P5A’s Political Week…

What a busy week ‘Saving Our School!’

We heard an incredible, true story that gave us an inspirational lift this week. We watched a video of children that live in the desert region of Cholistan, Pakistan who are in a battle for their education. They are often expected to work with their family’s livestock instead of going to lessons and many girls are kept out of school completely. Even if their parents want them to go, a lot of children in Cholistan live so far away from the nearest school that it’s dangerous for them to travel there.
In 2009, the regional government announced funding for 75 schools in Cholistan. This project changed the lives of 5,500 children over five years before disaster struck: it was announced that the project would end in March 2014 and that the schools would all have to close. Even though many of their classrooms were not fully built and they had to have lessons on the dusty floor outside, the children of Cholistan loved their schools. They needed to fight back against these closures. We found this story inspirational as they were successful, fighting for their cause. In Cholistan, the media helped to make change happen. The Governor couldn’t ignore the issue as so many people were talking about it.
In a democracy, we can all help to hold leaders to account for their actions by reminding them of things they have promised to do. We explored democracy and how people take part in it. We looked at how we would fight to keep our school open and how important education is.
We created our own political parties where we had to decide on the following:
*Make up a party and decide on a name.
*Decide who will be your candidate.
*Produce a manifesto.
*Write a speech for your candidate.
*Create posters for display.
* Write a press release.
We delivered our speeches and voted today for which party we thought would be best. The political party that won was W.W.W ‘What We Want- well done!! Sophie was their candidate and they all worked really well as a team! Primary 5B were our audience and voted also, thank you so much P5B! Fantastic effort by all!!
It left us realising that we have a voice and how lucky we are to get educated daily. There are still millions of children around the world who are without access to education.

You can watch the videos that inspired us on the Action Aid website.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone! The countdown begins to Santa coming…

Mrs McCartney and P5A x ho ho ho

Things to remember:
*P5A ‘Christmas Activity Afternoon’ 1.15-3.15pm on Monday 19th December (‘party clothes’ many be brought in and your child can get changed before party.)
*St Michael’s Family Carol Service 7pm on Tuesday 20th December
*School stops for holidays on Wednesday 21st December at 3.15pm
School returns Wednesday 4th January 2017.








Festive fun in P1A!

What a busy couple of weeks we have had in P1A!

Last week, we performed our nativity, ‘The Innkeeper’s Breakfast’ to our friends and family. Some of us were a little nervous but we tried our best and Miss Harrison was very proud of us. Sammy thought that our nativity was great!


One afternoon we watched The Snowman and looked at the shapes and colours of all the different snowmen. We created our own snowmen using crayons, chalk and oil pastels.

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This week, we have been looking at the story ‘The Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. We listened to the story and identified some of the rhyming words and we also discussed how the Stick family might be feeling when he went missing. Miss Harrison put us into groups and we completed different activities relating to the story.

We created postcards from the Stick Man to send back to his family about all the adventures he was having:


Using puppets, we tried to remember all of the main parts of the story:


We made our own comic strips and drew pictures of the beginning, middle and end of the story:


Finally, we drew our own pictures of Stick Man and his adventures:


Over the last two weeks, we have been continuing to learn our sounds and common words. We can use our sounds to make words and we can even write sentences! In maths, we have been learning number bonds for numbers to 10 and 20.

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We would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Christmas!

P1A 🙂

Festive Activities

We have all been getting into the Christmas spirit this week in Primary 1/2. We started the week with a shadow puppet show after reading an information book all about shadows, practising our ‘ow’ digraph.

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In phonics we have learnt our new sounds ‘j’ and ‘v’. We made beautiful vases and jellyfish to help us remember our sounds. We have been writing sentences using our new sounds and digraphs. This week we put a lot of effort into reading and writing our tricky words. We were determined not to let them trick us!

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In PE we played Christmas themed games. We had to practise following instructions and learnt how to take turns. We played musical chairs, musical bumps and Christmas corners. To finish off, we played sleeping reindeer to help us relax and cool down.

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We have been very busy making Christmas cards for our wonderful families. Miss Mudd showed us 4 different designs to choose from and we used finger prints to create our beautiful cards.

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We have been working hard on our addition this week. Miss Mudd has seen huge improvements with our mental recall of key number facts. We are still working on getting our numbers all the correct way round so Milkshake Monkey set us a challenge to help him this week. He also set us a challenge to put all of the Christmas objects into the correct size order.

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Miss Mudd has been incredibly proud of our ‘Trapped in a Snow Globe’ writing. We have spent the last few weeks working away on our secret project and today they will be sent home to be enjoyed with our families. We discussed what a snow globe was and looked at different examples. Then, we had to create our own snow globes using chalk. We used our fingers to blend and create different textures. We then had to use our imagination to pretend we were actually inside the snow globe. We put all of our new writing skills to the test and Miss Mudd loved seeing us all supporting each other and sharing our ideas. Here is a sneak preview of some of our work.

We finished the week with a special ‘Stick Man’ afternoon. We read the wonderful story and looked at the rhyming words. Miss Mudd set up 4 stations for us to try out different activities. We put on a puppet show, created a cartoon strip, drew pictures of the setting/characters and wrote a postcard from the Stick man himself.

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What a wonderful week we have had in Primary 1/2. We are all very excited for the Christmas holidays to arrive and we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd

One more week to go!

We have had a busy week in class. We have been learning about fractions, super hero times tables and some fun Christmas maths.

We wrote letters to Mabel MacRae Anderson. Mabel kindly allowed us to use some of her poems for inspiration and we wanted to thank her. We have made a book of all our poems for her and Mrs Newton is hoping to meet Mabel during the holidays. We have also asked Mabel to come to our school so we will let you know what she says.

Most of us had Christmas Lunch this week- it was very yummy and we all got a popping candy Freddo bar to finish with.

We have been rehearsing the songs for our carol service next week- Mrs Newton has told us we are better than her P4’s last year!

Next week we have our Christmas Activity afternoon on Monday- we can change into party clothes after lunch time if we want. We are watching Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone on Tuesday morning and we have our Christmas Carol Service on Tuesday evening, we need to wear school uniform for this. Wednesday is our last day before the Christmas Holidays and we are all excited about this.

This will be our last blog this year. Have a great holiday and we will return in 2017 🙂

P6B Carol Singing

Well done to the P6B singers who performed their Christmas songs to the rest of the school this morning. Beautiful singing!

P4 Posties!


Thank you to all of our lovely P4 children who have organised our Christmas post in School. Children from all classes are enjoying using the post box to post their Christmas cards which are then sorted and delivered to each class by P4. Miss Hutton and I had a little smile yesterday when Anna in P4 told us that she was enjoying being the post van! Good on you Anna and great work P4!  You are all truly amazing!

Miss Baillie xx

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Nativity Success!

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Well done to all of our Primary 1 and Primary 2 children who sang and acted their hearts out during their Nativity performance this week. The Innkeeper’s Breakfast was such a comical way to tell this important story and Finlay played the lead role with gusto. We know that you were a bit poorly this week Finlay,  but you rose to the challenge and performed brilliantly as did all of our other Stars! Thank you so much to our P6 ‘technical gurus’, Adam and James,  for ensuring that the sound and lighting was perfect. Thank you to all parents who came into school to paint props and especially to the teachers: Miss Harrison, Mrs Kennedy, Miss Mudd and Mrs Burton for their hard work! What a super show everyone! Roll on Christmas!

Miss Baillie x

P7a – Hour of Code

P7a took part in the worldwide “Hour of Code” campaign. The aim of this was to show that anyone of any age or ability can learn computer science or coding.

We all had great fun trying out different games, as expected the children could certainly teach Mrs Gordon a thing or two…To try it at home just go to this site : https://hourofcode.com/uk/learn

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This week we continued to write our French penpal letters learning how to say what our favourite sports were. In numeracy calculator skills were order of the week and the children had fun creating restaurant menus and then ordering lots of food to test those skills !

Skiing week 3 was a huge success with everyone moving further up the hill, even Mrs Gordon !

We started our discussions around democracy and have 4 parties setting up a campaign and creating manifestos, watch this space…

Happy weekend from Mrs Gordon and P7a


P1B Superstars!

What a  lovely week in P1B.  The children were amazing in the nativity, what a fantastic choir, I’m sure you’ll be extremely proud of them and will agree that there is no better way to get into the Christmas spirit.  Here are a couple of photo’s taken minutes before we went on stage:

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We also had fun this week, learning the sounds h and w.  In the Jolly Phonics song for w we sing “I see the clouds moving, w-w-w, I see the kites flying, w-w-w…” so we went outside to fly a kite and it actually worked!

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We also made witches and wizards hats and wands.

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We were very lucky on Thursday when some P6 and P7 children came to help in the class.  They were excellent and they really helped us with our learning.  The boys and girls really enjoyed having them.  They can come back anytime!

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On Friday we watched The Snowman film.  It was lovely to watch together as the children added the commentary to the silent film, we also listened to the music and spoke about how it reflected what was happening in the film.  We then made some snowmen oil pastel pictures.

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Well done P1B on another fantastic week!  Mrs Kennedy

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

This week we did lots of fun stuff. On Tuesday, St Michael day care centre came and watched the nativity, after the nativity we  had a sing along with  P5A, we also gave the food hampers to the day care centre. They were very happy and enjoyed our Christmas singing. On Thursday we went to the st Michael church to do bubble gum and fluff which we all loved because we got to make pictures with tiles and we played lots of games. In numeracy we had to plot co-ordinates on a graph. It was a little bit tricky at times but we figured out it made a Christmas tree! We practised our addition and subtraction and completed a Christmas Math mosaic. On Wednesday we were learnt about democracy, what it is and how people have a voice by voting. We had our very own  election , there were  4 candidates – Hannah, Karam, Adam and Andrew, each candidate had their own ‘party’ and had to run a campaign to convince others to vote for them. Each candidate had to prepare a speech and debate why they would be the best to represent our class. The winner was……………Adam! Adam promised that he would get our class a Christmas tree, and guess what? Adam made us our very own Christmas tree, I think we may have voted for the right candidate so far! The Christmas post started on Monday and people have been excited to get letters. I wonder what we will get up to next week?

Blog Posted by: Evie and Ellie

Just a reminder that on Wednesday we will be going to the handball festival!

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