P7b Blog

Numeracy and mathematics

We demonstrated our learning and applied our knowledge of decimals in a topic assessment this week. All of us have been working incredibly hard to develop our understanding of decimals which has been a tricky topic. Thankfully, our positive attitude towards our learning and growth mindsets have enabled us to get to grips with various new concepts and we impressed Mr. Logan with our scores. After Easter we will be moving on to information and data handling where we shall be collecting, displaying using ICT, interpreting and analysing data in various forms including pie charts, bar graphs and line graphs.


Our escape plans have been completed and Julia was chosen as our winner. Her plan was intricately thought out and carefully prepared, so therefore, she received the Easter egg prize. Well done Julia and the rest of the class, what detailed and instructive pieces of writing you produced. We have also submitted our final entries to the West Lothian Young Writer of the Year competition and we will cross our fingers that one of this year’s winners will be from P7b.


West Lothian Council’s Museum Service visited us this week to display and discuss some local WWII artefacts. We found this to be incredibly interesting and informative, and enjoyed being given the opportunity to handle and look closely at these items. Joe was chosen as our Air Raid Warden and had the pleasure of wearing a metal helmet throughout the hour long session. We hope your neck isn’t too sore! Some personal projects have been completed and handed in, and Mr. Logan is now looking forward to marking these over the Easter holidays. Having had a brief look at them already, he is impressed with the level of research and detail that has been put into these. You should be proud of these P7b, such an incredibly talented group of pupils.


P7 showed what responsible citizens they are as they accompanied their P1 Buddies to St. Michael’s Church for our Easter Service today. We enjoyed hearing from Sheryl and Stuart at church and celebrating the end of the school term with some songs and confidently delivered readings. Well done from Mr. Logan and P7b to the pupils from P4, P5 and P6 who were brave enough to speak in front of such a large audience. Thank you also to our parents and carers who joined us for the Easter Service, it was great to  see you.

First week back

  • Camp medical forms to be sent home
  • STEM buggies to be judged by Mrs. Burgess and Mr. Woodhouse on Thursday 20th April
  • Golf EE2 letters home to those participating
  • Rugby taster sessions

Have a lovely Easter everyone, thanks for your continued support with all things P7b!

P7b and Mr. Logan

P7a weekly blog

Another hectic week in P7a. We continued our research into World War II with a fabulous visit from Maureen Liddell from West Lothian Museum Service. Maureen told the children about WWII through anecdotes and stories of her own mother as an evacuee during WWII. They were able to handle various artefacts and ask questions as we went along.

Here you can see Jack ready for war with his kit-bag and shaving set. Lily has bought her stunning floral dress with her ration coupons.


Below you can see Tom (a submariner), and Frank (worked on aircraft carriers). They came in on Tuesday to talk to us about their experiences of war. It was fascinating to see a video about life on an aircraft carrier and the processes they followed.

In numeracy we worked hard on long multiplication and long division. Lucy came up with a new slogan to help us remember the zero in the units column when multiplying with 2 digits “Be a hero, don’t forget the zero!”.

In literacy we write diary entries imagining we were there during the first air raid of WWII or on the Bismarck or HMS Hood when they were sunk. We also wrote thank you letters to our visitors from last week.

Mrs Gordon is very excited to read all the personal projects she has received, and to receive the others on our first day back !

Happy holidays !

Mrs Gordon and P7a


Eggtastic …

Easter Fun in P5A…
What a busy week!

We had a joint PE session with the other P5 in the hall this week. We danced to Go Noodle and the people that put in the MOST effort got to pick the songs to dance to! Mrs Matos and McCartney couldn’t keep up with us!

We sadly said goodbye to Callum Crocker this week as his very last day at Springfield Primary is today. We surprised him by having a party on Thursday afternoon that his mum also came to!
We would like to wish Callum and his family all the very best in their new home and school.

Zak, Callum, Ruairidh, Rory, Finlay Bisset and Jamie all went round the classes this week raising money for charity. We had to guess the age of the bunny and the winner from this class was…Samuel!!!
What a delighted boy he was!

We were very lucky to have another visit from the British Legion this week. We learned a lot about being in the Royal Navy and how ships operated.

P4 were fantastic sharing their learning with our class this week. We learned all about Ancient Egypt. They had created lots of activities for us. We made lots, including 3D pyramids and canopic jars. Thank you very much Primary 4!!!

The Easter Church Service was lovely. It was so nice for us all to be together and sing our Easter songs. Mrs McCartney cried when the choir sang ‘When you Believe’ and we are sure she wasn’t the only one. Well done to Ruairidh and Paul who were our readers from our class, great job!!!

The Easter Bonnet Parade was so much fun!

Many thanks to all who supported us by helping to make the bonnets and coming along to the parade and the church.
We wish you all a happy, safe and relaxing Easter!
Mrs MCartney and P5A x


Easter holidays have arrived :)

This week we had lots of different activities.

We did a maths check up at the beginning of the week- we know lots now that we didn’t know when we started in P4!

On Wednesday the P5 classes came to visit us for a museum tour. We told them all about Ancient Egypt and then led a series of activities for them. They really enjoyed the visit and we loved teaching them.

We held the first ever Ancient Egypt’s Got Talent show. It was a very tightly fought contest, well us Gods can be tempremental you know. Our judges, Simon (Josh) Cowell, David (Kieran) Walliams, Cheryl (Mrs Hutton) Cole and Amanda (Mrs McAlpine) Holden had a tough job to do. Ant n Dec (Mrs Newton) tried hard to keep control but it was a tricky job! Our winners were Rebecca, Isla, Amelie and Freya- well done, you are great goddesses!

On Thursday we had our Easter Bonnet parade and song. We think our bonnets were the best!

We reached our Dojo target this term and got to watch The Prince of Egypt, it was a really good movie and linked our learning from RME together with our IDL theme.

Kieran (Mrs Newton’s youngest son) came into school to talk to us about Quidditch- we loved hearing about it and are even more excited about him coming back next term to teach Mrs Newton and us to play.

Today we walked to church for our Easter Service- thank you to Mrs Manlove, Mrs Rae and Mrs McFadden for walking with us. We all sang beautifully and the rain stayed away.

We  have lots of trips planned next term- on Thursday 20th April we are going to the Peel for a Ranger workshop- packed lunches are needed.

On June 5th we will be going to the Marches Book Festival and having a picnic on the way- packed lunches needed again.

On the 12th June we are going to the National Museum in Edinburgh for an Ancient Egypt tour and workshop- again we will need a packed lunch.

Full details of the last two trips will come out in May.

This weeks picture will be on Dojo later today or tomorrow. Have a great Easter break, when we come back we will only have 11 weeks left in P4 🙁

P4a 🙂

Learning through play

What a lot of fun we’ve had outdoors this week. Edward’s dad has made a new water resource for us and we’ve been learning about the flow of water as we play. We’ve also been finding out how we can recycle water and we’ve been using mathematical language such as full and empty. We’ve shown good problem-solving skills outdoors when using our outdoor scales and when making a great selection of meals in our muddy kitchen. Can you see Matthew is writing his recipe  for his muddy soup.





This week many of our nursery children also visited P1. They had an opportunity to listen to a story read by the P1 teachers and then had a chance to play in a P1 classroom. Many of our children had made Easter hats which they wore during their visit.Thank you to the teachers who really welcomed all our children and to the boys and girls in P1 who were so kind and helpful.







Easter Fun

This week we were kindly invited up to P6 to play some of the games they had been making in Science. We loved answering the questions and trying to light up the bulb to see if we were right. The P6s were great at helping us and explaining the different tasks to us. We also had a visit from the Nursery children who came to see our classroom and join in with some play time. We loved having them up to play!

We continued to practise writing different kinds of instructions. We made our very own banana and strawberry milkshakes. We had to practise our chopping skills and worked with a partner to cut up the fruit and pour in the milk. We wrote down instructions for each step and focused on using different sentence starters such as; firstly, secondly and finally. We were also looking at ordering sets of instructions. Miss Mudd had written some instructions for making Easter chocolate nests but they were all in a muddle! We had to use our reading skills to read them out and put them back in the right order. To check we had them right, we followed our instructions to make our own Easter nests.

In Maths we have been applying our subtraction skills to different word problems. We went on an Easter treasure hunt and had to find the missing eggs with the correct answer on them. We also used the giant dominoes to try and find the difference between the two numbers.

In Phonics some of the class were looking at the ‘oo’ sound so we decided to make some sticky ‘gloop’. We added water to corn flour and mixed it together until it formed a goo. We loved playing with it and moulding it into different shapes.

In IDL we finished off out Transport topic. We discussed all of our learning throughout the term and went back to look at our original plan to see if we had covered everything. We then started to look ahead to the future and think about how Transport may continue to change over time. We became inventors and invented our own modes of transport for the future. We had some very interesting ideas!

Our mums and dads have worked SO hard at home making wonderful bonnets for us. They were all amazing and everyone looked fabulous. We loved our Easter parade and got a chance to show off our handy work. Miss Mudd was amazed at how creative and imaginative we had all been. ‘Hats off’ to everyone who helped.

Thank you so much for all of your support this term. It has been a wonderful term and we have achieved so much together in P1/2. We have so many highlights to talk about and have made some very special memories together.

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter holiday. Enjoy your special time together with your families.

P1/2 and Miss Mudd

Red Nose Day – Total funds raised £716.86

Well done to all involved, we raised a total of £716.86 for Comic Relief. This was £65.82 from Nursery, £307.06 from Mad Hair Dress down and £343.98 from the Bake Sale. Special mention to Lucy Roy and the whole Pupil Council Committee, they worked tirelessly all day.

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