New Lanark/ Victorian Assembly.

Some clips of our assembly today about New Lanark and Victorians.

The children sang and danced to Food Glorious Food from Oliver. They also sang beautifully- Daisy Daisy and My Daddy wouldn’t buy me a bow wow.


The children spoke very clearly.



A timeline showing the beginning and end of the Victorian Era, to the 1960’s (a comparison for P3s) and present day.



Different jobs that the children would do- miners,





watercress seller and pure finder.


Emily was a great schoolmistress!

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Layla sang a solo of Coulter’s Candy.



One very proud teacher today! Excellent effort by all the children!

Victorian Day- Part 1

The children dressed up in  a variety of Victorian costumes.


They were not happy when they had to go to work!


We played some traditional games outside.




Skipping rhymes.


Hopscotch or Peevers.


Maureen Liddle, from the West Lothian Museum Service, brought in some artefacts for the children to wear, look at and play with.


Homemade stilts using tins and string. Trying the diablo, which was tricky!


Trying out some toys-


A clothes peg.                                      A whip and top.


Some of the wonderful artefacts.


The children were given pinafores or sailor collars to wear. They looked very smart!



Outdoor Learning Committee.

These are the members of the Outdoor Learning Committee.


Today, we surveyed the playground and field areas to generate ideas of how we can improve outdoor learning opportunities. The committee members worked in groups to create a list of ideas.

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Who may have been executed?

It was important that our blog started off with the highlight of the week. Entering the classroom we noticed something  in the  corner of the room , suspiciously cornered off with tape, and the words ‘ CAUTION’.. We were keen to find out what this was all about. Soon we heard the sounds to the breaking news, and all was revealed, In our classroom was the execution of Mary Queen of Scots. We knew that this news needed to be reported in our P5B news report. We were all quickly trained on how to be creative and factual journalists. We learnt about the three C’s in a news report –  Clear, Concise and Correct. After our journalism crash course we got straight to work gathering facts about Mary Queen of Scots and the lead up to her execution. We made sure we sorted through all the facts and planned what will be important and relevant in our report. We made sure that our opening statement answered the questions, who, what, when, where and why. We are looking forward to reading and sharing our news report with the class next week.

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We have continued to learn a variety of subtraction strategies. We have enjoyed sharing and discussing the different strategies that we prefer using during our Number talk discussions. Our Number talk sessions helps us to talk about our thinking and the strategies that we find most effective to use. We worked together with a partner and created a story board of the different subtraction strategies that we can use.


During literacy this week we have been learning about the three uses for the apostrophe. We shared and gave examples of the three uses for the apostrophe. We had great fun singing along to the apostrophe song. The song helped us to learn when to use the words, they’re, their, and there correctly. The song also helped us learn how to use the words your and you’re correctly. Mrs Matos has set us a challenge to check any written work done by the adults at home and see if they make any apostrophe errors. As we discovered the apostrophe can often be used incorrectly. We worked together and sorted out words and phrases that showed if the apostrophe is used correctly. We later became editors and edited a passage from ‘The sea King and the Little Mermaid’. We quickly picked up the apostrophe errors and were able to correct them. We really got the hang of editing when Evie had spotted that Mrs Matos had forgotten out her apostrophe on her PowerPoint. Well done Evie. We guess teachers can make mistakes too.



We did something rather strange this week…We got to relax!!! While it was a type of relaxing. Mrs Matos and Mrs McCartney took us on a journey of Mindfulness.  It was interesting to learn how important breathing is and by breathing correctly it can help us to relax and if we get upset or worried about something, taking only a few minutes to go somewhere quiet and take careful breaths can really help.

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Next week we looking forward to our fencing taster session on Tuesday. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

P5B and Mrs Matos



Blog 17.2.17

Blog 17.2.17

Dear all

We won class of the week again for good behaviour outside!

In numeracy we wrote down our 2 times 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and twelve times tables. This week we got our maths assessment score.


In literacy we learned about diary entries about the past.

In Health and Wellbeing we did javelin and hurdles. With the javelin we used bean bags.

We had a hedgehog called Sonic.

Three people got chose for Fairtrade art. They were Franz, Sam and Ginny.

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Have a good weekend!


This week we have been doing a book study on a story called ‘Dogs Don’t Do Ballet’. We did many lessons linked to the story and covered concepts such as; gender stereotypes, our dreams for the future and feelings/emotions. The dog in the story was very sad that everyone kept telling him he was not allowed to follow his dream of being a ballerina. Biff arrived in our class looking very upset so we decided to write him a letter giving him advice on his problem. We really caught the letter writing bug, so ended up writing lots of different letters to Paddington, our friends and Miss Mudd. We also worked in groups to write stories about other things that dogs can’t do eg. dogs can’t fly aeroplanes!………..or can they?!

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In our phonics this week we have been looking at the ai/ay digraph. We learnt how to use the spelling rule to help us identify which one to use. The Blue group have been revising some of our key digraphs from this block and used them to write some very tricky sentences.

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We have been supporting each other with our reading this week. We were given reading buddies and were encouraged to help each other sound out and blend. We talked about the stories we were reading and shared our ideas and opinions.

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In Numeracy we were learning how to read and write number names. We have also been learning about ordinal numbers and participated in the snail Olympics. We have continued to work on different subtraction strategies, this week focusing on bridging ten and chunking up numbers to help us subtract quickly. We used our number tiles to help us do some jumping subtraction. We jumped back to help us count back when taking away. For our ‘Outer Maths’ we continued with our learning about money. We have been tap counting to help us add the value of coins together.

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In PE we played lots of parachute games.

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In IDL this week we went back in history to look at the types of transport that the Vikings used. We looked at the features of Longships and have started creating our own Viking Longships with very scary heads to scare away our enemies.


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What a wonderful week in P1/2!

Have a fantastic weekend.

Miss Mudd and P1/2 x

A week in P2

On Monday the P2’s were introduced to their new phonics sounds ” y” and “ch”. We wrote fantastic letters on Thursday pretending we were “William” from our class novel “Christmasaurus”. The children really got into role and produced some super work.

In Art, we created super  Chimney sweep pictures using a variety of media.

The highlight of the week was on Tuesday.  After break  Mrs Maureen Liddell came to talk to P2 about how the  Victorians lived and showed us some very interesting artefacts from the era. We got to dress up in Victorians clothes and Mrs.Burton even had a black gown. We really enjoyed it and learnt a lot more about how Victorian children lived. We also had a Victorian P.E. lesson and watched some of “Oliver”. Well done to P2/3 for a brilliant assembly.

We have continued to work on Division this week and will move onto Money next week.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs.Burton and Primary 2

Photos to follow.




Primary 5A have been busy debating this week…

We were exploring ‘Mindfulness’ in PEm1




m5 with the other P5 class, this helps us to engage with the mind and breathing- it taught us a lot.

On Monday we has a taster Fencing session where we learned to lunge, block an attack and the on-guard position.

Mary Queen of Scots visited our class on Tuesday! She introduced herself and answered questions about her life very confidently. We played a game called the ‘Wall of Truth’ to help us learn to to explain our opinions. We had to say whether we agreed or not that children could make a big difference to the environment and if we should ban junk for children- the majority didn’t agree!
We worked in pairs to put statements and decide whether the statements were FOR or against Mary Queen of Scots execution. This helped to us to support us writing a balanced argument. We were given a checklist to help us use sentence openers for a debate. Mrs McCartney was delighted with our balanced arguments, we certainly are getting very confident explaining our views!
We were given the challenge of delivering a presentation with a partner, showcasing all we have learnt about Mary Queen of Scot . Some of us created Powerpoints, art pieces, some of us created class teams to play games and a quiz to check our knowledge!
The presentations were absolutely brilliant- we really are trying our best to be as creative as possible- good job!








In Maths, we have been learning how to use the column method to help us with subtracting. This is a speedy way to help us get an accurate answer and lots of us challenged ourselves to subtract using 3 and 4 digit numbers. We are going to look at subtracting word problems nest week in order to help us recognise the key words to look for in word problems.

Have a fantastic weekend and thank you for reading our blog!!

Mrs McCartney and P5A X

Late Breaking News from P4

P4 are delighted to announce that Katie Calder has been selected as our representative on the Pupil Council.

16 of us spoke about why we would be best for the job, we were all very clear and Mrs McAlpine and Mrs Newton were very impressed.

Once we had finished speaking, we all voted for the person we thought would represent our views and opinions best, Katie got the most votes.

Well done Katie, we look forward to speaking to you about our ideas and views on the school and playground next week.


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