P1A Assembly!

We had happy tears in our eyes today as Primary 1A and Miss Harrison shared their memories and achievements of the past year. Well done to all children who spoke so confidently and sang songs in front of an audience. Thanks to all family and friends who came along to support the children.

Have a super weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie x

Outdoor Science and more…

We have been outdoors lots this week and the weather was very kind to us. As part of our outdoor science over the past few weeks we have been looking at habitat and characteristics of a species.

In groups we created a new species, with specific habitat and characteristics. We then made maps of the playground, models of our species and a fact file. We then hid the creatures and had to go on an expedition to find another teams species using only the map and fact file.

It was a very interesting task, as we found that our results were dependent on the quality of the maps and the information provided !

Meet our 5 new species below !

In numeracy our focus has been on data handling. We have investigated mean, median and mode of data sets and have a lovely song about that ! We then moved on to look at all types of chart including pie, bar, line and histogram. We used data to make frequency charts and histograms. We also started to look at the manipulation of data using excel and spreadsheets. using the sort and filter functionality the children learnt how to deal with large amounts of data and find answers to questions. Our next steps will be to create some graphs using that data.

In literacy most of us have finished our creative writing, our goal was to up-level our writing and challenge ourselves with our vocabulary and openers.

French this week was all about pets, “Tu-as un animal a la maison?”. The children learnt how to ask and answer the questions and we also focused on writing these phrases and vocabulary.

Mrs Gordon handed back the WW2 personal projects with feedback (written and verbal), she was blown away by the quality of these projects, and learnt a lot. She cannot wait to hear the class talks about these exciting topics next week…

Bon weekend

P7a and Mrs Gordon


Planting with P1B


We have been busy planting in P1B.  At the end of last week we each planted a sunflower seed.  They have begun to grow and we have had to tie some of them to support sticks as they are getting very tall.

As we are looking at ‘Our Local Community’ for our topic, also inspired by the assembly from Burgh Beautiful, we decided to begin very local and brighten up our playground.  With the help of another Mrs Kennedy, we planted some tubs in the playground with colourful flowers and herbs. We were very careful with the delicate plants and listened well to make sure we planted them correctly.  We’re very pleased with the finished result and we will continue to look after them.

We have been learning the sounds ‘ou’ and ‘ow’, here we are playing with the sounds as we practise them.

We have begun to prepare for our assembly.  We have been busy making props, practising some songs and have had a little run through of the words.  We will be working on this a lot in the next two weeks.  We are very excited about it.

During ‘Buddy Time’ on Friday, our buddies helped us with some measuring work.  They were a great help and we measured lots of objects around the classroom. Thank you P7.

In our role play corner this week some children wanted to make it into a camping and caravan site.  They have had great fun and I have really enjoyed listening to the dinner time discussions 😉

Finally, Lily made this wonderful Lily robot.  It looks exactly like her, complete with her lovely smile.

Have a good weekend.

From P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Outdoor Learning in P7

Within outdoor learning this week Mrs Law told us about the art work of Andrew Goldsworthy. We then worked in groups across P7 a and P7b to show our interpretation of his work using natural materials only. Here are some examples.

Chocolate fractions, Grammar and a boat trip…

How fortunate have we been this week, to have this gorgeous weather and the opportunity to take our learning outside.

The highlight of this week, was our trip on Thursday morning, down at Linlithgow canal. Before going on our boat ride, we enjoyed the good weather, playing at the park and having our snack. We then had a very entertaining boat ride, Linton McBurnie from the Canalside Ranger Lowland Canals gave a very entertaining talk  but serious talk about water safety. He demonstrated how we can help someone who is drowning by using a group!  After our talk, we joined P5A for a lovey picnic before heading back to school!

We started our class talks this week, our topic was ‘How to….’ Mrs Matos has enjoyed each and every talk. Everyone has put in so much effort and thought into their talk! Well Done everybody.


In numeracy this week, we continued with Fractions. This week we used a slab of chocolate to help us understand Factions better. While eating away at the chocolate slab a  fraction at a time , we realised that some fractions have different numbers but are equal.  We decided to have a closer look at equivalent fractions.

In Literacy this week, we looked at Synonyms and Antonyms. We learnt the definition of both the words. We worked with a partner to sort words under the two headings.  We completed our short stories that we started writing last week. We sent sometime reading each others stories, and helping to edit and give feedback to each other. We are trying to improve our editing skills, so that we can use our edited draft to improve on our writing. Mrs Matos has been very impressed with the quality and imagination of our stories.

There is always something fun and exciting happening in P5B

P5B and Mrs Matos


P4B Blog Week Ending 12.5.17

Dear All

This week we had our last week at NYCOS.

In literacy we learned about 1st and 2nd person pronouns. We also wrote instructions for how to make a sandwich then we got to make and eat our sandwiches.

In numeracy we did our assessments and talked about them then we got the results. We played sumdog and we learned more about fractions.

In Health and Wellbeing we played quidditch and relay races.

In Learning across the curriculum we learn about animals in French. We also had Lynn, a Beecraigs ranger in to give a talk on farming at Beecraigs.

With Mrs Begarnie, we learned how to make origami boats and made a stand for them.

Hope you have a good weekend!

Typed by Niamh

Sandwiches, seeds and sport!

This week we have been learning about 1st and 2nd person pronouns. This helped us write our recipe instructions. We learnt about different types of farms in Scotland and, in French, we were learning all about birthdays and anniversaries.

On Tuesday we had quidditch in the morning and then our last NYCOS session in the afternoon. We learnt lots in singing and will miss our sessions with Mrs Gray.

On Wednesday Mrs Newton didn’t get to school until 2.15pm- she didn’t sleep in (honest!) but went to speak to some MSP’s at the Scottish Parliament. Some of us saw her on the news but Mrs Newton didn’t see it because she had a meeting after school 🙁

We did a money scavenger hunt, this was really good fun and we found all the clues. Then we made 3D boats with Mrs Begarnie as part of our water lessons.

On Thursday we wrote instructions on how to make a sandwich- it is not as easy as you think, some of us forgot the plate! Then we had quidditch (we love quidditch) and in the afternoon  Ranger Lynne  came to talk to us about Beecraigs Farm and what animals they keep. The farm is open to visitors so if we want we can visit with our families.

Today we followed each others recipes to make sandwiches- they were yummy 🙂

We also planted flower seeds (Forget Me Nots and Wild Flowers) and some tree seeds. The trees will take a long time to grow big enough to plant outside- we may be in P7 before we can do this.

Next week we have twin lambs coming to visit us, we will have more quidditch practices- hopefully on broomsticks and Mrs Malcolm will finish on Friday, we have really liked having Mrs Malcolm as our head teacher and will miss her.

Have a lovely weekend, Mrs Newton says there is a big rugby event on this weekend in Edinburgh 🙂



Confident Individuals…


Confident Individuals…

Primary 5A have certainly demonstrated their creativity and commitment to learning this week through their choice of class talk presentations. Both P5 teachers are absolutely delighted with the class talks this week and have learned so much about a variety of subjects!!
I would like to say a huge thank you, not only to the children in both classes but for all the support that was given at home to help your child prepare for their class talk. I think there will be a lot of people that will take up new hobbies after this week!!!

We have been focussing on fractions this week. We have looked at equivalent fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers. We recognised the link between fractions and the need to remember or times tables. We worked with partners to support each other to complete equivalent fraction posters, noticing the pattern when completing the sequence of fractions.

What a wonderful day we had on Thursday when we visited the Union Canal! The sun certainly shone and we thoroughly enjoyed our boat trip along the canal. Linton was very informative and shared with us the importance water safety. We now know never to jump in the canal after our pets as they will manage to swim out safely. There is 695 million gallons of water in the Union Canal and they add 400 gallons of water each day if it hasn’t rained a lot!

We have been creating Burgh Beautiful posters for a competition. The theme is anti-litter, dog fouling and recycling to encourage all to take responsibility for keeping the environment clean and Linlithgow looking beautiful.

Have a fantastic weekend and I hope the sun shines for us all!

Mrs McCartney and P5A XXX

P7b Blog

Numeracy and Mathematics

This week we completed our work on Information Handling. The children have been creating 3D pie charts and interpreting data from a variety of sources, explaining and describing this in great detail and promoting some high quality discussion. Alongside this, we have been refreshing our memories of how to find the range, mode, median and mean when presented with a list of numbers. Our rhyme to the tune of ‘Row Your Boat’ has been helpful in reminding us the definition of each of these terms.

“Mode, mode, mode is the most, average is the mean. Median, median, median, median the number in between.”

Literacy and English

Our focus in writing this term is creative texts. This week we were given the theme of ‘World War II’ and prepared imaginative pieces of writing based on our IDL learning theme. Within our writing, we focused on proofreading and up-levelling to ensure that our work makes sense and interests the reader. We also attempted to use a range of ambitious VCOP, incorporated detail through our use of description and explanation and used ICT to word process our stories. Mr. Logan and the other staff in the upper school have compiled a list of new novels to purchase and we look forward to getting our hands on these texts in Guided Reading before the end of term. Next week we have our class talks where we will present a summary of our personal projects to the rest of the class. Mr. Logan is looking forward to seeing our presentations, they’re going to be excellent.

Health and Wellbeing

In P.E we have been further developing our skills in athletics and improving our fitness levels. At the beginning of the week we participated in 200m running, using the stopwatches to time our peers and accurately recording our results. On Thursday we upped our distance and paced ourselves appropriately when completing the 800m event. We surprised ourselves with our ability to beat our personal best times and were given some time for Outdoor Play as a reward for our efforts. Our golf and rugby sessions continued with our specialist coaches and we look forward to next week’s sessions. Maybe P7b will be lucky enough to meet professional golfer Stephen Gallacher this time…


Finally, we celebrated further STEM engineering success this week as every pupil in P7b received a pass, merit or distinction grade for their inventions. Ross Findlater was shortlisted for a trophy at his year group and we will cross our fingers in the hope that he is successful.

Next week:

  • Monday – Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Workshop
  • Monday – After school football 3.30 – 4.30pm
  • Tuesday – Golf 2-3pm, rugby taster session 2.30 – 3.15pm
  • Thursday – P7 Booster Groups
  • Friday – Mrs. Malcolm’s last day at Springfield P.S
  • EE2 forms for Time Capsule, Code of Conduct for school camp and First Aid agreements to be returned
  • George Allan football letters to be returned

Have a great weekend and thanks for your continued support of all things P7b.

P7b & Mr. Logan

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