Halloween Disco- A Huge Thank You!

Thank you so much to all of the members of the PTA who worked so hard to organise last night’s Halloween Disco at the Burgh Halls. The children had great fun dancing , showing off their costumes , waving their glow sticks and eating sweeties from their ‘goody bags.’

Your efforts are all much appreciated!

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie x

Miss Baillie’s Assembly About ‘Changes.’

Yesterday, all of the boys and girls from P1-P7 joined Miss Baillie in the hall to take part in an assembly about ‘changes.’ Miss Baillie started the assembly by talking about current changes in nature as we enter the season of Autumn. We then thought about changes in our own lives such as moving house or school or the birth of a new baby into our family. We spoke about the death of a pet or loved one also bringing change into our lives. Some children got to come out to the front of the audience and sit in the ‘speaker’s chair’ where they shared their own experiences of change. We then talked about some of the changes that have been talking place in Springfield of late, such as staff leaving and joining the school. Miss Baillie assured us that although change can bring lots of different emotions there will always be something positive to take from the experience. Thank you to some the P6 and P7 boys who helped Miss Baillie with the assembly. Happy October break!

Miss Baillie  x

Special Person Afternoon

Last Tuesday afternoon saw a host of ‘special people’ descend on Springfield. Nominated as ‘special’ individuals to our children, these folks spent an afternoon in School where they ‘shared in the learning’ and took part in a range of different activities. Thank you so much to everyone who came along! We do hope that you enjoyed spending time with the children and found our school welcoming. Here are some photos from the afternoon for you all to enjoy…

Have a wonderful October break everyone! See you back in School on Tuesday 25th of October 2016!

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie x

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Our last week of term

We have had another extremely busy week in P3. On Tuesday we explored our local area on our Linlithgow trip, we went to St Michael’s church and also learnt lots about the different habitats surrounding our local area.

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On Wednesday we had another busy day, where we took part in a benchball festival with other primary schools within our cluster. We had lots of fun  playing against the different teams, and won some of the games too!

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On Thursday we finished our island life topic by finishing decorating our junk model islands – some of us got quite messy but we all had lots of fun. We also had another visit from an SFA coach for our second football lesson, where we were working on our dribbling skills and the ability to stop the ball with our feet.

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We have all worked really hard this term and are all really looking forward to our holidays!


Have a lovely holiday and see you all very soon.

P3 and Mrs Leadbetter x

Last week of Term in P4B

By Leah and Jennifer on behalf of P4B


This week in maths we have been learning to divide by three and multiply by three. We made a map of our own and learned directions of east, west, north and south.


We learned how to speak clearly, listen well and to make presentations.

Learning across the curriculum

We finished the BFG play!

This was Jennifer’s last day as she has moved house. Good luck in your new school Jennifer!

Have a lovely holiday everyone!

End of Term and Class of the Week!

Wow! What a quick term and yet when we think about all we’ve done and how settled we are it seems like we have been at school for a long time.

This week we have been learning the sounds ‘d’ and ‘e’.  We pretend we are playing a drum for the ‘d’ action and crack eggs for the ‘e’ action.  We really enjoy the Jolly Phonics songs and actions and they are really helping us to remember our sounds – you can find them on youtube if you would like to practise at home.   We are also enjoying finding words or sounds we know as we look at books and words all around us.

In numeracy we have been learning ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ and saying the number before or after a particular number.  We are getting very quick at it.

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On Tuesday we had lots of visitors to our classroom for Special Person afternoon.  It was very busy and lots of fun, we played games together and it was lovely to show others around our room and share our learning.

We loved assembly this week, especially when Miss Baillie announced that P1B were class of the week!   We have certainly been working very hard. Mrs Kennedy is extremely proud of us and how well we have settled into school life.  We have all learned so much since we first started and we are a very happy and hard working bunch!



We are really looking forward to term 2, beginning with some outdoor learning.  We will be looking at some new projects and begin to practise for our Christmas show.

Have a lovely holiday from all in P1B.

Giants take over!

This week more giants arrived in class and today a HUGE one appeared at our door- we think they are friendly but you never know!

This week we spent time in class preparing talks about all our learning this term. Everyone took part and they were amazing (even if we do say so ourselves). We then shared these with P4b (but we still think ours were the best!)

In maths we created treasure maps using a compass and directions. We wrote clues for people to follow and then peer assessed by solving these.

We have also been playing Powerlines in maths, it involves us using our number bond knowledge to solve problems. They can be quite tricky, however we worked as a class and have reached challenge 2, level 3.

After the October break Mrs Newton is going to introduce us to Number Detective- we are all very intriqued by what this could be.

We are looking forward to our holidays, and coming back to school on Tuesday 25th October.

What will we learn next???


P5A are Busy Bees


Another busy week for P5A!


P5A have been inspired by the dramatic silhouettes of the Maasai. We were learning to create African patterns and we created an art piece including a single warrior or a family adding dramatic African patterns. These are going to be sent to Africa along with the items that we have collected for our ‘Pack for a Purpose Project.’ We were delighted that Mrs Crocker was able to come back into school to celebrate our success with us and she went away with lots of exciting goodies to take to Africa. Thank you all for your support!


We are all so proud of Joseph and Sophie who have raised money for Eczema Outreach Scotland. They organised their project all on their own and gave up their own time to make it such a success! Well done to both of you!

Shoe Box Appeal

Both Primary 5 classes are participating in organising the Shoe Box Appeal for our school. We began the process by planning how we were going to notify the classes. We decided to create posters to raise awareness. We are very excited about this project!

Please can all shoe boxes be handed in by Friday 4th November – many thanks in advance!

Special Person Afternoon

We were delighted that our ‘Special Person’ came along to help us create our class island which we decided to call ‘Anywhere Island.’ Mrs McCartney is very proud of us!

Things to remember:

*Shoe Box Appeal by Friday 4th November please

*Pupils return Tuesday 25th October

*Please return PE bags after the holidays

Have a lovely October holiday and a good rest!

P5A and Mrs McCartney x








P5B – Just another busy week!

Wow, another busy week in P5B! A week full of discussions and creativity!

P5A together with Mrs Crocker have been working on the ‘Pack for Purpose’ project.  P5A and  the dramatic silhouettes of Maasai  inspired us to take part. We created an art piece including a single warrior or a family and adding dramatic African patterns. Our art work will be going all the way to Africa!!!


It was great to have our ‘Special Person’ join us on Tuesday afternoon and help us to create the different parts of our Island. We have joined everything together and Mrs Matos is very proud of all our hard work.



This year the Primary 5s have taken on the shoebox appeal. The children created their own posters and went and presented  their posters and talk to the different classes.  Both Primary5 classes are very excited about this project and have put in a lot of  effort into their planning and poster making. Please can we support the Primary 5s and the project by handing in a wrapped shoebox by Friday 4th November.:

Children return Tuesday 25th October

Hope you all have a lovely holiday!


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