Day 2 at Dounans

Beautiful weather today! Some of our activities have included a burn scramble, hiking to a waterfall and the night line – a very muddy experience!


P6 Camp Dounans Day 1

Despite the rain and the midges P6 are having a FANTASTIC first day at camp and  are doing Springfield proud. Activities have included crate climb, tree climb and orienteering. Here are a few photos from today:

The wifi is quite slow – it has taken about 45 minutes to upload these photos so we will share most of the photos when we get back to school.

We’re off for hot chocolates now 🙂

Night night,

Love P6 and staff x



P7 Camping Stars!

Just a wee post to say thank you so much to our amazing P7 children, Mr Logan, Mrs Gordon and Mrs Hogg for being such amazing company at Dukeshouse Wood this past week. We had a fantastic time we had and I am so proud of everyone! What a fabulous school we are! All children were an absolute joy to care for and were a credit to their parents. You are all sparkling stars!

Miss Baillie Xx

Flying through Primary 5!

As always another busy week in P5B. In Numeracy this week we used our prior knowledge of Decimals and money.  Together with a partner we went on a ‘lunch date’ to the Safari Restaurant.  From the menu we had to select a starter to share, a main meal each , a pudding and drink each. Once we selected from the menu we needed to calculate the cost of our meal, using our knowledge of adding decimals using the formal written method. We also had to calculate a cheaper price by removing certain choices from our menu, this helped to reinforce subtracting decimals using the formal written method. Together we worked through a variety of activities adding and subtracting decimals.


The fun in numeracy doesn’t stop there. We worked in groups and had to follow specific instructions to make our own paper planes. Once our planes were made, we had three attempts to fly them, each time we had to estimate the distance our paper plane flew, after writing down our estimations we used meter rulers to measure the distance our plans flew. Plenty of fun was had by everyone in the class. Mrs Matos was proud of all the boys and girls and every worked co-operatively in the groups.

Our guided reading session this week took us outdoors. We worked together with our reading groups to select a part in the book that we all enjoyed and would be able to turn it into a play. We worked together to discuss and write a clear description of each character. We began to talk about the setting and plot of the story. We have started to write a script which will be based on the story we are busy reading.  We all worked really hard and looking forward to acting out our scripts in the next couple of weeks.

We are really enjoying our Linlithgow Olympic theme. We have spent some time on the netbooks this week, researching  different airlines and the cost for adults and children to fly. We have researched different hotels in and around Linlithgow, we looked at pricing, facilities, star rating and customer reviews. After discussions and researching exchange rate, we are beginning to plan a budget for our travelling customers, watch this space we might be planning our next family holiday!

To top the week off we had some outdoor playtime during golden time. We have plenty tow look forward to next week, with a trip planned for Monday and Tuesday, remember to bring a packed lunch to school on both days.

P5B and Mrs Matos


Police, Camera, Action! (P1A)

This week we have been learning the ‘au’ sound. We drew pictures with the ‘au’ sound, looked for pictures with the ‘au’ sound, used ‘au’ words to find the missing words in sentences and practised reading and writing ‘au’ words. We also revised all of our common words.


At the start of this week we concluded our subtraction focus and finished looking at missing number equations. We looked at subtraction sums such as ? – 2 = 8 and we used different strategies to work out the number at the start. In maths we have also been learning about symmetry. We were able to create symmetrical pictures and used finger painting to make our own symmetrical butterflies (just like the ones that we have in class). During free play, Thomas and Daniel built a fantastic symmetrical castle!


What a busy week we have had in maths! We also learned about fractions this week! Miss Harrison was very impressed as we were able to find halves and quarters of shapes. We could even find three quarters of a shape! Our learning activities included using our playdough to make halves and quarters of objects, colouring in different fractions of shapes, playing fractions games on the smartboard and laptop and making our own pizzas!




On Monday morning we had some very special visitors in our classroom. Chloe’s Auntie Heather and two of her colleagues, Leo and Liam came to talk to us about being in the Police. They told us about all the things that they do to help people and keep them safe and we asked them LOTS of questions! We got to see the police kit and try on the hats and jackets. Heather, Leo and Liam also told us about the different police transport. They brought a police bike and a police van which we were very excited to see! We got to go in the police van and turn on the siren. We really enjoyed going in the back of the police van!

For our writing this week, we wrote thank you letters to Heather, Leo & Liam. Miss Harrison couldn’t believe how hard we worked! Our handwriting was fantastic and we drew detailed pictures of our favourite part of the visit. We used our sounds to write words and we created our own word bank with tricky words that we might need. Miss Harrison gave our letters to Mrs Lee to pass on to Heather, Leo & Liam. We loved having visitors in our class. Thank you!

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about the life cycle of butterflies. We had our own caterpillars to look after and once they went into their chrysalis, we put them into a butterfly pavilion. At the start of this week, some of our butterflies started to hatch! We have done an excellent job of looking after them, but today we released them into their natural habitat.

Thank you for reading our blog post. Have a lovely weekend,

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Our Local Community – P1B

Hello, what a full week this has been! We began the week with a visit from three Police Officers – Heather, Leo and Liam. They gave a very informative talk and we asked them lots of questions. They even let us go into their Police van and press the siren, what a great way to start the week.

We have a new yoga resource and Mrs Kennedy has been on a course to help her to teach yoga to children. We tried it out during PE this week and we had good fun trying the proper yoga positions. It was quite tricky and we had to use lots of muscles, it was also relaxing and we had nice music on and practised being calm and breathing deeply.

In maths, we have been looking at capacity and symmetry.  We had fun playing in the water with measuring equipment and using cubes to fill objects around the classroom.  We were also learning how to estimate before we investigated.

Looking at our butterflies inspired our symmetry lessons.

Our topic ‘Our Local Community’ really stepped up a gear this week.  We had a meeting to decide what we would like to learn about our community, then worked in groups to write our plans. Lots of children want to learn more about local services – the Leisure Centre, shops and landmarks, and people who work locally – police, firefighters, vets, nurses.


We also discussed what we could turn our role play area into.  After a vote it was decided that we would make it into the Leisure Centre. We have worked hard making signs and gathering resources.  So far we’ve had great fun playing in it.  There are lots of swimming lessons taking place and they are very efficient at asking for people with a certain colour of band to leave the pool when their time is up.

It is lovely to see how eager and confident the children are at talking in front of an audience.  So far, they have all loved talking to the class about what Tess got up to at their house.  Three more excellent talks this week.

On Friday, we released the butterflies.  It has been nice having them in the classroom but it was also good to release them into their natural habitat.  We will be keeping an eye out for them flying around Springfield.

We hope you have a good weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

P5A’s Olympic Week…


Another fun filled week!

We were researching hotels, fights and travel insurance for our ‘Linlithgow Olympics.’ We found getting a suitable price challenging and now recognise how hard our parents work when they book us a family holiday!!!
We researched our given countries for the ‘Linlithgow Olympics.’ We found out lots of interesting facts about the famous people, landmarks and currency that they use. We shared our facts about Germany, Spain, England, France and Italy with P4 confidently!

In maths we recognised number sequences and extended them. We realised how to look for patterns within the sequence and were able to predict the next number.

we began to consider appropriate measurements. We went on a ‘Measurement Hunt’ around the school and identified 5 items that we would measure in cm, mm and metres.

In PE we had lots of fun playing team building games with hoops and balls, it was great fun and we worked really well with the other P5.

We were ‘up-levelling’ the beginning or the endings to our Olympic story ‘My Moment to Shine.’ Up levelling is all about changing boring, general simple and compound sentences into interesting complex sentences that include precise detail. Higher level writing also creates a mood and can include figurative writing. We shared our ‘new’ beginnings and endings with the class and all recognised an improvement. We are going to try and ‘up-level’ all of our sentences in our writing across the curriculum. Well done, Primary 5!

Have a fantastic weekend!

We are really looking forward to our trips next week.

Mrs McCartney and P5A x

Things to remember:
*Mon 5th June- Linlithgow Palace Guides Tour
*Tuesday 6th June- Linlithgow Rugby Club Marches Book Festival
(packed lunch and snack for both please)
*Futsal on Wednesday 7th June
*Quidditch Thursday 8th June

Primary 4B Blog Week Ending 2.6.17

Primary 4B

Blog Week Ending 2.6.17

Dear All

This week we had lots of fun during our learning!

In literacy we learned how to do persuasive writing. We had to think of something that our partner doesn’t agree with and try to persuade them to agree with it. We also learnt about conjunctions.

In numeracy we learnt about time, area and perimeter. We also watched a video on area and perimeter.

In Health and Wellbeing we did P.E. with Mrs Reid. We learnt how to throw a javelin.

In Learning across the curriculum we finished off our farm pictures and got them put up on the farm wall.

With Mrs Begarnie, we learned about Islamic faith and how they fast during the 9th month in the Islamic calendar.

Hope you have a good weekend!         Typed by Una

Let’s fly away, let’s fly, let’s fly away……..

Our butterflies have been released! It was so exciting to see them fly away and be free. We have loved watching them grow over the last few weeks and we feel very proud that we looked after them so well.

In PE this week we had a mini football tournament. We worked in teams to try and score goals. We practised being defenders and attackers. We were all very supportive and showed great sportsmanship towards other members of the class.

We had a very special visit this week. Miss Mudd was worried she had done something naughty when she saw the police van pull up to school! It turns out the Police were coming to talk to us about the work they do in our local community. We asked some wonderful and rather ‘interesting’ questions to our lovely visitors. They even let us have a go in the police van and turn the sirens on.

In Maths have been learning about symmetry. Since we now have some beautiful butterflies in our classrooms we thought it would be nice to create some symmetrical butterflies. We used finger painting and crayons to design symmetrical patterns. We have also been collecting data on how we travel to school. We were learning about transport in Linlithgow so we asked people in our class and used a tally chart to record the transport they use. We then made a pictogram to show our results. We were also learning about weight and practised using the balances to weigh different items around the classroom.

In IDL this week were learning about maps and we had a go at creating our own map of Springfield. We used our knowledge to create a simple map of our area then used Lego to build key landmarks. We built some houses, Spar, the dentist, the park, Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery. We had to work in pairs and think about the shape of our buildings. We had to try and include doors and windows and some of us even thought about the trees in the gardens.

In Literacy this week we were learning how to use interesting sentence starters. We were trying to use words linked to the passing of time. Have a look at how we got on…..

We also used our story plans to start writing the beginning of our stories. We were aiming to introduce our characters and our setting. We also practised our common words and had lots of different stations to help us learn them.

Wishing you all a very lovely weekend.

Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd

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