P1a out and about at the park

Our new digraphs this week were ‘ai’ and ‘ay’. We learnt that shy ‘i’ likes to go in the middle around his friends whilst toughy ‘y’ likes to be at the end of words. We really liked to do the actions for these.

We all loved our house treat trip to the park on Wednesday. As you can see from the photos we really enjoyed our exciting trip when we got to play with our friends.

In numeracy this week we continued our subtraction journey. We really enjoyed the skittles, subtraction bus stop game and subtraction smash with the play dough. We are all starting to remember our subtraction facts from 10. We also had fun with money. This week we used different coins to make different amounts. We also read the great pet sale, next week we are going to have our own pet sale and pretend to sell some of our class and own soft toys.

In IDL we launched our new topic for this term. It is a history topic where we will be looking at transport, our first port of call is trains. We went on a magic train journey with our magic tickets and had to draw a picture of what we could see from our train window. This was the planning for our writing which we will do on Monday when we will get back on the magic train. Mrs Gordon can’t wait to read what we saw from the window…

Happy weekend from Mrs Gordon and P1a.


Camera Obscura in P3B

We began the week with some grammar, learning about proper nouns.  Once we got into the swing of things we came up lots of proper nouns and learned that they ALWAYS begin with a capital letter.  Mrs Kennedy will be looking for this in our writing jotters from now on.

On Tuesday, we had our house treat – a trip to the park.  It really was a treat , we had great fun and played together really well.  We’re hoping to get out and about  again soon.

We are continuing our cameras history trail.  We learned about some of the first cameras which were pinhole cameras, these are simple cameras  with a tiny pinhole – essentially a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through the hole and projects an upside down image on the opposite side of the box, this is known as the camera obscura effect.  To help us to understand this we made our own pinhole cameras.  This was also a good technology lesson as we had to work hard to make sure our tube did not let in any light – including securing paper over the end with no gaps.  We also had to make two tubes – one slightly smaller than the other so it could fit inside the larger one.  All the groups managed it, with a few re-starts and adjustments.  There was great excitement as we tried them out.  Great teamwork too.

At the end of our History of Cameras project we will be presenting our learning to P3A.  We have begun powerpoints to help us to do this.  We will add one or two slides per week to build up our presentations as we go rather than do it all at the end.  This is a good way of recording what we learn each week for us to look back on too.  This week we worked in pairs to design title slides and produce one slide about pinhole cameras.  We used a check list to make sure we completed the task correctly.  A great start!

In numeracy, we continued our subtraction and time topics.  We really are improving our mental subtraction skills.  We looked at quick ways of subtracting teen numbers from 2-digit numbers by subtracting the 10 then the units.  Some of us have been subtracting a single digit from a 2-digit number, with bridging.  To do this mentally we took away the number of units to reach the multiple of ten, then subtracted the remaining units (e.g., to calculate 35 – 8 mentally, we would do  35 – 5 = 30, 30 – 3 = 27).

We have a new time wall display, it has a real clock and labels to help us to read the clock throughout the day.  Some of our clocks from last week are on the wall too as well as examples of digital clocks.  We will continue to practise quarter to the hour, especially on a digital clock.  We will move onto ordering times next.

We are also continuing our ‘French Fridays.’  We are now great at numbers to 10, we can count out loud, as well as read and write the number words.  We have begun to learn numbers to 20.  Today we played a game where we rolled dice, said the numbers in French, added the numbers, said the total in French and then coloured the number on our sheet.  The person with the most numbers coloured was the winner.  This got quite competitive!  I heard great French too.

In between all of this we have been very busy rehearsing our assembly.  Thank you very much for helping the children to learn their lines and for help with props.

See you next Friday 🙂

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

A Busy Week at Springfield and Bonnytoun

All children had the chance to visit Dovecot Park this week, with their class, for our House award. Teachers reported how much fun the children had and how nicely they played together.  We are going to try to get children out to the Park more often as we further develop Outdoor Learning. Watch this space for further news!

Today in assembly, we looked at the Wellbeing Indicator ‘being nurtured.’ We talked about how we care for pets, plants and babies as we learned about what ‘nuture’ means. Children were reminded who they should approach for support should they have any worries or concerns.

We found out the exciting news last night that again, we have the main retinue in this year’s Gala Day! Well done to A, L and J in P7 who have been chosen to undertake the roles of Queen, Chief Lady and Champion. We can’t wait until the Gala Day and we are so proud of our children.

Pupil achievements:

-A in P1 was delighted to show me her Enjoy-a-Ball trophy today! Well done A!

Today our basketball team are playing in the West Lothian league, Pool A. I am standing watching them now and they have just won their first game, 12 nil! Go Team Springfield! 💚 Thank you to Mrs Kerr and Mr Logan for their hard work with this group of children.

A few parents have spoken recently about our playground and how busy it is/playground supervision. Although we always have the correct staff-child ratio, we will increase staff numbers in future weeks and continue to ensure that all children play happily. Please continue to approach us if you have any concerns at all. If we don’t know then we can’t fix it!

Have a great weekend,

Miss Baillie x💖


P4/5 Week commencing 4th February 2019

During PE on Monday we were learning different types of balances used in gymnastics. Once we have learned more we will be putting them to music and creating a routine.

On Tuesday we took part in the fifth workshop provided by NYCOS (National Youth Choir of Scotland) where we learned how to read notes and made the notes with our bodies.

During ICT we practised our maths skills using Education City. Some of us used our own login details and we can also use these logins at home.

In Science we went outside to practice transporting water down a line of people to show how people who live in Kenya, Africa collect water.

In Maths we started working on money, calculating change from £1 and £2.  We also started doing time with Mrs Birkett. During Big Maths this week we used our problem solving skills to solve the questions.

In reading we took part in our third “Literacy Circles” and carried out our different roles. We are learning how the Author sets the story and creates characters. Some of our groups got new books this week and we started working on our new resource “The Literacy Box”.

In writing this week we learned how to create a newspaper report and we had different options to choose from. We wrote lots of very interesting stories.

We have continued reading our new class novel which is Doctor Who “The Secret in Vault 13” by David Solomons.  In the TARDIS Ryan has realised that there is no furniture for him to rest on. He also brought a begonia into the TARDIS and it has stopped them from going on holiday.

By Mr Ritchie, Miss Fiddes and all the “Tiggerrific” P4/5s.

Park Play, Friendships and Reading Strategies (P3A)

This week we went to Dovecot Park for a free play! This was a reward as part of our House Points/Springs system. Each term there are different rewards that we can pick from so since each house (Champfleurie, Hopetoun, Ochiltree and Binns) had achieved over 1000 springs, we went to the park! We had a lot of fun playing on the different equipment!

As part of Health and Wellbeing this week, we looked at friendships. We explored what it meant to be a good friend and then we discussed whether everyone can be a friend and if you can be friends with someone all the time. Afterwards, Miss Harrison gave us different scenarios that we had to act out.  We shared these scenarios with the rest of the class and then we discussed how we could help in each of the situations.

In Numeracy this week we revised some of our subtraction strategies and we learned how to subtract a teens number from a two-digit number. First we subtracted ten and then we subtracted the number of units. Some of us were learning how to subtract two-digit numbers and subtract over a multiple of 10 and some of us were learning to subtract three-digit multiples of 10. This week we have also been using our subtraction skills to solve problems.

This week we have been revising finding quarter past and quarter to times and using am and pm times. We are going to continue revising using quarter to times next week and then look at finding time durations.

This week we produced a final draft of our discursive writing on ‘For and Against Computers’. We discussed what ‘Presentation Perfect’ would look like in P3A and then we made our own success criteria. We decided that our writing should be neat, we should use the appropriate punctuation, we should include a detailed picture and that our words should be spelled correctly. We were very proud of our writing and Miss Harrison has displayed our final drafts in our classroom.

On Friday we revised our numbers to 20 in French. We listened to a numbers song, revised our counting and then we played a French numbers game. We rolled the dice, added two numbers together, said the answer in French and then coloured in the answer. The winner was the one with the most coloured in at the end.

In Literacy this week we have been learning to use strategies as we read to help make the meaning of texts clear.  We discussed strategies that we could use to help us when reading aloud and to help us when we encounter a tricky word. We explored different reading strategies and then we made posters to describe each strategy which have been displayed in our reading area. We also gave some of our posters to P1 to help them with their reading too! In reading this week, we have also been looking at answering and creating true or false questions about our reading books.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Assembly prep and time (or a lack of time!)

This week we finally finished our script for the P6a upcoming assembly. We have all chosen our roles and are busy rehearsing. The live performance will be on Friday 22nd February, starting at 10am sharp.

Next week we will be sending information home on Fair Trade Fortnight. This is something that P6 do every year and we have been busy planning for our turn.

In Maths we have been looking at Time. We converted units of time, look at timetables and calculated journey times. Next week we will be starting on percentages and how they relate to our fraction work.

In literacy we wrote a non chronological report on the Industrial Revolution using the research we had completed last week. Next week we are going to be making newspaper reports.

We continued to rehearse our songs for 1719, we are actually pretty awesome already (even if we do say so ourselves!) Details of the performance date and time will follow once we have confirmed these with Scottish Opera.

We looked at child labour during the Industrial Revolution, we were suprised by the length of time the children had to work and how bad the conditions were for them.

In Science we played our games with P2a and they gave us feedback. Then we looked at chemical changes with Mrs Tulloch.

On Wednesday we went to the park as our House treat. It was a little cold, however we all had great fun.

Have a lovely weekend, hopefully it will not be wet and windy.

P6a and Mrs Newton 🙂

A farewell to P1B

What a fabulous final week I have had with my class. We have been writing with our new digraphs, had a wonderful trip to the park and finished off with a pyjama party. I am going to miss them all so much but I am excited to read the blog and follow their progress for the rest of their time in Primary 1.

I also want to  say a HUGE thank you to all of the wonderful P1B parents who have been so supportive and kind to me this year. The babies have been showered with beautiful gifts and I am completely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity shown towards me and my family this week. Thank you all so much! I feel extremely lucky to work in such a fantastic school and to have had the opportunity to work with such an enthusiastic class. I am incredibly proud of each and every child in P1B. The progress they have made so far is phenomenal and I know they will continue to thrive with Mrs Reid.

I hope to see you all soon for a visit!

Love Mrs McAulay x

Oodles of noodles in P2A

We’ve had lots of fun in P2A this week!

On Monday our P6 Pals came to play games with us. They designed and made the games themselves, we were very impressed. The games had bulbs that lit up when we got the answer correct. We can’t wait until we’re in P6 and can learn how to make our own games!

We LOVED our trip to the park on Tuesday…

On Wednesday we learned about Chinese New Year. We learned that in China people traditionally use chopsticks instead of a knife and fork. We had a go at using chopsticks to eat noodles; Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire were very impressed with our resilience, it was tricky but we kept trying! To celebrate Chinese New Year, Chinese people have their fortunes told. We made our own fortune tellers and decorated them with red as that is a lucky colour in Chinese culture.

In Maths this week we continued with our learning on multiplication. We are all doing very well with this and have a good understanding – we are able to show multiplication sums in lots of different ways:

Here’s a song we’ve been learning to help us to remember the 2 times tables:

In Phonics we have been working hard to spell our common words correctly. We can all spell word, world and little correctly.

For our Victorians focus this we learned about the jobs Victorian children did. We were very interested in the chimney boys. Did you know that children as young as 5 went up the chimneys?! We know lots about chimney boys; next week we will use this information to write a diary entry as a chimney boy.

Have a great weekend when it gets here.

Love P2A and Mrs Bell x

P1 play at the park

We had the best time EVER today with our trip to the park. All of the children enjoyed their treat for collecting so many house points.  Here are some pictures to show you what we got up to……



The Victorians have arrived in P2B

This week we began to find out about The Victorians. We talked about what we already knew and created a mind map of our prior knowledge. We then discussed what we want to find out about the Victorians and wrote some questions down.

Our next task was to put certain events and births on a timeline. They even got to find  out when Mrs.Burton was born! We also put when Robert Burns was born was,  when Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth were crowned and the TV was invented. Next week we will be finding out what jobs children did in Victorian times. Maybe it will give the children some ideas to be able to help at home!

We looked at Victorian buildings then we drew our own first in pencil then in either black pen or charcoal. We will be creating a Victorian street between the 2 classes.

We have entered the world of multiplication this week and some of us have done very well. K.H ,G.M,E.L and J.K were the superstars of multiplication this week. We have been looking at arrays and making groups of things and how we can use repeated addition to work out multiplication problems.

In Science with Mrs.Tulloch we have been finding out about solids, liquids and gases. Get your children to explain about atoms! We made oobleck out of cornflour and water and talked about it’s solid state. Great fun was had by all if a little messy.

We have continued with our Magic ‘e’ in Phonics but using i-e, making lots of words and creating posters of them. Some children have been working on the ‘oo’ sound. We started reading “George’s Marvellous Medicine” and have had lots of laughter so far.

In Music with Ms. Bain we were all playing percussion instruments and were on beat with the music. She was very proud of us.

A.D ‘s Show and Tell on Aviemore and our Scottish Learning Display.

Hope that you’re all keeping warm this weekend.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton


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