Christmas is coming P2B

Another busy week back with the class. The children did brilliantly with our “Wriggly Nativity”” and I was very proud of them as I’m sure you were.

We also had a trip to the Howden Centre to see the Pantomime of “Jack and the Beanstalk”. The children really enjoyed it and were a credit to SPS.

We have been busy writing our letters to Santa and made a super job of these. Hope you’re ready for them Santa! We also completed our art work and writing about the Jack Frost story.

In Maths we have continued our work on subtraction.  Next week we will look at the continuation of patterns.

So a week to go and the children are getting very excited. Hope everyone enjoys the last week.

From Mrs.Burton and P2B




Christmas Happenings at SPS and Bonnytoun

This week we held three successful performances of the ‘Wriggly Nativity’ led by our P1-2 children.

On Monday our friends from Linlithgow Day Care Centre watched the dress-rehearsal performance and thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the children perform. We are really proud of the link that we have with the Day Care Centre. There are published studies about the benefits of old and young learning together and this is something that we will continue to take forward in school and nursery.

Thank you to all of our P1-2 pupils and the infant staff for their hard work in making our Nativity performances a huge success.

All children in school went to Howden Park Centre to watch the Jack and the Beanstalk Panto yesterday. They all had a wonderful time!

Next week we will be holding our nursery and P1-7 Xmas parties and our family church service at St Michael’s.

Please also note that our P3-7 children will be singing ‘carols around the tree’ next Friday morning at the following times:

9. 15am-P3-5 with parents invited.

10am-P6-7 with parents invited.

In the last newsletter, we shared our ‘wish list’ of some of the items that we hope to buy with money raised by the PTA. I am absolutely delighted to say that we have now purchased and built a fantastic ‘block play’ resource for our infant corridor. Our P3 ‘play leaders’ will begin to lead other children in block play.

Thank you all for allowing us to buy such a fanstastic resource! Block play is known to enable learning across all curriculum areas  as well as promoting creativity and problem-solving skills. I can’t wait to see what the children build!

Our infant department is looking amazing and it provides a smooth transition from nursery , across the early level and into P2 and P3. Many of the  learning and teaching approaches that we use in nursery can be seen in our infant department , allowing us to have a shared understanding about what high quality experiences look like in early years. Our children are able to make progress and add depth to their learning as they grow.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx 🎄 💖💖





Christmas Fun! P3B

This week I have been trying to balance Christmas fun with learning and keeping our routine.  We began the week with our normal spelling lesson although the children chose the activities that they like best to practise their words.  We also had a lesson on ‘fact and opinion.’  When answering reading comprehension questions we sometimes find it tricky to give our our opinion.  We could choose various ways of showing our understanding – worksheets with highlighters, large sheets where we could work with others and games where we sorted facts from opinions.  This is something we will continue to work on through reading comprehension activities.

We did some Christmas art on Tuesday, making spiral snowmen.  This was good fun and we even managed to discuss a little about the effects of gravity on our spirals.  These will be coming home soon.

In maths we used our addition skills to play different games – a racing track board game, snakes and ladders, bingo and smartboard games.  It was fun and quite noisy but there was lots of good maths going on!

On Wednesday we finished off our Forces topic with Mrs McVay by making kites and flying them outside.  Typically after all the windy weather we have had there was very little wind that day!  They still flew though 🙂

We had a great time at Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomime on Thursday.  It was a really good show, full of lots of laughs and we loved when Mr Wells had to go on the stage and get married to Jack’s mum!  There was lots of singing and dancing too – a very good Christmas treat!

We hear there is snow on the way this weekend – have a good one everyone!

From P3B and Mrs Kennedy


P4 class


ED- We learnt to work out answers for word problems using addition and subtraction strategies.

RP- We learnt a little bit about reading time.

MS and RP-  We did basic algebra.


EM- We did a model of a scene from the “Demon Headmaster” book.

HM- We wrote information about the scene.


We learnt ow to use a dictionary and find words in it.

We gave our opinion about an author’s use of language.


For PE, we did Ceilidh dancing with Mrs. Reid.  –SCD

Primary 5 w/e 14th December 2018

The pictures show us making our models for our Novel Study of Sky Song. We recreated a scene from the novel and wrote a short blurb explaining what was happening in the scene.

In maths we have learnt how to use function machines and we designed our own function machines to display in the classroom. As our Problem Solving challenge this week, we were working with digits – ask us what we were up to with this!!

In PE we were learning how to do some Ceilidh dances. We practised the Canadian Barn Dance and the Dashing White Sargent. We also did the Grand Old Duke of York.

We had a wonderful trip to the Pantomime and enjoyed the fun that was happening there.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


Panto, Parliament and Problem Solving

A busy week in P6a, we cannot believe we only have 1 week left before the holidays!

This week we have looked at angles in maths, we will continue this on Monday with a challenge from Mrs Newton. We also watched the Nativity rehearsal, it was lovely and our P2 friends did really well.

On Wednesday we all became MSP’s and took part in a number of challenges. We were given a budget and had to decide how to share it between our departments. Then we had a number of emergencies to deal with, before having to decide if we could afford to run an International Arts Festival. At the end of the day we assessed ourselves, our groups and the whole day. Most of us had fun and enjoyed the day. We are hoping to do another one next term.

The Panto was really good fun, we loved it when Mr Logan had to go onto the stage!

Next week we will be having our “Wonder” afternoon on Tuesday and on Thursday we have our Christmas Disco. We are sure Mrs Newton will also make us work hard in between as well 🙂

Have a lovely weekend, we believe that snow is coming 🙂 🙂 🙂

P6a and Mrs Newton


P4/5 Week commencing 10th December 2018

In Maths this week we did a mystery maths problem solving activity called “The Mystery of the Christmas Party”.  We also did some “Number Talks” to learn more about our numbers and maths vocabulary.  On Friday we challenged ourselves with our BIG Maths to improve our multiplication and addition knowledge.

In handwriting we have been learning how to form and slightly slant capital letters. We have been practising slightly slanting our letters as these speeds up our handwriting.

In PE we have been learning some Scottish dances and also dances for our Christmas party next week.

In our book study topic we have been drawing and painting our favourite scenes from the story.  We have also been making models of the grotto, jungle and the palace.  We hope to have these finished next week and also to create a wall display in the classroom.

In our book study “The Firework Maker’s Daughter” we have now finished the book and discovered how Lila became a Firework Maker.  We also found out the secret of the three gifts which were luck, talent and determination.

On Thursday we all went to the Howden Park Centre to watch the panto “Jack and the Bean Stalk version 2.0”.  We all had a great time!

We have also been working on our song for “Carols around the Christmas Tree” which is going to be “Frosty the Snowman”.

The “Classroom Elf” has been getting up to mischief this week.  He has stolen shoes, shorts and swapped all the shoes during PE time.  He messed up the calendar by turning the dates upside down and also pinched the chocolate advent calendar.  He moved Christmas day to the 12th of December and blue tacked a pencil pot to the wall and sat inside it.  He then scattered all the pencils over the tables and had a power nap on Mr Ritchie’s desk.

By Mr Ritchie and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.

P1a Wriggly Nativity

What a wonderful week we have had in P1a. We performed 3 shows of the “Wriggly nativity” including one on Monday for our friends at Linlithgow daycare centre. The children were fabulous and enjoyed it all so much they were still making their own wriggly nativity in class up until today!

In literacy we learnt our new sounds “x” and “y” and our new common words want, saw and no. This week we really focused on writing sentences and Mrs Gordon was very impressed with our use of full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.

In numeracy we continued to practice our number bonds to 10 and addition with numbers to 10. We are trying really hard to remember which numbers go together to make 10.

In PE we did some Scottish Country dancing. Mrs Gordon could not believe how quickly we managed to pick up a dance to “Bonnie Wee Jeannie McCall”. It was such fun.

The week ended with a great trip to the pantomime where we loved seeing Mr Wells on stage when he had to marry the dame.

Happy weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a

Wriggly Nativity, Jack Frost and Elfie on the Shelf in P2A

Well done to all the children for their fantastic performance of Wriggly Nativity, it was great to see them enjoying themselves up on the stage. They sang their hearts out!

In Maths this week we rounded off our work on addition and subtraction and completed a check-up with Miss Prince. We are all on track and have worked so hard this term. Next week we will be covering pattern.

In Literacy we wrote letters to Santa, we did this independently as Miss Prince wanted to see how we are getting on. It is lovely to see the progress since our first piece of writing back in August. We are mostly remembering capital letters, full stops and finger spaces and some of us are experimenting with question marks and exclamation marks. We could all do with some extra revision of our common words (sight words), here’s a game you could play to practise:

After listening to the story ‘Here Comes Jack Frost’ we used our imaginations and discussed who we think Jack Frost is and what he/she might look like. We created our ideas using collage and wrote a sentence to describe our ideas.

Our naughty classroom elf, Elfie, has been causing all sorts of bother over the past couple of weeks. One day he even pinched all of our emotional check-in faces and put them up high so we couldn’t reach them! I wonder what mischief he will get up to next week…

Here are some photos from last week – Katie Morag painting, Christmas card making and our Christmas Fayre Stall:

Have a great weekend!

12 sleeps…

Love P2A and Miss Prince x

The Start of Christmas at SPS and Bonnytoun

We are feeling the festive spirit at Springfield and Bonnytoun this week with  the kick-off of our annual Christmas events.

On Tuesday and Thursday our nursery children performed brilliantly at their Xmas sing-along and enjoyed a special visit from Santa.

Thank you to all children and families who made decorations for our Christmas trees at St Michael’s. The trees have been decorated with the help of two lovely Primary 7 girls and they will appear at the ‘Festival of Christmas trees’ from today until Sunday. Please head along to the church and view our trees if you have time. They look lovely!

We held an extremely successful Christmas Fayre today with the help of the PTA. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event happen and to all who supported it. We are extremely grateful for your contributions and all money raised will be spend in school and nursery for the benefit of our pupils.

Here is our pupil achievement for this week…

Well done to D for his karate medal!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

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