P3B Week commencing 2nd December 2019

We have had an extremely busy time this week as we turned our classroom into a mini factory to produce all our goods for sale at the Christmas Fayre. During the week we learned how to be mini entrepreneurs as we ran different production lines to make wooden Christmas tree decorations, lolly pop stick reindeer and snowmen. We also had to make up bags of magical reindeer food. We also purchased coloured Christmas themed wristbands as we thought they would sell well and help us to make more money for the school.

During the production process we learned the importance of quality control and why it was so important that we cut and glued everything neatly, coloured and decorated the tree decorations carefully so they would be attractive for people to buy. If they did not look attractive, or they were falling apart then our customers would not buy them so we would not make any money or have to sell the items at a reduced price.

As part of our Maths lesson this week, we looked at the importance of working out the correct price to sell our items so we would make a profit. We also practiced counting the prices of the various items and giving change so we could provide a good service to our customers. We also continued to work on our column addition and the importance of using the correct layout.

In writing we looked at designing attractive posters to advertise and explain to our customers what we were selling. We learned that this is a very important part of running a business and is just as important as getting the price of the items correct.

On Thursday we all had a lovely Christmas lunch in the hall which was enjoyed by everyone. The hall was also beautifully decorated with the big Christmas tree and Christmas decorations and festive music playing in the background. The food was delicious!

On Friday all our hard work came together as we ran our class stall and displayed all our beautiful products. We took it in turns to work on the stall. It was very busy at times and we are looking forward to hearing from the PTA how much profit we made. We would like to thank everyone for coming to our stall and buying our products.

Mr Ritchie and the tiggerrific P3B’s

Mostly Christmas Fayre in P4B

We have been busy preparing for the Christmas Fayre this week and have all been very involved. Our Christmas wreaths were a great success and we were very proud of them. We decided as a class on the prices of the items we had made and took it in turns to man our stall. We had very few items left but some enterprising members of the class walked round selling 2 for the price of one!! Well done P4B.
On Thursday we had our Christmas lunch which was enjoyed by all who participated. We are also enjoying our Christmas Advent calendar as well as working with P4A, delivering the Christmas Post.
Our writing this week was on a different genre- Explanation. We wrote an explanation of what happens when a volcano erupts. We have been learning about volcanoes in relation to our book study of “The Firework Maker’s Daughter” and our explanations were very clear and informative. We also drew diagrams of volcanoes and labelled them. We have now finished the book and had a discussion about our likes and dislikes. I think most of us enjoyed it. We read a passage from the book which Mrs.Burton had changed and put silly words in. We identified most of the silly words and found it quite amusing. This was part of our Reading Reflection work.
In Maths we have continued with subtraction but next week we will start looking at times tables and who knows what.
Have a good weekend everyone and thank you for coming to our Christmas Fayre.
Love from P4B and Mrs.Burton

The Apprentice has nothing on P3A!

We have had a fun week in P3A, learning business and enterprise skills.  We  looked at product, pricing, marketing and selling as we prepared for the Christmas Fair.  We all worked very hard to make the items to sell on our stall:  Making reindeer food, Christmas tree decorations using wooden discs,  reindeer and snowmen lollipop holders.  We also bought some wristbands as they were quite cheap and we thought we could sell them for a good price and make some profit from them.

The other products were chosen as we were looking for some environmentally friendly goods to sell, with as little plastic as possible – our reindeer food does not have any glitter as it is plastic and not good for the environment – ours is entirely edible and birds might enjoy it as well as reindeer 🙂  They are in paper bags too and these can be recycled after use. The wooden discs are also all natural products.

As we were making the products we had to think about quality control and make sure they were as neat as possible and of good quality – no one would like to buy something that is falling apart or poorly made!  We were a great production team, the classroom was like a factory with everyone working hard on their job.

In our writing lesson, we learned about persuasive language.. We worked in teams to think of words and phrases that we could use to make signs that will make people want to buy each of our products.  They also had to show information about the product and clearly show the price too.  We also thought about reasonable prices to sell our goods at – taking into account the money spent to buy the resources.  Learning what a profit is.

On Thursday we had our school Christmas lunch. The lunch hall looked great and there was Christmas music playing too.  The food was lovely and we all had a good time.

As the hall was busy with Christmas lunches we had PE in the classroom again this week.  We did some Scottish country dancing, by popular demand (from some!)  The children have been learning Scottish dances with Mrs Reid and we had great fun and good exercise practicing them in class.

In numeracy, we continued with column addition sums and learned about making a profit or a loss when selling goods.

On Friday, we were very busy at the Christmas Fair – we worked hard on our stall, adding prices and working out change.  Some of us even went around the Fair with baskets of products and did really well.  We showed lots of confidence and had excellent sales chat!  We sold out of everything on our stall and we are looking forward to finding out from the PTA what our takings were.

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Fair today, it is always great fun and the children get so much out of having their own stall.

Have a lovely weekend, P3A and Mrs Kennedy

Nativity and Christmas Fayre (P2B)

In Literacy this week we have been learning the sounds ‘sn’ and ‘sp’. We wrote a sentence containing ‘sn’ words and we made ‘sp’ words on our magnetic boards. Some of us also learned the sounds ‘fl’ and ‘gl’. In our Short Read this week we looked at ordering a piece of text. We read a story called ‘The Mischievous Elf’ but it was all jumbled up! We worked together to put the paragraphs in the right order using clues from the text.

In Numeracy this week we have been learning addition facts for 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19. We have been using number lines, concrete materials and counting on to help us to solve different number facts. We have also been using our knowledge of ‘number families’ to explain our addition strategies and we know that it doesn’t matter which way round the numbers in an addition are written as they give the same answer. Some of us have also been learning to use our number bonds to make given totals to 100. We have enjoyed playing different addition games on the Promethean board to revise our number facts.

On Tuesday we went to St. Michael’s Church to practise our nativity ‘Lights, Camel, Action’. Miss Harrison was very proud of us as our behaviour walking to the church and back was excellent. We were also confident with delivering our speaking parts on the stage and we participated well in performing the songs. On Wednesday we had our first dress rehearsal! We put on our costumes and we performed our nativity to St. Michael’s Day Care Centre and the children from the nursery. Our audience really enjoyed our performance and we hope that our families and friends will enjoy it next week too!

On Thursday we had our Christmas lunch. We wore our Christmas jumpers, listened to Christmas music and had either turkey, macaroni cheese, steak pie or our own packed lunch. Christmas has definitely arrived in Springfield!

On Friday it was the PTA Christmas Fair. We made reindeer, elf and snowmen lollipops and 3D Christmas trees to sell. Before the Christmas Fair we had to decide on a price for our products. We enjoyed running our own stall and experiencing running an enterprise. Thank you to everyone who supported our stall at the PTA Christmas Fair. As well as running our own stall, we got time to browse the other stalls and we got to meet a very special person, Santa!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P2B and Miss Harrison xxx

Christmas Lunch, Number Facts and New Sounds

It is officially the first week of December! In P2A we have been very busy practising our Nativity and having fun using our class advent calendar each day. We are counting the sleeps until Santa comes!

In Literacy we have all been learning new sounds: ‘sn’, ‘sp’, ‘fl’ and ‘gl’ this week. We have enjoyed using the magnetic boards to spell our words and like to show children in the class what we have created. Some of us created our own small stories with the ‘sn’ sound. We were able to use more than one ‘sn’ word in a sentence sometimes. Miss Muir was really impressed and some of them even made Miss Muir laugh as well. In small groups we thought of as many ‘sp’ words as we could think of using whiteboards. We thought of lots and lots. You can see in our photos below!

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been recalling our number facts for numbers between 13 and 19 this week. We have used Christmas objects on the board to help us with this. We enjoy counting them as a class. Some of us have even been solving number facts for numbers between 30 and 80. Lots of us have been having a go at creating our own number facts and creating number fact mind maps during free play. We have also been challenged to try out each other’s number fact questions. Miss Muir has also been creating Christmas number fact problem solving questions to help us with our learning.

We have also had our Christmas lunch. We got to wear our Christmas jumpers and eat lots of food! The hall had a massive Christmas tree with lights and had Christmas music playing. We were completely stuffed after all the food we ate and could have went for a nap in the afternoon!

We can’t wait to show you ‘Lights, Camel, Action’ next week in the church. We love our costumes and can’t get the songs out of our heads! We have been practising really hard over the past few weeks and are looking forward to showing you it.

We hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

P2A and Miss Muir 🙂

Dinosaur Reporters in P2A

We are excited that December is next week and we have been busy preparing for all that is to come next month! Please take a look at our post to see all our hard work.

In Literacy we have all been learning new sounds: ‘sk’, ‘sm’, ‘bl’ and ‘cl’ this week. One of our tasks was to write ‘sk’ words in the skirt. We did this really well and even managed to create our own sentences using these words. We even included some of our other sounds we have learned in P2 into our sentences. During free play some of us created our own mind maps or “word maps” on paper and whiteboards. We were kind and helped each other out with some of the spellings. We had become reporters again this week in P2A. This time we were reporting on Dinosaurs coming to school. We had to think about what would a dinosaur do if they came to Springfield Primary? There were lots of ideas that ranged from wearing dresses in the home corner to giving children piggy backs in the playground. We were also able to create our own interesting headlines that would make people want to read our reports. Miss Muir challenged us to write an opening sentence this time and write more than one sentence for what happened when the dinosaur came.

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been learning about a new addition strategy called bridging. Some of us have found this challenging so we have been kind by helping each other out. Bridging is when we cross over a 10 then keep counting on whatever is left over. We found it easier when we add the biggest number first then the smallest number. We discovered that it doesn’t matter which way the numbers are in a calculation you will still get the same answer. In partners we were able to create our own calculations with bridging. We also have been recalling our number facts for 11 and 12. Our dinosaurs have been helping us with this learning as well!

We have had fun this week creating Stick Man pictures during free play. We used cold colours to create our pictures and different materials to create our works of art. Miss Muir even has a space on the walls now so we can put up more of our pictures as we like to be creative!

We have also been making our crafts for the Christmas Fayre. We really enjoyed using the glitter to make them! We won’t tell you what we made as it is a surprise but here is a sneak peek…

We hope you have a lovely weekend. See you in December!

P2A and Miss Muir 🙂

Dino News and Christmas Enterprise (P2B)

This week, we have been learning to write a newspaper report. We looked at an example of a newspaper report titled ‘Bears Burgled’ which told the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We looked at the headline and discussed how the picture gave the reader more information. Afterwards, we worked with our learning partners to share our ideas on what would happen if a dinosaur came to school! We created our own headlines and drew a picture to help the reader. On Wednesday Miss Harrison gave us a copy of the newspaper report ‘Bears Burgled’ and we looked for ‘who’, ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘what’. Finally we used our pictures to help us to write our newspaper reports. We used an opening sentence to tell what our reports were about and we included who, where, when and what. Some of us also included an eyewitness quote!

This week our new sounds have been ‘sk’ and ‘sm’. We created our own ‘sk’ sentences and we made ‘sm’ words on our magnetic boards. Some of us were also learning the sounds ‘bl’ and ‘cl’. We also revised our common words ‘could’ and ‘where’ and looked for our common words in our reading books.

In Numeracy we were learning to add bridging 10 (9+4, 8+6). We used ten frames to help us to make 10 first and then we counted how many were left and added this to 10 to make our answer. Some of us used our fingers to count on and some of us used number lines to solve our addition tasks. This week we were also learning to recall addition facts for 11 and 12 as well as solving missing number sums.

Even though it’s still November, Christmas activities have started in our classroom! We have been working hard during our nativity practices and we have been making products to sell at the Christmas Fair. On Thursday afternoon we made reindeer, elf and snowman lollipops! We used different materials to make our own lollipops and we were very pleased with our results.  On Friday Mrs Anderson came to help us to make 3D Christmas trees. We used pipe cleaners for the tinsel, lots of glitter and pom poms for the baubles. We are looking forward to selling them next Friday at the Christmas Fair.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P2B and Miss Harrison xxx

Week ending 29th November


For maths we did real life maths where made nets of cuboids. We are making gift boxes for cakes for the Christmas fair. We had to do a lot of measuring to come up with the  best size. we decided not to make lids as we want people to see the cakes. We  did doubling and halfing in numeracy.


We made baubles that had famous landmarks in France. These are going to be hung on the Christmas tree in St Michael’s Church.


We had a debate on climate change and made posters. Primary6 continued to find out about the Scoittish Parliament. Mr Corr is coming to talk to us on Monday about his work there.


We did  Scottish dancing and we played games on Thursday and Wednesday. The P5 had their last session of golf and rugby.

Primary 6 had their Rotakids meeting where Dr Mackenzie told us how well we did with our assembly on Purple for Polio. He would like us to deliver it at a Rotary meeting.

At music we continued with learning how to play the recorder.

In science , we were report writng our investigation into what happens when you add bulbs to a series circuit. We are always very good with the practical activities but the writing is a bit harder……the bulbs get dimmer!

However we are going to try it with parallel circuits in a couple of weeks. Find out how we are going to make electricity from fruit!

by Callum and Rose



Primary 6 – w/e 29th November 2019

This week we have been painting our decorations for the Christmas Tree Festival in St Michael’s Church. Some of us helped the Nursery children to do this too.

In maths we have looked at negative numbers and begun to explore angles, identifying their properties and names.

We looked at some examples of persuasive letters and have created a plan for writing a persuasive letter of our own, using formal language, which we will complete next week.

We have almost finished our topic on the Scottish Parliament, this week we created our own MSP, exploring the qualities that an MSP should have.

Some of us auditioned for our part in Fame and we now know the cast and the understudies.

In Science, we continued to look at electricity and we created our own electrical circuits. Ask us what happened when we added more bulbs. We have also looked at conductors and insulators.

Have a lovely weekend

Kind regards

Primary 6 and Mrs Kerr



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