Primary 5 – w/e 14th June 2019

This week we have finished making our guitars in Science. They were reasonably successful and some of them played three different pitches.

On Tuesday we went to the book festival at the Rugby Club and learned about how Lari Don found inspiration for her books and stories.

We had a visit from the Linlithgow Dyers and we have been creating pictures for a competition launched by them.

We had a guided tour of Linlithgow Palace, where some ‘time travellers’ showed us around and explained the history of the palace and some of its famous residents. We also went to the new museum and explored some of the artefacts and history there.

We’ve had Sports Day and our school disco this week as well.

As part of our literacy work we are creating non-fiction books on a subject of our choice.

Have a great weekend

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

Guess who’s back- back from camp ;)

No blog last week as we were having too much fun at camp (and Lendrick Muir), hopefully you will have all seen the photos Mrs Newton finally managed to send via Class Dojo.

On Monday we learned how to throw the javelin in the morning and then in the afternoon we did Basketball with the P7 sports leaders. We revisited perimeter and also finished our buddy letters.

On Tuesday some of us visited our buddys in the Nursery and we also did more work on area. The Dyers Fraternity visited us to explain their role in the Marches and asked us to draw pen and ink line drawings of them. In the afternoon we went to the Book Festival, we met Kieran on the way (he was teaching Quidditch at Lowport 🙁 ). The author talk was very good and she talked about what had inspired her to write.

Wednesday we had sports day, the weather stayed dry almost until the end and everyone was able to take part or help out. A big thank you to A B-S who helped Mrs Manlove sell teas, coffees and the 100 square and AP who picked the winner 🙂

On Thursday we wrote  reports on our trip to Dalguise or Lendrick Muir for our JASS folders, we need to finish these next Wednesday so we also spent some time checking them today. In Science we watched a heart transplant and then identified the different chambers within the heart.

We took our measurements for our P7 hoodies. We are hoping that we will have these when we start P7 in August 🙂

Next week we are on holiday on Tuesday (yeah 🙂 ) and then we only have two weeks left of Primary 6.

Have a lovely weekend, hoping the sun shines.

From P6a and Mrs Newton

P4/5 Week commencing 10th June.

In Handwriting we were practising the diagonal join to the letter “r” and working hard on our letter formations and pencil control.

In Maths we played a game of “Noggle”. We all tried our best to make the biggest number! The highest number was 151,361. We also finished off division with remainders. In Big Maths we all had great scores.

In PE this week we played games in the wing like “Extreme Dodge Ball”. We also played a game of “Rounders” against P4. We all had great fun!

In Reading we had our second last Reading Circle. We also used the “Literacy Box”. Everyone did a great job at their roles especially the Word Wizards.

In Science we made our own food chains using pictures of animals and then we wrote them down. We also did activity sheets with animals. We did a word search for one of our activity sheets. It was good fun!

On Tuesday we went to the Book Festival to meet the author of the Museum Mystery Squad books. The name of the author was Mike Nicholson he told us about his book called “The case of the Vanishing Viking”. Some of us ordered the book which he signed for us.

In writing this week we wrote 50 word stories of our own mystery’s following the visit to the Book Festival at the Rugby Club.

In Art we designed our own book covers for our 50 word stories. The book covers were very detailed and good.

On Wednesday it was “Sports Day”. Everyone in the school took part. We went round stations like the football station. We all took part in the races at the end. We all enjoyed taking part in Sports Day!  The winning house was Champfluerie.

Mr Ritchie entered a draw for the National Museum of Scotland following our class visit. All the schools were put into a draw and our class WON! To make it fair we pulled lollypop sticks and some people got chosen. The prizes were things like, Egyptian artefacts, models, magnets, rubbers and pencils.

We are also finished our class novel “Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” we really enjoyed it.

By Mr Ritchie and all the “tiggerrific” P4/5s

P1B – Week ending 14th June

In Literacy this week we have been working on rhyme.  We read the Julia Donaldson story, Room on the Broom, and had fun filling in missing rhyming words in the story.  We worked together to find matching pairs of rhyming words and choose some of these pairs to write some super sentences.

We were very lucky to have a visit from the author Alan Windrum who came in to share two of his story books with us  – One Button Benny and A Puppy’s Tale.   We had great fun joining in with the story and also sang some songs accompanied by Alan too.

In Numeracy we have been learning how to write numbers up to 20 in words.  We have also continued to practise counting up and down in 2s.  We found some of the number words a bit tricky to read at first but we are beginning to recognise some of these and know that with practise we will get to know all of them.

In PE we had our final Gymnastics lesson with Mrs Harris.  We had to chance to practise all of the techniques we have learned over the past few weeks and had the opportunity to climb the wall bars and also showed our upper body strength as we climbed between the bars.

As part of our Community focus we learned about the environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy.  Inspired by his work, we went outside to find natural resources and, in small groups, we made some super pictures with the things we had found.

We were very lucky that the weather was just about kind enough for us to have Sports Day on Wednesday and Mrs Reid was very impressed with the resilience shown by everyone as, despite the wet and cold, everyone tried their very best to complete the potted sports stations and then run in the class races.  Mrs Reid was ‘delighted’ to get the chance to show the children that it’s the ‘taking part that counts’ when she entered the teachers race!

We enjoyed our second session with our specialist from the National Youth Choir of Scotland.  We successfully kept the beat to a variety of different types of music and used our listening skills to identify where sounds were coming from.  We came up with ‘loud’ and ‘quiet’ actions and had great fun using the actions within songs.

We have been busy making something special for Father’s Day too.  The children were excited to tell Mrs Reid the reasons they loved their daddies.  We hope you like our work!

Have a lovely weekend.  We can’t believe there are only 2 weeks of Primary 1 left!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

P1a weekly news

As the blog wasn’t working last week, here is the news from last week and this week.

Well it was finally time for the P1a assembly……our P1a journey, it was so nice to see how far we have come.

We had a very busy week learning our lines and songs. Mrs Gordon was very proud of us today when we all showed our Springfield values. We were confident with our lines and songs, we were inclusive by making sure everyone had a turn, we were resilient by continuing to learn our lines even when it was a struggle, we were kind when we helped our classmates and we we were respectful of everyone’s needs and property. Well done P1a!

For the last 2 weeks we have been learning about odd and even numbers in numeracy. We started counting in two’s and realised that if we remember the even numbers end in 0,2,4,6,8 and the odd numbers in 1,3,5,7,9 then we can tell whether any number in the world is odd or even. We still need to practice this as it is quite tricky!

In IDL our topic on local area continues and nearly everyone has had a chance to have a class pet home to explore Linlithgow. We have some amazing stories and pictures in their diaries. This week the focus was on facilities in our local areas and what things a community needs. We made posters of our favourite things in Linlithgow.

In PE we continued our gymnastics journey with Mrs Harris. Our focus was on our tall, tuck and wide shapes within games and then on apparatus, we especailly liked walking over the beam and then jumping onto the crash mat. It was also a lot of fun when we had to go under lots of tunnels and bumps.

In French we learned classroom commands. Mrs Gordon can say lots of commands in French and we know what to do…eg asseyez-vous – sit down, en ligne – line up etc we even taught the P5-7 Language Ambassadors how to do it.

Bon weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a


This Week’s News at SPS and Bonnytoun

We’ve had an action packed couple of weeks in school and nursery culminating in an excellent assembly led by P1B and Mrs Reid today. Children told the story of The Hungry Catterpillar and entertained us all. Well done boys and girls!


Primary 7 and Primary 6 have both enjoyed fantastic camps to Ford Castle and Dalguise. We hope that you have enjoyed seeing the photos of their adventures on Twitter.

Our nursery and P1 and P2 children have taken part in music workshops this week with NYCOS and have been showcasing their talents in this area.

Next week all children will take part in Linlithgow Book Festival and will be given the opportunity to meet authors and listen to different texts being read aloud.

We hope that you will join us next Wednesday for Sports Day (weather permitting), where children will take part in potted sports in the morning and races in the afternoon. We will have tea and coffee on sale for all adults.

Pupil Achievements:

-Well done to the lovely sisters, E in P2 and E in P4 for their success in dancing and swimming!

-Congratulations to M and A in P1 for their Enjoy-a-Ball achievements!

Have a great weekend everyone! Let’s hope that the sun manages to shine a little bit!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫☀️

P1B – Week ending 7th June

What an exciting week!  Our first class assembly!

We have worked very hard over the past few weeks preparing for our assembly.  Not only have we been learning our lines but we have also been practising the musical accompaniment, painting artwork, making butterfly wands and designing butterflies to decorate the walls.  We have had great fun and have learned lots about the butterfly lifecycle.  We hope you enjoyed watching the assembly as much as we enjoyed performing it!

We have had a very musical week as along with our assembly preparation, we also began a block of lessons with a specialist from the National Youth Choir of Scotland.  We were very good at keeping the beat and had great fun singing rhyming songs.  Our favourite part of the lesson was definitely the singing games with the parachute!

We continued our learning in Literacy this week, revising a selection of digraphs and tricky words and have been practising making up sentences using our digraph words.  We have also started working on our diary writing skills.

In Numeracy we have been practising counting up and down in 2s.  We looked at the pattern counting in 2s makes when we ‘painted’ our numbers on a hundred square and noticed that we ended up with painted columns of numbers.  We were also learning about odd and even numbers, linking this to our counting and did really well playing the ‘coconut’ game.

In Maths we continued to learn about data handling and managed to use the skills we have learned to interpret a variety of pictograms.

In PE we continued our Gymnastics block with Mrs Harris.  We had to use our listening skills to know which position we needed to get into and had to co-ordinate our bodies to make tunnels or obstacles in the ‘road’.  We worked together in teams and had great fun taking turns to tunnel under a whole team!

As part of our Community focus, we were very lucky to have a special visitor in class, A’s dad, Dr Walker!  He came in to talk to us about his job as an Emergency Doctor and taught us how to call for help in an emergency.  We worked in pairs, taking turns to pretend to call 999 for help.  We also talked about the importance of only calling this number if you have a genuine emergency!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

P4/5 Week commencing 3rd June 2019

In Handwriting we were practising the diagonal join to the letter “y” and working hard on our letter formations and pencil control.

In Maths this week we were learning how to do division with remainders.  we are all are working very hard on division and using our knowledge of times tables to assist us.

In PE this week we played outdoor games including a game of “rounders” to improve our fitness levels. We all had great fun!

In Reading we continued with our Literacy Circles with everyone taking turns at their specified roles. We also worked on the “literacy box” which we have been using to develop our comprehension skills.

In writing we learned how to write limericks which are funny poems that have to follow a set rhyming pattern.  Our limericks were very funny and we also drew a picture to illustrate them as well.

With Mrs McAlpine on Thursday, we were talking about medicine and how it is good and bad for you.  Some of us did a little play as well to act out wat we had been learning.

In French this week we were learning how to say personal information in French. We also learned how to say where we live and our ages.

In are co-operative groups this week we used our canal boat designs to build a 3D model of our boats and presented the design to the class.  We discovered that some of the designs were not waterproof so the boats would sink!  We also carried out research on how a canal lock works and how they help the boats to move up and down the canals.

We are also nearly finished our class novel “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.”

By Mr Ritchie and all the “tiggerrific” P4/5s

P4 class

This week we have been learning to write Limericks.  Here some of our work;

There once was a boy from  Welly,

who said “I wish I wasn’t smelly.

 He didn’t like his cat,

so he replaced with a hat,

And said ” I love jelly”. EM


There once was a Minecraft dog, 

who always slept like a log.

he also had a pet fig ,

who always wore a wig.

but said “I wish I had a pet hog”.HM

We also learnt to use pronouns effectively.

In Numeracy, we have been learning to divide 2/3  digit numbers with a single digit.  Some of us created board games to practise our multiplication and division skills.

HWB- We discussed what it means to be Unique.  We learnt about diversity and discrimination.

We celebrated our differences and similarities and spoke about how each of us have valuable skills to offer.

MC and her group began their literacy circle this week.
Here is ED’s of what makes her inique

Mapping, Number revision and Story Writing in P2A

This week we learned about mapping and we looked at how using a map can help us. On Monday we made up rhymes to help us remember North, East, South and West. Our favourite was Never Eat Spider Webs! Then we went out into the playground and had a go at making a sketch map of the school Mrs Bell was very impressed with us as this was tricky!

On Tuesday we used the laptops to explore using Google maps. We had  great fun with this and enjoyed dropping the little yellow man onto the map. Some of us even managed to find our own houses! This is something you could do at home too.

In Writing we wrote our imaginative stories using the plan we wrote last week to help us. We are trying to use different interesting sentences openers and to structure our story with a beginning middle and end. Some of us haven’t quite finished so we will share some of these with you next week.

In Maths we have been revising number – addition and subtraction. We are getting speedy with our number bonds to 20! Here’s a good game for practising number facts (the children can explain what you do!):

Admin for next week:

Monday – Book Festival: children need a waterproof coat and a packed lunch.

Wednesday – Sports Day!

Have a lovely weekend,

Love from,

P2A, Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire x

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