What a wonderful, sunny week we have had! When the weather is so good, no one wants to be indoors, so we take our learning outside!

This weeks guided reading we went in our groups outside. We read to each other and shared our thoughts about the story. We also gave each other feedback on how we read. We commented on our fluency, tone, pace and expression.  We worked together and used chalk to draw a new version of the front cover of our books!

In literacy this week we concentrated on sentence writing and ways in which we can improve our writing, by making sure, we use a variety of words, the words have been used and spelt correctly, capitals letters and punctuation are used. We joined  P5A, in pairs we went outside and using chalk we wrote  some sentences, we had to compete against each other. We got points for correct use and spelling of words, capital letters and punctuation.  It was really good fun being outside and thinking of sentences that helped reinforce what we know.

In Numeracy we have been learning about decimals. We  worked together with a partner to match decimals to fractions, convert fractions to decimal and writing decimals on a number line. We have also been learning about sorting and comparing decimals and lastly adding and subtracting decimals, so a busy week of all things decimals. But we have done fantastic and Mrs Matos is very impressed with how well we have worked together to make sure that everyone understands.

We have been very busy this week being travel agents. We have used the netbooks to research different travel agencies and have had  a closer look at their logos. We  chose three names for our travel agency and our peers got to vote for which they thought sounded the best. We also had a chance to be creative and design our own logo.

P5B really do have very special boys and girls, all who have hearts of gold.  A couple of weeks ago you  may remember Beinn, Gabriella and Andrew raised money for Callum’s Cabin. While Beinn is doing that little bit extra. Together with is family, Beinn will be packing bags at Tesco to raise some money to give to Callum’s Cabin.  Well done Beinn, we are all very proud of you and you can be very proud of yourself!

P5B and Mrs Matos


Our awesome week in P3


This week in numeracy we began looking at subtraction. We challenged ourselves by trying to solve some number puzzles requiring us to use our problem solving skills!

We  also made the most of the sunshine this week and enjoyed reading our class novel ‘Demon Dentist’  under the tree in the shade.  We have been enjoying working with Kieran to learn how to play muggle Quidditch. This week we got to practice playing with the broomsticks, it was fun but tricky to master!

In literacy we have been looking at speech marks and how they are used. We enjoyed going outside to find materials to replicate speech marks and placed them on our texts to indicate where they would appear.

We further explored persuasive writing and created our own mock letters to send to the council to persuade them to  build a leisure attraction of our choice in Linlithgow.  We suggested lots of interesting attractions to bring to Linlithgow including Disneyland, Build a Bear and Legoland.

For our topic we created a design for our robots which we are going to make out of recyclable materials next week. We are really looking forward to building our robots and sharing them with you.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sun.

From P3  x

Happy Towns and Problem Solving! (P1A)

This week we have been using our addition and subtraction facts to 10 to solve problems. We have been using our knowledge of number bonds to find different ways to make numbers to 10 and we have been creating our own number sentences. This week we also started to look at missing number equations (we are very clever)! We looked at subtraction sums such as 7 – ? = 3 and we used different strategies to work out the missing number. Next week we will continue to work on missing number equations.

As part of our measurement focus, this week we learned to use non-standard units (cubes, cups, spoons, containers) to measure capacity. We also learned to compare and describe capacity by looking at which containers could hold more/less liquid. We enjoyed using the water to compare how much liquid each container could hold (our classroom is still drying out) and using the cubes to estimate and then measure the capacity of different containers.

This week we learned the ‘aw’ sound and three new common words, ‘said’, ‘big’ and ‘could’. We practised writing our new sound and words, drew ‘aw’ pictures, played games containing the ‘aw’ sound and common words on the smartboard and computer, unscrambled sentences and found the missing ‘aw’ words in sentences. We managed to find some of our common words in our reading books this week.

As part of our Local Community focus, we worked with a partner to draw/write about what we like and/or would change about Linlithgow. Some of the things that we like about Linlithgow are Kelly’s, Tesco, the parks, our school, our houses, the flowers, the wildlife, the museum and B&M! Some of us felt that Linlithgow could be a bit cleaner and some of us wanted to change the weather! We used Google Maps to locate some places in our local area. We enjoyed looking at the street views!

This week, we also designed our own Happy Towns. We had roads and paths made of chocolate, ice cream shops, big parks, lots of flowers, swimming pools and rainbow houses!

We hope that everyone has a lovely weekend. Hopefully the sunshine will continue! Thank you for reading our blog post,

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂


Heating up in P4a

It has been a hot week in P4a this week, but we are not complaining- we love the sunshine!

In writing we have been learning about agreement between verbs and pronouns (subjects and pronouns). We then used this knowledge, and our 3rd person pronoun knowledge, to write reports on our visitors.

In Numeracy we have been learning about area and perimeter. We know that to calculate area we multiply the length of 1 long side by the length of 1 short side, or if it is a square we just multiply the length of 2 sides. To calculate the perimeter we add up the length of all the sides. We had great fun playing a Scoot area game as well.

We have been learning more animals in French and we even wrote some senteces- Tres Bien!!!

We played quidditch again this week and Kieran introduced Beaters and Bludgers. We also had races, we had to run with the broomstick between our legs- we could not hold onto it so it was very hard to do.

We had a visit from Alasdair and Jamie with a huge tractor. It was really big and we loved getting to learn all about it. The best bit is that it can drive itself- WOW.

Finally we had a rugby session, this was really good fun and we are looking forward to our next lesson.

Weather is lovely, have a great weekend 🙂 5 weeks left in P4 🙁



Hello sunshine!

This week we were playing team games in PE and developing our reaction times and listening skills. We had to be quick off the mark to win points for our team. We warmed up by moving around the hall like different animals. Have a look at our best giraffe and elephant impressions.

Our caterpillars have grown so much and when we came in on Monday they had started to form a chrysalis. Miss Mudd is going to move them into their butterfly nets this weekend.


In Literacy we were all having an upper case letters week. We had lots of activities to work around to practise forming our capital letters. We have also started writing our imaginative stories. Over the last few weeks we have created a setting for our stories. We have also created a character and used adjectives to describe them. This week we started to plan out our ideas. We used the structure of a story mountain to draw out our beginning, middle and end. We used talking partners to help us talk through our ideas. We looked at the structure of other stories we had read and put them on our story mountain to see how it worked. Next week we will use our plans to start writing our stories. Miss Mudd is so excited to read them as we had some wonderful ideas! Our stories were full of fairies, dragons, goblins and trolls. There are lots of budding authors in P1/2!


In Maths we have been learning about multiplication. We practised grouping items and used arrays to show different multiplication sums. We used the grids of circles for some little multiplication problem solving tasks. We have been looking at the 2 times table this week so have done lots of activities linked to that. We have also been learning about tens and units and looking at numbers to 100.


In IDL we have continued with our learning about Linlithgow. We used Google Maps to explore our local area and zoomed in to look at all of our houses. We talked about where we live and identified some street names. We worked in groups to locate key landmarks around our town. We used the maps to find a school, church, supermarket and a park. We discussed the symbols that are used on a map. We then looked at pictures of Linlithgow and created a poster to show others what we love about our town! P1/2 decided they wanted to learn more about Linlithgow Palace so we did some research together. We watched a video, used the internet and looked at books to learn some facts. We discussed the difference between a fact and an opinion then we used our knowledge to create a fact file about the Palace. We also learnt how to draw our own simple maps. We pretended we were birds looking down on our school and tried to map out some of the key areas. We labelled the different areas of our school.



Some of the boys in the class used their choose time to build boats and bridges for our canal. The rest of the class then decided to make lots of different types of fish to go in the canal. They used the craft area to experiment with different materials.

We hope everyone enjoys the sunshine this weekend.

Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd

Nursery news


Our buddies sent us all a letter to tell us a little about them. During the week we then met our buddies and they played with us in nursery. We were able to share with our buddies some of the things we have been learning in nursery. We can’t wait to meet them again this week.






Our caterpillars

Our caterpillars have really grown and have now formed a chrysalis. We have now transferred them to the butterfly pavilion. We wonder how long it will take before they are butterflies. We can’t wait.


Celebrating achievements in P5B!

There is nothing better than hearing stories of children achieving. It is even better when the boys and boys are excited and enthusiastic about sharing their achievements. This week, Emily brought along some of her dance exams certificates that she received in a recent  exam. Emily took some time to share with the class what all was involved in the exam and what each certificate and medal represented. Well done Emily! Anna and Louise both attend the Linlithgow Girls Brigade. They brought along their arm bands that holds every badge they have achieved. They girls spoke enthusiastically and confidently to the class and explained what they had achieved each badge for. Thank you Anna and Louise, well done for all your efforts. Lastly, how many books have you read this week, or last month, or even over the last year? Maybe 5 books? Maybe 10? Well, can you beat Evie Melvin who took part in the First Minister’s reading challenge and has read over 80 books so far! Evie was awarded a certificate and a lovely new book for all her reading effort. Well done Evie, let’s see if you can catch up to Evie, get reading!

Sometimes we forget to always be grateful for being healthy, and we forget that some people have terminal illness. Emily Calabrese has suffered from Coeliac disease since she was a tiny little girl. As last week was Coeliac awareness week, Emily shared her story and experience of having Coeliac disease. Emily spoke confidently to the class sharing her story and experiences, she  also presented her talk with a very informative PowerPoint. To top off all her hard work and to make sure she got her message across, she had prepared some worksheets for the class to complete. The class enjoyed Emily’s talk and worksheets, they were all hanging onto every word Emily spoke and really enjoyed completing the worksheets and food table worksheets. Mrs Matos was very proud of Emily for having such great confidence, Well done Emily, you are a super star!!

In numeracy this week we have continued with Number Talks. Mrs Matos is very proud of all the boys and girls in P5B. Everyone is beginning to show so much confidence now when taking part in Number talks. The children are really beginning to use and discuss a range of strategies. We have been continuing learning about fractions, we focused this week on finding the  common denominator and we have also been ordering and comparing fractions. We have worked together in pairs to make sure that we both understand what we are doing. Sometimes learning from our peers helps to reinforce our learning. We all show good understanding and Mrs Matos thinks that next week we will be ready to tackle decimals.

In literacy our  spelling pattern was words ending in ‘ck’. We read a funny story about friendly ‘c’ and kind ‘k’, the story helped us to learn the spelling rule, which we will be able to apply in our writing. Speaking of writing, we have begun to write a short story about being chosen to be a torchbearer at the Olympics. We watched a few short clips on the history of the flame,  the clip we watched helped us to understand the feelings that the torchbearers must feel. We going to make sure that our story is going to make the reader really understand the feelings we felt when being chosen as a torchbearer. We going to extend our writing by using adjectives and synonyms, by using descriptive words we going to capture the reader and using synonyms will help us to extend our vocabulary. Watch this space, as we have authors in the making.

We have continued to play the magical game Quidditch. It was an exciting game this week as we got to use ‘broomsticks’ watch out for our photos, they should be ‘flying’ in shortly.

We have had a very successful week in P5B this week and Mrs Matos is proud of each one of us, to her we are all super stars!

P5B and Mrs Matos


P7a Digital Learning Week

To celebrate digital learning week P7a were very busy with ICT.

Mrs Gordon create a survey in “forms” within glow and uploaded it to yammer where most of the children answered it. The survey was about the use of Number Talks in class. For her Practitioner Enquiry Mrs Gordon is investigating whether the use of Number Talks 3 times a week can increase confidence an ability in mental maths.

Mrs Gordon was immediately able to view and download the results of her survey and was delighted to see that  90% of the class think that the use of Number Talks has increased both their confidence and ability in mental maths.

The children posted comments such as “I always used to write my answer down, but now because of all the strategies that I have learnt it makes it easier for me to count in my head”, “because my classmates have showed me different strategies” and “I am able to multiply with numbers above 12”.
Mrs Gordon arranged for a skype call with P7b in Linlithgow Primary School this week. We had a few technical issues, and once we got over the excitement of seeing each other we asked some questions about transition, to let us get to know each other better.

P7a weekly news


This week we have been focusing on weight within maths. We used lots of different skills such as estimation, calculating, converting from mg, g,kg and tonnes and solving weight word problems. We also imagined we were selling items on ebay and had to find out the cost of our post and packaging, giving us a skill for life, learning and work !

Health and Wellbeing

This week we had a workshop on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. It was delivered by Lyndsay from the Just Enough charity. The children learnt a great deal about both issues and were shocked by some of the statistics that were shared. Lyndsay delivered the workshop in a fun way using drama, but the message was indeed a very serious one. The children can now more confidently identify the signs that somebody may be being trafficked or held as a slave. Thank you to Lyndsay and the Just Enough team for this excellent learning opportunity.


We had our last rugby session this week. As you can see from the photos the children were all fully involved and enjoyed playing games against each other.

Class Talks

A huge thanks to all parents and carers who supported the children in creating, presenting and providing props for their class talks. I was blown away by the quality of the talks. Every single child should be proud of themselves. We all learnt a lot this week from a variety of unique class talk topics from WW2 Then and Now to War in Nazi Germany.

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