SSPCA Assembly

Lauren from the SSPCA came to talk to us all about her work at Assembly yesterday. We are a school of animal lovers and we work hard to promote the message that animals should be treated with kindness. Thank you Lauren for your support!

Miss Baillie x

P7b Weekly Blog

Numeracy and Mathematics

This week we have been finding the area of both composite shapes (squares and rectangles) and right-angled triangles. The formula we have been using is A = l x b, which means area equals length multiplied by the breadth of the shape. When finding the area of a right-angled triangle we had to calculate the total area then half our answer. A nice definition of area and volume that was given by one of the pupils was that it’s “just the space inside something”.

Literacy and English

In writing we have been creating reflective texts. We used ICT to word process a summary of our week at Dukeshouse Wood. Our success criteria was to describe events in detail, structure our work appropriately and incorporate our feelings and emotions. We managed to do so successfully and Mr. Logan was impressed with the quality of our work. The English department won’t know what’s hit them next year! Miss Baillie was in class with us on Tuesday morning and following on from our Drug and Tobacco Education she asked us to create anti-smoking posters based on what we had just learnt about with Nicola. These were both eye-catching and persuasive, and would make anyone think twice before smoking and encourage people to have a smoke-free home.

Health and Wellbeing

As previously mentioned, we had Nicola in from WLDAS (West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service) twice this week to deliver the final two Drug and Tobacco Education workshops. The children were engaged during both of these visits and successfully demonstrated their ability to share information from previous sessions. Nicola told P7b their recall was the best she had come across. On Friday, we participated in this year’s Rugby Festival at Linlithgow Rugby Club. This involved taking part in small-sided games and applying the skills we learnt during our taster sessions in April and May. Big thank you to Kevin and the rest of the organisers. We all had a great time!

Next Three Weeks

  • Leavers Trip on Monday at Time Capsule; depart at 9am and return for 3.15pm. Please bring gloves, hat and a jumper for ice skating. Swimming trunks/costumes and towels for swimming.
  • Tuesday holiday for Linlithgow Marches.
  • Wednesday – Friday: transition at Linlithgow Academy. See welcome pack sent home for information.
  • Monday 19th June – Reports to be sent home.
  • Wednesday 21st June – Sports Day, potted sports (am) and races (pm). All parents/carers and families welcome.
  • Thursday 22nd June – Leavers Meal at Bar Leo, 5.30pm.
  • Friday 23rd June – Leavers Assembly, 11.00am – 12.15pm. All parents/carers and families welcome.
  • Monday 26th June – Auditions for Springfield’s Got Talent in class.
  • Tuesday 27th June – Springfield’s Got Talent, bring £1 and dress down.
  • Wednesday 28th June – Teddy Bear Picnic with P1 Buddies at lunch.
  • Friday 30th June – Start of summer holidays.

Have a restful weekend

P7b and Mr. Logan

P1B Fractions, Time and Animals

Hello.  Unfortunately, due to the weather we didn’t make it along to the rugby club for the book festival on Monday, instead, we have been authors this week, making preparations to write our own books by creating a character and a setting. We can also use very good describing words to write about them. We have also drawn pictures to plan our story outline and next week we will write our books and design the front cover. We have really used our imaginations and the characters we have created are very interesting with some good storylines. I’m really looking forward to reading the finished books.

Here we are working with a partner to identifying the setting in some of our reading books, drawing and writing about our characters and settings and taking part in describing word activities:

In numeracy, we began the week learning about fractions. Mrs Kennedy had a packet of sweeties and she had to keep sharing them out as more people visited her house! We were very good at halving them, then quartering them. We are also very good at doing this with pizza and cake too!

We had a really good PE session on Monday with Mr Stewart. We did Better Movers and Thinkers, we had to move and think at the same time, this really helps us with our movement as well as our thinking skills as we really had to focus on what we had to do, filtering out what was going on around us as we concentrated hard. We all had a great time and Mr Stewart is coming back next week to do more of this with us, we’re really looking forward to it.




Later in the week we started to learn about time, learning o’clock and half past on analogue and digital clocks. We also looked at how time affects our lives, why it is important to be able to tell the time and what we do at certain times in the day. We have had good fun playing with clocks and we went outside on Friday to make a human clock. We were very good at finding out where the hands should go. We also had Abby from P6 with us, she was a great help too!

Again, three excellent class talks about Tess’ adventures. She even got some birthday cake this week!  Well done to Clara, Daniel and Noah.

Finally, we have also had visits from the Dogs Trust and Scottish SPCA.  Rachel from The Dogs Trust brought Ben the dog with her and we learned how to look after him and what to do if we meet dogs in our community.

We hope you have a good weekend. From P1B and Mrs Kennedy

P4B Class of the week again! 9.6.17

Primary 4B

Blog Week Ending 9.6.17

Dear All

This week we won class of the week for continuing to be kind to each other!

In literacy we did joint up handwriting then you had to create your own poem.

In Health and Wellbeing we did rugby in the hallway with Ewan. We also did athletics with Evie in the rain but had to evacuate inside.

In numeracy we did an assessment on area and another on time.

In Learning across the curriculum we watched a video about the museum that we are going to on Monday. We also talked about the general Election.

Hope you have a good weekend!

Typed by Leah!

Story writing in P1A

This week we have turned into authors! On Monday, we started to invent our own characters to share with others. We looked at our favourite story characters and then drew our own. To help us to describe our characters, we learned about adjectives. We played games on the smartboard and computer to identify the adjectives in sentences, we found the missing adjectives in sentences and we wrote our own sentences containing adjectives. Once we were amazing at using adjectives, we wrote some sentences to describe our characters in an interesting way.


On Wednesday, we started to explore the setting of a story. We know that this is where the story takes place. We worked with a partner to read different Biff, Chip & Kipper books and we told Miss Harrison where our story was set. Later on we looked at different story setting pictures and we were able to tell Miss Harrison stories that we knew that took place in each of the different settings. We are currently working very hard with our own story settings and drawing and writing about them. As part of our setting focus, we used Lego and building blocks to build different settings. Next week we are going to start planning our own books using our settings and characters!

In numeracy and maths this week, we have been using our addition and subtraction skills to add and subtract with money. We have also been using coins to pay the exact value for items. We used magnetic coins and toy coins to make different money amounts and played different money games on Education City. This week we have also been continuing to learn about fractions and using halves and quarters.

This week we were very lucky to have an Athletics session and a Better Movers Better Thinkers session. On Monday, Mr Stewart (who is a PE Officer for West Lothian) came to take us for gym. We looked at developing lots of movement skills whilst making our brains think! We practised throwing the ball up in the air, clapping and then catching the ball and lots of other different movements. We then put these movements together to make a sequence.

As part of our People Who Help Us learning focus, we had a visit from the Dogs Trust on Thursday afternoon. We learned how to look after dogs and what the Dogs Trust do to look after dogs in their care. Next week we will continue to learn about ways in which people in the community help us.

Thank you for reading our blog post. Have a fantastic weekend,

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

We are off on our travels….

We were learning to create our own Olympics travel journey. We had to choose how we can present our ‘Travel Journey’, sharing our travel dates, hotel, flights and travel insurance. It was very important that we shared our TOTAL cost of our Olympic Holiday with our audience. Mrs McCartney thought that our presentations were fantastic! We were clear, confident and worked as a team. Look out…we could be booking your next holiday!!!

In literacy we designed our own leaflets for the Olympics in Linlithgow. We had to include: the history of Linlithgow, places of interest in Linlithgow, places to relax, and dos and don’ts.

We were so lucky to get two extra PE sessions this week with specialists. In athletics we did a relay race and triple jump. It was a lot of fun and we used our teamwork skills to achieve.
We had a visitor from Dogs Trust called Rachel. We looked at different case studies, recognising the importance of keeping dogs happy, healthy and safe! We looked at different dogs and what their owners haven’t done to keep them happy and healthy and how to avoid it.

In maths, we made paper aeroplanes following written instructions from a book. Afterwards, we tested them out with Miss Biggs. The one that went the furthest went 12 metres!

Also in maths, we learnt how to convert different units of measure (including m, cm, mm, and km).
We are all looking forward to the Marches on Tuesday! Have a good day!

From all of P5A (Written by Joseph M, Zara, and Zak) 

Rain, rain go away, come again another day!

In IDL were learning about different types of housing and how they meet the needs of the people who live there. We then used our knowledge to design a house for Biff the dog. We had to think about Biff’s needs and use our imagination to come up with some creative ideas. Some houses had a bone room, a ballet studio because Biff loves to dance, sparkly disco lights, flowers and even a welcome mat. The houses were very colourful and were all different shapes and sizes.

For homework, Miss Mudd set us a challenge to make a model of our house. We could use whatever we wanted to make our models and she was blown away by the effort and imagination that had been put in by children and parents. A HUGE well done to everyone for some amazing models.

In Literacy we were learning about the au digraph. We created our own dinosaurs and wrote sentences with adjectives to describe them.

We worked around lots of different phonics stations to practise all of the sounds we had learnt. We showed great resilience when faced with our daily phonics problems and worked together to try and work out the answers. We have been consolidating all of the learning from this term and practising using all of our tricky digraphs. We carried on writing our stories and also designed a front cover for our book. We looked at the front covers of other books and discussed what we liked and disliked. We thought of an exciting title for our stories and made our covers bright and attractive.


In Maths some of us were learning about fractions. We learnt how to find halves and quarters of different shapes. We had great fun making up pizzas and using the challenge cards to practise our fractions. For example, we had to make a pizza that was half tomato, a quarter cheese and a quarter pepper.


Some of us were learning about division and sharing. We practised sharing out different items equally and learnt how to write the division sign. On Thursday we were all learning about capacity. We enjoyed filling different containers and using our estimating skills to guess how much they could hold.

We had a special visitor for PE this week. Mr Stewart came to do some ‘Better Movers, Better Thinkers’ activities with us. We had great fun developing our ball skills and he really challenged us. We were using both sides of our brain and it made us really think hard.

Miss Mudd put some new challenge cards in Paddington’s Challenge area. We had to try and hold difference balances. We were exploring all of the different things that our bodies can do. We realised that we are all very different and our bodies are very different. Some of us could roll our tongues and some of us could touch our noses with our tongue!

This week we also had a fantastic visit from the Dogs Trust. We learnt how to take care of a dog and looked at how the Dogs Trust help find homes for new dogs. A big thank you to Rachel for coming to speak to us.

A huge well done to Emily for winning Gold at a Judo competition. We love hearing about all of our achievements outside school. The class were very proud of her.


Have a lovely weekend.


Miss Mudd and Primary 1/2


‘Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information’ (Albert Einstein)

No better way to start the week, than with a trip to Linlithgow Palace. We were fortunate enough that the weather was kind and the rain stayed away. We had a very informative tour around the Palace, a big thank you must go to the Primary 7s of Linlithgow Primary for taking us on our tour, not only were they well informed but they made our tour very fun with some added humour.

Another lovely surprise was a visit from Dog’s trust. We learnt so much about how important it is to be responsible when deciding to have a dog. We had a look and discussed different case studies that Dog’s Trust have had to deal with. We had a chance to learn how best to groom a dog and the importance of micro chipping your dog. Adam had a go to find the micro chip in one of the play dogs that were brought. Ambra was very brave as she demonstrated the best and most hygienic way to pick up dog fouling.

We continued with measure this week. We used objects around the classroom to measure.  Using a ruler, we calculated quarter meters, which items are longer or shorter than a quarter meter. There were a few blocked noses as we had to take of our shoes and measure them too…thank goodness for windows!!

In Literacy this week we recapped Parts of Speech. We worked in groups to sort words into the correct Part of Speech. Each group was then given a part of speech, the group had to write a poem on the definition of their Part of Speech. After discussing the different Parts of Speech, we realised how important that theses words are used correctly in our writing, and when used correctly, they can bring our stories to life.  We looking forward to listening to the Parts of Speech next week.

We had had a lot of fun learning new skills during our Futsal lessons. Next week will be our final week, we are really looking forward to finishing the sessions with a Futsal game, really using the skills that we have learnt to the test. In PE we had a bit of fun on the space hoppers. We held a space hopper relay race, although it was fun, we learnt one important lesson. No mater how big you are for your space hopper, or how slow you bounce, keep on smiling and never give up.

Working really hard over the last couple of weeks, planning the perfect holiday to Linlithgow, we designed a Linlithgow Olympic leaflet.  Our leaflets contained all the important information about Linlithgow, places to visit, things to do, and the dos and don’ts of Linlithgow, some fantastic creative leaflets designed by the children, the work and thought the children put into their designs really shows a great appreciation and knowledge of their local community- Well done P5B!

Lastly, a big well done to Max who took part in the Edinburgh running festival a few weekends a go! Max brought his medal along to class and shared his experience with the class.

Well done to P5B for winning this weeks peg challenge – Mrs Matos is super proud of everyone!!

P5B and Mrs Matos

Wet, wet, wet!

Lots happening this week, even though we had lots of rain! On Monday we walked to the Marches book Festival- we stayed mostly dry on the way there. The author was great and we really enjoyed his stories. On the way back we did get wet- but we didn’t melt so it was all good. A huge thank you to the mums who came with us 🙂

Our Rugby session was cancelled on Tuesday- because the rain refused to stop, however we did get an indoor session on Thursday to make up for it.

On Wednesday we worked in our groups to make model farms. We all worked really well together and the models are fabulous!

On Thursday we had athletics and rugby- we are a sporty lot in P4a- and then Mrs Gordon did French with us. She was super impressed with our knowledge and how quickly we learned the songs.

The SSPCA came to talk to us at assembly today, it was very interesting and we learned lots.

Next week we have our museum trip on Monday- everyone needs a packed lunch, water and snack. School uniformhas to be worn and we are not going to the shop so NO MONEY 🙂

Next Tuesday we are on holiday and then on Wednesday we will have our final quidditch practice before the tournament.

Busy, busy, busy 🙂

Have a great weekend.


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