Amy and Abby’s blog (P6B)

This week we…

  • Made a Wonder Wall where we can write what we are wondering about.
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  • Went outside with P2/3, we helped them make fantasy islands out of natural resources. Next week we will be finishing off writing books for P2/3 about the lifecycle of a frog or a dragonfly.

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  • In Maths we learnt about factors and made factor bugs.


  • We made 3D art showing our favourite book.


  • Finally we found out who the Cursed Child is in the Harry Potter book…but we’re not telling you – you’ll have to read it to find out!

By Amy and Abby 🙂

Learning in P4a

This week we created spooky characters and settings. We used Hamish McHaggis and The Ghost of Glamis as a stimulus. Next week we will be writing our stories before we share them with each other.

In PE we did rhythmic gymastics with Mrs Reid and team games with Mrs Newton. We had great fun in both lessons.

We used Hamish McHaggis and the Clan Gathering as a starting point for discussing what clans are and then we started to create clan banners for our table groups. We will finish these next week and choose new table names.

In Maths we continued learning about time, our times tables and dividing. We also used our ICT time to “play” maths games which help extend our learning.

We checked on our plants to see how they are growing. Next week we will finish our investigation and record all the results.

We are off to P5a’s assembly now, enjoy the weekend.

P4a 🙂

Looking at Autumn


We all went on a walk in the school grounds to look for signs of Autumn. We found lots of leaves and sorted these using our own criteria. Some children sorted them by size, some by colour and one child even sorted them in groups depending which ones had spots and which ones didn’t.



After our walk we discussed what we now wanted to learn about Autumn. Hibernation and being seen in the dark were very popular ideas. We have now set up an area for animals to hibernate in our outside area.



When we were on our Autumn walk, we spotted lots of litter. Next day we decided to go and collect litter. We hope the outdoor area stays free from litter for a long time now.


Shhhhhhh don’t wake the hibernating Hedgehogs!

In Primary 1/2 this week, we continued our learning about Autumn. We started the week by looking at Autumn animals and using information books and pictures to extract key facts. Primary 2 then went on to write fact files about Hedgehogs. Our new Autumn display is nearly complete so please feel free to stop by and have a read of some of our work. You will find it between Primary 1A and Primary 1B. Primary 1 have also been working hard on their writing. This week they used all of the skills they have learnt so far to write full sentences using finger spaces and full stops. Miss Mudd can see that they are gaining more independence every day.

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The whole class have been working really hard on their reading this week. We read in our groups every day and share our ideas on the text. Miss Mudd can see that a lot of us have been practising hard at home as we are making great progress. We have been doing paired reading and sharing stories with a partner. We have enjoyed working with different people and learning how to support each other. We have also been summarising stories using puppets to re-tell key events.

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Through our research on Hedgehogs, we looked at hibernation. We conducted an experiment to look at hibernating bears. One bear (hot water bottle) was put next to the window with no leaves or twigs to help keep him warm. The other bear was tucked up nicely with a fleecy rug, leaves and twigs. We left the bears for 2 hours to see who kept in the most heat. In our free play, Miss Mudd then challenged us to see if we could use the bricks to build a den for the bears. We researched different hibernating animals and went on to write a hibernation diary for our chosen animal. We had to pretend we were that animal for the day and think about the different jobs we would be doing to prepare to hibernate.

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On Friday we got nice and messy making clay hedgehogs. Miss Mudd did warn us that the clay was hard so it gave our fingers quite the work out! We loved making our hedgehogs and used penne pasta for their spikes. We will be painting them and sticking on their eyes next week.

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To finish off, we have to post a few photos of Primary 1/2 bobbing for apples. We had great fun getting wet on Monday although Miss Mudd chose to sit that one out!

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Have a lovely weekend. Nativity starts next week!

Primary 1/2

Primary 2’s week 31/10/16 – 4/11/16

Primary 2 have had another busy week. We began the week with a trip to The Peel. It was a beautiful Autumn morning and we met rangers Rosie and Will and they took us on a minibeast hunt. The children really enjoyed finding the different minibeasts and being able to identify them using the magnifying glasses. Thank you to the Mums who came with us.

The children have also made habitats for their clay/plasticine model woodland creatures.

We have created firework safety posters and learnt about the properties of 3D shapes.

Have a good weekend and keep safe. Photos of trip to Peel and animal habitats.

  • Anne Burtonimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage

Continue reading “Primary 2’s week 31/10/16 – 4/11/16”

Another great week in P3!!

We have all been extremely busy this week in P3 learning lots of different things and celebrating a variety of achievements. This week Devon made an extremely detailed lego model of an oil rig, and presented his model to the class explaining how it works as well as its many features.


In maths this week we have been continuing to look at 2D shapes as well as identifying and creating symmetrical pictures. In literacy we began our non-fiction reading for this term by exploring the features of a variety of non-fiction books such as contents and index pages – we enjoyed creating presentations on the information we found out and presenting them to the rest of the class!

On Thursday we also looked at how to make a good informative poster through the theme of bonfire night and firework safety.

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In addition, we have also been continuing with our outdoor focus ‘trees and our woodlands’. On Wednesday we collected lots of different leaves and used these to help us create our woodland animals in art.  On Thursday we went to the Peel with the rangers, where the children took part in a scavenger hunt to identify different leaves and the trees which they came from. We also had lots of fun working in our pairs to guide one another through the woodland whilst one of us was blindfolded – this was quite scary but really fun too 🙂

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P3 would like to wish everyone a lovely weekend and look forward to another fun-filled week next week 🙂

P5A’s Assembly Excitement!


Another busy week in Primary 5A! We are so busy preparing for our Assembly. We were given our lines that we are going to say with a focus on our pace, volume and expression. Looking forward to seeing you all there next Friday!

War Veteran
Dave, a war veteran that was in the Navy came to speak to Primary 5 and Primary 7. We were so lucky to share the experience of listening to his life story and all challenges he has encountered along the way.

British Legion Documentary Filming
Thank you so, so, so much to Adam in Primary 6 and to P7’s who came to help both P5 classes film our competition entries. All of Primary 5 really took their roles very seriously, showing enthusiasm and commitment to their task. Mrs McCartney is so proud of us all. Many thanks to parents/carers who helped us with this great experience.

Linlithgow Peel
How lucky were we to have such great weather on Monday when we went to Linlithgow Peel as part of our Science outdoor learning focus. The Rangers made our visit so interesting and we have learned lots of information about birds, migration and food chains. It was such a lot of fun using binoculars.

Quality Dining Table
Primary 5 are so excited to have been asked to take on the responsibility of our Springfield ‘Quality Dining Table’ which will take place every Thursday. It was the infants turn this week and every teacher picked a child in their class who has worked so hard all week to join the table. Primary 5 are going to have a vote to decide on a name and we are going to create posters etc to decorate the area. It is upper school’s turn next week…. Wonder who it will be????

Shoe Box Appeal
We are overwhelmed!! We cannot thank everyone enough for all your kind genorisity brining in shoe boxes or items for a shoe box. You have really helped to make Christmas Day a happy occasion for children that aren’t as lucky as us- thank you!!!
Things to remember:
*Please bring in materials on Monday to make your very own poppy- we have resources in school so don’t worry if you don’t find anything at home!
*Our assembly is at 11.15am next Friday 11th November- Looking forward to seeing you all then!!
*Letters are in your child’s bag today re St Michael’s Day Care Centre Christmas Hamper Appeal- please could you donate food items by Friday 25th November.

Thank you so much for your support!

P7a Brazil Junk Modelling

What a hive of activity in P7a this week as we created Brazilian landmarks out of junk. The children were split into teams of 3 or 4 and had to design and plan their landmark.

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The creativity and teamwork was incredible (so was the mess in the classroom !). Have a look at a few of the lovely sights…

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Carnival in Rio de Janeiro and the Amazon River and Rainforest.

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Copacabana Beach and the Iguazu Falls.


P7a and P7b Sambatastic

This week we continued our Brazil focus by learning about samba music. We began with basic rhythm and polyrhythm. Next week we will continue our learning by adding instruments to create the typical samba reggae.

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On Thursday we were very lucky to have a veteran from the British Legion talk to us about his experience in the Royal Navy. The children from P7 and P5 were captivated whilst he shared his experiences, and asked him lots of interesting questions including the obligatory “did you kill anyone?”, to which the answer was no…


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