Bird Watching in P5A…

What a busy week our first full week back!


We have been studying birds for our ‘Outdoor Learning’ focus. We have been learning to use a map to locate the world’s countries, continents and oceans and to understand why some animals travel long distances around the world. Mrs McCartney asked us to show our understanding by plotting the migration route of a bird, name the countries, continents and oceans the bird will fly over and to identify the hazards that a migrating bird might encounter. We have been working really well in our small groups and are looking forward to seeing each other’s presentations! Our RSPB workshop on Thursday was great, we even had snow when we were exploring the outside school grounds when we were identifying birds!
Thank you very much to our parent helpers who came along to help with this workshop and to Mrs Law for organising it!



Mrs McCartney is very impressed with the strategies that we are using to asdd 4/4 digit numbers. It has really helped us having ‘solid, logical’ ways to add 3 digit numbers and lots of us have used the same strategies for larger numbers. We are working well to support each other, especially when we are calculating the missing numbers in addition sums!!


We have been focusing on adverbs this week for Grammar. We worked in pairs and were given a verb. We had to think about 5 adverbs that we could use for our given verb. Lots of us were very creative and came up with games to guess these, such as Charades etc! We were asked to use adverbs in our story writing this week, ‘If I Were In a Snow Globe’. We ‘chunked’ down what our writing would look like by answering 4 questions during the planning process. We had to think about, How did I get in there? What was it like inside? How did I get out or will I stay inside forever?
We are looking forward to our Rugby sessions that start this Tuesday!



All of P5A are wishing you all a happy, snowy weekend!

Things to Remember:
*Rugby sessions start on Tuesday 17th January-please return the Rugby permission slips by Monday 16th January.

Outdoor Learning in P4B

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Dear all

This week we had the RSPB in, as it is outdoor learning week. Thank you to Mrs Crighton and Mrs Bain foe helping us and to Mrs Woolsey for offering.

In literacy we drew a picture of what happened when the RSPB came in and wrote about what we drew. We tried to spot different birds. We looked at all the birds and counted them .we played games to make learning more fun. We did a game to see how hard it is for birds to get food, water, friends an habitat. We learned that blue tits have to travel 1000 times a day just for food. We learned ducks eat berries, kingfishers eat fish, owls eat meet. Some birds do not like bread because it gives them a sore stomach. When ducks catch the food it looks like they’re doing a handstand. The helpers pretended to be predators. The weather was very bad. We made stories with a game called story spinner.


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In numeracy we did our three, four and six times tables. We practiced our CLIC maths session. We practiced counting three digit numbers, parking the hundred number then adding the two digit numbers together.

In P.E we finished off rhythmic gymnastics. There were four different stations

We got a new music teacher called Mrs Bain. We played some games to get to know each other.

We practiced Skye boat song for our assembly. We learned a song when you shake hands and a song called wake up wake up.

With Mrs Begarnie, we learned that when you get baptised you get water over your head. It shows a person is new to the world. We watched videos about it.

Have a good weekend!

Typed by Leah

Welcome back P5B!

Welcome back to everyone after a lovely Christmas break. We hope that everyone had a lovely time with family, and by the sounds of it Santa was good to all the children.

We have been busy over the last week and a half, reflecting on things that had happened during 2016, we also thought about the things that we had achieved in 2016. With it now being a new year, we thought we would join the thousands of people around the world and write down some of our goals for 2017. We created lovely 2017 flip charts, and under each number we wrote our goal for 2017, we hope to look back at them at the end of the year and I am sure that we would have reached the goals we set for ourselves. We made ‘Lets party like it’s 2017’ booklets,  our booklets helped us to reflect on 2016, set goals for 2017 it also involved a little Math and having us calculate what age we would be in different years.

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Literacy this week we started writing letters to our future self. This is great fun as we getting to write things about ourselves, and we also leaving special messages for our future selves. We have included special memories and events that have happened that we want to remember. Mum’s and dad’s have the big responsibility to hold onto our letters until the specified date that we have chosen to open them, we will be finishing our final draft this week, and will be bringing them home. Keep an eye out for our letters mum’s and dad’s and remember to keep them somewhere safe.

We have been learning about verbs and adverbs this week. We worked together in groups and identified the verbs and adverbs in the sentence. We noticed that an adverb can tell us how, when and where the verb takes place. We had fun creating our own sentences and asking other groups to identify the verbs and adverbs.



Numeracy this week we have been learning to use partitioning and friendly number strategies to solve addition problems. We are really enjoying our number talks discussions, and using the different strategies to solve the problems. We worked in pairs to solve a couple addition problems and also made some of our own addition problems for other groups to solve. We made some very tricky problems, but we managed to solve them using the strategies we have learnt and a little bit of team work.



The weather helped us to create some lovely art this week. We got creative and made pictures of ourselves catching snowflakes.



PE this week we warmed up with some fun exercises, we  did some army crawls, bear crawls, leap frog and some stretches. We had so much fun at the handball festival just before Christmas, Mrs Matos thought we could improve on our  handball skills with a game of handball. We really remembered so much from the festival, we were exhausted after PE but we had plenty of fun.

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A have a few things to look forward to next week. On Tuesday morning we will be going to the Rugby club ,  Wednesday morning the RSPB are coming to the school and we will be doing some fun bird watching activities and on Thursday afternoon we have special people coming in to teach us some new dance moves. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend, have fun and plenty of rest because next week looks like it is going to be jammed packed with fun!

Mrs Matos and P5B



This week we have been busy preparing our assembly. We have managed to solve some tricky design problems, work out what we are all doing, chosen the music and songs and started to learn our lines.

Suprisingly this is a very long, long, process but we have managed to do some other things this week as well.

In PE we finished our gymnastics set and after the assembly we will be starting hockey. We had music with our new music specialist, it was fun, we learnt new songs, beats and actions.

On Thursday the RSPB came to visit us and were very impressed by all the work we have already done. A huge thanks to Mrs Galbraith (Joanne’s mummy) for braving the snow to help us.

Have a great weekend, fingers crossed for more snow (Mrs Newton says NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!)

P4a 🙂

Our Christmas Singalongs

In December we managed to learn lots of new songs for our Singalongs. We enjoyed performing in front of an audience and by the final performance our confidence had certainly grown. We showed that we could talk confidently and clearly into a microphone, sing lots of songs in front of an audience and play instruments in time to the music.

We also had great fun at our parties where we were able to dance expressively and play lots of games. We certainly enjoyed the food on offer at our parties.

In our construction area in December we built a sleigh and took on the roles of elves, Santa and reindeer. We were extremely busy. We had lots of letters to read to make sure we had all the correct presents for the children.

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Welcome back

Welcome to 2017 and the second half of P4. We have a busy few weeks coming up, next week the RSPB are coming to visit and the week after is our assembly- eeeek!!!!

We really could do with another one or two parent helpers for the RSPB visit if anyone is able. The visit is on Thursday and we all need coats, hats, gloves and waterproof boots/wellies/shoes in case the weather is not great (this is Scotland after all 🙂 )

This week we created some beautiful, winter art. We used charcoals and chalks to create a winter night scene with the Northern lights in the sky. Have a look for these lovely pictures next time you visit our class.

We set targets and resolutions for ourselves as well as a few wishes for school and the world. We will work hard to meet our targets this term.

In science we looked at what infections are and how germs are spread- our classroom still has a lot of glitter germs everywhere!

We had a long discussion about our assembly, we don’t want to spoil it for you, but it will involve lots of animals, a few dragons and drums. Details of what we need to wear will follow via Dojo next week.

Have a lovely weekend.


Santa needs a new Sleigh

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P1, P1/2 and P7 were very busy today helping design a new sleigh for Santa. It was lovely to see the children working with their buddies. P7 listening well to their buddies ideas, and P1 and P1/2 had lots of fabulous suggestions for the design as you can see from some examples below.

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A great activity for our last day ! Merry Christmas from P7, P1/2 and P1.

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P7a Weekly update

Another jam packed week in P7a.
This week we started our Christmas preparations. In RME we talked about the Christian story of Christmas and the children discussed some tricky questions such as “what would have happened if Joseph did not stand by Mary?”, “what gifts would we bring such a special baby today?” and “would you follow a star?”. Interesting discussions indeed.
Within democracy our parties are in the midst of recording their broadcasts ready for our election on Tuesday. The manifestos and campaigns are complete, who will win the vote of the school?
Thursday saw the last of our skiing lessons. What a fabulous opportunity for us all, with everyone overcoming fears and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone (especially Mrs Gordon ). As the children got braver, Mrs Gordon became more afraid!
Lots of singing this week too, with our preparations for our Carol Concert on Tuesday and Scottish Opera. The Tale O’ Tam O’ Shanter is coming along well for our performance on the 23rd January 2017.
Mrs Gordon and P7a

P1B Christmas Excitement

P1B have been absolute troopers this week, they are very tired at this stage in the term but are still full of life and are working very hard.  Their excitement is contagious and I don’t think there is a nicer place to be in the run up to Christmas.

On Monday we played party games during PE in preparation for our party next week.  It was really good fun, we were very good sports and were showing some fantastic dance moves!

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We have been doing some lovely art work this week – related to our new sounds j and v.  We made jellyfish and jingle bells for j and vases and volcanoes for v.

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We made snowmen with  Mrs Begarnie on Tuesday as part of our study on forms of water.

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Rev. Cheryl McKellar-Young from St Michael’s visited on Wednesday, she told a very good story at milk time.

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We are continuing addition in maths, this week we looked at all the ways of adding to 8 and 9.

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On Thursday we had an afternoon looking closely at Stick Man by Julia Donalsdon, we read the story and watched the short film, then had a carousel of activities: re-telling the story using puppets, send a postcard home to the Stick family, sequence the story by creating a comic strip and draw your favourite part of the story.  It was a great afternoon, the children really got into the story, thinking about the events in detail and how the Stick Man and his family might be feeling.  They really liked the part where Santa saved the day!  Looking at them working during this lesson made showed just how far they’ve come this term.  The writing was excellent and I could see and hear lots of children sounding out as they attempted to write words and sentences. The puppet shows were good too, there are some good organisers in P1B. Good job guys!

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On Friday morning we read our reading books to a friend.  We like the Biff, Chip and Kipper stories and often notice extra things going on by looking closely at the pictures.  We read really well  – again, lovely to see the new skills they are picking up.

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Phew! Another busy week.  Christmas party and church service to look forward to next week, along with lots of Christmas activities.  Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Kennedy and P1B x

Our last full week in P3 in 2016

We have had a very busy week in P3 this week! In maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties – we even went on a shape hunt outside around our school to see what 3D shapes we could see around us!

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In literacy we have been looking at letter writing and how to set out a letter correctly. We wrote a letter to santa asking for presents for ourselves and for others across the world who are less fortunate.

On Thursday we had lots of fun making our Christmas cards, using fabric, buttons and other bits and bobs! There was also a good sprinkling of glitter around the class too 🙂

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We are really excited for our party afternoon next week and wish you all a lovely weekend.

P3 🙂 x

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