Primary 2B

Sorry for the delay. Short week last week. We continued with our Indian adventure and had a parent in from Primary 2A, who comes from India. She talked about her country and did a PowerPoint. The children really enjoyed asking questions and looking at various artefacts. We have made  our own Diwali candle holders which we finish painting this week.

We started to plan our fantasy stories which we will continue with this week. Can’t wait to read them! We also worked on a comprehension exercise and did some peer assessment on it.

It’s been the 5x tables and will continue with this during the  week.



Big Pedal Success

Well done to everyone that took part in the Big Pedal! Another successful year with lots of children, parents, carers and younger siblings taking part.

Congratulations to the overall winners who had the most participants who cycled, scooted or walked to school:

P4 and P5A

Thank you to the JRSO committee for organising and collating results.


Home Learning P3/4

Home Learning WB 14.5.18

Please see above link to this week’s home learning.

All children should be learning the spelling words and an activity from the spelling grid.

There are various fraction sheets. The main one is is the missing fractions sheet. Children can choose any they feel capable of attempting. We have not covered decimals yet so they should only try this at the moment, if they have previous knowledge of decimals.

This exercise is to show children how fractions make up to a whole and connections between different fractions e.g. 2/4 = 1/2. They should record answers as O or 1 (not e.g. 0/4 or 4/4).

Thanks for feedback on home learning. Please continue to get in touch if you need any further clarification.

Kind Regards


The P4s were able to ride a on a tractor.
The whole class have been researching about the different types of farms in Scotland. They are also working on creating a PowerPoint presentation about their research findings.
These children worked collaboratively in creating a play script. Each have a job to do as they are to present a play this to the class next week. The jobs are as follows; prop maker, director, actor, narrator and script writer.



Last week …

  • To divide by 2, 3, 4 and even higher with multiplication& sumdog.
  • In literacy we have been working very hard to write persuasively and it was very fun. Mr. Wells came to teach that lesson.
  • We also had a visit from a lamb and 2 chickens and a chicken went wild!

Written by: Sean, Euan and Ava


This week- 11.05.18

       P4 BLOG


  • In maths, we have been learning division with remainders.  (by S)
  • In Literacy, Miss Durano’s friend Lambchops (a farm sheep) wrote a letter to the P4s describing their dire living conditions in the farm. Lambchops asked the P4s if they could write a letter of complaint to the West Lothian Council so that the situation could change.  We have also been learning to understand the meaning of a passage by looking at context clues.

Our Short Week at SPS and Bonnytoun

Our short week has flown by in school and nursery. We ended the week with a ‘teacher swap’ in school which was organised by our Pupil Council. Pupils enjoyed working with a different teacher for part of the morning and fun was had by all.

Here are some achievements from this week…

Well done to F in P3 for further success in football. Did you know that F also plays for Heart’s boys team?

A number of children in school received skiing certificates this week for taking part in after-school skiing at Polmont Ski School.  Congratulations to you all!

Well done to N in P2 for taking part in a charity run.

E in P2 made a super model of an aeroplane which she brought along to show me today. Great effort E!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖

11.5.18 Primary 5A

Hello, we hope everyone had fun over the long weekend.

P5A at the canal basin after our safety talk

This week we went on the canal and learned about how to keep safe on water. It was really interesting and fun. We had turns at saving someone from drowning ( on the boat! ).

In science, we investigated how to make white from the colours of the rainbow. It also gave us an opportunity to make electrical circuits. We rainbow  coloured our discs and then put them onto the motor. When they spun it made white. No one predicted that!

Logan’s birthday and he made white

In maths we continued with fractions, improper and mixed numbers. We will continue this next week and it may involve biscuits!

There was lots of great discussion about our group novels and our discussion directors did very well leading the groups.

We finished our session of basketball with very fast, competitive games . Lots of baskets were scored and there was great passing as well.

Mrs Bain was pleased with our rhythm and percussion playing in music.

For IDL we looked at ordnance survey symbols and features of different Scottish landscapes. We will be painting modern beach scenes next week.


P5B Week Commencing 5th May 2018

In Maths this week we have been learning more about fractions. We are now able to calculate the fraction of a basic number and the fraction of a quantity.  We have been using our knowledge of division and multiplication to help us with this.

In Reading we are now getting used to working as a group in our Literacy Circles and are having fun learning and taking part in our different roles. We are beginning to discuss the stories in more depth and thinking about why the authors have devised their different characters, chosen their settings and developed the story line.

In our topic we have been looking at the different map symbols. We are now able to recognise what the symbols mean and how they can be used to help us read a map.  We have also started looking at the different physical features of Scotland’s landscape and how they are formed.

In Science we continued with our work on light and how we can make white light. This involved making a motor work from an electrical circuit and colouring a disc the colours of the rainbow.  When we put the disc on the motor it spun fast and made white light.  Next week we will look at how light refracts through a prism next week.

On Thursday we went on a trip to the local canal at Linlithgow. The trip was organised for us by the Linlithgow Union Canal Society.  We set sail on one of the canal barges and learned lots of interesting facts and figures about the canal from the local canal ranger Mr Linton McBurnie.  Mr McBurnie gave us lots of safety tips on how to stay safe when we are near the canal and also showed us the correct procedure when using a rope to rescue someone if they fell in.


A letter from Sir David Attenborough

DG in P2/3 wrote a letter to his hero, David Attenborough, telling him all about our Rubbish Dump Whale assembly…

Guess what… Sir David replied! Amazing!

Thank you for your letter, and pictures. I am so glad you have joined in the fight against waste plastic.

Best wishes,

David Attenborough 

Well done, DG!


Afterschool netball.

We’ve had a good netball season this year. We competed  in the Linlithgow cluster tournament and came 3rd overall – Well done girls for all your hard work, dedication and commitment.

This week on Wednesday we invited some primary 6’s who would be interested to come along to a netball taster session. It was great to see so many who were interested. We spent some time discussing the rules and purpose of the game. We had a look and discussed the different positions which are played and where they are able to play on the court.

After all the rules, positions and general introduction we played a few games of netball. We all had a lot of fun, and enjoyed demonstrating the skills and play of netball. The Primary6 boys and girls who came along to the taster session, had a great time and all agreed to come along next week to play some more netball.

Mrs Matos and Miss Harrison.


Primary 6 Weekly Blog

After a lovely long weekend off, we got off to a running start to our 3 day week.

On Wednesday morning all Primary 6 children took part in the cluster cross country. The morning was well organized with a 1.5km run around the Loch. Everyone took part with enthusiasm and put there athletic skills and perseverance to the test. GC from P6B came 4th overall in the girls group, well done! Within our school, RD, PM and CH were the top 3 for the boys and EC, AP and GC were the top 3 for the girls – a massive well done to all primary 6 children, what great effort and achievement!

Literacy: Our Lion King production was such a success we thought it would be a good idea to write a ‘theatre review’ based on the feedback from our audience, as well as our own personal experience. We had a look at the different features of a review, we discussed the target audience, the purpose, layout and language. We discussed the good and the not so good about the production, and looked at ways that it could have been improved, concentrating on using a wide range of interesting adjectives and persuasive language we began our new roles as Theatre critics. In grammar this week we discussed and identified  alliterations being used in song lyrics and text.

Numeracy:  Using concrete materials such as Lego and building blocks we continued to expand our knowledge and understanding of fractions, In different groups we looked at and discussed mixed numbers and equivalent fractions. Can you help us to use fractions in our everyday lives?

Health and Wellbeing: We continued with our previous lesson from last week, learning about food allergies, this week we concentrated on what happens to our bodies if we eat something that we may be allergic to.

IDL: During IDL this term our focus is going to be geography and learning about our local area. To start us off, Ms Crombie shared with us her previous experience of a Marine Geophysicist, she shared some very interesting facts about how different Scottish landforms have been developed over time as well as her time out at sea, mapping the sea. The children enjoyed making a 3D models of Arthur seat to end a very interesting and informative lesson, thank you  Ms Crombie.

Science: In science this week, we continued learning and expanding our knowledge of the skeleton, we completed some fun activities and built a pasta skeleton to consolidate our learning.

P6A, Mrs Matos and Ms Crombie

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