Never a dull moment in P5B

A fun start to our week. Miss Baillie came along to our class on Monday morning, and got involved in our lesson on famous Scots. Miss Matos really got into the spirit of things, although born in South Africa, Mrs Matos is proud to call Scotland her home. We discussed things about Scotland that made us proud, and we learnt that Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh and amongst other inventions, he is most famous for inventing the telephone. As part of our learning, we worked together in groups, and did some research on Alexander Graham Bell, we researched facts about his early life, his inventions and his interest in sound. Once we had gathered all our information, we created an interactive poster ( this is a poster that you can stick your head through so that you look just like Alexander Graham Bell). We will be presenting our interactive posters to the rest of the class next week. Emily, Jared and Hannah presented their poster at our Scottish Assembly on Friday.   ( Written By: Evie and Emily)


This week’s  highlight was our trip to the Forth Road Crossing Education Centre.  On Wednesday the, 25th January, Primary 5 went to on a trip to the Forth Road Crossing Education Centre, we were so lucky to have Elaine Barry, a Civil Engineer, to educate us about the new bridge and how different bridges are made. We worked in two teams , Ready 2 Build and Engineering Scotland. In our teams we had to work together to build a bridge. Our project managers were, Andrew and Emily. The Quantity surveyors were, Evie and Anna, and the health and safety officers were Hannah and Barry. The winning team was Ready 2 Build- Well done, their project manager, Emily lead the team to success, everyone worked really well together and had their bridge built in speedy time. After lunch we had the opportunity to walk across the Forth Road Bridge, this gave us the opportunity to have a closer look at the bridge’s construction. It was a wonderful trip, lots of fun and a better understanding of what all is involved in building a bridge.  (Written By: Dayna ).

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Numeracy this week we focused on subtraction. The first strategy that we worked with was Bridging. Bridging is when we use a number to help us subtract 2 and three digit numbers. Some of us found this tricky, but after some practise on the white boards we quickly became more confident using this method. We even made some subtraction problems for our elbow partner to solve. In number talks we were given a string of subtraction problems. Using our mental agility we quickly found the link and were able to solve the problems using more than one strategy. (Written by Evie)

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In Literacy this week we have been learning about Figurative language. Some of the ones we focused on were, Similes, Metaphors, Hyperbole, Onomatopoeia and Personification. We worked together with our elbow partners to complete a task of deciding which Figurative language each sentence would be. Some of the sentences were a little tricky and we were getting confused between a Metaphor and a Hyperbole, Mrs Matos then got us all up on our feet, and taught us a dance and song to help us remember the differences between them. Our spelling sound for this week was words with the ind and idl sound patterns. ( Written by Emily and Adam).



In science this week we made the colour wheel. We coloured our wheel the 7 colours of the spectrum and then we put it onto a motor. We made the motor spin with our electrical circuit. The colour wheel spun and we saw white.



On Tuesday it will be our last trip to Linlithgow Rugby Club, we all looking forward to what will be in store for us next week.

P5B and Mrs Matos



Scottish Assembly

Yesterday we celebrated ‘all things Scottish’ through music, poetry recitals and singing in our special assembly. Thank you to Primary 6 for sharing the lovely performance that they gave to Linlithgow Day Care Centre last Tuesday. What a talented class of children Miss Prince has! For the past few weeks we have been busy working on a whole-school focus on Famour Scots. Each stage has been learning about a different Famous Scot and how their work has contributed to society today. All classes nominated two or three pupils to come up to the microphone in assembly, to share their learning. We are so proud of our Scottish culture and of the many talented individuals who have come from our country. We shall all keep trying hard in School to see if we can be the Famous Scots of the future!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie x

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Quality Diners…

Here are some of our lovely ‘Quality Diners’ from this week. What superstars they are! Thank you to Jessie and her team for always providing our children with such delicious home-cooking!

Miss Baillie x


Surprise visitors to Miss Baillie!

What a lovely surprise I got earlier this week when these four little P1/2 beauties came along to visit me in their princess gowns! I was very jealous of some of the outfits and wished that they came in my size! Our children truly are fabulous and certainly love school!

Miss Baillie x


Tam O’Shanter

You may notice that our amazing Primary 6 and 7 children are featuring in Linlithgow Gazette this week as they display their talents In the Scottish Opera performance of Tam O’Shanter. Scottish Opera spent the whole day in School on Monday 23rd January to help pupils to turn the songs, that they have been learning for months , into a musical extravaganza! A wonderful performance was put on for staff, pupils, family and friends. Thank you to Scottish Opera for their work with the children on the day.

Miss Baillie x

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Wonderful Week in P6B!

Well, what a week!

On Monday we performed alongside professional opera singers – not many people can say they have done that!


On Tuesday we visited the Care Home and performed Scots songs and poems. We got lots of compliments on our beautiful singing and good manners.

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In Grammar this week we identified nouns, adjectives and verbs… in Scots! Then we learned how to write Cinquain poetry using Scots language. Here’s Brodie’s poem about a hoolet (owl!) …


Today we performed our Scots songs and poems in assembly. Miss Prince was beaming with pride!


To top off our wonderful week, we won Class of the Week 🙂


Love P6B and Miss Prince x

New Teachers in P7a

Yes it’s true P7a switched roles with Mrs Gordon this week as they became teachers whilst she was the pupil.

As part of our Famous Scots focus the children were split into 3 groups and given a famous Scot. They were then tasked with creating and delivering a sequence of 3 lessons that would help Mrs Gordon and the rest of the class learn about their Scot, their place in Scottish history and what they were famous for.

It was a fabulously engaging activity, and armed only with: lesson plan templates, copies of the outcomes and a group discussion on what makes a good lesson, the children duly delivered 3 sets of lessons. I was very impressed by the creativity of the lessons.

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They all created different activities to help us learn about either Robert Watson-Watt, Sir James Young Simpson or David Steel. The most entertaining was definitely Ruby’s group who had everyone make a barometer out of tins and test it outside, linking to Robert Watson Watt’s invention of radar.


When asking the children what they found most difficult, the most common answer was keeping their classmates quiet and on task …

Mrs Gordon and P7a


P1B Alphabet, Engines and Scots!

Hello, an eclectic mix this week!  In literacy we have been focusing on alphabetical order and handwriting.  We are getting very good at alphabetical order, singing the alphabet song really helps.  We’ve tried lots of different activities as we practise.

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We have also been working on our handwriting, concentrating on forming each letter correctly – no lazy letters!  Again, we tried lots of different methods to perfect our skills.

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In maths, we have been working on some vocabulary – smaller, larger, smallest and largest when comparing quantities and numbers.  We have also been looking at patterns – P1B are very good at making patterns.  We made some patterns with people – see if you can guess the patterns we were making in these pictures:




We also worked in teams to make repeating patterns with coloured card. We worked well together, discussing with each other how to lay it out to make a pattern.  We also made more complicated patterns with shapes and will continue to work on this next week.  We’ll also be looking at odd and even numbers.

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We have been looking at steam trains this week and make train pictures, printing using shapes.

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At assembly in Friday, P6 put on an amazing performance of Scots songs and poems, we really liked the funny one called ‘If You will Marry Me’, they had some very funny actions too.034

Each class then told the assembly a little of what they have been working on in class, we showed some of our paintings and sang a song.  it was very exciting performing in front of a big audience – we loved it!

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What a super end to the week!  Looking forward to what next week brings.

Have a lovely weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Trains, patterns and alphabetical order! (P1A)

Did you know that we have now covered all of our initial sounds? 🙂 Last week, we looked at the sounds ‘x’ and ‘qu’. We enjoyed playing snap with different CVC words, making a rainbow ‘x’ and ‘qu’, creating our own treasure maps and writing our own sentences using our common words and new sounds.


In our literacy time this week, we have been learning about alphabetical order. Abhinav and Euan were able to arrange the letter pegs in alphabetical order.


We have also been looking at all of the letter names for our initial sounds and practising our letter formation. Using squiggle pads and squiggle sticks, we revised how to write all of our initial sounds. Miss Harrison was very impressed with our neat handwriting!


Last week, we finished learning about 3D shapes. We looked at cubes, cuboids, pyramids, cylinders, spheres and cones. Miss Harrison gave us lots of 3D shapes and we made castles, buildings and trains.


In our numeracy time this week, we have been looking at 2D shapes and have been continuing and creating our own repeated patterns. We enjoyed matching patterns, using shapes to create our own patterns and continuing patterns that Miss Harrison gave us.


This week, we have continued our work on numbers to 20. We can find larger and smaller numbers in a pair, the largest or smallest number in a set and we can order numbers to 20. Next week we will be learning about odd and even numbers.

As we have now finished our Outdoor Learning focus on winter, we started our new Scottish focus on Famous Scots. We are looking at James Watt who helped to make the steam engine. Ruaridh and Charlie told the P1-3 classes at assembly what we know about James Watt. Did you know that he was from Greenock and he was born almost 300 years ago?

Finally, we used the 2D shapes we learned in maths to print and create our own steam trains.


Today, we went to the Scots Assembly. We shared what we have been learning in class with P1-3 and listened to P6 singing different Scots songs and reciting poetry. They were fantastic! As always, we were a great audience!


We hope that everyone has a happy weekend,

P1A 🙂

A wizardly week in P3

In literacy this week we have been continuing with our diary writing. We had lots of fun pretending to be  Harry Potter and thinking about all the things which he might do in a day. The magic was continued when we wrote our ideas in our diary entries!!!

In maths, we have been learning our 3 times table. We have had lots of fun playing different games to practice our recall of the 3 times table , and even got the stopwatches out to see how quickly we could answer questions from our friends.

For our Topic we have been looking at David Dale and Robert Owen. We did a bit a research to find out some facts about them and the history of New Lanark. We also looked at some of the inventions in the mills, which helped to improve the production of cotton such as the spinning jenny and water frame. We had lots of fun when we all got the opportunity to be inventors for the afternoon, we designed some really cool inventions…. even a machine which does your homework for you!

We are really excited for our trip next week, and have lots of questions which we would like to ask when we go.

We wish you all a happy weekend.

From P3 🙂 x


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