and The Rubbish Dump Whale Assembly

Miss Prince is so proud of P2/3 for confidently delivering an important message about plastic pollution through their class assembly today.

Every single member of the class sang, danced and acted with a smile on their face 🙂

Here’s a wee synopsis of our story:

Five Sir David Attenboroughs were sailing across the sea when suddenly they spotted the Rubbish Dump Whale!

As you might have guessed, Rubbish Dump Whale lived in a rubbish dump. He was  lonely because all the other animals had gone. He wished for the sea to be clean once more and for all the other animals to return.

Then he met Ollie the Octopus and Bird. They worked together to deliver messages in bottles to the humans, asking them to stop putting plastic rubbish in the ocean.

Let’s make the oceans clean again for all the beautiful animals!

You can help by using paper straws and by always bringing a refillable water bottle to school.

Can we all please see the sea is beautiful

Can we all please, keep the oceans clean

Keep it out now guys, keep it out our lives

Can’t we at least try?

Can we all please, see the sea is beautiful tonight

Thank you 🙂

Love P2/3, The Rubbish Dump Whale, Ollie the Octopus and Bird xxx





27.4.18 5A Blog

We started our literacy circle this week and everybody was very pleased with their choice of book. There was lots of discussion about the cover, illustrations and our initial feelings about the story line and characters. Mrs Tulloch had a job trying to get us to stop talking. Everyone has a role for next week and we look forward to listening to how everyone in the group manages their literacy circle task.

We were using dictionaries to help when up leveling our writing. For comprehension, we focused on reading for information and this should help us prepare for our class talks.

In maths, we focused on equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions. This was quite tricky and  we need to practise the method we have been using in class. Next week we will be finding fractions of an amount.  Mrs Gordon was pleased with our work on area and we will continue with perimeter.

We started our new IDL geography trail about Scotland and used a map to show: what we know, what we would like to find out and how we are going to do it.

At PE, we practiced our drills at basketball and had some very fast games. Lots of double dribbles though!

Mrs Bain gave us instruments and we were practicing keeping different rhythms.

Mr Logan continued with our internet safety and we completed our posters.

We continued with Scratch and have been showing our work, cartoon and movies to  rest of the class. They are fab.

Subtracting in P1A!

This week our new sounds were ‘oi’ and ‘oy’. When learning ‘oi’, we wrote ‘oi’ words with chalk, made ‘oi’ words with loose parts and play dough, built ‘oi’ words in hoops and looked for ‘oi’ words in the books in our class library. When learning the ‘oy’ sound, we wrote ‘oy’ words in toys, used magnifying glasses to find ‘oy’ words and highlighted ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ words in a story called ‘The Lost Toy’. We also wrote ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ sentences in our literacy jotters.

This week we started to learn our subtraction facts to 10. We started to look at subtraction by using objects and pictures and ‘taking away’. We played Subtraction Bowling and Subtraction Smash and we practised our subtraction facts on our whiteboards. We also played ‘Hop Off’ on Education City and started our new subtraction workbook.

On Thursday we looked at using 1p, 2p and 5p coins. We used our adding to add coins up to 10p. We played money bingo, used coins to buy items in a toy shop, played a game called ‘Money Match’ on our Promethean board and added coins up to 10p in our money workbooks.

In writing this week, we were looking at invitations. We looked at party invitations and spoke about the different features. In our invitations, we needed to include a picture, give information and make our invitations colourful. Our parents will find out why we were making invitations soon!

This week we have also been practising for our class assembly. Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie have been so impressed with how well we already know our speaking parts. We are a little nervous about next Friday but our teachers think that we will be great!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

Thank you

A big thank you to Mrs Bryson and Ruaridh for taking the time to make this fantastic Eggdictator. The class have absolutely loved playing with it this week and it has taken pride of place in our new role play area.

I really appreciate all of the support from parents this week. Many of you have sent in wonderful artefacts and objects from other countries and it has stimulated some great discussion in our classroom. I feel it is so important to learn about other cultures and the world we live in so thank you for your help.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Mudd x

P3/4 Blog WE 27.4.18

Hi All

In literacy this week we learned how to use commas in speech.  In our reading lessons we were using thinking reader strategies of main ideas, prior knowledge, visualisation, metalinguistic, inference and summarising. We discussed the settings and characters using picture and reading challenge cards. We wrote a report about whether we should use as much as 75% of land for farming. We also wrote an imaginative story about what it would be like to live on a farm

In numeracy we learned how to divide and practised our times tables using division wheels, snakes and ladders and division bingo games.

In health and wellbeing we played basketball with Mrs Reid. We practised fitness with Mrs McAlpine focusing on stamina and walked and jogged a mile a day.

In learning across the curriculum we learned patterns in our NYCOS last session! We are making a tractor to put on our farming display. We watched Springtime on the farm. We learned about the process of cows, pigs, chickens and fish going from farms to getting to the shops. We learned about how animals were looked after and looked at the differences between chickens that were kept inside and free range chickens that were able to have more room to move about.

Have a good weekend!

Primary 3 – Week beg. 23rd April

Now that the class have finished learning about Scottish Inventors we are turning our attention to Plastic Pollution and what we can do to help with this world wide issue. The pupils had a very detailed discussion about pollution and created some key questions that they want to answer throughout the coming weeks. Some of these are:

How long does it take for plastic to break down?

Who invented plastic?

How can we help?

How much plastic is thrown in the sea every year?

We have been challenging ourselves further in maths by learning about equivalent fractions! We played a matching game to help our understanding. As part of our number talks we have been sharing our strategies for adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers. Next week we may even move on to 3 digit numbers!

Mrs Birkett has been doing lots of French with us and this week we were beginning to learn our numbers up to 31! We are having fun playing different games and doing activities to help us learn these confidently.

Primary 3 and Mrs McVay

Primary 6A’s Show stopping week!

Wow, what a week Primary 6 have had! With the start of the week starting with a Lion King dress rehearsal at Linlithgow Academy, to ending the week off, with an amazing show stopping Lion King production! Primary 6 and Primary 7 put on a show that will  never be forgotten. All the children put in a lot of effort and enthusiasm to pull off the best show ever. Well done to all the children!

Literacy: Playing games  can help us to learn different spelling rules. This week for active spelling we played a variety of spelling games to reinforce spelling rules we have learnt before.  We continued to read our class novel, The mysterious journey of Edward Tulane. Edward has been on so many adventures and his character changes with each adventure, we used our imagination and created the different personalities that Edward has developed. During guided reading this week, we used our individual reading novel and completed tasks that were based on grammar, we used the text to find different nouns, connectives and punctuations. We’ve been learning about the Industrial Revolution and what it was like to be a child worker. During Literacy we analysed the elements and features of a diary entry. Using our knowledge on the life of a child worker we wrote a diary entry to explain a typical day in the life of a child worker. Our grammar focus this week was identifying and using direct and indirect speech correctly in a text.

Numeracy: We have continued learning about time and how and where it is used in real life context. We have been consolidating solving  and calculating time problems.

HWB: This week is internet safety week. With the rise of online gaming, we have been learning the importance of the responsible use of the internet and the safety of chatting on line. We have discussed and shared our thoughts and ideas on what it means to us to be a Global citizen.

RME: Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the saving of the Jewish people from Haman, who was planning to kill all the Jews. We a little late with the celebration, but this week, we learnt about Purim, we learnt how and why it is celebrated. It was a very exciting lesson as we even got to do some baking, this gave us an opportunity to experience some of the foods that are eating during the celebration.

Things to remember:

Monday, 30th May we going Pond Dipping, please make sure you have sensible shoes that can get wet.

P6A and Mrs Matos


Primary 2B

Last week was another busy week in Primary 2B. The children were working on fractions – halves and quarters of both shapes and numbers.

In Literacy we looked at different sentence openers and how to make our sentences more interesting. Trying not to start sentences with the same words. Also  continuing sentences.

We’ve started looking at our favourite places in Linlithgow and designing posters to encourage people to come and visit them. The new area in our classroom is Springfield Tourist Information Centre and we are making leaflets    to give to our customers!!

In P.E we are continuing to practice our ball skills.

Fraction stations!


Primary 6 Weekly update

After a lovely week at camp last week, it was time to get our heads down and back to the grind stone.

Literacy: We took some time to reflect on our camp experience. Mrs Matos shared with us some of the photos of us that were taken during our time at Dalguise. We had a few good giggles at some of the photos, but they were all good memories of a fun time together. Together with our fond memories and photos, we designed our very own brochure for PGL Dalguise. Before our creative juices started flowing we discussed the main elements and features of a brochure. We took some time to analyse and discuss some travel brochures, we specifically looked at the layout, Title, who the brochure is aimed for ( audience) and lastly we analysed the purpose. We used all this knowledge and created informative PGL Dalguise brochures….. perhaps Dalguise may want to use some of our brochures for marketing purposes.  We continued to make our way through our class novel, the mysterious journey of Edward Tulane, we read a few more chapters in the book, and discussed how the character is evolving and how his adventures is the cause of the change. We looking forward to reading more next week, to hear what adventure will he be on next.

Numeracy and Mathematics: We have been working with time this week. We have looked at how we use time in our everyday lives. We’ve been solving time problems and been calculating the difference between time on a travel time table. Our favourite,the TV guide, we have been calculating the duration of TV shows.  During Number talks Mrs Matos gave us a very challenging division problem to solve, and after some discussion and sharing of different strategies it was a lot easier to solve than we thought. Using the stratgeies shared we were able to complete the remaining string of problems.

IDL: Industrial Revolution – this week we discussed the 5 factors that lead to the Industrial Revolution, we worked in groups to read through some facts and create a poster that best described each factors part in the cause of the revolution. We also had a read through various different sources of what life  was like for child workers during the revolution. After reading some alarming facts and stories this lead to a discussion and comparison to life as a child now and the rights that children now have… we really are very lucky, and we all agreed that if we were to choose, we would definitely to choose to be a child now.

 HWB: Did you know that storks no longer deliver babies? This week we learnt all about how babies are made and how they are born.  Although some of us felt a little nervous and shy to hear about this, we really found it interesting and Mrs Matos was very impressed by how mature we all were and was pleased with some of the mature questions that were asked.

PE: This was our first week of athletics training. In May we will be taking part in the cluster cross country and we are determined to be prepared and ready to win. We warmed up with some jogs around the pitch, and later we completed some various circuit training activities.

Expressive Arts: Not long to go now, until our long awaited Lion King production. We were back  to  rehearsals this week. It is all starting to feel real now after our full day  of  rehearsals   at the Linlithgow Academy on Thursday. The production has help to build our confidence in both drama and music, and we are looking forward to sharing this experience with all our families and friends next week.

Primary 6 and Mrs Matos

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