P1B – Ships, Shapes and Numbers

Hello,  the end of another very busy week!  On Monday we had a lot of cardboard (packaging from our new easel).  The children decided to turn it into a pirate ship – complete with a plank!  I was very impressed with their ideas and at how well they worked together on it.

We have been doing some work on number formation this week, beginning with 0, 1 and 2.  The children have tried forming the numbers through different activities. This has also been very good practise for working independently.


Gregor and Roslyn had a great chat about which ‘2’ Gregor had written best, it was a lovely conversation and Roslyn was very encouraging and positive 🙂

For the time being we will concentrate on number work from Monday to Wednesday and on Thursdays we will look at ‘outer maths’ – shape, measure, data handling, etc.  This week we explored 3D shape, beginning to learn their names and their properties – corners, edges, faces.  Can they roll? Why? Why not? As well as working out how best to fit them together.  We also looked at these shapes in our environment, identifying many as common objects – balls, oranges, tin food cans, cereal boxes, etc.

We have also been doing a lot of listening this week, identifying sounds in the environment and then sequences of these sounds as we prepare to learn the sounds of the alphabet and begin to make simple words. We have also had music with Mrs Bain and PE with Mrs Kennedy in the hall.  At the moment we are just changing shoes and taking jumpers off as we build up to changing into our complete PE kit!  Yesterday we created a list of rules for our classroom.  We thought about why rules are important, what it might be like with no rules and what rules would be best to help our class to be a nice place and to help us to learn.  We had lots of good suggestions.

As always, we have a lot of play in the different areas around the classroom and outside.  These are set up with specific learning intentions in mind.  This helps greatly with social skills, problem solving, decision making and many other important areas of development.

Matthew was helping me to work out how to fix the shelf that keeps falling down.  He had some great suggestions and was exactly right in working out what we needed to do to stop it happening again.  Thank you!

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at the curriculum evening on Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend.  P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Numbers, shapes and sounds – P1A

On Tuesday afternoon we had our first PE lesson. We learned to develop our movement skills and to take turns with others to use the equipment safely. We enjoyed skipping, throwing & catching with the balls and bean bags, jumping with the space hoppers, balancing on the bench and running.


This week we have continued to work with our buddies to learn how to use the laptops. The P7 buddies showed us how to log on to the laptops, play games, draw pictures and look for information on the internet.

In Literacy we have been learning to listen for different sounds. Miss Harrison played different sounds and we had to identify the first and the last sound. We found the sneezing, baby crying & toilet flushing sounds very funny! On Thursday we also used our listening skills to find rhyming words. We looked at the rhyming words in Room on the Broom and played a rhyming game on Education City.

In numeracy we have been learning to form ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘2’. We used our fingers and cotton buds to paint different numbers, made 0-2 with counters & jewels, used play dough to make numbers and practised writing the numbers in our workbooks and on the whiteboards and smartboard.


On Thursday we learned about 3D shapes. We looked at cones, cylinders, spheres, pyramids, cubes and cuboids. We used the 3D shapes to build towers and robots, played 3D shape games on the smartboard and used our play dough to make spheres, cubes and cuboids.

Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend & enjoy the sunshine!

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

P2/3 go wild!

What a super week we’ve had in Primary 2/3! All the children have settled in well and are enjoying their learning.

On Monday our P6 pals taught us how to switch the laptops on and off. We had great fun making our wild self. If you’d like to have a go at home this is the website:  http://www.buildyourwildself.com/

In Maths we have been working on number sequences, counting on and back to 100.

In Literacy this week we have been listening to Fantastic Mr Fox. We wrote character descriptions using WOW words.

In Art we learned how to draw our self portraits, we used mirrors to identify our features.

Our Star of the Week is Liam for his beautiful drawing. Well done Liam!

Have a lovely weekend,

Love Miss Prince and P2/3 x



Every mistake you make is progress!

The kindness fairy paid a visit to P2A and set us a challenge. She wanted us to spread kindness and love across Springfield Primary. She even left us a little bag of kindness to spread in our class. Miss Mudd sprinkled it over us!! She left us little slips of paper so we can write about the kind things we have seen and done and put them on our display. The fairy sent us ‘The Kindness Project’ to do in class. We talked about thoughts that we should say out loud and thoughts that we should keep in our heads. Miss Mudd gave us examples of words and actions and we had to sort them into kind and unkind things. We also made a class promise that we are all going to follow this year.



This week we have had a growth mind set week to prepare us for the year ahead. We read the story ‘My Fantastic Elastic Brain’ and learnt all about the different parts of the brain and the jobs they do. We learnt about the neurons in our brain and how we can make them stronger when we learn new things and practise new skills. This makes our brain grow bigger and stronger. We made a collage of these neurons with wool, string and straws to show the strong and weak neurons.

We compared our brains to an elastic band. When we stretch it, it grows bigger. Here are our brains at the beginning of P2…….Here they are at the end! We are going to work hard and learn new things to stretch our brains!

We also made a brain hat to show the different parts. We talked about things we can do already and we all chose something that we can’t do….YET! We learnt a song about the power of yet. It taught us that with a bit of hard work and practise we can stretch our brains and we can achieve.

We have been revising some of our Maths concepts from last year to get back into the swing of things. We practised our number bonds and addition/subtraction strategies.


We read a story called ‘The Most Magnificent Thing’ about a girl who wants to create something magnificent. But making her magnificent thing is anything but easy, and the girl tries and fails, repeatedly. Eventually, the girl gets really, really mad. She is so mad, in fact, that she quits. But after her dog convinces her to take a walk, she comes back to her project with renewed enthusiasm and manages to get it just right. After watching the story we tackled the rubber band challenge. In teams we were given 20 rubber bands and had to work together to create something magnificent. When things got hard we had to persevere and not give up! We made necklaces, ropes and even a butterfly!


We also read a story called ‘The Dot’. It is about having confidence to believe in yourself and encouraging and nurturing others. We all struggle at some point and feel like we just can’t do something.  The Dot by is a wonderful story that helps to show that with a little perseverance and a change of perspective, amazing things are possible. We used paints to create dot pictures. We used lots of different objects to create different sized dots – corks, stones, bottle lids, cups, pencils, cotton buds. Miss Mudd also set us a challenge to help us see mistakes as a positive thing. We had a piece of paper with a giant black smudge in the middle…whoops! We had to use our imagination to create a picture using the smudge. We made a mistake into something wonderful!


“Just make a mark and see where it takes you”

What a busy week in P2A!

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!

Miss Mudd and P2A


Sports Dress Down Day

P7b will be delivering their class assembly on Sport at Springfield, and in conjunction with this we would like to ask pupils from all classes to dress down in sports clothing (no football colours). All children are asked to bring in £1 with them and all funds raised will be put towards new equipment for the P.E cupboard and our after school programme. This will take place on Friday 15th September.

Mr. Logan


Bienvenue/Bienvenida/Welcome to P7a

Here is the fabulous P7a looking so smart in their shirt and ties. What a lovely week we had getting to know each other. We did lots of different activities and worked in different groupings. Throughout the whole week the children have been fantastic at helping their buddies, they have really risen to the challenge of P7 and their responsibilities.

Creating our class charter allowed us to talk about the UN Rights of a Child, and remind ourselves of the need to respect each other, our classroom and resources and the environment.

We each filled in an “all about me” sheet which we put in an envelope with a letter to our future selves and a piece of string to show our height. The envelopes were all placed in a Time Capsule which won’t be opened until the last day of P7 when we will see how much we have grown and changed over the year…

Here are a few photos of us being measured…

We had a fun afternoon yesterday problem solving. Mrs Gordon split us into teams of 4 an gave us some spaghetti and marshmallows. The challenge was to build the tallest tower, or the longest bridge with these resources. We all learnt a lot about planning, estimation, stability, weight and of course team work and compromise. Here is the winning tower and bridge.

We can’t wait to find out what we will be learning next week, have a great weekend.

P7a and Mrs Gordon

Welcome to P6A

A massive warm welcome back to all our learners in Primary 6A. It has been a busy fun first week back. We have enjoyed spending time  learning more about our class mates and familiarising ourselves with our new classroom.

We  started our week off designing a name tent for our tables, this has helped Mrs Matos and Miss Hardie to help them learn our names much quicker.  Our name tents allowed us to be creative with our names, we also wrote three truths and a fib and everyone needed to guess which one was a fib. This was great fun, with a lot of laughter but we also learnt a lot more about each other.

To help us set our expectations for Primary 6, Mrs Matos wrote  various questions on a large sheet of paper , e.g. What can we do to make our class run smoothly and how can Mrs Matos help me be successful this year? Mrs Matos gave us time to think and reflect on these questions. We wrote our answers on a post it note and stuck it under the questions. We then worked in groups to organise the answers and we displayed the responses in a bar graph.

Our first week in Primary 6 has been a real ‘sweet’ week. One of our favourite activities this week was the M&M ice breaker game. Can you believe we got to eat the M&Ms too?? We played the ice breaker game in pairs. We were also given a list of the instructions. Each colour M&M was a different topic that we needed to tell our partner about, for example, if we chose and orange M&M we needed to tell our partner our dreams and hopes for the future. This was another activity that helped us learn more about each other.

An important part of our learning is being able to work together in a group. To help us learn what makes group work effective, Mrs Matos set us on a challenge. We were given three large sheets of tinfoil and some pipe cleaners. We were only given 45 minutes to come up with our own creative structures. For us to complete this challenge we needed to make sure we communicated effectively and that all team members agreed on the design, we had to plan our design and then ‘build’ it, all of this in just 45 minutes!! We all quickly learned as the clock was ticking how important listening and co-operation was in order to complete the challenge. There were some really creative designs. We all had an opportunity to vote for our favourite and the winning group was Mack, Morven and Luke with their house design, well done.

Our final highlight of the week was our trip to the Edinburgh Book Festival. We were fortunate to have an interactive author talk from Dave Rudden and J R Wallis. The talk was not only funny and entertaining but we learned from these two authors that writing is like a muscle, the more you practise the better you will become. We were spoilt with a £3 book voucher which we were able to use towards purchasing a new book. We finally had the opportunity to get our books signed by the authors.

After a busy week, we can only wonder what next week will have in store for us.

P6A and Mrs Matos




Our First Week at School – P1B

Hello and welcome to our blog for those of you who are not familiar with it already.  Here are a few photographs from our first week at school.  We have been making friends, learning rules and routines and finding our way about the school.  We really are settling in well.

We have also had fun playing outside.

This is Philip, he is not very good at listening so we are helping him to be a good listener.

Our P7 Buddies have been fantastic all week, helping us at breaktime and lunch.  They also came to our classroom on Friday and showed us how to switch on and log on to the netbooks and played games with us.

We have come so far in just three and a half days!  Here is our very first class photograph.

Have a lovely weekend.  Love from P1B and Mrs Kennedy x

First week in Primary 2B

The children have been great this week and have settled in really well. We have been doing some “Getting to Know you” work and portraits of each other. We have also been doing some revision of addition and subtraction to 20.  Assessments are also happening and will continue next week. The children dressing up and we have had “Snow White, Belle ” and many other characters waltzing around the class. Hope that you enjoy the photos.

Shared learning in P3/4 and P4

Blog Week Ending 25.8.17

Primary 3/4

Dear All

This week we wrote a story. We also did hard maths. We did walk a mile every day.

We have done writing about are holidays and we have been dancing. We really enjoy our new class and teacher and P4 have been coming in our class room. We have watched news round with P4. We have played times tables snakes and ladders.  We are enjoying it.

Hope you have had a good week.

Typed by Sarah and Cori, Dean, Finlay and Robbie.

Primary 4

We did PE. It was really fun.  We played tig and pip squeak and willfred that was all we did at PE. We went to the library and we all were reading a book or 2 or maybe  3.  We didn’t have a lot of time there tho . We  went for a walk a mile but some people ran. We had the best first week ever with Miss Durano we all can’t wait until next week of more fuuuuun c: . Made by Kristin and Sara.

 I liked doing our maths and  our  timetable. Michael

We went to the library. Finlay

On Tuesday we got to do get to know each othe games! I thought it was good coz we got to know a bit about Miss Durano. Mia

We did lots of awesome things this week!

 I love maths it’s my favorite subject. Euan

I really enjoyed making the robots and doing the art. Emma W.


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